nf1091: anyway so there was Professor Guillebaud and he was explaining that er the contra-, and see well again he wasn't being terribly well understood because er Humphries had a set of questions he was supposed to ask this unfortunate man and he was going to ask them regardless of what it turned out this guy had actually been saying so it went in the usual way of try the guy's trying to make point A and Humphries is asking question X and there's just no way that point A and question X can be got into the same ballpark and what Guillebaud's great idea was he actually said i mean it's just like doctor speak he is a doctor i might say er he said well you know most people try to be good but they don't always succeed so we're going to try and help them take care of things when they're not being so very good most pe-, we're going to help them be careful was what he was saying and i thought how on earth do you decide that er in order to be good you have to resist the constant pressure to sexual activity in this society in what way is it good to resist it the agenda is actually do it but he's still got the idea that you're good if you don't it's like people who say that the baby was very good when what they mean is the baby was very silent possibly dead [laughter] er which is not my idea of good at all so and there was all of this stuff and he said er that most of the people in the world were born by accident which isn't true either we know the proportion of accidental conceptions more or less from er the endless surveys that women are so good as to supply data for and it's somewhere about it's still too high it's about a quarter i think but it's certainly not all or even most so there was all of this going on and what is his contraceptive of the future his contraceptive of the future is an implant that will be put in adolescent girls so that they won't get pregnant and i just nobody identified this as a gender issue and there's only me in the car shouting [laughter] across Hertfordshire saying why don't you caponize the fucking boys why have you got to caponize the girls why is it always the girls the thing is i kind of know the answer as well because it's the girls who have been programmed to desire sexual intimacy at any cost it's the girls who can't ask for a condom to be used who don't feel sufficiently desirable or in control or anything to be able to er demand or impose conditions to sexual intimacy so i kind of knew the answer but i wanted somebody to say to him er you know have you never heard of chlamydia have you never heard of human papilloma virus do you really not care about herpes in young women er do you consider as a member of the Family Planning Association that you have a duty to protect the fertility of young women so that they have the option of planning a family instead of exposing them to sterilizing disease because of your hidden agenda which is to stop them having any children whatsoever as far as i can see so having failed to identify the extraordinary gender bias in this or however the way in which Guillebaud's attitudes were completely unregenerate er so that it's er and of course who did they put up against him they put up a defender of family values who i may say did not a bad job of defending feminist values er but would have been horrified to have been told that that's what she was doing and she said you know er we're turning these girls into sex objects i thought you might as well s-, you know acknowledge where this notion comes from this is making them and i think that's right i mean it's making them think that their their primary their primary social function is to be involved in penetrative sex that without that they might as well be dead and so and she had a real point and she made her points fairly well i thought er but what was interesting to me is that the people d-, dealing with this issue just could not see the gender aspect of it and yet they want to tell us that feminism has nothing to teach them they were literally and they sa-, if they say feminism is dead i'm prepared to agree because it's dead in their heads there wasn't a fizz there wasn't a button marked gender on their keyboard and so there was no way they could actually understand the the discourse they were having so then we got to and i was asked to be in this ridiculous is feminism dead debate and said that er no [laughter] didn't explain just said no and so it was Kathy Lette instead another gabby Australian gets sat in the hot seat [laugh] and the editor of cosmopol-, [laughter] and the editor of Cosmopolitan said er which is still the best selling women's magazine in England so if feminism is dead we'd better galvanize it and frankenstein it and get it back on the road if that's still the case er so she was saying oh well you know women have achieved all the things they want to achieve more or less and the thing that i can't bear is all this ranting on about men and all this assumption that men are the enemy er and you know it was so terrible in the late sev-, somebody always identifies a time when feminists told you what to do it was and in the late seventies and early eighties it seems is the time when feminists kept telling people what to do [laughter] which i thought was really funny because every time i hear it it's a different set of years apparently we've always been telling people what to do [laughter] and they've never done any of it [laughter] as far as i can see and Kathy Lette was very funny the so that er Kathy was asked are you still kicking and screaming and God bless her she said well i am but then of course she made it entirely a matter of pay inequality er so that the whole dimension of misogyny which is what really preoccupies us the most i think er so that it was all done in the Natasha Walter frame of careers and how we can have it all in a career as if careers are the point which of course they're not the point is a life worth living not a career necessarily so that was that was interesting because Kathy's instincts were all in the right place but it was very apparent to me hurtling along the A-five-o-seven that what was needed was some new slogans and some new awareness of where the the hot spots are where the punto dolente as Italians say where the painful points are er because Kathy wasn't anywhere near angry enough er i mean even though she's well aware of what happens to the birthing woman and what happens to the rearing mother and so forth er that she didn't think that that was part of it because it was already couched in that term and i've already had my say about it was all in in the rhetoric of equality which to me becomes really without substance after a while because it's not even a question of of pay equality there was also there was m-, er other stuff too of course about er mothers and teachers and the child care sector and so on but again not identified as a feminist issue or indeed a gender issue okay so that's my proem now please could i have a question you're all sitting i was going to go like this though [laughter] sf1092: oh right you keep talking about this gap i think you know we've all felt this gap between academic feminism where i think feminism's very very much alive nf1091: mm sf1092: albeit threatened at at points and whatever and popular feminism which seems to be a very different kind of species can you do you see any way of bridging that gap or is it that we all have to frankenstein our discourse i mean how can we get the debates that have been conducted in the academy for the last thirty years somehow into the public realm because the questions of things like the what you've been talking about such as equality and sexual difference have been very much burgeoning debates nf1091: mm-hmm sf1092: within the feminist academy for some time but they don't seem to have made any impact at all on the public if that's a workable distinction nf1091: well i think it is a workable distinction and i think some of the reasons are are very well set out by namex in the stuff that you have written for i can't remem-, the handbook er because it's true that academic feminism has to follow certain models of academic discourse and they are controlling models and they're also debating models so they don't allow much er room for recasting ideas and behaviours they they almost insist upon well they do insist upon a measure of detachment and this comes into conflict with the whole feminist insistence on first person evidence and of what it actually feels like now i mean i would justify what i have done in writing The Whole Woman as an attempt to bridge that gap but also i mean what will actually happen is what happened to me before which is that the academic feminists will ignore me it will be as if the book had never been written and they'll get a lot of their student intake because of the existence of the book but it will not be discussed seriously and in fact i mean it has actually happened in the past it works both ways this gap that what i write is er interpreted by academic feminists as it was interpreted by the tabloid press they take on board the tabloid press caricature of the argument so they they talk about er you know The Female Eunuch being er a sex manual it's not a sex [laughter] manual at all the fact that it's sometimes talked of in that way er is something that you would think that a feminist w-, would be aware of that she'd be sensitized to the possibility of a book that actually claimed that women were sensu-, sexual beings might be interpreted as er a sex handbook or you know a a and er you as i get serialized by people like Cosmopolitan in a way i've deserved it and [laughter] if n-, i mean this was the whole point about the er the interaction with things like Playboy i mean one er Playboy made me journalist of the year which i think is hilarious [laughter] because they were trying to buy respectability all they managed to do was to purchase for me an a certain amount of disrespect or unrespectability so and the same thing is going to happen again i'm horrified by the hype that is going to be given to this book er just because i don't like hype and i just think of myself as a reviewer i would go for the jugular i would read this book looking for all kinds of hypocrisy and self-serving and so forth and everybody else is going to do exactly the same i think or certainly all the people who i would think of as my my native allies will go to town on it which will cause me a good deal of grief but you have to do it because there'd been lots of good books published that had that would have had an effect upon the level of feminist discourse in the public arena but the but the public never read them the public never even knew that they existed they weren't reviewed they weren't foregrounded at all and so here am i you know in bed with The Daily Telegraph which er i can assure you my bed is one place The Daily Telegraph has never been [laughter] er and i cannot read the paper for embarrassment i feel soiled after i've read a Daily Telegraph editorial and there i'm going to be in all my glory er but still er preaching to the unconverted which is a good place to be er i don't get the money from the serialization it's nothing to do with me and i can remember weeping and wailing to David Hare on at an airport that i couldn't i just couldn't bear the thought of March because the book is going to be given away on railway stations they're going to give people chapters to read on the train and he said God can you imagine how happy i would be if that had ever happened to any of my plays don't you [laughter] dare complain but you don't understand i'm going to feel so shafted by the whole thing i spent all of Monday pretending to be myself for a photographer who kept saying shake your fist look angry i thought oh [laughter] [laughter] 'cause they want to have you know the demented picture [laughter] there she goes again rave rave rave well i don't really care all that much they i don't they can they'll i don't know what they'll do we'll see i mean it will be an exercise in in er media manipulation to see how they present this thing but the exciting thing is that the very few people have read it because of the embargo and the exciting thing is people do feel excited by it they feel energized by it and that's really what i'm trying to do i'm trying to galvanize this discourse i'm also trying to make people realize God you know my hysterectomy is a feminist issue it's not just something that happened to me er and that maybe we should start talking maybe instead of all sitting there you know in the outpatients department of the of the national health hospital we should all start talking about what we're actually going through here and just how this ordeal is presented to us as a privilege okay om1093: may i ask a question nf1091: sure om1093: er to the audience would it be all right if i put the camera on the audience if if you're going to be asking a lot of questions is that okay ss: om1093: yeah okay thanks very much nf1091: they're a bit cross because some of them are a bit cross because they didn't get a chance to g-, have their hair done [laughter] i'm even crosser 'cause i had a chance to have my hair done and didn't [laughter] p-, and people say how could you let yourself be photographed i think do you realize these people arrived at ten-thirty in the morning and stayed until seven-thirty at night and i needed to get dog food [laughter] so i had to invent food for the dogs at seven-thirty at night and after a while you just don't care after a while you just they just say stand here do this do that and they made me put on clothes to go out they said wear what you would normally wear in the garden and i said i am wearing what i normally [laughter] wear in the garden they said oh we want you in a long flowing coat i said you're going to tell people i garden in a macintosh [laughter] they're going to think i'm completely mad and i think the aim is to make me look completely mad [laughter] this woman is a New Zealander that may explain it [laughter] so if you see these weird pictures in The Daily Telegraph [laughter] they i think they've been set up in order to be extremely weird okay namex's question next nf1094: no no i'm going to pass nf1091: okay next sf1095: i'm passing as well nf1091: [laughter] oh no sf1096: i haven't really thought about one but i've read Natasha Walter's New Feminism lately nf1091: mm sf1096: which i didn't enjoy at all and also er Fay Weldon's made some quite kind of extreme you know expressed some quite extreme opinions that i've also found quite shocking so in a way is The Whole Woman a kind of reaction against what's happening to feminism in popular nf1091: well yes of course it has to be er i'm i must say i'm puzzled about Fay because Fay wrote you remember The Fat Woman's Joke which was the first really feminist novel and it it predates practically everything and it just appeared chunk this transgressive bad girl book and she's been wonderful ever since until about five years ago when she started saying that feminism had gone too far i just don't see how you could ever say that but if you actually looked about you and saw the f-, the fate whether you look at the world's women whether you look at the feminization of poverty whether you look at reproductive politics whether you wherever you look you will see that women are powerless and this is er to me it's very clear for example that women surge into the parliamentary Labour Party at exactly the moment when power ebbs out of the even the executive into the hands of the oligarchs who've now got a kind of mandate to run it as if as if it was a Chinese government of the twelfth century because somehow people understand that if you if you actually discuss things openly all these mad women i mean God knows what they might say i don't know if anybody does think like that but i think they are very homosocial these people er and they don't re-, and the women that they've got close to them they have extremely difficult relationships with if you think of Clare Short and Mo Mowlam er so it seems to me that instead of saying see see all these women have got into Parliament i mean anybody with half a brain must realize that we have never had such silent back-benchers these back-benchers are mute and we're doing all sorts of insane things without a mandate from the people or from the U-N or from anyone and still this silence er and the three monthly attacks on single mums there are single mums sitting in Parliament what is going on so i didn't understand what Fay was up to but one of my problems as deciding to be the person who stands on this like the Colossus at Rhodes with one foot in the academy and the other foot in the popular media is er that i kee-, i have always to support another woman let alone feminist in a public debate i will not mud wrestle for the media with occasional startling exceptions like when i lost my temper with Suzanne Moore and smacked her about a bit i think senior feminists can clip people round the ears occasionally [laughter] it'll do them nothing but good er [laughter] but so that i can't although i really would like to say to Fay oh i don't doubt at all you know that men are suffering masculinity is a terrible system but why do you think it's women's fault how do you get how do you get your mind round to that position i mean even if you say look women used to support men any man no matter how beaten up by his trade union or by his employer or by the police could rely on a supportive little woman who'd put a hot meal meat and two veg on the table in front of him and tell him he was marvellous er and now she's saying er excuse me but i want something for myself this is the fantasy that that's what's happened i mean a lot of what's happened is women saying listen i've got to go out to work 'cause otherwise we don't pay this mortgage goodbye er your tea's in the oven or y-, indeed your tea's in the freezer er and so that but somehow even if you could say that women have withdrawn their support of men and therefore men are in free fall then it just goes to prove the justice of the women's case that the entire system was resting on their backs they were the tortoises that were holding up the elephant and the tortoises walked away and the elephant has fallen over er and of course it's painful and difficult if that's what's happened but i don't think it's what's happened i think the way in which the argument about men's malaise their suicide attempts their successful suicides their unemployability their level of criminal activity and alcoholism and so on the way this discourse is couched it just ignores factors that are really important like poverty like er unemployment we know that unemployment is a cause of of disease i-, and we know that poverty is a cause of disease but for some reason if we see a disproportionate reaction to a change in fortunes by men we'd sort of look towards women and say that must be your fault which is i mean it's so gratuitous it's amazing and every time you actually deconstruct the language of inculpation of women er you see how gratuitous it is and you also see how it goes from guarded statements to absolute certainty in the course of a single discussion thus didst thou er and i don't understand quite i mean i have occasionally i say darkly that it must be the effect of H-R-T flooding the brain er because Fay is on H-R-T Fay has had a facelift and Fay does have a new husband all these things can be guaranteed to turn a girl's brain i think [laughter] so i'm waiting for her to come to her senses [laughter] and i don't want to have been so terribly rude about her in the interim that i [laughter] can't we can't have any further dealings and as for Natasha Walter i i th-, i think Natasha Walter has no idea what it's all about er th-, that's another thing as well i mean her the there is a conviction in this country that feminist discourse occurs in the newspapers er and that that's it that there er so that Natasha Walter didn't bother to bone up on feminist theory or gender theory er she just sort of wrote about an idea of feminism as a kind of grim puritanical era sometime in the past from which she as a butterfly had just emerged and could s-, go from flower to flower in her her er nice dresses and strappy sandals [laughter] made by child labour in south-east Asia which isn't going to cause her a moment's er malaise or anxiety so yes it w-, i was probably the new feminism that did it because i just couldn't belie-, it was like it was like reading it was like reading the inside of a pumpkin or something it was just a space enclosed by words there was nothing there that i could recognize not about the lives of my god-daughters or my nieces or my sister or my mother or it was all conducted in the Groucho as far as i could see sf1097: yeah er my my question er you've referred to transsexuals a few times nf1091: mm sf1097: during these sessions and i wondered if you could say a bit more about your general view on transsexuality nf1091: well perhaps i should i-, i thought that i might have in fact given this last lecture on sexuality er all of this is such a difficult area for feminist academic and other because of the ambiguity between ideas of gender sex and sexuality and sexual orientation it all becomes a tremendous muddle and this is partly because of a really wrong habit of thought again a tabloid idea that er w-, s-, women who love their own sex are masculine that they're an intermediate sex somewhere and that men who love their own sex are feminine they've become an intermediate sex as well now i think that's wrong i think er homosociality and homosexuality are extreme forms of the cultural entity call-, that i call masculinity they're actually hypermasculine there's not they're not gender free they're actually gender intensive and they in the case of male homosexuality gender relationships are acted out in a very power oriented way now i take the Dworkin line although you've got to be very careful with this 'cause it alienates people very quickly that penetrative sex is a power relationship that that's part of its grammar er and you can't until we actually completely transform relationships you can't get rid of that that's there it's right inside the idea as long as you can say to somebody you don't like get fucked or bugger you you're actually endorsing this destructive view of penetrative sex er and i don't think that penetrative sex can redeem itself from this association it's too closely bound up so if i take wo-, women lovers of their own sex it they're seems to me they're not part of a raw sharp lot with homosexu-, male homosexuality in fact it's always struck me as a really difficult relationship between male homosexuality and if i may use the term female homosexuality they just don't match they don't even have the same view of relationships they don't have the same set of priorities it's a very awkward relationship but it's typical of women that they would actually work harder for H-I-V and AIDS than they do say for cervical cancer they're very willing to understand what is in fact in large it's actually a very strong expression of misogyny but we pardon homosexual misogyny or we ignore it or we don't understand the profoundly nuanced nature of the kind of relationship that we have with the homosexual er s-, er stylists you know the lifestyle theorists but all of this is really for me difficult and interesting because as i say in my book i haven't given up hope of meeting the woman of my dreams and loving as i have never loved before because if i look at the story of so many gay women they have actually been through real transformations to become active as gay women whereas a homosexual man is more likely to be out very young and t-, if he's in the closet to be er faking heterosexual life women tend to have actually lived heterosexual life and then to make a choice or some essentialists would say that the real her has come out i think that the real her connects the two things the heterosexual her and the homosexual her er that she h-, and she may have changed indeed she may have grown up in the sense that she has finally rejected the patriarchal paradigm wanting to love her father and she is now loving someone of her own generation she has at last come into spiritual equality and equilibrium with herself i don't think these things are innate i do think they are cultural i think looking for differences in the cochlea or the you know the anterior something or other fissure of the corpus cavernosum and so on that all this is fascist nonsense er and we have the right to be gay and the possibility of being gay as women with men it's slightly different because there is such an extraordinary set of power relationships revolving within gay culture itself er so this then brings me to the whole question of transsexuals now if we think about my gay friends my gay friends get terrib-, men i mean get terribly angry about transsexuals they say they're just gay men who can't come to terms with the fact that they're gay and they have and and that they desire men sexually so they have to have themselves mutilated and make themselves into fake women this is a very hard view er but i don't think it should be automatically discounted because for me the core of this is in the mutilation of the body as i've said to you i i take the body as a repository of feminist value because we build it the things you see around you have all been built out of one out of a woman's bodily substance whether they're male or female or tattooed or pierced or transsexual or whatever er and that all the things that technology does to them are in some ways an attempt to prise to prise away the maternal principle and to devalue the maternal principle er the patriarchy although we're being told we've got equality what i think has happened at as we approach the millennium is that patriarchy is triumphant and it is triumphant in the sense that it has managed to bleed all the meaning out of maternity we don't have matriarchy so there's no point my even using the term it's managed to bleed the significance out of it to criminalize it and marginalize it as a kind of survival kind of evolutionary survival that we can improve upon we can improve upon it with er forced contraception for fourteen year olds er we can i-, we'll make them sterile even though they're not you know we'll keep them like that and ma-, and they'll be totally in our power totally dependent on us then when they come to bear children we'll first of all we'll vet them then we'll genetically counsel them and then we'll scan them and so they go on all the time and what is being borne in on them is that their bodies are unsatisfactory that without the technology they don't function at all so it's become really important for me to say they do they s-, they function better than any of the substitutions that all the effects of the technology are dubious now one of the most crucial points is this one of treating o-, of in first of all of arriving at a malady called gender dysphoria now i reckon all women suffer from gender dysphoria but the problem isn't in as it were their sex it is in the construction of gender that denies so many aspects of their corporeal reality that the problem is not the body the problem is the gender and i would say that for casualties of the masculinizing system the same thing is true that what they should be doing is revolutionizing masculinity rather than attacking the body and destroying it destroying healthy tissue sf1097: can i just say what what partly what is your opinion of female to male transsexuals nf1091: isn't it it's very interesting again there's a terrific contrast if you look in any phone booth in Soho you will see that half the people working as prostitutes in Soho are transsexual male to female transsexual there is not a single one there who is female to male a female to male transsexual does not call attention to her own state one of the interesting dialogues that goes on with male to female transsexuals is that they demand the right to describe their condition but they won't let anybody else mention it there's this sort of tremendous censorship you have to pretend that you haven't noticed anything and then they get a chance to tell you and to give you their text about it female to male very few phalloplasties very very few the the the operation really doesn't work and one of the things the surgeons say to women presenting for phalloplasty is that they may never have an orgasm again because of course it destroys the structures of the clitoris er so you've actually got a group of people first of all very many fewer than the men and the other thing is they nearly all have some adrenal dysfunction so that they are actually physically intersexual usually they have polycystic ovarian syndrome so they're short of oestrogen so that already they are masculinized and probably sterile if they have these adrenal condition sf1097: now how do you know that though nf1091: because they're all sf1097: how do you how do you know they're syndromes nf1091: well there's endless papers written on it there are some people who work on nothing else and they're forever i mean they publish hundreds of papers on vulvovaginoplasty sf1097: i mean i'm i'm i mean i would be fairly sceptical sceptical about that really 'cause i would want to know how many female to male transsexuals they er did tests on to find that information out i mean i would like i mean i would like to place a bet that there would be more female to male transsexuals that have no er you know no no such physicalities really nf1091: well we can only talk about the ones who actually put themselves in the hands of the of the medical establishment who are actually seeking surgery sf1097: mm nf1091: about e-, er other groups we know nothing sf1097: mm nf1091: er but it's also interesting that er what male to fe-, what female to male transsexuals most want is to be able to pass as men in the sense for example they're very anxious about being able to urinate standing up that's one of their reasons for coming for some form of of genital surgery er but the the other thing is that er they're very much less exhibitionist too and one it would seem very much less sexually active they're completely contrasting group and their problems and their ways of defining them are very different now there are there are the people like Mark who has written his story er but they are very rare whereas the er male to female transsexuals who have told their story er publicly are very common sf1097: mm nf1091: and you see there's lots the the research is awful the if you really want to give yourself a a nasty turn all you need to do is have a look at the Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery to look at what they're constructing as vaginas and they make you feel absolutely giddy er and then er nowadays of course they're diag-, they're diagnosing now think about this from your own position if it was a child of yours they're diagnosing gender dysphoria in sixteen year olds and putting them on hormones as a preparation for surgery and they're carrying out surgery younger and younger i mean at a certain point i think we have to stop and say no hang on surgery is not the treatment for this problem what you're creating you're actually destroying this person's fertility the papers are very odd i mean the papers say things like there is no higher index of psychiatric disorder after surgery than there was before but that's all they can say they can't say they cured anything you see and there's been lots of there's lots and lots of research Johns Hopkins have published several papers on their single operation er paradigm for sex change er which has turned out to be something like three-point-five operations they're difficult operations to do and they're not justified on health grounds they're not therapeutic unless you really believe that there's something called gender dysphoria and unless you believe that er creating a sterile female in place of a fertile male is the treatment for gender dysphoria in ordinary hippocratic terms it really shouldn't be er and then of course they make things really complicated by making no distinction between transvestites and transsexuals or between the sorts of transsexuals who work in the sex industry in Latin countries who have breasts and have hips that are pumped up with silicone oil and also have penises and are expected to bugger their clients i mean the whole thing is a nightmare but in terms of intellectual respectability the whole field i think is pretty pretty crummy and then there's the other aspect which is when somebody like Janice Raymond writes seriously and thoughtfully about it the er People For Change web site says things like er she had better invest in flameproof underpants i don't think that that bears out their case very well i mean it's so sadistic and so genitally fixated when it comes to thinking of a punishment for a woman who's spoken out of turn i think it indicates that certain things haven't changed at all so i think this is m-, my own feeling about all the sex change operations that are happening now and you have to understand that there's a pathology attached to them as well they're terribly expensive they are part of a polyoperational syndrome because it's not enough to have vulvovaginoplasty you then have er breasts chin reduction nose reduction a nose job is said to be more important in a sex change m-, male to female than the phalloplasty because it's what changes the contour of the face you can have your cheeks plumped out you have your hairline electronically altered you have h-, fifty sixty sessions of el-, electrolysis and a lot of people work in the sex industry because they're trying to pay the cost of all these operations so in terms of of the ordinary therapeutic discourse it's time someone took a really hard look at what is being done to these people er and i see them as victims of the same system of gender injustice that affects every woman who has to think about her body in this same u-, distrustful way and who is encouraged to think of it as something that surgery could fix you know what i've got i've got heavy bleeding get it out you know the whole cut me open and i'll be better idea which is something i think that we've we're losing the battle against i mean one in f-, one out of every two women in California will be buried without her womb it will have gone west somewhere along the line and it's i think it's all part of the same thing that the problem is about current pieties there's a you can't say this is pathological behaviour stop and look at what you're doing stop and think and the the five Dutch doctors who make the prettiest vaginas that is to say the least horrifying ones are gods and they're all need i tell you male so it's a tricky discourse i know and i'll get hate mail but there's nothing new about that [laughter] sf1098: well i have problems with women i have [laugh] problems with this notion that that there's there's some kind of natural woman who exists the the womb thing 'cause you you've brought your your er publicity material i understand is that right nf1091: no i didn't sf1098: nf1091: we have got it here today they're here sf1098: yeah that's what i said nf1091: they've just come today [laughter] yeah sf1098: 'cause i i mean i'm not sure what kind of message we're sending out especially if we're thinking about generational difference and such like if we're locating women as some kind of natural womb carrier and that's what we're are that's where we're located so maybe you'd like to talk a bit about that is that the political stand that we need to take is that the box that we stand on to place ourselves in the world nf1091: well now this is what the first talk i gave was really about er the whole problem about what a woman is er i mean there's there's really difficult problems for feminists all along this parameter er men are able to say they exist as the sort of generic human being we are it er but in fact it turns out that men define themselves as people with penises and we have found this out because of what happens at the level of boys born with insufficient evidence of presence of a penis they get surgically changed into women so i have to reject the definition i think of a woman as a person without a penis er i am not just a non-man this is why we rejected the term woman or tried to er what i try to say is look the X-X chromosome is the the whole one the X-Y chromosome is the damaged one i mean every biologist knows that er sf1099: but it's not as simple as that is it we're not just X-X or X-Y we're X- X-X-Y X-X-X-Y Y-X or i don't know nf1091: well not very many of us it's sf1099: i think a lot of people are nf1091: but but i think oh well that's not true sf1099: but nf1091: er but it is sf1097: we're not tested are we we're not all tested sf1099: but you rely a lot on science this is what one of the things that bothers me is you rely a lot on science knowledge that nf1091: well sf1099: that can well my friend the scientist comes in a lot and tells me that this is right and this is wrong so we have a kind of good science that follows the stories we like and a bad science that follows the stories we don't like well we all do that we're selective about what we pick nf1091: mm sf1099: so you kind of you seem to me to want to have the authority of the argument but throw away the products of it except in those cases where it's easily fitted into a kind of division that's maintained there are men on this side and women on this side men have willies and women have wombs and that's it and that's what people are nf1091: but i didn't but i didn't s-, actually say that what i actually said there's lots of women are still women and don't have uteruses sf1099: and you can't oppose a uterus against a penis like you were to a yeah and i want to i want to kind of foreground this body instead of this body but doesn't that just kind of lock us in that conflict all the time how are we going to escape it nf1091: well i don't think we can you see i think the conflict is a real one er it'd be nice we've we've talked about the world as if it's post-gender but actually it's not and er tricking us into talking about it as if it were means that we there's no way we can defend our own interest we have to agree that there is no interest so if i point out to you that the womb is actually a locus of misogyny that it is e-, women's own misogyny is expressed through their attitude towards their wombs and appendages then that seems to me a point that has to be made that it interests me that women have no imagery of themselves as potently sexed creatures that they are being presented to themselves as if they had in their if you think of Barbie Barbie has no genitals at all i'm told that Ken has something he has a bulge of [laughter] some sort er Barbie has these peculiar tits i've met my i met two Barbie dolls on Monday Tuesday whenever er and very strange they are too i i'm amazed that you can't stand them up [laughter] they've got to be carried at all times er so [laughter] no i don't i don't want to i don't want to say that you are your womb but on the other hand i don't want to say that women are not real you see it seems to me that as long as femaleness was a marker for inferiority it was recognized when we said femaleness is not a marker for inferiority er then it was denied okay you don't want to be a marker for inferiority you needn't exist at all we'll have men and we'll have non-gendered people we'll have men and we'll have this big grab bag in which we put all the other people who aren't us and we won't trouble our heads too much about whether they're genetically or er chromosomally intersexual or not that's all unimportant we don't care now i realize what i realize the essentialist risk in this discourse but it seems to me that even if you're a if you're a girl born without a womb then this is a partic-, is is a a destiny and this is you're a female a wombless female just as a boy born without a penis is a penisless male somewhere along the line if i'm to protect my subject at all i have to say that i consist in something and what i arrived at was this notion of X-X chromosome now there are there are lots of interesting things about it i was fascinated to see that all the first I-V-F babies were girls and they did seem to be very much more viable than boys at that level there is a big difference in being a creature that is organized to nourish other creatures and a creature that isn't there's a huge contrast there er i don't like the the sociobiological arguments that say that all men are in reproductive competition therefore they're going to be promiscuous and therefore they're going to be warlike and so forth as these strike me as being very oversimplified and i don't want to apply them at that level but then i do have to look at how women live and how for example homosociality is not possible for women because they bring up boys they live they're the ones who live in an enforcibly heterosexual environment whereas men choose a homos-, a homosocial environment so i see i'm i'm very well aware of that danger but it's because i think women are being oppressed through their female bodies and through the denial of those bodies and that is still that was the argument of The Female Eunuch you see er what i say in this book goes further in the sense that i say look femininity is better done by transsexuals they're more feminine than we are they've got what you want they've got no hips you've decided that hips are disgusting er and they've got hard breasts you've decided that soft breasts are ridiculous you see when you hear i hear my god-children saying you know i ran along the beach the other day and the boys were all laughing because they said my breasts slopped up and down this is a sixteen year old because Baywatch tits don't slop up and down they stay firmly anchored on the ribcage so you've got to say to her y-, y-, what i need to do it's part of my crusade is to reinvest that body that leaky incontinent smelly hairy hippy body with beauty grace and dignity because the price of post-gendering it so that Dana International is more beautiful than any woman built woman in the world is being paid by our children and i am horrified at the misery of little girls which is much worse than anything that it wh-, that it was thirty years ago we have a report from again a gen-, a a gender issue that wasn't dealt with in this morning's news the report that te-, er twenty per cent of children are suffering mental disease of one sort or another and ten per cent of them are in need of clinical help what are the diseases they're suffering from depression and anorexia you know the figures girls more likely than boys by nine to one to suffer from anorexia and four times more likely to suffer from depression that was a gender issue but it was presented as this post-gender er category of of sf1099: it's also a class issue also a class issue and a race issue as well isn't it nf1091: sure sf1099: the the there's the there's always the problem when you take a political stand which universalizes that a good proportion of the people probably the majority of people speaking don't fall into the category that you're trying to attract you're trying to address you know nf1091: i'm not i'm not very worried about that i mean sf1099: well you know that er i think it's one in twenty-two if we're going to use statistics one in two-hundred-and-twenty-two girls in a comprehensive school are likely to be anorexic one in fifteen in a private school one in fourteen if they go to a dance school it's very culturally defined nf1091: you know i don't agree with that figure i gave prizes in a state school sf1099: mm nf1091: three weeks ago and two-thirds of the girls in the top er at the top A er level of the er of A-levels so ones who got starred As and so on two-thirds of them were emaciated sf1099: mm i've i mean you can you can bandy figures from personal experience nf1091: mm sf1099: well i'm just saying it's probably not as not as straightforward as simply saying well we're there are women and we're like this nf1091: i'm well aware of that sf1099: and a nf1091: but the point is if you that my argument is about gender i am not qualified to to to take the race issue on for example sf1099: why nf1091: because i'd have to argue it from the point of view of of a white woman and that and racism is not my problem sf1102: s-, it's everybody's problem sf1103: nf1091: well but you under-, what you understand the meaning of what i'm saying here sf1099: no i don't nf1091: well look you could i-, it's it's this is the sort of thing that happens to feminists all the time you know i'll be asked why i'm not writing it from a vegetarian point of view and why i'm not writing it from a green point of view and why i'm not writ-, because that's not what i'm writing about i'm actually writing about gender here because i think gender's an important issue and i think this the presumption of post-gender gender freeness is simply denial of femaleness and denial of all kinds of female functions sf1099: mm nf1091: so you know now we don't have mothers we have parents except that when you look at those parents they turn out to be mothers isn't that strange and it goes on like this all the time you know er now we talk about the nursing profession as if it was unisex very interesting the nursing profession you know the complaints against nurses are up by five-hundred per cent or something and n-, fifty per cent of the complaints are against male nurses likewise if you actually look at although they're only one in seven of the intake or something like that if you look at who sits on the boards and who speaks for nurses they're disproportionately now male er we cannot presume a post-gender world sf1099: i don't nf1091: we don't have one well neither do i and and what i've actually written about is the disguised gender issue to be sure this is not to deny that other issues exist but i can't one of the things that's happened to feminism is that it fights on all fronts at once so you find sf1099: because you can't fight on a single front any more because the it's shifted nf1091: mm well sf1099: that ca-, nf1091: i'm going to have a pretty good go with this book sf1099: mm nf1091: that's what this book is doing it's not all books it's not the only book sf1099: mm nf1091: it's not your book so go ahead and write your book and i shall read it with interest sf1099: okay nf1091: but in this case this is the argument i'm making because i think people are just being blind about gender they are they're taking the easy way out they're denying gen-, the gender aspect of of situations that actually cause women visceral pain and physical harm so this is where i go right back to stand on my own flat buniony female feet saying we are real we are here and we are hurting and we are hurting because of the attitude you take to the aspects of our reality that you find revolting and i'm going to push them in your face so that every girl with a big bum out there suddenly feels that maybe there is a battle she could join instead of feeling that she's got to keep herself a-, out of all human contact whatsoever and that may sound excessive but i do know of at least one case of a girl who wouldn't come out of her room because of the breadth of her hips about which she could do nothing didn't matter if she starved herself to death she still had hip bones which are anathema okay another question sf1104: i haven't got one nf1091: no sf1105: i ha-, i can't think of a good enough one but i keep thinking about the fact that when you talk about young women and and i keep going back a bit further and thinking about young people in infant playgrounds and about how they play and how all what what you've talked about today is so set in by then all the behaviours and all what's happening and all the stuff that you're talking about young girls it it's happening much earlier as well and i wonder what you think about that and how come you know how come it's you know you're talking to fo-, five and six year old girls will say all this stuff you know who relate to Barbie dolls boys relate to violent Ken dolls nf1091: mm sf1105: i mean it's so powerful er and scary nf1091: and i'm belong to the generation of women who tried to bring their children up without any gender streaming at all so that my god-child who was born in my house always wore trousers never had a doll sf1105: mm nf1091: mind you every time her grandmother came to see us she said how terrible the poor little thing hasn't got a doll and i said well she's got a rabbit it's much more interesting than a doll and in the end it became a question of her civil rights and so the doll appeared there was a very funny moment because i found the doll soaking wet at the foot of the stairs with no clothes on and i said i found myself saying oh namex look at poor [laughter] so i just picked up dolly and sort of got her off the stairs and thought that was a close shave [laughter] and little namex when she fell over er if she cried we did-, didn't react much but if she was very brave we reacted so we got to the stage where poor old namex would fall over and go [gasp] hup come on namex [gasp] hup and i think oh namex i'm sorry you are allowed to cry but it was it was really hard and i'm we failed completely because the peer group er culture was so strong and then you think about at what we're coming up to Valentine's Day just have a look at the cultural aspic of Valentine's Day of infantilized women and silly fetishistic toy talk and so on where did it come from they didn't learn it in school er they learned it from the ambient culture which means more to them than school or parents er and then but then there's the other thing i mean i've mentioned this a few times because it i'm so struck by it the numbers of studies that have been done on the behaviour of w-, mothers with children according to their perception of the gender of the child so they're given a bundle they're told it's a boy and they actually treat it quite differently than they would treat the same bundle if they were told that it was a girl and you know this business of being gender blind one of the things that always cracks me up about vet programmes is the first thing they find out about an animal when it comes into the surgery is whether it's a little boy or a little girl and then they mir-, they meticulously call it her and him when they might just as well call it it because somewhere out there the great public has communicated that they don't like itifying animals that the animals have got to be gendered which as they are not gendered in their social behaviour to anything like the same extent that humans are if you think of cats male and female they don't sort of have sharply contrasting behaviours er it's it's kind of weird it it's reminding you that gender consciousness is not something that can be outlawed if you outlaw it it gets stronger it doesn't get weaker but i am interested too i mean at at what stage is it true i-, is it still true that mothers breastfeed crying boy babies in inverted commas if they think they're boy babies more readily than they breastfeed girls breastfeed them for longer interpret all utterances by the child as utterances for food and subconsciously or consciously expect girls to wait longer and to feed less can this be true and if it's true where the hell did it come from because most of us only have one- point-four babies or whatever it is we don't get a chance to actually form ideas of how boy babies might be different from girl babies but then people who do have both will tell you that they're different from the very beginning but i'd i mean i would be sufficiently post-gender to not believe that that you would have lusty demanding girls who fed robustly but i wish i had a shilling for every time a breastfeeding mother has told me that her girl doesn't feed properly and fiddles about and wastes time and so on and we've got we would have to do a lot more work to find out how that all happens er and i'm not too sure that i want a lot more of this scrutiny in the sense that it's a it's an oppression for the people taking part in it but it looks as if gender typing happens at a very vulnerable stage but you see the other thing is that now we're being told mothers having become a thing called the uterine environment intersexuality is now our fault because we're flooding the fetus with sex hormones in utero and affecting development so if we have feminized boys it's 'cause we produced the wrong juice in utero which is er it's all entirely speculative so who knows it's certainly true that boys are more violent in playschool and hit little girls over the head with instruments pick things they seem to think that the the purpose of anything remotely stick- shaped is to hit somebody with er some little girls are like that but really not very many so i think we will find that there are some residues but we're in terms of talking about cultural behaviour we're a long way from those residues so i don't think we need to cons-, to convince ourselves that they're immutable next sf1100: er i'm interested in what you started off talking about about the Radio Four about teenage conceptions i was just wondering er put in its kind of wider context it seems to me that er the situation where the rate of teenage mothers can actually have dropped off in the last twenty-five years and has actually come down to some extent but seems to be to me er seems to be a real focus on one point right at the moment just in the last week or so er and generally sort of during i was wondering whether whether you agreed with that or you've got your s-, whether that had changed at all er would you so do you have any comments on that nf1091: the whole thing i think is terribly painful there is so much suffering involved in all of these i really could not believe that anybody even Jack Straw could start talking about pressuring young women to giving up their children which is what he was actually talking about now one of the reasons i can't believe this is that after the Australian Aborigines mounted their great attack on the Australian on Australian society for taking their children away because they were considered unfit parents because they were inverted commas savages that after the Aborigines did that for us all the young the women who had given away babies in their teens in Australia suddenly realized that in the Salvation Army which was the worst offender and the other religious homes they had never been given the option of going it alone even though state support existed for unsupported mums they weren't told about what was available they were simply given the impression that they'd be unemployable unhousable destitute in the gutter with their children and so with the usual anguish they gave their children up so they could go back and work they are now demanding or they have demanded and got but it's typical they didn't ask for compensation they have demanded and got an apology in Australia this same Natural Parents Association notice they've degendered their own name have come to England to do the same thing for the English women who were forced to give up children thirty forty years ago er and they've just begun their campaign and in the middle of the beginning of this strong campaign which is really the mothers wanting to say to the children they gave up we loved you we would have kept you if we could which is why they do it i mean they're not doing it 'cause they want to be their heartache to be paid for er they actually want their children to know which i think is a very typical sort of attitude and in the middle of this they started it a month ago or something and Jack Straw stands up and says we're going to make the same mistake all over again because we think most teenage girls can't cope with children well h-, where where where's the evidence well the evidence is you know we have children in care we don't want to take them into care yes we don't want you to take them into care either because you bugger them all the time for Christ's sake er amazing stuff and the they're they're now telling us they're worried about children in care but they're worried about children with their natural mothers even more i mean it's just so wrong-headed it's unbelievable but it's it's part of this attempt to assuage middle class consciousness that er this new government is not going to be easy on crime and the causes of crime which are of course poverty are they going to let poverty get even worse [laughter] and the disaffection and grief and misery it's i i couldn't believe it i was astonished i mean i just wished they'd say that er they'd earmark a significant portion of the revenues for the support of mothers married or otherwise er if we don't do that we're going to have a a society composed entirely of poor children which is just stupid because poor children cannot cope in a society which requires such a high level of education and preparation even to exist to survive so and they talk about social exclusion and at the same time they're actually they've actually invented it as a concept there's no such thing as social inclusion society is people but they've decided that there's society and then there's excluded people ah it's it's all s-, i think it's all done in such bad faith it is so cynical so manipulative of the electorate i'm ashamed of this Labour Party nf1091: i've always found it really interesting that at the time when the family the elder generation starts to fall apart the burden naturally falls on the shoulders of the menopausal female the older sister or whatever the daughter and then at a very difficult time in her own life when she's having to come to terms with the endings of things and er and no new beginnings she's also having to embark on this stressful business of shepherding her parents carefully and comfortably out of the world if that's what she can do and there's an aspect of this which i find very interesting and i h-, i daren't discuss it in a loud voice because it's going to cause a bit of a sh-, scandal that in those cases that i know of where a sick parent has agreed that she wishes to end her life er she has chosen her daughter as her accomplice and that part of the battle between the doctors who now want to take it over and do it is actually again a concealed sort of gender battle we can't just it's like women controlling the birthplace and then suddenly says well Christ they're also controlling the deathplace we can't have that get in there get in there now we should be deciding when these people end their lives we can't just have this you know saving up your your narcotics for the big bang and and your daughter coming and holding you in her arms and n-, and so whatever it is that you've decided to do so there's this you daren't talk about this of course it'll be a tremendous fuss if i did but i find it very interesting and i it's terribly hard to find out about because like so much of what women do like abortion used to be we don't talk about it a daughter who has just killed her mother is not going to sit on the bus stop and say oh by the way last week i knocked my mother off i mean it's [laughter] you hear about it in very privileged circumstances and it's a very privileged discourse so i'm thinking as i always think because this is why i write at all women don't know that what's happening to them is happening to everybody else so they have a Caesarean and you say why did you have a Caesarean and they say oh well the baby was labouring and blah blah blah and so forth and i'd been in labour for two-and-a-half hours and whatever and you say oh really er and she believes that her her Caesarean is totally necessary and then you look at the figures and realize they can't be totally necessary how can the healthiest women in the world be needing so many Caesareans so you have to go back but the statistics can never be made to fit cases and everybody takes advantage of that gap and the same thing is happening now i think with the question of women in the deathplace so that we haven't even realized that maybe there is a relationship and a function to be protected here like there was in the case of abortion er it is still interesting to me how much of our lives is secret from other women even other women who are quite close to us and that we still haven't managed to foreground this er and if we did it would be transgressive just like black culture we they would decide that what we had been doing was transgressive and we couldn't do it any more er and if you actually if you then think ab-, of the nanny crisis in terms of this what are we what are we saying about the nannies not that parents kill children much much much more often than nannies do that is amazingly rare we're saying we want more system of control of nannies we want nannies to be X-rayed fingerprinted tattooed you know we want to be able to track them day and night we want closed-circuit television on these murdering nannies just think they're bec-, and what actually that all means is that the issue is control women are to be controlled any way that we can and we will put them through one system of control after another but most of that control in the late twentieth century is directed at the female body which is transgressive in essence and this is my argument okay well we've got lots more time if you want to sf1101: i wanted er nf1091: or are you getting hungry yet what is it in my i'm probably i've been given this watch sf1106: quarter past one nf1091: quarter that's what i thought it hasn't got proper numbers on it so i sometimes get it wrong [laughter] sf1106: well i'll just say i i i er agreed with some of what you were saying about er children and single mothers er wholeheartedly and i think it's very contradicting that on the one hand children get constructed as a private er a private space a private cost a private benefit if you like when actually i think they are they have to be of social consequence of social benefit but then that isn't very telling because the state intervenes in all sorts of interesting ways and of course we know that it doesn't intervene with all parents in the same way so that there are class issues and race issues and et cetera i think i had a question which came out of your first talk er and it it might just be a too big a question i don't know i i understood you to be saying that that you would like to keep the sex-gender binary and that er what happened with kind of a a Judith Butler take on that is there's a confusion between sex and sexuality but you didn't have a chance to to go into that and i wondered if you wanted to pursue it er i mean yeah [laughter] nf1091: well i mean in a gen-, my idea is and has always been and may one of these days be seen as immensely archaic er that there is a thing called male and there's a thing called female there's the strip in between which m-, may or may not be highly populated or not but what i-, is extrapolated from both these things is masculinity as a cultural entity on the one hand and femininity as a cultural entity on the other er and neither of these has to do with er the way you express your sexuality which is a a separate question er they have to do with the way that you perceive your they have to do with the cultural structures in which your life makes sense to you so that the m-, the male cultural structure is one which is er hierarchical er which is has a number of cementing and bonding mechanisms and that are not well understood by people outside or even necessarily by people inside but the people notice you know that men er joke all the time rather than speaking seriously that they don't really confide they don't have real conversations er and that they share certain kinds of transgressive behaviour er and that they are very quick to create leaders and then to line up behind leaders and then to compete for positions of greater closeness to leaders or indeed to replace leaders and so on and so forth and that they're capable of building these structures in all sorts of circumstances in prisons in the street in playhouses in in er nursery school and so on but this these tendencies agglomerating tendencies of men men in groups are important i mean this has been argued for a long time that feminists needed to understand them to defend themselves er because they have ways of dealing with marauders that we still haven't quite understood so they reform and regroup in e-, ever more arcane locations er where the problem about being women is we don't have those structures we've never had them historically that and so i argued that maybe we should look at segregated societies to see how women construct er how they make social cohesion within the female group or indeed if they make it may be that they don't but i think they do and they do around the figure of a senior woman and so on er but when i mean the connection with sexuality is is one that has that that has to be made i think with er delicacy because of this habit of thought that takes transgressive forms of sexual expression by which i mean not the regulation heterosex er as indications of transsexuality or transgenderism when they're not indications of anything at all er of anything of the kind i should say they're actually expressions of relationship er which make themselves new all the time or one would hope that they did but the whole idea of being you know a sort of cyberborg or something and suddenly being a machine rather than a body this is presented occasionally as a desirable outcome i don't find it desirable at all but i may very well be in a huge minority there may be lots of women looking forward to being cyberborgs cyborgs but i am what i in what particular aspect of this travailed relationship are you interested sf1106: well i i mean i don't know the debate terribly well but it just it wasn't something that i remember thinking while i was reading that so i just wanted to hear a bit more and i think i've got and i also got from namex's question some of the stuff that you were saying then i think i can see some of the connections nf1091: yeah i mean it's a problem for me i don't want to see women defined as wombs but i don't want to see the womb denied all the time either because i really think there's an attack on it er and it's exp-, there has been for hundreds of years that it's a dark region like Africa and they want to colonize it they want to get it under control and the result is going to be something like Africa you know an absolute er social disaster from the point of view of the people struggling to live there what with you know social dislocation outwork prostitution AIDS the whole thing i mean that they've got the same attitude to the unseen part of women that they're busily denying that it's there and i've i am cynical enough to think that at such time as they they can grow babies outside the uterus they will and that when they do that there'll be even less reason for women to exist and they won't put up with our changeability or they've already criminalized the menstrual cycle i mean i don't even talk about this in my book at all er but it's very remarkable to me how that has happened so that everybody i mean people this high know about something called P-M-T and that have to tell you that your behaviour which they disapprove of is actually mediated by your menstrual status i mean that's a very obvious case they don't un-, they've never understood the well woman they don't know even know what menstruation is for and it's just now people are beginning to say that maybe it's to protect the sloughing womb from infection maybe menstrual blood has a naturally disinfectant function so instead of being filth that's being sloughed off it's actually the cleansing medium all of these words don't mean a lot all you have to do is flip a switch and think about it that way but remember that i'm still the feminist who's being s-, sneered at because i read in the Guardian i told women i told women to drink their menstrual blood [laughter] and said that if they if they didn't do it they weren't feminists [laughter] what i [laugh] what i actually said was if the idea of tasting your menstrual blood makes you sick then you've got a long way to go because it's just one of the expressions of body hatred that women have to deal with and we are encouraged to think of menstrual blood as excretion and it's so disgusting it's as disgusting as shit you know you sell toilet paper and babies' nappies and women's sanitary napkins by pouring blue water on them [laughter] my i don't have blue water [laughter] i don't know about you but it to me it's really interesting and when the P-M-T you the P-M-T discourse is very is about is quite a lot later than The Female Eunuch and i can remember thinking oh my God not knowing whether to laugh or cry i mean here we are trying to trying to understand the cycle trying to understand m-, m-, as it's an aspect of health how does it work i mean we're in the same position as a motor mechanic who d-, had no idea of how the internal combustion engine worked we're sort of looking at our bodies and as we didn't know how they went we didn't know when there was anything wrong with them and so this is the discourse that developed around menstruation we didn't know what it was for so we were forever finding it disorders involved in it and blaming it for things that i think probably it had very little to do with and then feminists began saying well maybe menstruation is problematic because of women's problematic attitudes to menstruation which have been culturally mediated so then you have to ask you know h-, oh hang on in societies where there's segregation for menstruating women maybe they've got really bad P-M-T in them because menstruation is so unclean doesn't follow necessarily because it also gives you a source of power and if you're working as an unpaid kitchen menial for twenty-eight for twenty-three days a month and spending five days in the company of other women because you're menstruating it may be a holiday it may be the nicest time of the month for you and you also might be damn glad to see it because you weren't necessarily going to be pregnant for the next nine months and so on er we're still when if you think about the whole business of our understanding of menstruation we're still very little better off than we were thirty years ago because although we keep being told that everyone's interested in the well woman they're not interested in the well woman at all the well woman hardly exists as an idea i'm going to close now because i can see people are getting a bit weary but i want to tell you a story of what happened yesterday this is a real namex story it's very funny i was going to the supermarket and i always park in the chemist's car park 'cause it's next to the supermarket i can get out faster you're not supposed to so i went into the chemist's shop to buy some shampoo but just to excuse my being in his thing and there was this huge sign in the window saying er test your risk of osteoporosis and it was literally a third of the window this big blue thing so i went in with and i got my shampoo and then i sort of took a deep breath and i said er what's this D-I-Y test for osteoporosis and the girl said and it said at the bottom it said ask at the medicine counter [laughter] so there i stood at the medicine counter and i asked and the girl said what osteo what [laughter] and i said you've got this bloody great sign in the window telling me to test my rist for osteo-, risk for osteoporosis so she went and asked somebody else she said oh i don't know anything about it said i'll i'll just get the pharmacist out came the pharmacist and i said you've got this thing in the window for a D-I-Y test for osteoporosis he said i know nothing about it i said look it's a sign in your window [laughter] you've got women coming in off the street to find out about this here's one of them [laughter] so he went outside it's just amazing [laughter] as if to say oh went outside and looked at it and he couldn't deny that it was there because it was this big and he came back in and he said well now he said now osteoporosis is and i said er and there i'm standing in front of him six feet tall nearly and er he said er yes well this is this is a test that you do to find out if er if you're er likely to suffer from osteoporosis [laughter] he said if you if you see that your shoulders are getting a little humped i said well that'd be a bit late wouldn't it it's the risk [laughter] of osteoporosis i'm talking about not the presence of terminal osteoporosis and it never occurred to him that i might know something about the subject he just went straight ahead into absolute disastersville so i said well er i want to what is involved in this test er he said well i don't know i said well [laughter] i i was told to ask so i'm asking what is involved in the test so he went out of the room and he came back with this bag which i could see had a plastic cup in it [laughter] and he sat down on a seat and he carefully read the pamphlet then he put the pamphlet back in the bag and he came out and he said to me well er what you do is you pee into this plastic cup [laughter] and you send it off to this laboratory and they will tell you whether there's a certain er substance in your urine so i said what a metabolite of calcium or something he said no i think he said it's a sort of protein so i said oh well they're testing bone resorption aren't they not not bone density and he said oh ah i suppose they are so i said well that means that all you find out from having this test is that you need another test [laughter] which i said can't you just get the other test by asking the doctor for it the bastard was totally blank at this state [laughter] so then i said er er i was going to buy the test just for in-, just for information 'cause i do that just keep it you know so i can talk about it somewhere else so i said how much does it cost to have this test to find out if you need a test [laughter] and he said nineteen-pounds-ninety-nine [laughter] i said there's nothing new under the sun now this is just a naked attempt to exploit women's anxiety to the best of my knowledge what they are testing as far as i could see was er one of the substances associated with osteoclasts and there could be lots of reasons i guess why you are pissing those out and as far as i know and i'm my research is not that old there's no proof that they actually strongly related to osteoporosis at all anyhow i promised you these [laughter] now the problem is i've only got twenty because they're all been given away to er Richard Branson and people i don't know [laughter] well i they're given away by the publicity people and they've got the dreariest idea of who counts sf1107: on the train with one nf1091: [laugh] [laughter] so what i'll do is er i'll stand here and if you want one i'll give you one as you come out