nf1336: er our topic this morning is er collaborative learning [0.7] now [0.7] the reason that we have this session is actually because a few years ago i think it was four years ago [0.7] students on the M-A course actually suggested [0.6] that we do this session at the beginning of the year [0.9] er [0.2] we were talking about collaborative work [0.3] and i was using it a lot in my classes [0.4] and i was doing some research some study of collaborative work [0. 4] and i gave a talk at the end of the year to which M-A students were invited [0.4] and they said at the end of that talk [0.6] we think you should do a talk like that at the beginning [0.2] of the year so that people become aware [0.3] of the issues in collaborative work [0.3] because a lot of the tutors [0.2] use it in their classes [0.3] and you may well have experienced it already [0.4] perhaps tutors have asked you to sit together [0.3] in a small group or to prepare something together out of class [0.3] in [0.2] a group [0.8] er so that's really my role this afternoon i'm acting as a kind of intermediary [0.4] between previous students [0.2] and yourselves to pass on [0.3] some of their thoughts about [0.2] collaborative work [0.2] okay [0.5] i think it would probably be a good idea [0.3] just to explain [0.4] what i mean by collaborative work because it can take many shapes and forms [0.6] it can be fairly straightforward and simple [0.5] er in other words [0.2] a short [0.6] er group discussion task [0.3] er during class time [0.3] just to give you a quick example and i'm taking the examples [0.3] from my own classes [0.3] one that i've often used with teachers [0.3] er which i used [0.2] many years ago when i was working with [0.3] namex which is why his name is there [0.7] er [0. 4] it was at the beginning of a psychology course and we asked teachers to think [0.4] about [0.2] the sorts of [0.6] opinions or assumptions that they had about learning [0.5] and we gave them some [0.2] to think about okay [0.5] er these are statements [0.2] about language learning in the English language classroom [0.6] and we wanted the teachers first to look at it together [0.7] and then to compare their opinions with those of colleagues in a small group [0.5] now that task usually took [0.4] er fifteen to twenty minutes and then there was a plenary [0.2] afterwards [0.3] and students tended to be grouped [0.2] as they were sitting [0.3] in the classroom and that's probably happened to you [0.3] already just turn to the few people around you [0.3] and talk about the particular [0.3] topic [0.3] and exchange opinions [0.4] so that's a fairly short simple [0.3] example of collaborative work [0.4] but then i think you'll find during the year [0.3] that there will be more [0.3] complex and longer [0.4] tasks which you're asked to do [0.3] this is another one [0.6] er and this takes about an hour [0.3] in the classroom [0.4] and it's from the topic of extensive reading the idea of setting up [0.3] a class library [0.3] of reading material for learners [0.5] er and you can see [0.3] that it it's a task that will take quite some time [0.3] because the teachers are going to select [0.2] a set of readers [0.2] that they think would be useful [0.2] for their classes [0.4] so we take into the classroom a huge pile of graded readers [0.4] ask students to work in groups of four or five [0.3] and together [0.3] sort through [0.3] and decide what they would choose and as they do that [0.3] think what criteria [0.2] they are using [0.3] to make those decisions [0.3] so at the end of the task [0.3] they will have [0.2] a set of criteria [0.2] for selecting reading material for learners [0.4] and then we ask them to [0.2] prioritize [0.2] the criteria [0. 6] er i think you can appreciate that in asking a group of teachers to do that [0.5] it gives plenty of time for them to reflect [0.6] to make sense [0.3] of this to use their experience to use their own opinions [0.3] and perceptions [0. 3] and it's likely to be far more effective [0.4] than somebody just standing up and saying [0.3] this is a useful list of criteria [0.2] for selecting [0.3] reading material in the classroom [0.5] er it's what some people call [0.4] deep [0.2] learning because you become involved [0.4] in the topic in the task [0.3] er and you learn by applying [0.3] your own knowledge your own experience as it were [0.5] so those are just two examples [0.4] but there is also more complex [0.3] still [0.3] er types of collaborative [0.2] learning [0.8] sometimes you may be asked to work with a group of two or three other students to prepare a presentation [0.4] of an article [0.3] on a particular topic that the class is looking at [0.4] and you will need to work together outside the classroom [0.3] to decide how you're going to organize the presentation [0.4] who's going to talk about what [0.4] and and you will need to build a relationship a rapport with your colleagues in order to do that [0.3] successfully [0.7] and later on in the year in the professional practice courses certainly in mine and i think in namex's [0.2] i don't know namex's so well [0.5] but [0.3] you will be asked to form er what we call a design syndicate [0.4] because part of the purpose of the professional practice courses [0.3] is that you design materials [0.2] and you learn through the process of designing them [0.6] and quite a lot of that design will go on outside [0.4] the classroom [0.5] and you will be given the opportunity to work with who you wish to work with [0.3] but with the tutor's help if you need help [0. 3] but by that time you probably have got to know people [0.3] and will know who you might work successfully with [0.6] and again in groups of four or five [0.3] you will be asked to design [0.2] a particular kind of material [0.3] and then come back to the next week's class and present it [0.3] to your colleagues who will evaluate it [0.3] critically [0.4] er and give comments and opinions and so on [0.3] as feedback [0.4] to your work [0.7] er and as i said a lot of that work will go on [0.3] outside the classroom so it will be your responsibility [0.3] to get together [0.3] to organize yourselves [0.3] and and to work successfully [0.3] together [0.7] now [0.6] there are obviously [0.4] great advantages i say obviously i hope it's obvious to you as teachers [0.5] that there are great advantages [0.3] in working collaboratively [0.6] er i have to say that this summer [0.4] er i have been doing a small-scale research study [0.3] with last year's M-A students before they went home [0.5] and it involved interviewing [0.5] er teachers who were on the course last year [0.4] the topic of the study was actually about [0.4] the ways in which they felt the course had helped them to develop [0.4] as teachers as creative [0.3] as autonomous as resourceful [0.2] teachers [0.7] er [0.3] and i interviewed about twenty-two [0.3] of the teachers from last year and i was very [0.3] pleased to hear that they [0.2] all but one [0.4] er felt that they had [0.4] developed con-, substantially [0.3] er in terms of their their teaching their creativity and so on [0.9] and when i asked them what in particular [0.4] had helped them to develop [0.7] i was i was quite surprised actually [0.4] but without excepti-, well w-, with the exception of one [0.5] er [0.2] they all said [0.7] that the main [0.4] prompt [0.9] towards their development was working with other teachers [0.2] in the group in the different kinds of collaborative work [0.4] that they had been doing [0.3] during the year that they had learned a very great deal [0.5] not just from the reading not just from the tutors the input [0.3] but from working with other people [0.2] sharing ideas [0.3] and learning that people all round the world have the same kinds of problems and issues [0.2] in the English language classroom [0.3] and have found lots of ideas for resolving them [0.3] so it was sharing of that kind [0.4] that they felt particularly useful [0.7] er [0.4] here are some quotations [0.2] from teachers [1.4] i found [0.3] that this collaborative work really helped me [0.3] in finding solutions to problems which i couldn't find entirely [0.3] from my own experience [0.3] or from the theory i had learned [0.6] okay [1.4] here's another one [0.5] er and this was er a teacher who was also a teacher trainer [0.4] okay [0.6] so [0.3] she said i think in a teachers' workshop such a method is indispensable [0.4] and i would surely apply it [0.5] to get teachers feeling they are part of the learning [0.4] to draw from their experience [0.2] and knowledge [1.1] here's another one [1.1] working in a group [0.4] sharing my opinion with others was instructive i learned a lot [0.3] from my colleagues [1.0] er [0.2] this was an interesting one [0.6] i should try to work with someone i don't like [0.9] [laughter] this is important to me as a teacher trainer [0.3] who has to work together sometimes with someone i don't like [laughter] i think that was a very sensible [0.3] approach to take [0.4] and this one i found very interesting he was a university lecturer from India [0.8] and [0.2] he was somebody who was a bit irritated by group work but nevertheless [0.2] felt that it was important look what he says [0.7] group work i sometimes felt to be irritating and so polarized [0.3] so much time is spent before intersubjectivity is achieved [0.3] and discussion seems to progress [0.5] so often [0.3] i've been tempted to chip in [0.4] and to direct the discussions the way i think [0.2] is right [0.4] but group work is a cooperative process that necessarily [0.2] involves a warming-up period [0.5] and interpersonal skills [0.3] i shan't push the river [0.2] that's a very nice metaphor [0.4] i shan't push the river [0.4] it makes me realize what i ask of my students [0. 2] in discussion [0.5] because it is standard practice now in many parts of the world [0.3] to get students in the language learning classroom [0.3] to work together [0.3] so when you experience it as a teacher [0.3] it can be quite a salutary [0.4] er [0.2] er experience [0.6] so there are very positive things that teachers report on [0.6] but of course group work [0.8] has [0.6] implicit in it [0.4] quite a lot of potential [0.2] problems and issues [0.4] er namex [0.3] that er teacher [0.3] said it can be very irritating [0.3] and sometimes he wanted to direct it [0.4] er in his own way [0.7] er i remember reading an article in the Higher Education Journal a British journal [0.5] er and it was about collaborative learning on undergraduate courses [0.4] er [0.3] where students had to work in a team for six months [0.2] and produce materials and give presentations [0.4] and some of the students were interviewed [0.4] about what they had learned from that experience [0.3] and i always remember one of them said [0.8] i learned how not to do murder [0.5] just [0.7] [laughter] er and that that was really her main reaction it had been so difficult and so painful at times she wanted to murder [0.4] [laughter] her colleagues [0.4] er and i remember a course i ran some years ago [0.3] it was a diploma course a practical diploma course [0.3] where teachers were practising teaching together [0.3] and i had a party at home and invited everybody home [0.4] and i said to one of them Caroline i said [0.4] i'm very impressed about the way [0.2] the group has got together this year everybody seems to be getting on it's gelled very well [0.4] and there's been none of the usual screaming and shouting that you get before that happens [0.3] and she said [0.5] oh namex there was plenty of screaming and shouting going on [0.2] but it was in our heads [laughter] right [0.7] so [0.7] what students from previous years really want me to pass on to you [0.5] are some of the issues that arise in group work [0.4] things to think about when you find yourself working in a group [0.4] with other people on the course [0.6] i'm going to give you an example [0.4] er of one oh i in f-, fact it's in your handout [0.2] on pages two and three [0.6] you'll find an example [0.3] of some group work going on [0. 3] and this was on this M-A course er [0.3] a couple of years back [1.0] if you have a look at page two [0.5] er oh sorry i haven't [laughter] given them out [1.7] okay [0.3] if you have a look at pages two and three [0.4] you'll find that one nf1336: now as i said this is a transcript [0.5] from [1.9] a group discussion [0.6] a few years ago [2.1] and it's right at the beginning [0.6] of the professional practice course [3.9] and the task that students have been given [0.5] is a design task so they're working in what we call design syndicates [0. 6] er and as you can see in this group there were five people [0.6] and it was a multicultural group [0.6] namex namex [0.3] namex [0.4] namex [0.4] and namex [0.8] from different countries [0.2] er [0.8] all European countries in this in this group [0.2] in fact [0.8] and what they were doing [0.3] was designing [0. 4] er [0.3] a presessional course [0.8] we chose a presessional course because some of them had experience of that [0.6] er and could inform the group [0.3] but we wanted [0.3] a course that [0.3] everybody could think about not a course that would be specific to any particular country [0.7] and this is how they started off on the discussion [0.3] because they were looking [0.4] at the scores the IELT scores [0.3] that the group of students had it was a simulation so they had information [0.3] about a group of students their IELT scores [0.3] their needs for the future and so on [0.5] and they just started off trying to talk [0.3] about the information that they had [0.8] now [0.2] if you take time to read this at length [0.3] you will find that it's rather a nervous [0.3] discussion [0.8] because the group [0.2] was in [0.2] the very early stages of forming [0.4] what we know [0.4] from a lot of research into [0.4] groups and group development [0.3] is that they usually go through four stages and this is something worth thinking about [0.5] what we have here is an example [0.3] of stage one [0.5] which is usually called forming [1.1] that's a nice set of words here because they're [0.3] four verbs [0.2] er which rhyme [0. 7] forming storming norming and performing [0.8] and at the forming stage [0.2] you can imagine it i think people are sort of [0.3] eyeing each other up [0.4] wondering what they're like [0.4] wondering who's going to become dominant who's going to want to lead the group [0.6] er who's going to be silent why are they silent [0.4] er how they're going to manage to get on with people who's going to do the work who might not do the work and so on [0.4] so it's a kind of [0.2] edgy [0.2] nervous getting to know people [0.3] as the group [0.3] forms [0.4] and you need a bit of time [0.2] to get through [0.2] that stage [0. 4] and then we have [0.2] storming [0.4] you can imagine from the word [0.3] what that involves very often [0.3] you then get a difficult stage [0.3] where people start clashing [0.3] personalities clash [0.5] or aims clash [0.5] or people clash because they [0.2] they each want to control the group [0.3] you've got two strong personalities who want to be the chair [0.2] and direct everything [0.6] so you get that stage of storming [0.4] and then gradually [0. 5] the group will [0.4] work out [0.3] its routines its procedures [0.2] if they're going to rotate the chair [0.2] how are they going to function together [0.3] and will reach the stage of [0.3] norming [0.2] they've sorted it out [0. 5] and after [0.2] they have [0.3] normed they will be able to perform [0.3] effectively [0.3] now bear that in mind [0.4] if you're in a design syndicate [0.2] next term [0.3] you need probably to go through [0.3] those stages you need to be aware [0.4] that that that's normal [0.7] and and you don't need to get worried [0.3] about the storming phase because normally it will sort itself out [0.3] and things will fall into place and routines [0.3] will form [0.6] now [0.2] i've given you that er [0.5] transcript [0.4] in your handout but let me show you [0.3] what i discovered because i think it illustrates this and it shows some of the issues [0.5] because [0.2] while the groups were working [0. 4] i asked them to write diaries about what was going on [0.6] some of them wrote things down as they were actually working in the group every so often [0.3] they stopped and wrote something in their diary [0.3] and some of them wrote diaries afterwards immediately afterwards [0.2] so i was able to take things from the diaries [0.5] and [0.3] relate them to what was going on [0.2] in the group and it was really very very interesting let me show you some of the things [0.3] so here we have [0.5] the transcript [0.8] and this is what they wrote in their diaries [0.3] here's one [0.7] i don't like to work in a group with her [0.6] she's too straightforward in expressing her ideas [0.2] opinions [0.3] and rude in rejecting other people's opinions [0.4] [laughter] right [0.9] or this one [0.6] i cannot progress at my own pace but at the pace of the group [0.4] one member had to beg for explanations as she could not follow [0.7] right [0.3] perhaps some of you will recognize these feelings [0. 3] from when you've been working in groups [0.6] pity we're all saying the same thing and don't realize it [1.5] [laughter] i tried to butt in several times and repeat my idea until at last one of my friends says they accept mine [1.5] [laughter] it annoys me when people emphasize words all the time [0.2] [laughter] there was somebody with very very dogmatic [0.4] er style in that [0.7] er [0.3] nothing new was said that i didn't already know [0.8] i've been on enough committees to know what a shambles they can be [0.6] right [0.7] or this one discussions tended to be dominated by a few individual students [0.3] others could be given a chance to speak [0.7] some wanted to impress tutors they were active participants and others wanted to be on the cassette [1.0] [laughter] this talk struggle was contrary to usual turn-taking [0.4] right [0.4] so you can see some of the issues coming up here [0.3] that need to be resolved [0.4] and a couple more [1.0] i decided to express my disagreement i noticed a certain rejection to what i was saying [0.3] i know i was a bit direct [0.3] but what i said was true [0.6] and this is the person who the other person said [0.3] was very dominating sf1337: mm nf1336: in the discussion [1.8] this disorganization makes me feel impatient and aggressive especially as there's one person in the group who's very negative [1. 5] [laughter] and then this one which is interesting because the group was mixed and had different educational and cultural backgrounds [0.3] i found it difficult at times to discuss openly [0.4] 'cause i didn't really know what the reactions would be [0.7] and i think we have to bear in mind here [0.2] in CELTE [0.3] that we are working in a multicultural [0.2] group [0.4] and people [0.2] have very different ways [0.3] of doing things [0.3] let me [0.2] give you an anecdote about that [0.3] some years ago in another university [0.4] i organized an induction from a [0.2] for an M-A group [0.3] and i asked the president of the Students' Union to come along his name was Winston [0.8] and Winston came along and talked about the Students' Union [1.4] and then he said any questions [0.5] and and one of the teachers in the group [0.3] raised a hand and said yes i yes i've i've got a few queries [0.5] er and he asked a question [0.3] and Winston just opened his mouth to start answering and [0.2] this teacher Matthew said no no wait i've got another question [0.9] er and people looked a bit shocked but Matthew just ploughed on and and asked another question [0.5] and Winston waited till he finished and [0.3] just started to speak and m-, no i haven't finished yet i've got another question [0.9] [laughter] and he actually went through five questions by which time Winston had [0.2] got his notebook out [0.3] and was [laughter] jotting then down [0.6] now [0.5] that was actually very fortunate because after it had happened [0.4] one of the students in the group who was quite direct said to Matthew [0.6] is that the way you do things in your country [0.3] and he looked very surprised and said well [0.6] well yes what's the problem [0.6] [laughter] and and the other people said well [0.6] we wouldn't do it like that in my culture you know pe-, people might get a bit offended and it's difficult to remember all the questions [0.4] so we were able to move into [0.2] a useful discussion [0.5] about cultural differences [0.2] in the group [0.6] er [0.5] all sorts of things like [0.8] what are the polite ways in er a British context or in a multicultural setting [0.4] to [0.6] er [0.2] get your way into a conversation if there's er a seminar discussion going on [0.3] and you want to say something [0.3] what are the ways in which it's acceptable [0.2] to do it [0.2] that won't offend other people [0.5] do you just butt in [0.4] and and speak over another person [0.4] or [0.4] well what are the ways what strategies would you use [0.3] if somebody's talking perhaps you think they've been talking too much and you want to say something [0.3] and there's a group of eight of you sitting around [0.3] what would you do to get into the conversation [1.2] ss: excuse me nf1336: excuse me so you would use verbal excuse me [0.3] and then you'd try to say something what else could you do ss: nf1336: namex sf1338: i'm putting my raised hand nf1336: yeah w-, yes [laughter] sf1338: in the air nf1336: waving your hand [0.3] yes so some kind of non-verbal signal [0.3] waving your hand or [0.4] raising a finger [0.4] [laughter] or [0.9] or half-, halfway between verbal and non-verbal [0.2] [0.5] [laughter] right coughing or clearing your ready to speak [0.5] but there are ways that are acceptable and there are ways which are not so acceptable [0.4] and which might cause offence and this is the kind of thing [0.3] that one needs to be [0.3] aware of [0.5] and [0.2] why are people silent [0.2] in groups [0.7] what are the reasons for silence in groups [0.5] is it because somebody's bored [0.6] is it because they haven't understood the topic [1.0] er is it nothing to do with the class whatsoever [0.3] is it because they had a row with their partner before they came to class [0.4] is it because their car broke down on the way to work and they're worried about what it's going to cost [0.3] to fix it [0.6] right is it because they were cruel to their cat and they're feeling guilty [0.4] [laughter] i mean there could be lots and lots of reasons why people are silent in class [0.3] what is the significance of silence [0.3] and if somebody is silent [0.4] what can you do [0.2] as another member [0.2] of the group to perhaps [0.3] draw them [0.3] in [0.4] okay [0.4] so there are lots of things going on in groups [0.3] some of them we may be aware of some of them we may not be [0.7] when i analysed all the diaries i found that the things [0.3] teachers were particularly concerned about [0.4] were these i've just built some categories [0.4] er and these are there in in the handout for you [1.9] interpretation [0. 9] you are given a task by a tutor [1.3] and sometimes people get [0.4] er different impressions of what they're supposed to do [0.5] and it's always worth spending the first few minutes of the say half-hour that you've got [0.3] to do the task [0.4] just talking through what it is you're supposed to do if somebody says okay what are we doing [0.6] er how are we going to tackle this [0.4] so that you're sharing interpretations [0.2] of the task [0.4] er and especially if you're working by yourselves out of class [0.2] it's very useful if somebody [0.3] takes on that role and says okay [0.4] w-, what are we doing [0.3] er and how are we going to go about doing it [0.6] which d-, which leads us on to procedures [0.6] er [1.0] the need for some organized constructive [0. 2] approach [0.5] er and somebody here comments on it took a long time to form the group [0.5] to clear the backgrounds to find a way of working [0.2] together [0.7] so it's always a good idea if you've been put together by [0.2] the tutor [0.5] just to say who you are [0.3] where you're from [0.5] er [0.3] and then to move on to interpreting [0.3] the task [0.3] and to make decisions [0.3] about how you're going to proceed [0.2] i'll give you an example later on of what one group decided [0.3] because they actually put together [0.3] a set of procedures that they wanted to use for group work [0.3] and they published it [0.2] and circulated it to all of the tutors [0.2] in the department this is how we [0.2] want to do group work when you ask us to do it [0.5] okay [0.7] er [0.5] participation [0.8] being aware [0.4] of [0.3] turn- taking [0.5] making sure that you're not being too dominant that you're giving other people a chance [0.3] trying to contribute [0.3] and if people aren't contributing [0.3] trying to [0.2] draw them in i'll say a bit more about that later [1.4] relationships often get in the way especially in the early stages you want to get to know people you're not sure about them perhaps you want to impress them [0.6] and [0.4] your relationship with other members of the group [0.5] and this student this teacher has said overrode the need [0.3] for objectivity or efficiency in carrying out the task [0.3] now that's something [0.2] that may happen in the early stages you're so busy getting to know [0.3] other people [0.3] and finding a way of working together you're not focusing sufficiently [0.3] on the task but you do need to get [0.2] through that [0.2] as it were [0.8] and the other things [0.2] disputes [5.2] and perhaps [0.3] ideally [0.5] you do need [0.4] er a stage of storming [0.6] where you can actually say look [1.0] i don't actually agree with the way that we're doing this could we possibly consider another way of doing it [0.2] or [0. 6] i do feel perhaps you're talking [0.2] a bit too much and [0.4] other people [0.4] perhaps should have a chance to talk [0.5] and if it's done [1.3] politely [0.2] pleasantly [0.3] er it usually works i i find that teachers [0. 4] are usually [0.2] very collaborative people [0.4] er it it's part of the the ethos of education [0.6] i might regret saying that this year but [laughter] [0. 3] er i do i do think that that's often the case teachers want to be [0.3] collaborative people and are anxious to get on [0.3] with others [0.8] time was something that came up again and again and this is worth thinking about [0.5] er [0.5] i think the collaborative work was much more productive when we started to feel the time pressure [0.6] and you'll see when i show you [0.4] the procedures that one M-A group came up with is they decided [0.3] that whenever they had group work they would appoint a chair [0.3] who would keep the discussion going [0.4] a secretary who would make notes for the feedback [0.3] and a timekeeper [0.7] so if the task had like four parts to it [0.2] it was the timekeeper's job to say we've got twenty minutes [0.2] five minutes on each [0.2] okay [0.2] and the timekeeper would keep an eye [0.3] on the watch [0.2] and k-, and keep the group moving [0.3] so even if you didn't finish one bit of it you could move on and think about [0.3] another part of the task [0.7] and achievement as well and this is something for the tutor too [0.6] er [0.4] i have the feeling that the group is limited by its own ideas there must be many ideas in other groups [0.2] that we haven't used [0.5] now your tutor [0.3] will have some method of feedback either a plenary discussion [0.5] or you may be asked to er [0.5] er [0.2] to appoint a spokesperson who will speak for the group [0.4] or you may be asked to write notes on a poster [0.3] which is then put up on the wall and people can wander round [0.4] and see the things [0.2] that you've written [0.4] or somebody might be asked to write a short report for the next [0.2] meeting of the class [0.5] er different ways of [0.2] plenary work [0.5] if you find that a tutor hasn't done that [0. 4] you may like to organize it for yourselves if you want to know what's been happening in other groups [0.2] suggest it [0.3] don't be afraid to suggest things [0.3] in class [1.0] so those are the sorts of issues that have come up [0.4] er over the years as it [0.2] were [1.2] and [0.7] er [0.6] i just wanted to give you [0.3] a couple of ideas about [0.2] how you might tackle [0.5] er [0.5] these sorts of issues if you look at page six [1.1] in the handout [0.6] i've given you there [0.6] what's called a self-perception [0.3] inventory [0. 6] of functions in group work [1.4] the research that has gone on [0.9] er and a lot of it has gone on not in education but in a business context [0.4] where people for example in multinational companies [0.3] have to meet [0.3] and discuss things and [0.4] cope with cultural differences [0.5] er [0.6] a lot of that research has shown that when a group is working together [0.6] there are two types of function within that group [0.4] that will lead to [0.2] successful or unsuccessful [0.2] collaborative [0.2] work [0.7] er one type of function is called a task [0.3] function [0.5] and if you have a look at some of those [0. 5] obviously you need people who will give opinions [1.2] you you need people who will elicit opinions [0.2] from colleagues or peers [0.8] you need somebody who is monitoring the discussion and if something is unclear [0.4] will say [0. 3] er let's just stop a moment can we clarify that what exactly did you mean [0. 6] okay [0.9] er you need people [0.2] who will [0.4] elaborate who will build on other people's contributions [0.3] well that's an interesting idea [0.4] er perhaps we could develop it a bit because it seems to me that this might be possible [0.4] now these are all task functions that keep the discussion [0.2] going [0.3] and get the job of work done [1.0] but groups don't function very well if you don't also have [0.3] what we call [0.2] team [0.2] functions [0.7] you need somebody as i said earlier [0.3] who will draw in [0.3] the silent people [0.6] and actually say what do you think [0.5] okay [0.3] it may be that person is silent [0.2] especially in a multicultural group [0.7] because the discussion is going quickly [0.7] and it takes some people time [0. 3] not just to think what they want to say [0.3] but to think how to say it in English [0.8] er some people feel more confident in the English language [0.3] and they start to dominate [0.2] and may think [0.3] well there are some very quiet people in this group i i ought to say something or we're not going to get anywhere [0.6] but in fact perhaps all it needs is to say [0.2] what what do you think have you got an opinion and give somebody [0.3] time [0.3] to formulate their thoughts in English and [0.3] and get them out as it were to express them [0.7] so [0.3] we need encouragers we need people to [0.4] encourage [0.5] we need people [0.4] to [0.4] respond [0.7] when they're listening [0.5] to actually say things like [0.4] that's an interesting idea [0. 3] you know what do you think [0.5] er [0.3] to get people together working together [0.6] or if people start disagreeing to say [0.2] you know wait a minute we seem to have a disagreement here [0.3] let's try and sort it out [0.8] and teams groups don't really work unless there are people doing [0.3] that [0.4] now [0.4] a couple of years back [0.2] er [0.3] i was using [0.7] research instruments like this all the way through [0.2] a term [0.3] and at the end of a term [0.6] er [0.4] i asked the students to write about their experiences of [0.2] group work [0.3] and i've given you one example i've called it case study one here [0.6] this was a teacher [0.2] from [0.3] Eastern Europe [0.6] she was a teacher trainer [1.0] and here she's reflecting [0.6] on the way in which she felt she was able [0.3] to change [0.5] her contributions to group work [0.5] as she said [1.5] to begin with she felt that she was very dominant very hyper she always wanted to talk she always wanted to make contributions [0.4] but as the term progressed she tried more and more [0.5] to take on some team functions to draw other people in [0.4] to be a responsive [0.3] listener [0.3] to conciliate [0.3] when there were disagreements [0.4] and at the end of the course she said [0.2] that was one of the most useful things that she had learned [0.3] because she had developed skills [0.3] of interacting with other people in groups [0.2] which she had to do a lot [0.3] in her work [0.3] so she felt she had developed skills that were transferable [0.3] to her job when she went [0.2] home [0.2] okay [0.6] so [0.3] think about [0.4] those [1.0] functions as they're described [0.4] and perhaps when you're doing group work [0.5] afterwards just have a look at that list and think [0.4] which functions did i perform [0.6] er and are there some others [0.2] that i could do [0.3] in the group [0.3] okay [0.5] er and the other thing that you might like to think about is how you actually set up [0.4] your group work this is the [0.3] thing i talked about earlier [0.6] er [0.3] that the M-A course participants published to tutors [0.6] er [0.2] and they said okay [0.7] tutors should have primary responsibility for designating the members of each group [0. 5] in order to ensure variety throughout the year [0.8] okay [1.1] tutors should indicate the approximate amount of time available [0.3] for the completion of the task sometimes we forget to do that [0.4] right [0.4] so it would be very good if somebody [0.3] in the group in your group actually said er how long have we got for this [0.2] very nicely if the tutor forgets to tell you [0. 3] 'cause then you can organize yourselves [0.2] you know how much time you've got [0.9] that each group should appoint its own chair [0.3] secretary spokesperson and timekeeper [0.6] right [0.6] and the roles of the above are as follows the chair is to guide discussion and ensure progress [0.4] the secretary is to take notes for later feedback [0.5] either [0.3] in clear written form for typing and display or as the basis for oral reporting [0.4] the timekeeper [0.3] is to remind the group of its deadlines [0.5] and [0.3] the fifth [0.4] point that the product of the discussion or task [0.3] should be either [0.3] presented in written form [0.4] or [0.2] reported by the secretary and this was useful [0.4] with additions from the other group members [0.3] that you never leave it entirely to one person [0.5] but that you make it possible for other people to chip in [0.3] with something that the spokesperson [0.4] might have forgotten [1.0] so [0.3] those are just things to think about [0.3] when you find yourself involved in group work [0.2] here [0. 7] but there's one other point that i would like [0.2] to make because [0.4] again [0.5] this is something that has developed [0.4] over the years [0.5] students [0.4] on the M-A course have found it very very useful [0.3] to set up their own [0.2] learning [0.3] syndicates [0.2] now the last page of the handout [0.5] er gives you some information about that [1.3] they have functioned extremely well [0.8] and when i was doing my interviews this summer [0.5] this was the kind of group work that people found particularly [0.2] useful [0.6] what do we mean by a learning syndicate [0.7] it's a self- [0.2] chosen [0.2] self-help [0.2] group [0.5] you get together [0.3] with other students [0.5] the numbers are usually four five or six not more than that [0. 4] and it's a group that meets [0.2] outside of classes [0.5] nothing to do with the organization of tutors [0.3] as i said self-selecting [0.7] er making your own decisions about when to meet where to meet [0.3] and what to do [0.8] er [1.0] and really [0.2] its goal is to cooperate in order to support [0.3] whatever work you're involved in [0.4] at different times of the year [0.8] er [1.3] it is independent from tutors but what i found over the years and it's very helpful [0.4] is that if a learning syndicate has come up with some kind of problem or issue [0.7] perhaps to do with a coursework assignment and they want to meet with the tutor [0.6] then they arrange a joint meeting with the tutor [0.4] so that six people [0.2] will go to see me or namex or namex together [0.4] to talk about the same issue [0.3] and that is very very economical [0.3] for you and for us because there are a lot of you [0.5] er and a discussion in a group usually yields more [0.5] er than just a discussion between two people [0.4] but i've listed here some of the things [0.3] that learning syndicates can [0.2] do [0.5] er there are some things that you [0.2] are very well advised to do and some that you really should avoid [0.4] doing [0.3] so i've put things here like sharing library books and articles [0.2] that's a very useful thing [0.3] to do [0.6] er [0.2] sharing lecture notes or recordings as well [0.7] er and taking turns at producing a set of notes if you've got three classes in one day [0.5] you might have three different people in your syndicate [0.2] making the notes and then sharing them [0.4] and it's a lot less work for everybody [1.0] buying textbooks together [0.6] that's a good way of sharing it [0.3] and establishing a private syndicate library [0.4] okay [0.8] er reading each others' drafts of coursework assignments and commenting on them [0.4] trying to see any language problems [0.3] or saying whether you feel something is clear [0.3] or not [0.8] practising giving seminar presentations you're all going to be asked to give presentations [0.3] at some point in the year [0.3] good idea to practise it and get feedback [0.4] from colleagues [0.6] er [0.2] or just providing help on demand somebody rings you up can you help me with this [0.2] okay [0.4] or just giving moral support [0. 3] if somebody begins to feel stressed or a bit low [0.3] about things giving [0.2] moral support can be very useful [0.8] what you must avoid [0.9] is doing your assignments together [0.9] [laughter] because tutors become very [0.2] aware of that [0.4] and we don't have a policy in CELTE [0.4] of doing work [0.2] together because it has to be assessed [0.3] individually [0.7] it may be possible later in the year if you choose similar topics for dissertations [0.4] to work together on some kind of [0.4] research [0.2] instrument [0.4] er i've just marked two dissertations from my own students and they wanted to investigate [0.3] staff appraisal [0.3] as a topic [0.4] and we found that there were only about twenty people [0.3] on the M-A course and among staff [0.3] who had experience of staff appraisal in schools [0.3] and i said it's not a good idea if you both [0.3] try to give those twenty people a questionnaire [0.3] you're not going to get complete returns [0.3] so they worked together [0.4] on the questionnaire and designed it [0.3] and administered it [0.3] but then i made [0.2] two lots of copies [0. 2] and they analysed it and wrote it up completely [0.2] separately [0.4] so [0. 3] collaboration may be possible to a certain extent [0.3] but your written work should always be [0.2] your own [0.4] and tutors will [0.2] recognize immediately if three people have turned out the same essay [0.3] so it's not a very good thing to do [0.2] okay [0.6] er [1.5] you will find classrooms empty [0.3] in the late afternoon [0.7] the period between about four and six [0.3] a lot of the rooms are free [0.4] and you just need to ask in the office [0.4] er if there's a room that you can use [0.2] for your group [0.4] okay [0.6] but do [0.3] do think about that because we've had such positive feedback [0.4] from members of the course [0.2] about the usefulness the value [0.3] of these self-help groups during the year [0.4] may not be something you're familiar with [0.5] but certainly something worth trying [0.4] okay [0.6] and that really brings me to the end of the messages that i'm passing on [0.3] from previous students [0.3] er how are we doing it's nearly two o'clock does anybody have a burning question at all [5.2] [laughter] no [1.2] okay well i hope that's given you some ideas for the year