nm1222: maybe i said it at the very beginning er but maybe i didn't so f-, er while i talk feel free sort of to interrupt me if you have any questions directly as i'm going on because as you will have noticed er er i and i guess namex as well we have a tendency just just just to talk to the very end of the lecture so there is not really any time to ask questions directly at the end only then in the seminar but if you want to raise points directly related to what we are doing er just feel free to do so then we we can interrupt and and answer questions or give more detail er otherwise er we will with this with this lecture now move to er the the whole set of lecture really the the core or the middle part of this course where the er we will talk about er tendencies of change in contemporary Western societies over well roughly the past three decades or the post-World War Two period so the main er time span at which we'll be looking will always be a comparison between well roughly the nineteen-fifties and nineteen-sixties on the one hand and the nineteen-nineties on the other and the guiding question will always be whether there is an important social transformation going on er in the various fields of of social action in society now er we'll start with really with sort of more economic topics so the theme of this lecture is in well economic sociology if you want to call it like that or also some elements of the sociology of labour and sociology of the welfare state and er you may remember from er a couple weeks ago er that er i already gave an outline of the major areas we'll be looking at of the dimensions of social change er so i will er in the first few minutes come back to that er talk about how we can discuss the major economic changes and then go into much more detail than i did in the short summary which i did a couple weeks ago now the question which i already posed a couple of weeks ago was well why at all look at the post-war period if er one could say that i mean for er most Western countries there wasn't really any major institutional change i mean most Western countries at least from after the Second World War onwards from the ni-, late nineteen- forties er were basically er democratically organized in political terms they were capitalist market societies in economic terms they were er societies broadly committed to a plural understanding of er social lives so nothing really happened in all those sort of most fundamental terms one could say nevertheless we will try to make an argument that there was a major change er so that must have been then on a slightly sort of more er more detailed levels of a more differentiated level er and that is what we will try to do so we have to describe in this lecture economic but then also political and social changes in a bit more detail at a at a lower level of differentiation so to say once we do that then er we can see that indeed there were some some important changes er and so what i will do now is i will try to describe er or give an idea as to how one could describe as indeed how sociology has described er over a a couple of decades within the framework of industrial society theory has described the societies of the nineteen-fifties nineteen- sixties er and then i will sort of er try to show how these descriptions have changed and how we should really er see Western societies in a slightly different light nowadays in economic terms er i say this briefly as a summary at the beginning er the er theory of industrial society er was really based on the idea that er the dominant model of industrial production is er standardized mass production er large production runs of a rather limited number of goods er in large-scale factories er large-scale organizations er and those the goods produced the under those conditions of mass production being consumed in a similarly standardized way so that's standardized mass cos-, mass consumption as some people have said this model of economic organization then went with er sort of say a model of economic policy making er which seemed adapted and adequate to this model of economic organization namely on the one hand large-scale organization of both employers and workers sort of in unions and of employers' associations er direct negotiation between the top level of these large-scale organizations with very often the involvement of the state as a moderator and mediator between sort of the two conflicting organizations the state in addition intervening into the economy er by means of what was technically known as demand management er economic policy based on the Keynesian idea that er by increasing or diminishing government spending er you could indeed keep the economy on a basically stable growth path that then in consequence it's a third element the so it's the the economy policy objective we can call it or also a link between economic policy and social policy really namely that once you think that you can't keep the economy on a stable growth path then you can also argue that full employment is an objective of government action which can indeed be achieved there is no major problem in achieving it because on the basis of Keynesianism er you know how you're going to do it namely should employment fall below a certain level then you er have to increase government spending er the production will increase and employment will increase and accordingly sort of the move back to the growth path has been achieved so that is basically er we can call that a sort of full employment convention as it has been called recently and the basic agreement er even sort of among the major parties sort of the more conservative Christian parties on the one hand the Tories in Britain and the the more sort of left wing Social Democratic or Labour parties on the other hand during the fifties and sixties they basically agreed that that is the the way to do it er and that one indeed could achieve that so this is i-, in summary really something which i said already earlier a couple of weeks ago is er the idea that there is a typical er sort of organization of production linked to a typical economic policy mechanism er and economic policy objectives which in sum really describe what er the economy of in-, advanced industrial society is about that's the image of the nineteen-sixties so to say and now we'll i'll run through that and er we'll try to discuss if that has changed and how that has changed over the more recent period let me for that purpose also er draw sort of a a a kind of picture which you will er be used to already by now sort of this distinction between the sixties and the nineties long well always slightly schematic terms but i think useful terms to er carve out the main elements of those pictures so we'll compare the nineteen-sixties to the nineteen-nineties along those er three dimensions which i i outlined just now er the one we can call something like the organization of production this is standardized mass production and associated with that the large-scale organization combined and linked to er er what i call here now the economic policy arrangement or mechanism this is er Keynesianism on the one hand and very often indeed to varying degrees but i will come back to that linked to what one can call corporatism corporatism in the sense namely that both employers and workers get organized also in large- scale organizations that's where there is some mapping here to the form of production er and that they er talk about er the development of the economy often er together with the state governments of the economic ministry or whatever the exact title is in various countries this is indeed a term with which you may be less familiar it's more typical really of continental European arrangements than of English or British arrangements but we come back to that and finally we have an economic policy objective as i just said and that is er the full employment convention now if we look at that you can almost immediately say that er this is no longer sort of really in the strong sense valid er in the sense namely that er this is the the one dominant or typical model of economic organization and economic policy but on the other hand you could also argue well we still have elements of all that and certainly there is standardized mass production still er there may not be exactly Keynesianism but er there are government interventions into the economy and there are these large-scale organizations and at least in some cases also er ideas of communication coordination of economic policy er in in wi-, er between these organizations and there is at least a lot of talk about full employment and how one gets back to full employment er so there is sort of a bit a mixed picture er the on the one hand these elements are still there on the other eleme-, hand we can also say that er many of these things have changed we haven't had full employment for er more than fifteen or twenty years depending on the country now governments may keep talking about it but we may have doubts about their commitment to it really er coordination between the economic policy actors has in has in many instances broken down it has been difficult to re-establish it various countries one talks about the need to re-establish it but it doesn't work any longer as effectively as it once did and there is a lot of talk about small and medium-sized entreprise that innovation in the economy comes really from them and rather not from the large-scale companies so you see there this kind of mixed picture which er really has has these elements still but also has lots of complications now er er i will try it from that basis then try to say something about er rather analytical possibilities as we can try to describe what the current situation is i mean if we try to go beyond at least er one or two steps beyond just saying well we have it but we also have new elements er try to er to analytically describe what the the possibilities of sociological analysis of the economy er are nowadays and in that context i will then refer to the various er texts which are in the course outline and well the particular one you you read for the seminar later on now you will have seen in the reading for today that er some people argue that standardized mass production is really er or went through er a major crisis of that er there was a massive decline if not a collapse of the model of standardized mass production the key text for that is er the one which we also listed under the additional readings the book by Charles Sable and Michael Piore er on the second industrial divide where they argue that indeed standardized mass production was a historical phenomenon which er slowly which is not at all related to the industrial revolution but that was really rather small-scale production but is a phenomenon of the late nineteenth century er when gradually er these longer production runs er Taylorist organization of work you know the er which i briefly mentioned earlier the m-, the minute and detailed er cutting up of the elements this i-, the the work process er to control and steer the labour power more effectively er in the factory and in the next step then the conveyor belt er and this er model together sort of Taylorist Taylorist scientific organization a-, of work as Taylor called it in the U-S at the beginning of this century and the conveyor belt driven er production of standardized good has really become known as the Fordist model of production on the basis of er works of some French economists in the er late nineteen-sixties early nineteen-seventies that has become known er this this model here as as Fordism but as a historical model of er the organization of the capitalist economy but it's not really typical for capitalism as such but rather typical for a historical development within capitalism so that means er it may as well change and may as well sort of decay and be transformed and that then is really the argument which Piore and Sable have come up with namely that if there was one industrial divide in the nineteenth century late in the nineteenth century towards standardized mass production and towards Fordism we may now be they wrote that in the early nineteen-eighties undergoing or going through a second industrial divide away from standardized mass production towards what they called flexible specialization that's the term which you found in the in the reading flexible specialization means that due to new production technologies basically related to er electronics and information technology er you can indeed what you couldn't do under Taylorism and Fordism er change the production runs rather quickly er so that you were not dependent any longer on mass production of goods and mass consumption of these identical goods but that you could take the example of the car industry could change models rath-, rather quickly or take con-, consumer electronics er that you could have short production runs and then just change the computer er assisted design and production er and produce something else rather flexibly but you can specialize er at short notice and during over short time periods er and that indeed where Taylorists and Fordists thought thought that the er er big organization hierarchically organized centrally planned so to say within the govern-, within the company that this necessarily has to be the most efficient model of production theorists of specialization argue instead that at least and in with the help of current technology er you can indeed organize much more flexibly and that that is the er the efficient way also of reacting to changing demand changing demand patterns er and to er changing market developments on that's part of this obviously on an increasingly global market and we'll just say here and point to a later lecture and discussion that here this is also connected to er a broader social change namely what we will discuss under the heading of lifestyles and identities that indeed from roughly the nineteen-seventies onwards er demand patterns also changed because er partly because of affluence also 'cause people er were less interested in buying sort of always the same kind of car which may have a major change with the season er minor change with the season but a rather er limited diversity er of products on offer the same for all kinds of more durable products er so that with a differentiation of life lifestyles er more emphasis given to a variety of id-, identities and social life that indeed er there was a demand for a greater variety and diversity of products so that flexible specialization is also a response to this kind of social change or social and cultural change namely different demand patterns towards greater variety and diversity now Piore and Sable also argue that once you do that er once you er er try to develop a production organization er in direction of flexible specialization then you also need a different kind of of company that the large-scale centralized hierarchical company like General Motors or Ford or so is no longer the most efficient model and they looked indeed at research done er on er central Italy and on south-west Germany er where sort of highly and sort of the highly affluent regions er with er world market competitive production but rather on the basis of many small companies rather than a few big ones this has become known as the theory of industrial districts but you don't have if you take the ex-, Italian example but you don't have like with er Fiat in Turin er one big company which really dominates the economy of a city they have a city of a million inhabitants or more where virtually everything is dependent from the well-being of the Fiat company was it is no longer the case but when you look at central Italy er then you have no big company at all but a region which was not only at least as affluent or maybe more affluent and more prosperous than northern Italy with the more sort of industrial mass production kind of economy er but even an economy which watered the crisis of the nineteen- seventies the world recession recession in seventy-four seventy-five er and demand changes er much better at than the er standardized production economy did so Piore and Sable and other economic sociologists really concluded from that that there is a er a more efficient a f-, more flexible model of industrial organization also on the level of of company organization and that is er as i said really a model of industrial districts nowadays also sometimes discussed as a sort of network organization er not one big company but a network of smaller companies about which it is also important to say that the idea there is er not just er the idea of the innovative capacity of small and medium-sized entreprises as er to here in economics but also the idea that these companies are not really in full competition but that they so say share common resources like er certain kinds of education and training in a region er historical er backgrounds of er produc- , production specialisms er that they also have er cooperative relations rather with er local or regional Chambers of Commerce with local or regional banks to finance their arrangements so indeed there's not just a question of t-, of size it's also the idea that there is not sort of full market competition as economists would like to tell us but rather a kind of social economic arrangement based on a mixture of cooperation and competition er where companies also work together while they're may at the same time be compete in several respects now er this is sort of one argument and if you looked at Piore and Sable er The Second Industrial Divide you will have seen that that they make that argument sort of very strongly that there is a a big change from this kind of organization to this kind of organization now as i said earlier er we may see that something like that happens that also maybe that we er sociologists and economists didn't pay enough attention to these other kinds of production er which er were more sort of in the shadow so to say of er the dominant mass production mentioned earlier because they existed and these industrial ic-, districts existed in the fifties and sixties they're not really new er but not much attention was paid to them but we may also argue standardized mass production also persists so that we cannot that Piore and Sable really overdraw their argument by saying that er the whole economy moves from one model standardized mass production to a different model flexible specialization any empirical study will show that that is not really true er that there there may be some change into that direction but there may as well be just a shift in attention on the part of observers er also journalistic observers now that is where i come to the diagram which is the i will not say much in detail about that because of lack of time there have then been er been some economists and sociologists er who have tried to go a step further and the main idea of this diagram is quite simple mainly to say that there is not any overall shift just look at it myself er but we really have to recognize that what exists is something like a plurality of worlds of production as er Salais and Storper call that this is the text er which is also on the course outline er The Four Worlds of Contemporary Industry er from the Cambridge Journal of Economics but you have the full details in the outline this diagram is taken from that text where you see if you just take a brief look in the the the main idea here is that we really have a variety of different basic production models er and they argue that sort of systemically speaking there are four er and er there could be more obviously one can always sort of make this argument more sophisticated there isn't any any need why there should be just four er below you have in the lower right corner what they call the industrial world that is really this model that's the lower right corner of their diagram now what er Piore and Sable tend to argue is that er due to the changes that i have been talking about there is a shift towards what one may want to call a network market world and that's the er top right er corner of this diagram er this is er roughly more or less it's not exactly the same it's what Piore and Sable say er is roughly er the idea that the whole economy shifts from the lower right to the upper right not least because if you look at the er the right order of that because the market conditions change from predictability to uncertainty and that is why you have to be er more flexible that is why you cannot er rely on long production runs of the same products over long periods er you have to be er you have to react flexibly er sort of as a producer er to the changing market environments er Salais and Storper say that this is not entirely wrong but it's only a part of the picture so that one should what one should really do is one should er look at economic organization in broader and more systematic terms that market changes the right axis the axis on the right is only one part of the change or of the conditions of production having said that first of all there is another element which is the technology and the production process which obviously was also part of er Piore's and Sable's argument but again they assume that there is a major shift into one direction only and if you take er Salais and Storper argue if you take market conditions and technological conditions into account then you er er have this variety or diversity of of worlds of production er different kinds of economic organization at the same time not really a shift over time sort of one historical transformation as the argument for s-, flexible specialization wanted it but er you have to look really at the national or local conditions to see what kinds of markets are there what kinds of technologies are used to produce goods er in certain areas or sin-, or in a national economy like say the British er and then you can say er where the er a major part of such an economy falls into this fourfold scheme i er we don't really have time to go into much detail but er let me just say something about the the other two worlds er the world of innovation that is really the that's the lower left corner that is not this Silicon Valley kind of business where you have er er sort of high-tech er production of the the cutting edge of er industrial technology er that's why it's on a different level of er on the technology scale the axis on the bottom but you may sort of like computer chips or basic computer equipment also do er fairly gen-, generic products er catering for a fairly stable and developing market so that is why this world of innovation er is changing rapidly in terms of the technology they use because they they use a high scientific input but they produce er for fairly predictable markets whereas the Marshallian market world er using the name of Alfred Marshall sort of the British economist from the late nineteenth century er is er a market world which also works with er high technology but has to adapt to rather unpredictable er market conditions then you see what they put er into these boxes is er quite different criteria er as to which these economic sectors or segments worlds as they call that er how they are organized there is really only the industrial world competes by price er where if you produce more effectively er can offer at lower prices you will be the leading competitor in the field in all other cases there is there are other criteria of competition er it can be sort of the ability to take in recent technology that's what they call learning it can be quite simply the quality of products er you may know for instance that when i men-, was mentioning south-western Germany er where they produce not least er tool making er technology sort of er factory equipment and things like that er these producers often sell at much higher prices than their competitors but there is the general view that these products are of higher quality than competitors from er from other countries so they don't really compete on the world market by price but they compete by quality and that's a quite different kind of economic arrangement than a competition by price i'll come back to that er in a minute whereas er then the network market world er that they say that price plays a role but quality comes in so that's a mixed criterion according to their view one can have and as i say i will say a bit more in a minute can have long discussions one can try what they have tried to do really look at in their case the French Italian and American economy is say what the dominant fields are where these economies specialize er so then for instance you find that the American economy is rather in the two bottom segments er it's still strong on in standardized mass production but it's also strong in the innovative world er whereas other economies have different specializations so that you have a you have a choice really there is not one change from this model to this model but there is what they call worlds in plural of production so this is er and this is the important to say the important conceptual conclusion from these observations there is not a clear line to be drawn from one dominant model to another but we have it's more complicated but we have an alternative tool to understand these developments by looking at this diversity or plurality of production not a a simple historical change from one model to the other but er a more complex change er including er a diversity of different arrangements in the in the present now really on the other two major points i'll be discussing i will basically show that er that is essentially the same er that again we have er among well social scientists sociologists and certainly among journalists often a view that things have changed in one direction that this model just didn't hold any longer so that a new model had to be developed whereas in each case one can make an argument that er it's not as simple as that er basic conditions have changed but that means that we are in a situation where as i say new models or indeed models based on some diversity of conditions are still in need of development if we do that here for er er the economic policy mechanism then it is quite clear that as many people have it er the argument is that Keynesianism and corporatism don't work any longer because of globalization that indeed both rely on a nationally organized economy a nationally contained economy Keynesanism does it because you have a government role er the government determination of er expenditure and and thus sort of the level of economic aki-, activity the steering of that level on the basis of er of government spending where that only works is if the government can really control the economy these are things which really happened er for instance in France in the early nineteen-eighties er when the well that was the first time that France had a socialist government in the post-World War Two period and that government er the first government under President Mitterand had a commitment to Keynesianism and there was high unemployment so well what they wanted to do according to old Keynesian recipes they wanted to increase government spending to push the economy to higher employment levels well they did that they spent a lot of money and er the economy went upwards to some extent but as it happened at that point of time the French economy was already er tightly linked to other European economies and globally linked to other economies across the world so the fact that the French government pumped money into the economy meant that many French consumers but also producers companies bought products abroad imported products so that a lot of the pump priming as it's technically called a lot of the deficit spending didn't really went into the French didn't really go into the French economy but went into economies other European economies and abroad so they increased their deficit without much effect on the French economy and this was abandoned after er a little more than a year they recognized that Keynesianism really depends on a national economy which you can control and if you cannot control it any longer because of global linkages er you just cannot do it you don't have the effects any longer which you would like to have the same is true about corporatism because corporatism relies on the fact that there are national organizations of the employers like C-B-I in England the Confederation of British Industry or like a national Trade Union Council and that they get together and er determine sort of wage levels er employment conditions and the like now again if you come to the conviction that er indeed i-, if you try to do that you may just er arrive at conclusions er which the economy cannot sustain er because it competes on the global level then what will happen is that er people will defect from these national organizations you have that that employers indeed say er said sort of in the nineteen-seventies well if you're going to agree sort of the national organization on that level of wages then i just er exit from the organization er i cannot pay those wages so er er the er er i will pay different wages so the the model of bargaining breaks down the same actually also not to put the blame one-sidedly on the employers also for workers sort of with the er not least sort of s-, the so-called knowledge based upper middle classes er were er increasingly then also employees er hoped to get a better bargain by individually negotiating with their employers rather than agreeing to wage conventions er then the model also breaks down from the employees' or workers' er point of view this was the crisis of the er er of the wage bargaining the centralized wage bargaining model which indeed happened from the well mid-nineteen-seventies onwards and which in many crea-, countries led to major changes of this this model not a drastic one but er in in some countries but in many in many cases indeed yes so the the idea here is if that were entirely true would be that this nationally organized model what's the key characteristics here that it's nation based gives way to something like a global neoliberalism now this is a case like the case with flexible specialization in the the first category global neolib-, liberalism that's what i said is namely that er where there is a tendency into that direction there was a crisis of the Keynesian corporatist model of economic policy it is on the other hand not true that say our European economies have just gone neoliberal have just opened to er the world market er we can still see on the one hand that there is what David Soskice calls varieties of capitalism this is the paper which we also mention on the course outline which is er unpublished er but is in the the copy of it or several copies are in the S-R-C collections er where he argues that er indeed er there are different ways of coordinating economies and and they indeed persist er the level of coordination does not go away er that may change that may adapt to new conditions er but there are sort of traditions of institutional arrangements which indeed are quite persistent of those changes he makes there a major distinction between what he calls coordinated market economies and uncoordinated market economies er the uncoordinated ones or rather the British and the American one er that is why the term corporatism is less well known in this country because there is a much lower degree of coordination than for instance in er Germany or Japan these are his counter-examples his examples for coordinated economies now this was written before the Japanese crisis but er i-, it still holds that the the argument namely that there are sort of quite entrenched institutional arrangements which don't just disappear because of deregulation and neoliberalism er but which adapt to new situations the point there is that these are indeed complex institutional arrangements where er the organization of er training and education is involved as you may know that there is er a much more organized professional training system er a company based one or a or a mixed system between a dual system between companies and public institutions in Germany where apprentices are are trained a much more formalized system than in this country there is er a relation between companies and banks which is much tighter in both Germany and Japan er where er there is the higher degree of coordination Soskice talks about where banks don't just let companies drop because they the profits decline or b- , because they go into deficit but they try to organize restructurings er so really coordination between banks and er and companies and producers thirdly there is in some cases er coordinated work across er companies in the same sector er that is er are things which are now sort of discussed under the level of sort of competition policy where it's often argued that competition needs to be increased that the German or Japanese economy don't really know the necessary levels of competition but it can also be taken to be an advantage of coordination er as Soskice argues and finally there may be a kind of company organization that's more the Japanese model where you have large-scale con-, conglomerates which don't er dominate one sector but er er operate in various sectors so that they sustain themselves er through boom and bust because they never occul in all occur in all sectors at the same time to say that briefly the argument here is there is not just global neoriler-, neoliberalism but there are varieties of capitalism that's indeed the title of his paper and you recognize the same structure of argument is not a change to one new model but there is a transformation towards er a more complex institutional situation overall then er finally let's say something about the economic policy objective where there was an agreement that it should be sort of growth and full employment and full employment through growth that is the the Keynesian full employment convention as some people call it er and the idea that it was reachable er that it was indeed achievable with some standard tools now as i said earlier there is an agreement that these tools don't work in the same way than they used to work but if we conclude from what i said earlier there's also probably not necessarily the idea that one has to abandon that entirely now some people argue that and er that's again one of those fashionable terms of the time where some people say we have to get away from any such commitment of full employment what we have to do is to change the supply situation on the labour market people have to be flexible we have to deregulate the labour market we have to allow hiring hiring and firing on more easy conditions we have to allow variety of work situations er sort of temporary contracts part- time contracts er temping in general er no minimum wage all that only er hampers the development of the economy and the creation of jobs er what one has to have is a maximum flexibility that's the one idea now this idea obviously goes along well with an idea of global neol-, neoliberalism that you should have markets and competition wherever you can get them what it does not do though er is it does not have a link between economic policy and social policy any longer in the same way in which the full employment convention had it there this full employment convention really meant that within a society within a nation there was an understanding that there is something like a common responsibility to get everybody employed and those who temporarily could not be employed er should get unemployment benefits on such a level that er they could lead a decent life er that is what i call a linkage between economic policy and social policy so that there is well the government could even say a societal commitment and consensus along that what the idea of flexibility means really is giving that idea up it basically shifts responsibility from the society to the individual er the overall conditions are changed in such a way that there are really almost no impediments or barriers to get a job er no union involvement no restrictions nothing like that but that that also means that everybody should see how he or she could sell her or his labour power er under whatever conditions are possible now the here there is not really a new model but it is also clear that at least in European societies er the flexibility regime is not just accepted i mean there are some people who talk about er offensive flexibility or constructive flexibility where they see a role for the unions n-, new role for the unions a new role for the regions er to develop the regime which er keeps up this linkage of as i will call it of economic and social policy i put that into brackets because there isn't really yet a model but the idea is that some such linkage needs to be maintained and that there is indeed no reason to assume it may have become more difficult than it was in the nineteen-sixties when this could be organized around a national society the national government committed to that that may no longer be possible however er this does not entail that there are no means and resources and actors to try to develop such a new model there are unions there are regional or city governments who could have a stronger role again partly because historically they had a role there is now not least er a stronger role of the European Union so if Keynesianism doesn't work any longer on the national level maybe it still works on the European level because Europe is less overall less import dependent than each individual member state of the European Union so there are discussions around how to design really this this model which are open sort of which are open-ended there is no solution for it yet but er there is also the view that there is no need to embark fully on a model of flexibility to conclude er what you have seen and the way in which i introduced this model at the very beginning er and that is one of the important questions here in this model there is a linkage between organization of production economic policy mechanism and economic policy objective one follows from the other if you have standardized mass production you have standardized work situations you have er a likelihood of the common workers' consciousness and trade union development er who can operate in large-scale organizations who can get organized and o-, are organizable because they are in these large-scale organizations you have er a national government er or in a national level towards they relate both the unions and the employers and thus you can construct sort of a socially responsible community er to arrive at a linkage of economic and social policy so this this works the one relates to the other or rather it worked it was the model of the fifties and sixties it doesn't work any longer in the same way and one possibility here is to argue in favour of a model which combines flexible specialization and global neoliber-, neoliberalism and flexibility which does away with all the institutions and boundaries which there were and just hopes that by flexibilizing this you can create a new kind of viable economic regime now as i've tried to say briefly there are reasons to assume that that while it is a coherent model but that it just wouldn't er be socially viable that it would er create er high inequalities er of a level in kind which one tried to abolish over much of the social and economic policy developments of the earlier Second World War period so that is why one has to search for a model to relate the variety of worlds of production in the different sort of historically developed settings which have varieties of coordination between economies varieties of capitalism to develop that into a new linkage of economic and social policy but this is obviously less clear-cut er we can less take it for granted than the old model the old model was quite stable it was conventionalized indeed it developed over a a long time sort of from the eighteen-eighties eighteen- nineties to the nineteen-sixties and through many struggles obviously workers' struggles not least er we don't have that now there is not such a stability there are not these conventions which hold each other er but there that does not mean that they couldn't be developed in principle and that is what many sort of social and economic actors are really working on at this point okay thank you