nm1157: today's topic is the law relating to prostitution er which is also er to be the topic of our seminars next week as you will see er the focus next week is really on the issue of policy what should the law's policy be in relation to prostitution er and by policy we mean of course what should the law be doing in order to deal with any problems if any are found relating to prostitution er in order to er alleviate such problems and make the world better which is what policy is all about er because we're going to be discussing policy in seminars er the lectures i'm going to give you are going to focus very much on the law er and i suppose i will be perhaps holding back from policy issues what this means of course is that you mustn't assume that all the answers to next week's seminar are to be found in today's lecture er today's lecture is going to give you some of the material for next week's seminar but you're going to have to go further er in the reading which we provide for you and indeed in your own thoughts right prostitution and the law er the first question i suppose is what is the law trying to achieve er in relation to prostitution er if you remember we talked about the rationale of offences er in relation to other offences and er it's fairly easy to work out what the law is trying to achieve in relation to murder or rape or theft the objective is obvious what should the law try and achieve in relation to prostitution well i i think when much of our law was formulated er this issue may not have been addressed in precisely those terms however er there was a large scale review of the law er between nineteen-fifty-three and nineteen-fifty-seven er by a committee chaired by er a man called Lord Wolfenden er which had the job given the job by government of reviewing er the law relating to er homosexual offences and prostitution and er in order to review the law the Wolfenden committee started out by er trying to think about what the law should be trying to achieve in this area er and it came up with a formula er which i've quoted on the sheet er but which i will read to you now Wolfenden said committee said er the role of the law should be to preserve public order and decency to protect citizens from what is indefensive or injurious and to provide sufficient safeguards against exploitation and corruption of others particularly those who are especially vulnerable because they are young in mind or body inexperienced or in a state of special physical official or economic dependence er the committee then went on and said it is not in our view the function of the law to intervene in the private lives of citizens or it is not the function of the law to seek to enforce any particular pattern of behaviour farther at least than it is necessary to carry out for the purposes we have outlined what is the committee saying there er and when we've worked out what the committee is saying can we sort of proceed from that to work out what the law should be first of all they they they say it is the role of the law to preserve public order and decency and i think first of all the the reference to public order er indicates if you like that er the world can be divided up into public places which are shared by a number of us as citizens and private places which are occupied by us alone or those we choose to be with er i suppose the legal theory of the public place er which the Wolfenden committee expressed is that because the public place is shared er it's important that the use that any individual puts the public place to doesn't unnecessarily infringe on the way others wish to use the public place i suppose in relation to prostitution er the Wolfenden committee would be thinking about ways of er practising prostitution which are carried in public soliciting particularly on the street and when the Wolfenden committee talked about preserving public order and decency er they were probably saying well er soliciting in a public place has some impact on those around er other people mightn't want to see it they might consider it indecent er that might be a good reason for criminalizing soliciting for prostitution in public because public space has to be shared the other side of the coin of course to the notion of a public place er is private place and er if i just jump to the end of the quote from Wolfenden er the committee said that it's not the function of the law to intervene in the private lives of citizens or to enforce any particular code of conduct the committee seems to be saying okay in public you've got to act in a way that keeps everybody else happy but there is a private sphere within the private sphere the law should respect autonomy shouldn't try and enforce some code about what should or shouldn't be done develop a sphere in which you can make your own decisions er if we go back to the the key er the core of the quote rather we find that er the Wolfenden committee were concerned about providing sufficient safeguards against exploitation and corruption of others now those words are loaded aren't they exploitation and corruption they sound bad er if i went out into the streets in namex today and i said should the law try and prevent exploitation and corruption people would probably say yes they are very problematic notions though er particularly when we think about them in terms of the Wolfenden committee's other comments what does exploitation mean i suppose exploitation means using somebody else for some purpose of your own er but of course exploitation in that sense occurs all the time doesn't it er you're exploiting me because managing to stay awake during this lecture writing lots of notes repeating it all in the exam is a necessary stage to you getting that much desired B-M-W and stripy suit in a few years' time [laughter] er so you are exploiting me the university's exploiting me er by employing me er i exploit er i suppose you could say i exploit whoever it is who cooks my food er or or i exploit the person who er shears the sheep in New Zealand or something to provide the jumper jumper i wear [laughter] whatever so exploitation happens all the time and in fact it's just er an aspect of modern society isn't it the whole idea of society is we live together we interact react we complement each other in the functions we perform you can call it mutual exploitation but it's also a normal aspect of modern society so exploitation is problematic er in relation to prostitution is it really clear who exploits who well er some people would argue that the male customers exploit er the woman who provides the prostitution services if however er you look at some er feminist analyses of prostitution they would disagree with this er if you look at er a book called Working Women by Arlene Macleod er when she was at this university er she talked to prostitutio-, prostitutes and prostitutes say oh we're in this job because we like it er it's by far the most satisfactory way for us to earn a living to make a reasonable amount of money to keep control of our own lives and to have the sort of flexible lifestyle we want if you ever ask prostitutes why they do the job they're not admitting to being exploited very often many of them it's just a rational choice er according to the options available to them er so it's not absolutely clear that the male customer exploits the woman and indeed er you might say it's the other way round er if you look at the areas where prostitution is is carried out you may say well here's the man gone for a drink after work on his way home er he's presented with a temptation er is that the woman exploiting him so exploitation is a problematic concept er exploitation can also be seen er in the relationship between the so-called er pimp or ponce who is a sort of stereotypical figure er the man who lives off the earnings of prostitution and er if one went further through the Wolfenden committee report er you would see that that committee did think it appropriate to maintain penalties on er men who lived off the money women made by prostitution if you like the the man figure was seen as an exploiter er but again that is rather problematic isn't it er all of us who earn money er well for many of us who earn money er we choose to support somebody else very common for er husbands or wives to support their partners isn't it where one person in the family works certainly common for adults to support er fo-, fo-, for parents to support grown up children so er we don't say oh well there's exploitation in this relationship just because one person who earns money pays the expenses of the family or or the couple the problem er exploitation then is problematic er it's also true when we come to look at the law relating to er living off the earnings of prostitution that er the offence of living off can be provi-, er can be committed where a person who receives money from the prostitute provides some sort of service er modern prostitution may be committed through er massage parlours or escort agencies both sorts of organization may be fronts for prostitution er the people who organize those er those er businesses can be found guilty of living off the earnings of prostitution er but are they exploiters er certainly many would argue that they're not they're providing necessary ancillary business services in order to allow a prostitute to carry out her or his business er in a way which is safe and makes er business sense makes commercial sense so again exploitation is a tricky concept isn't it er corruption's a tricky concept as well i think the the essence of corruption er is er exerting an influence on somebody which in some way degrades them or makes them worse er and i suppose here the Wolfenden committee when they when they said the law should deal with corruption er was probably concerned with er an individual who might recruit er others into prostitution persuade them perhaps with offer of high earning er or a glamorous lifestyle or whatever to take part in prostitution well er again i think many people have a sort of gut reaction that that is a bad thing to do there is a problem though which is this that we can only call that corruption if we say that the non- prostitute lifestyle is fine and the prostitute lifestyle is in some way bad or degraded we're talking about corruption we're talking about an in-, an influence making something worse or degrading them so we must be making a value judgement mustn't we that you're a young person coming to university that's fine if somebody persuades you to go and work as a prostitute to earn money to support your university career in some way you've been degraded and of course once you make that value judgement er aren't you infringing one of the Wolfenden committee's later principles which is that er the law should not seek to enforce any particular pattern of behaviour or are you also infringing the Wolfenden committee principle that er there should be an area of private life in which the law should play no role er as i said when we talk about saying there's an area a private sphere in which the law should not er i-, i-, in which the law should not involve itself we're really talking about protecting autonomy and autonomy means though the right and ability to make your own choices about how you lead your life so it's very difficult to square this notion of preventing corruption with this idea of letting individuals ultimately make their own choices er at the end of the day i suppose if autonomy is to be real and valuable it must be autonomy which allows you to make bad choices as well as good choices mustn't it that's the whole point of autonomy it is up to you the the one right you you the essential right you have to make your own choices about your own life it would be very strange if you said oh you've got autonomy as long as you make the right choices if you start to decide to do anything bad oh no then you lose your autonomy that's not autonomy at all is it it's a sham well that's a brief introduction to the er to the er philosophical underpinnings of our current law er as we'll see when we go through the law er some of these contradictions which i've suggested become more and more apparent let's move on and talk about what is a prostitute rather interesting isn't it that er if er anything is to be the subject of law if it is to be something that the law deals with er it must be possible to define it and if we are going to have laws relating to prostitution er which distinguish er a prostitute from other people and treat a prostitute differently from other people we do need a some satisfying reason for that we we've got to have a reason for treating a prostitute differently haven't we and that suggests that we must be able to create a definition of prostitution and a definition of prostitute that distinguishes the prostitute and his or her practice from the conduct of other members of society which is approved of or at least tolerated yeah if we're going to have criminal law relating to prostitution there must be some way of defining prostitution that makes it different from the run of ordinary conduct let's have a quick look at what the law says about the definition of prostitution and i'm going to look at er a run of four cases er all of the references to the-, these will be found on your handout which will er arrive in due course i wonder if it really will be delivered here maybe not who knows er first case was a case in nineteen-eighteen called De Monk De Monk nineteen-eighteen er this case er concerned er a prosecution of er a lady er who was ch-, charged with an old offence of er encouraging the prostitution of er somebody else so so she was charged with encouraging prostitution and er the evidence against the defendant was quite simple er the defendant was the mother of a fourteen year old girl and she in return for money had allowed er a male visitor to their home to spend some time er with this girl in an upstairs bedroom that was the evidence money changed hands male visitor just allowed to go to an upstairs room with a fourteen year old girl er nobody's saying what went on up there er in her defence er the mother had the girl medically examined er and medical evidence suggested that the girl was a virgin who apparently had not had full sexual intercourse so the argument was prostitution is surely about selling the act of sex this young child apparently hasn't had sex sex can't have taken place therefore there cannot have been an act of prostitution er the court dismissed that argument er and they said this they said prostitution is proved if it is shown that the woman offers offers her body commonly for acts of lewdness for payment in return i should say mysteriously that the the phrase acts of lew-, lewdness L-E L-E-W-D-N-E-S-S seems to have been missed off the sheet but it it should be there er what they were saying was that i suppose the court was satisfied that this bloke wasn't going up to this upstairs room with this young girl er to look at her stamp collection and as as long as the court was satisfied that some sort of lewd sexual activity took place er that could be prostitution even if there was not full sexual intercourse er there's a problem here isn't there on the one hand er i'm i'm sure we all recognize there are many different ways of getting sexual gratification er and indeed in relation to youngsters of that sort of age there are many acts which would be considered an indecent assault on a fourteen year old if committed by somebody else but if you move away from the sort of bedrock of sexual intercourse there is a question well what is an act of lewdness for sexual gratification er we seem to be defining the act of prostitution according to er one's motives according to what sort of feelings one has in relation to an act but it does become a bit tricky doesn't it er i i've often puzzled if there's any difference between sexual and other pleasures er pe-, people like to have bodily contact in various ways don't they er and enjoy it and what about rugby players getting involved in a rugby scrum [laughter] er they may or may not get some sort of pleasure from [laughter] just the sort of of closeness and camaraderie and sweat of a rugby scrum er who's to say what i-, if that gratification is in any way different from other types of pleasure to sexual there are people who like to er dress up in nappies and [laughter] er be given er baths by persons who pretend to be nannies and things now er for some reason or other we consider that to be a form of sexual gratification but is it really is it or or is it really just a gratification of some other need it's hard to say isn't it er you know if you go for a an ordinary straightforward massage in order to cure your aching muscles you may find that very enjoyable and relaxing is that i-, is that clearly different from other sorts of behaviour you might commit that er indulge in with a partner which might be identified as sexual it's tricky isn't it er if we have moved away from sexual intercourse er of course we may of course er as as well question well what the l-, what's the law all about er one possible er rationale for the laws relating to prostitution which have been offered er focus very much on the sexual act er one argument sometimes put by er reli-, religious bodies is that er sex is something which should be er indulged in in a a relationship linked to the raising of a family er linked to the er exchange of love between parties and that prostitution degrades that er sort of sacred relationship by putting a price on it they also degrade particular relationships because the effect of having prostitution around may be to tempt one of the parties to a sort of pukka loving relationship to stray and to be disloyal but if the if if the reason for outlawing prostitution focuses on some sort of sacred notion of the sex act then why extend prostitution to other sorts of quasi-sexual behaviour there's a question there isn't there okay let's move on let's er jump fifty years or so to a case called Webb in nineteen-sixty-four er what happened in Webb was that er er there was er an attempt to er entrap er some er people who were running a er massage parlour and er er a p-, police officer went to the massage parlour and er at the massage parlour he was offered er sexual services in the way of masturbation er in the er time-honoured fashion the police officer made his excuses and left [laughter] er but then a a prosecution was brought against the er proprietor of the massage parlour er real-, i-, i-, er for er i think er keeping a brothel and of course you can only keep a brothel we'll look at the offence later on if it's premises where prostitution is practised the big question in the Webb case was you've got premises masturbation for money takes place there does that amount to pros-, to pros-, to prostitution well er obviously on the basis of the case we've already looked at the case of De Monk er it doesn't have to be absolute sex but other acts of lewdness would do and i suppose masturbation's pretty lewd nm1157: okay so so the fact that it that that it was something other than sexual intercourse wasn't a defence in this case the defendants however went a little bit further and they said well er the nature of masturbation is something that the woman does to the man it's not a case of the woman offering her body for acts of sexual gratification er rather er you know it's not the man doing something to her a-, as apparently De Monk it's the man who's passive and she's doing something to the man they suggested that made a difference well er Lord Parker the er Lord Chief Justice and indeed that's what L-C-J means Lord Chief Justice er got rather carried away in dealing with this case he said er [laughter] prostitution includes offering to participate in physical acts of indecency for sexual gratification of men it cannot matter he said whether she whips the man [laughter] or the man whips her it cannot matter et cetera now the funny thing about this is that there was no question of anybody whipping anybody [laughter] so er this little quote i'm afraid er er in-, indicates more about what was going on in good old Lord Parker's mind at the time [laughter] rather than the facts of the case er but again what he's really saying is that er i-, it doesn't matter who does what to whom as long long as there is some sexual act and again that does lead us to to question er what what is what is it about prostitution we don't like er for people who've argued that prostitution is exploitative er i think w-, one of the one of the strands of the argument is that the woman is in some way violated in the act of prostitution for money clearly if if the w-, if the woman does the act to the man there's really no violation of her in that is there er and again we begin to slide away from the the bedrock of of make it be-, it being clear why we er in some way prohibit prostitution well i'll tell you what let me stop there for er a handout dishing out interlude and i'll i'll apo-, apologize to our cameraman namex for er breaking things up is that all right namex nm1157: okay two handouts gone round er the orange and the er yellow the yellow relates to today's lecture there's a a third handout which is called namex Criminal Statutes er instead of dishing those out there's a box of them er that is a white quite thick document there's one by each of the exit doors er if you could grab one as you go out that would be handy and i will put er if anybody doesn't get one i'll put the pile in the law school okay so grab the statutes as you leave right we were talking about the definition of prostitution er the definition has been further considered er in a couple of recent cases er first of all for the case of McFarland in nineteen-ninety-four er this case concerned er somebody who was pretending to be a prostitute in order to obtain money by deception er fairly common that er to to for for women who are involved in prostitution or their accomplices to er use a promise of prostitution as a way of obtaining money from er gullible customers er it's rather a safe er area in which to obtain money of course because er you would need a bit of nerve to go and stand at the st-, counter at the police station and say well er er this bloke met me in a club and said would you m-, like to meet er a girl for a hundred pounds and i said yes and i handed over the money and then nothing happened you know people tend to er not want to admit to the police that they resort to prostitutes er however in this case er i think probably by entrapment er it became apparent that er there was a scam whereby er er a woman er pretended to be offering herself for active prostitution er once she'd obtained money from her customers she would then disappear out of a side door er and no act of no act of sexu-, wo-, whatever would take place er the question arose in this case whether what she did er could be considered an act of prostitution apparently offering herself for sexual services for money even though er there was no intention on her part to carry out such sexual services er the court er said yes this could amount to prostitution and they said er the definition of prostitution refers to a woman who offers sexual services in return for money indeed that terminology had been used in the earlier cases er and they said that er the offer was not dependent upon any intention to carry out the act well i suppose this case is rather puzzling whereas er the sort of simple broad question should this sort of behaviour be criminalized pretending to offer sexual services in order to obtain money er maybe most people would say yes or some people might say well it's the customer's own silly fault but but either way we can see some reason for criminalizing this conduct whether however this conduct should be categorized as er prostitution and criminal on that ground rather than deception er an offence normally seen as protecting personal property is another matter er i think to some extent the court was influenced by er the sorts of offences that may be committed in relation to prostitution er as we shall see er the most visible offence relating to prostitution er relates to loitering or soliciting on the street er and i suppose the court might well have been mindful that er if they said well it's er you're not a prostitute if you never intend to go through with the act might provide a rather easy excuse to women who are picked up loitering or soliciting rather strange if a woman was picked up on the street for this offence and she said oh no oh i'm not going to have sex with these people i'm just trying to rip them off [laughter] er to some extent i think the court may have been influenced in extending the definition of prostitution er by that need to try and prevent an easy loophole or an easy way out er finally er we come to a case called er D-P-P which of course means Director of Public Prosecutions er against Thaw in nineteen-ninety-four er the defendant in this case was a man hanging around trying perhaps to persuade people to have some form of sex with him for money and he was charged with the offence i've just mentioned of loitering or soliciting in a public place for the purpose of prostitution got to the magistrates' court and er the chairman of the bench looked over his spectacles at this person in the dock and said that's not a prostitute that's a man [laughter] case dismissed er well the the prosecutor the s-, Crown prosecutor was rather er rather unhappy about this gone to all the trouble of arresting this person taken a statement all that lot brought them to court got the Crown prosecutor there and the case was chucked out just on the the basis of the defendant's gender so er the c-, the case went to the divisional court that's the case the the the court that hears appeals on questions of law from the magistrates' court er and indeed the divisional court confirmed er that the magistrate had been quite right er the er divisional court looked at the statute er they looked at the report of the Wolfenden committee that had proposed a reformulation of the loitering and soliciting offence and they said that clearly the term common prostitute is supposed to refer to women er and they said it was clearly the intention of the Wolfenden committee who proposed the reformulation of the offence that er it should be the nuisance caused by women er which should be the object of the offence well what could we say about this er i suppose a s-, simple er very crude comment might be er the law seems to more concerned with stereotypes rather than conduct if we go back to my early lectures when we talked about an objective of the of the criminal law to avoid harm er it's true isn't it that if a particular sort of conduct can be said to be harmful in some way it's rarely going to make much difference whether the conduct is committed by a man or a woman er or indeed by any other sort of different categorizations of the human race you might use i mean either the conduct's harmful or it's not and you might say the same about er loitering in the street for prostitution er if loitering in the street or soliciting in the street is something which we as a community don't like to see which we think degrades our public places we find indecent er surely it's going to do so whether or not whether it's a er a woman who who does it or a man or a group of women or a group of men er so that's very strange er why should the law focus on stereotypes well i think it's true historically that er it was the woman who was the object of the law er it's rather interesting that er in the middle of the nineteenth century er there was er an attempt to er deal with some of the problems associated with prostitution er through some acts called the Contagious Diseases Acts very interesting acts er the Contagious Diseases Acts were focused on er naval and army bases and they provided for er women who were found to be er involved in prostitution in the vicinity of naval and army bases they provided for these women to be forcibly taken from the streets to be subject to medical checks for er sexually transmissible diseases er and subject to compulsory cures if they were found to be infected and the law impacted on the women only well er it's rather interesting er the Contagious Diseases Acts were rather controversial and er a commission was set up to look into the operation of the acts and one of the issues which the com-, commission considered was whether the compulsory medical checks should apply to both sides of the prostitution equation er this was quickly dismissed they said well of course you can't do that the men are only er giving bent to quite natural desires er whereas it's the degrading women who are committing the unnatural act of offering themselves for sex so if you like way back in the middle of the nineteenth century we have two very clear stereotypes of the man well who's to blame him you know he's just lumbered with this sort of er sexual desire built into to his nature the woman on the other hand is a depraved person who's exploiting the unfortunate man er and er dragging him into er evil ways and i think it's true historically that er prostitution has focused on the activities of women and not men perhaps we'll return to that next time thanks for coming don't forget to er to pick up your namex statutes as you leave