nm1346: what i just want to do [0.4] er [0.5] first of all is just sort of [0. 3] er recap [0.9] er this is not actually a comprehensive list but the types of [0.4] er [1.9] things that we talked about so far in this course in terms of [0. 4] er quality systems procedures that take place [0.5] we talked about specifications [0.3] the idea that when you produce product [0.6] it's er to a specification that's er [0.4] reasonably precise definition of what it is [0.6] what the customers expecting to see [2.0] we talked about er H-A-C-C-P-S [0.5] er hazards and er critical control point [1.0] er con con [0.3] hazards and critical co control points [0.4] analysis [0.4] and system analysis generally [0.6] reviewing [0.4] er [0.6] features in terms of [0.3] er efficiency features in terms of [0.5] health and safety system [5.8] you've heard [0.3] particularly from people like er professor namex about protocols [0.8] er you sure of protocols er [1.3] think systems to er [0.8] assist you with er [0.5] meeting required standard [3.0] something i per perhaps haven't said a lot about is work instructions er and the idea here [0.4] is we're talking about [0.7] er written pieces of information how the job should be performed [0.6] so really a written specification on how to do a job [6.3] and then there's general general records of work [0.5] er general records of where a product is at any particular time of what it's being treated with [0. 5] of whose worked on it [3.0] and [0.4] the types of records that we would associate with er quality control too [3.6] now [0.6] er the theme of today [0. 5] is auditing [0.6] and [0.3] er [0.3] what i want to suggest you is that auditing really utilizes this type of accumulated information [0.8] so the types of audits that we're talking about in term in terms o of quality management [0.6] er [0.3] er not sort of complete reviews of a system [0.4] but rather reviews of the quality management systems that er [0. 4] support [0.4] the way we produce our product [4.3] and i'm also going to say a little bit in the session just to complete [0.2] er [1.8] the package in terms of quality management about benchmark [1.0] that'll be just as a bit at the end before we have a break [2.7] okay so what's what's what're the principles of auditing wha what is it about [2.1] well we're talking about the process [0.4] of checking to see that we comply with a protocol or a system [0.8] and so when er [0.4] Professor namex was here he described [0.4] er Assured Produce Scheme in fact that's audited every year or so when [0.8] when when er namex was here he explained [0.4] how [0.6] er [0. 6] and have a whole series of all this [0.4] he'd sort of review wasn't it for [1.2] so what we're focusing on is is how we actually pick up a process how it's actually done [1.6] and whenever it actually happens [0.6] it should be based on agreed principles person doing the auditing [0.6] shouldn't be criticizing the grower or producer [0.7] something that they weren't aware they should be doing [0.6] okay so auditing is always based on agreed principles [1.4] it's not system analysis it's not looking for new things and new suggestions you can make about how things could be done [0. 4] it's it's checking something against [0.5] an agreed system [0.9] agreed principles [2.6] and the type of auditing we are talking about today [1.0] er in terms of quality management systems [0.7] exams the management system [0.2] rather than the process [0.8] okay [0.5] so i can say it's about growing tomatoes [0.2] they're not looking in detail [0.3] at the production system on the nursery they're looking at the [0.2] management systems to support that the type of records that are being kept er [0.6] er [0.3] the type of information that's collated [4.4] and [0.8] generally er the whole purpose of audit [0.6] er in really any context [0.4] is to apply er to give some assurance of compliance to third parties [0.5] and this'll be true for financial type audit as well we're not talking about financial auditing today we're talking about quality management of auditing [0.7] but the idea is always that a third party's going to be satisfied with your system complies the standard that that they they're expecting to [5.5] now i have suggested that a principle of auditing [0.3] er is whatever outcome there is [0.4] er should be published and agreed [0.6] er by all those involved [0.5] er by that i need to say it's not necessarily published to the general [0.6] er er [0.4] media or whatever [0.6] but [0.5] y you don't really have er it's not really [0.4] er [0.7] accepted protocol to complete audit or not giving any direct feedbacks to the organizations that's being audited and [0.8] they should be noted [5.3] and [0.7] er audits only work [0.8] if there is er some type of procedure to deal with issues of non-compliance [0.6] if if your business is audited [0.5] and er basically you're not doing very well [0.4] there must be be some type of procedure there to address that [0.8] er an audit which just simply tells you [1.1] er gives you a simple grade [0.5] er which might suggest you're not doing very well and lets you carry on doing what you're doing in any case is not going to be particularly effective [3.9] so the difference between er auditing and types of analysis we talked about previously in the course [1.4] are that audits are there generally to maintain er rather than to develop standards [1. 0] okay you don't expect to really see a significant system improvement through audit it's there about maintenance [1.3] er [1.0] and recording what standards are being achieved rather than developing them [0.5] directly in the first instance [5.1] now within er schemes like Assured Produce Scheme like [1.2] BOPP it's recognized that there are several [0.3] levels of auditing [3.0] and er [0.7] most basic level of auditing is self auditing where you actually checking for yourself what you're doing [0.9] now [0.5] this [0.2] er is something which [0.3] er i have been quite interested in er for some [0.4] time er by by self here i mean extremely [0.3] er p personalized auditing [0.9] in your er handout [0.4] i've actually er [0.2] given you a sheet [1.5] which actually didn't actually come up very well in the er powerpoint so it is actually separate [0. 6] and [0.4] er [0.6] what it is is actually er a self audit [0.6] er that er we use on it's used on namex [1.6] er which is [0.3] er what i ask [0.6] er people to complete periodically not after every job they do but periodically to review [0.5] how well a possible job's been done [0.8] so er really this just gives you an idea the type of immediate first hand audit that [0.4] any employee this has might might do it's basically a checklist [0.5] and it actually describes er the idea behind it [0.6] and the question in here is you should be able to give definitive yes or no answers [0.5] so when it's er point five for example it's er [0.4] correct and clean pots and containers used [0.5] it might sound obvious but it has been a problem [0.4] er on this nursery before [0.3] and someone's got to simply say yes i've checked it's right [0.4] well they'll soon realize it's not [0.5] and obviously that's quite an important issue [1.0] so the idea is [0.3] that er you can actually definitively say [0.4] yes or no that's a good principle of auditing to be to ac to be able to make some type of definitive statement [2.3] and then in fact there're three columns which i won't describe in detail but the purpose of these columns is [0.4] er to basically describe the significance of non- compliance [0.7] okay so one is something that would be totally non-acceptable and has to be dealt with immediately two is something you wouldn't want to have happen again and three is well it's happened but it's not a big issue [0.4] okay that's a basic outline of what happens there [1.3] and so the way the system's used at namex [1.7] is that er periodically [0.7] er [0.7] and not necessarily because jobs are going particularly well or particularly badly [0. 4] but just simply so that people continually review what they're doing [0.9] er might complete this new job that they've just done [0.9] and then it's reviewed [0.6] er with their supervisor they do it for themselves interview with a supervisor [0.6] so the exercise actually has a training function too [0.3] it actually allows us to identify if somebody understands why they're doing [0.4] what they're doing [4.5] the next sort of level up [0. 3] er is what you might regard or might describe as an internal audit [0.3] an internal audit is where an organization's looking at itself quite critically [0. 7] hopefully quite objectively [0.5] and er is making up its own mind about whether it's complies with systems that it's meant to be [0.4] er complying with [2.1] and when you do this within a company [0.3] er [0.5] what you may well do is have the manager of one section [0.5] er visit another section [0.6] so that er there's a degree of objectivity [0.6] because there's an old saying familiarity breeds contempt [0.4] maybe checking the work you're doing [0.4] yourself for yourself [0.4] er there's a very good chance that you don't actually [0.4] er notice what's obviously wrong [0.9] so critical internal auditing is [0.6] it is a business checking itself but ideally [0.3] you have somebody not directly involved with the operation [0.4] er auditing it and checking it's [0.4] it's complying with [0.5] er the requirements and schemes of the system [8.1] the next level i would suggest is the sort of thing we've been talking a lot about on this course and that's er independent scheme schemes like the Assured Produce Scheme [0.4] and it's er sort of equivalent in the ornamental sector [0.4] which is BOPP [0.8] b British Ornamental Plant Producers Scheme [0.3] i haven't talked a lot about BOPP so far on this course because [0.3] the main emphasis has been er with er [0.4] the Assured Produce Scheme as a model [4.4] and then finally and namex er namex made this clear er [0.3] back in week er [0.3] three [1.3] on top of all the these types of processes which businesses might indulge themselves in [0.9] from their own prospective for their own sake [0.9] you might also expect a customer audit [1.4] er [1.0] which and which is [0.4] er [0.4] i'm here not just simply talking about er large multiple retailers looking at [0.4] their [0.3] growers suppliers for example [0.5] i'm talking about growers themselves [0.8] perhaps going to look at their suppliers [0.6] because [0.3] er [0.3] if [0.2] schemes like the Assured Produce Scheme [1.0] er work well [2.0] producers can assure er [0.4] that their er [1.0] customers [1.4] that anything's in order because they will themselves audited their supply chain [0.4] just think for a minute about this Sudan One issue that's in the media at the moment [0.4] what's gone wrong there is that in the food processing industry [0.6] er there wasn't enough supply chain [0.5] auditing people won't checking [0.3] their suppliers [0.3] were they using er legal ingredients or not [0.8] so customer auditing isn't just about multiple retailers looking [0.3] at growers it's about growers looking at their suppliers as well [0.3] and being confident that they're complying [0.4] with the standards that are required [0.7] sf1347: would customers usually an advance notice of or would they sort of [0.7] spring on you see if you were actually [1.2] nm1346: ty typically there is advance [0.5] er but it it isn't unknown f f for er audits to be on people [0.5] and in fact we've had a discussion this morning about about [0.6] the fact that perhaps retailers are really more into this [0. 4] er area of actually doing [0.5] er [0.7] er on the spot audits which which you don't necessarily get any advice really [0.5] er of [0.5] so it it does vary [0.3] yeah [0.5] but typically [0.2] er [0.7] it th there is notice and quite frankly in terms of good supplier [0.2] relations [0.3] th that should be the primary principle which er you know these sort of things happen sf1348: going back to the self audit is it i mean are people really honest when they've been informed like that about how they've done a job and that sort of thing [0.6] nm1346: well er [0.7] as i said when people do do that they don't have a review with their supervisor [0.3] in fact the way we use that system at [0.2] er namex [0.4] is that the [0.4] er [1.3] the supervisor will go back and look at that [0.5] product [0.3] with that individual [0.6] er because we actually do want to know whether they got it right or wrong [0.4] and it's really surprising actually when we introduced that system [0.7] er it was because [0.4] a lot of people making a lot of mistakes we weren't expecting them to [0.6] and er it was because somehow [0.5] you know it's surprising even some of the most experienced staff still haven't understood why they're doing something [0.3] and haven't realized the problem with not doing it the way that [0.3] we would like to be done [1.7] namex sf1349: er er yeah imagine you're doing internal self audit nm1346: yeah sf1349: do you actually incorporate in terms of feedback systems that you would expect to [0.4] er review warning of things going wrong er what whether it be in a fairly minimal way or a fairly major way [0.4] i mean is is it integrated in you're your systems [0.9] as a feedback [0.9] nm1346: yeah i mean that that that y yes that's very much the point i mean [0. 5] by and large in practice er internal audits aren't just done 'cause they're a good idea they're usually done in preparation for other major external audits and quite often use the same criteria [0.4] s s so er in fact we [0.6] er er er at namex that's exactly what happens we actually [0.5] BOPP audit there which which actually er [1.0] is the basis for internal auditing system as well [0.5] sf1349: i was thinking really that you know when you actually implement a system an operational system or processes nm1346: yeah sf1349: that you [0.2] tend to design in [0.3] some sort of feedback mechanism [0.5] i mean auditing can just be done presumably just to er have advance warning that you're going to pass an external nm1346: yeah sf1349: you know sort of audit [0.3] but ass you know i i would assume that [0. 3] auditing is also done as part of a feedback system to improve the management of this company improve operations nm1346: well now i honestly don't think it was namex i i no that's what the dis the distinction i was trying to make sf1349: right nm1346: really i i think it's probably best dealt with as separate t to to system analysis and system improvement [2.0] that sf1349: nm1346: it's it's it's it's a subject it's a subject point [0.4] yes it's a bit like you remember i said t to you that [0.3] in a way although you could combine health and safety [0.7] er [0.5] risk assessment with H-A-C-C-P-S analysis with with [0.5] you you tend to wear different hats on [1.0] you now in in practice that's what i found happens [0.4] so it does it does tend to keep itself distinct it doesn't have to be sf1349: there's so much synergy there nm1346: yeah yeah sf1349: that you could use the data quite well nm1346: it doesn't have to be but there's there is a tendency and certainly [0. 3] er in my knowledge in terms of fresh the fresh produce sector it does tend to be regarded as a separate discipline [0.6] where the primary target is just looking to see whether there's compliance or not not [0.3] not improving [0.7] okay [3.9] er [0.4] i just want to reinforce er [0.5] three things that we've already talked about about because these are all audit based [0.4] er and [0.2] we should really now [0.5] er [1.2] er [1.0] be quite familiar with these [0.2] the Assured Produce Scheme er which applies to fresh fruit and vegetables which which namex came along to talk about [1.5] BOPP British Ornamental Plant er plant Producers Assurance Scheme which applies to the nurseries like namex and indeed to to all the ornamental nurseries we see on this course so far [3.4] and then [0.4] er [3.3] i hope it's reasonably clear with you [0.4] that [0.3] there is now a European standard and in many ways in the U-K we we had Assured Produce Scheme which very much proceeded European standards [0.4] European s er standards are known as EUREPGAP standards and [0.5] er er what we find is schemes actually er benchmarking themselves against EUREPGAP standards [0.8] so in the U-K if if you if you're in the APS [0.4] scheme then you will also have achieved EUREPGAP standard by default [0.6] that you also sometimes find u U-K growers actually going straight to the EUREPGAP standards [0.4] not actually using the [0.4] national equivalents but going straight to [0.8] er [0.4] the European wide [0.6] agreed protocol [4.2] in terms of technique then an and [0. 3] again [0.2] er er [0.6] coming back to to your point here namex [0.7] er [0.5] one of the issues about auditing is this idea of being sort of play cold in a way and objective [0.5] a and er [0.3] in deed [0.4] er certainly the way that er er er [1.1] the professional is seen to be trained it it isn't in a particular communicative [0.4] er er technique that they use in the first instance [0.6] the key thing is to be impartial and objective [0.4] and to form judge form a really a judgement more or less on the spot where you got a lot of the evidence to hand [0.7] there is specialist training in doing a title of auditing that's required by the likes of er Assured Produce Scheme [0.7] and you may or may not be aware that er here at namex we've got something er known as [0.3] namex Scientific Services Limited which is [0.3] er a c a commercial [0.3] er body [0.4] and they specialize in providing er training for auditors [0.9] and the and the training is extremely er precise in terms of conduct and attitude [0.4] as well [5.4] now [0.5] with something like the Assured Produce Scheme which is trying to audit [1.2] a very large process as in producing [0.3] er fruit or vegetable [0. 5] you can't look at every detail in business [0.4] so when your audits are [0. 3] drawn up [0.5] and when they're executed what the auditor is doing is focusing on what are regarded as key performance indicators [1.1] and [0.2] for example [0.3] er something simple like tidiness [1.3] er [0.2] tidiness in itself is aesthetically quite good [0.7] but generally people accept that there's er there's some sort of correlation between tidiness and organization [1.2] okay how organized [0.4] you are and what you're doing [0.6] so [0.6] er some of the issues that looked at [0.3] can be a little bit cryptic [0.6] but er they're regarded nonetheless as being a good indicator of how that business operates [5. 3] now [0.5] you can't look at every operation that's actually happened in the enterprise in detail [0.5] so [0.2] what an auditor will do [0.2] will [0.6] er he'll he'll look at sample issues he'll look at for example [0.3] er a particular batch of tomatoes in a packhouse [0.3] look at how they've been labelled [0.2] and see if you can actually [0.2] trace them all the way back to the person that actually picked them and perhaps the person who has the responsibility for growing the plant [1.0] so [0.2] the technique is based on sampling [0.6] relatively random sampling [1.2] er [1.8] and [1.3] very core to to all of these schemes is this concept of [0.4] traceablity [0.7] this idea that [0.6] er when a consumer a final consumer buys a product [0.6] and let's say [0.3] by some misfortune it is contaminated [0.7] that retailer can go back to that supplier [0.4] and find out [0.6] at which [0.5] point [0.4] er [0.2] or rather [0.4] during the whole production process who would've handled it [0.7] okay and then you can start to identify [0.4] er how the contamination happened [0.9] and [0.2] er prevent it from happening again [2.2] and indeed it is true to say [0.3] er i know many of you not all of you [0.8] er [0.7] at least those in part two have been to namex Nursery [0.5] they have a system there [0.5] where [0.5] you can if you buy er a pack of peppers in in a [0.4] supermarket [0.9] they can actually tell you who picked that pepper [1.4] off off the plant [0.5] a very precise [0.7] er data management system [0.5] er that's that's how that's the level of accuracy it can work to [0.2] i'm not saying it always does but it's designed to work at that level of accuracy [7.2] because an audit only happens in one instance in anything from about six months to two years in schemes that we talked about [1. 0] one of the things that the auditor's trying to do [0.4] is to believe that the arrangements he sees are long term [0.9] he doesn't want to see that they've been applied [0.5] just before he's turned up [0.5] and he wants to believe that they've got continuity for the future [2.0] and hence [0.5] that's why er [0.9] er when namex was here you know he talked about i don't know er er er an audit for a multiple retailer er which might involve looking to see if there's dust behind posters and things to see if it's just been put up [0.3] that is the type of thing auditors do do [0.2] because they're looking for the permanency and sustained auditing system [0.5] they mustn't believe it's just been done because they've arrived [10.7] if you are actually conducting an audit [0.2] qu quite often the issues that you will need [0.3] er immediate reference sources on [0.4] and a good example is pesticides pesticides as we know very critical to [0.4] er er [0.8] the the whole concept of Assured Produce Scheme [0.3] that's largely one of the reasons why it was created [0.8] and so for example one of the areas an auditor would look at in more detail is pesticide store [0.4] and he needs to be very authoritative as to whether materials you can see in there [0.7] are legal or not [0.6] and so he'll probably carry with him [0.5] sufficient reference sources for him to make on the spot judgement about that [7.2] right [0.2] er what i thought i would do because it could become extremely dry just talking about auditing i thought i'd actually show you [0.4] er er [0.3] something about what a BOPP audit would look like if if if [0.4] er [0.9] nurseries like you saw last week were being audited now by BOPP [0.7] er [0.9] what what with the inspector what would the auditor rather actually er look at [0.4] and [0.4] er i'm going to show you some pictures in due course but first of all [0.4] er just a basic summary get you to do [0.2] er in an office phase of the er audit [6.7] er it's going to basically er verify that the management records he expects to see in place are there [0.5] and [0.6] quite close to the top of his list would be risk assessments [0.6] okay [0.6] er we talked about health and safety we talked about the concept of needing to identify [0.2] er [0.8] any any risks that can be associated with a job and any steps that might need to be taken to minimize [0.8] er [0.7] that risk [0.4] and there should be if your business has more than six employees [0. 3] there should be a a record of that indeed if you are in one of the schemes we're talking about there needs to be a wri written record of that to prove it actually happened [2.4] they'll be looking at policy documents and things like health and safety kind of environmental policy [0.5] er equal opportunities [0. 5] they need to see that the business has actually worked out how it approaches these these issues and what it's doing about them [6.4] they'll be looking for er and again i'm being specific here to to er to BOPP they'll be looking for [0.4] er a quality manual [0.4] or at least a comprehensive range of written work procedures [0.4] the definitive [0.6] guide to how operations occur on that enterprise [4.8] and they'll also be looking for evidence of supplier audits [0. 5] now [0.6] the BOPP scheme pr er [0.2] has [0.3] a very thorough audit [0.9] and in fact if you subcontract production [0.3] to other growers they'll expect the same standards to be applied [0.3] er to the subcontractors [0.6] they'd also like to see how you're auditing your suppliers in things like [0.4] er [0.7] substrates pots [0.9] labels [0.8] because [0.4] a scheme like BOPP isn't so much about er safety it's about assurance that the supplier's capable of delivering the product [1.6] and if you don't understand [0.4] the process by which your pots labels substrates come to you [0.5] there's every chance [0.3] you might s suggest [0.4] that you could have a situation that where stuff doesn't turn up one day [0.7] and you've got no idea why that could happen [0.9] okay [0.8] so it's about assurance of ability to deliver sometimes as much as anything else [6.0] and then the other thing that er the auditor'll probably look for in the office are the crop and stock records the the things that er [0.2] offer the [0.3] ability to [0.2] er trace [0.5] the er progress of the product through the system [0.4] and allow traceability [0.4] after the product's been sold as well [3.9] sf1347: do they expect to have a p paper record whenever i've worked in other industries they've always wanted a paper nm1346: yeah and sf1347: trail rather than in an electronic so that you can prove nm1346: it should be sf1347: yesterday nm1346: yes yes they do sf1347: which is a problem nm1346: a and er you know sometimes it's extraordinary er [0.5] and i know a nursery enterprise that was in process in the middle of audit [0.9] of spending another [0.6] three hundred thousand pounds [0.4] on an irrigation management system to to water recycling [0.8] and it failed its audit on irrigation management because [0.4] th they weren't in a paperwork form that the auditor could actually what was happening [0.7] sf1347: sometimes it's really difficult to actually find [0.3] a way of actually recording it nm1346: it it is sf1347: in a paper format nm1346: yeah yeah and so in this stage you'll get guidance to how you actually achieve compliance [0.8] but you've got to you have to say a lot of it is there [0.4] to enable an audit to take place [0.8] and a question which's just coming out of this is hold on a minute isn't this all a bit onerous [0.4] and the answer is yes [0.2] why do you think there're so many technical managers in commerce now it's actually to manage this type of activity to a large extent [5. 9] okay i'm going to drop the lights a little bit here 'cause i'm going to show you a few slides of what actually [9.0] er what i actually want to looked at er on a on an audit around this nursery which again is namex [0.8] one of the obvious places they went to was they look at the chemical store er [0.8] er because this issue of pesticide state of course is q is quite critical [0.6] er the types of things they expect to see [0.2] er will be if the area where chemicals are stored is clearly [0.5] labelled er [1.1] if you have er a lot of er a lot of certain different nationality on in your on your site [0.2] er they expect to see that [0.3] er [0.4] labelling in all relevant languages so [0.3] er that's a a step that a lot of the nurseries are addressing at the moment 'cause er they're getting extremely multicultural environments [2.5] looking a bit further in store [0.4] pesticides you know in our industry are a very critical issue [0.5] and so they'd be going right through the er pesticide cabinet probably and just checking everything there is legal [0.7] that is the type of thing which a lot of these audits are covering in quite acute detail [4.0] now er there are quite a few records that are associated with with er [0.5] pesticide application [0.4] but they would need to see up to date [0.5] er and comprehensive records of er sprays that've been applied to crops and they'd [0.3] need to believe that there're sufficient detail [0.4] for [0.5] er [0.8] the [1.7] er the grower to be able to retrospectively er confirm perhaps what crop had been treated with [3.3] of course there is a large degree of legal compliance [0.5] er in that issue as well [1.8] most assurance schemes adv advocate and promote [0.4] er I-P-M [1.8] er Integrated Pest Management [0. 3] and so er most protocols now [0.4] will [0.2] er er [0.3] involve [0.6] er [0.3] standards in terms of pest monitoring [0.7] and so in BOPP [0.5] er [0.2] what what they need to see is that you actually have er [0.2] a system [0.2] for for regular analysis of of pest levels [0.5] we all know about sticky traps i'm sure [0.4] er this is the system which i presume most of you are familiar with [0.4] whereby [0.4] the sticky trap [0.3] er [0.8] has four sheets of paper over it and you peel off a sheet [0.6] every week so you use it for four weeks [0.4] and monitor er [0.4] pest outbreaks across a four week period [3.0] this is this this is like a key indicator [0.6] to to an auditor can they see this type of system in place [0.4] everywhere that they go to [0.3] if they can they can believe [0.3] that probably [0.5] er a good I-P-M regime's [0.2] is in place [0.7] and when they look at a trap like this [0.3] if they've all just been put up that day it looks like they've been put up for the audit [0.4] but if if they all have a history of pest upon them then clearly it's a system that's been running for some time [1.6] when it comes to er mechanized equipment [0.5] they're going to be looking for er evidence that er there's adequate safety notice [1.9] er [0.2] in this case actually we have got er a bilingual system in actual fact [0.5] no this isn't the quite same because in two languages [2.0] er [0.7] i put this one in because i i er [0.4] was a bit frustrated about this particular issue [1.3] we're looking here at a er [0.6] fridge [0.4] and i store all my s semen actually in fridges [0.6] which which is quite good 'cause i don't hold on to it for very long [0.7] but actually er [10.0] i i failed on audit here because i didn't have records of temperatures inside the fridge [1.2] okay [0. 3] so that's the type of standards that schemes are actually [0.5] er [0.3] they are working too [5.3] and there'll be [0.4] they'll be overviewing the entire section of the operation just looking for general standards of hygiene cleanliness [0.4] and and basic organization [1.3] er [2.0] before an audit [0. 8] you do basically want to make sure your areas are as clean as possible [0.7] and [0.3] anything that is not used you want to make sure it's stored properly as well [1.4] so [0.2] er it's now routine [0.3] on this nursery to actually er make sure [0.5] er [0.5] the er [1.9] compost filling machines machine [0.2] er are always covered over [0.5] er when they're not in use because there'll always be some waste com compost in there [0.2] which is probably getting dry and could spoil future use [7.7] climate control is an in is a critical part of the protective crop production [0.4] so another good sort of performance indicator that [0.2] that that a company is managing its climate very carefully [0.3] will be how their aspirating screens are positioned [0.9] er if you are actually doing a job properly [0.2] you might expect it to have some reasonable proximity to [0.2] the plants that you're [0. 7] er [2.2] you're actually growing [5.6] most assurance schemes as well er [0. 4] will be concerned [0.3] at er what business are doing to minimize the [0.3] er [0.3] potential [0.4] er occurrence of of of pollution environmental pollution [0.8] and so [0.3] er in most schemes you will find [0.4] that [0.2] er there's a requirement for any oil storage [0.2] to be in bunded storage tanks [0.4] by bunded i mean that what we got here [0.2] is a system where oil is stored in a tank that is inside a tank [0.9] so if the inner tank was to rupture [0.5] the contents wouldn't just spill out into the [1.0] er [0. 5] into into the er [0.8] water system [1.5] that it can actually [0.2] hold [0. 4] er a leak [0.4] it's what we call bunded tank [0.7] an interesting thing here [0.5] here is that er in terms of legal compliance [0.5] er [0.3] farms are excluded from needn't er necessarily have a bunded tank seems a bit bizarre in a way 'cause they seem to be [0.4] the type of place where you might well get an oil leak [0.7] er but the assurance schemes that we've looked at [0.4] er most of them [0.4] would require [0.5] er [0.8] the operation to keep its oil stored in bunded tanks [0. 8] the alternative [0.5] and this is er something that er [2.4] is being addressed in the nursery [1.0] concerned is to having a unbunded tank so this is just a normal [0.3] er storage tank [0.4] and if that was to er get ruptured drive into them [0.3] there would be er an oil spillage incident [0.3] and the environment agency would now have to get involved because chances are it would soon end up in a water course [3.7] okay so that basically er er [0.9] is what i want to say about auditing i've tried to give you an idea of physically what it might involve in the process [0.2] it's involved [1.2] er [0.7] just one thing i want to cover off really er before i finish th the sort of key quality management systems [0.7] er i just want to say a little bit more about benchmarking [2.2] er because it is a slightly different issue to anything we've talked about before [0.5] before and it is very much er th th the sort of er [0.2] widely accepted concept [1.2] so while we're talking about benchmarking what we're talking about is er comparisons and performance between businesses businesses sharing er looking at how well they are performing in terms of efficiency perhaps [0.8] or perhaps in terms of outlets as well [2.8] er [0.4] an example from the U-K ornamentals industry is something called Nursery Business Improvement Scheme er [0.6] which is ruled by a horticultural trades association [0.5] and in that particular scheme [0.5] businesses actually [0.2] er [0.4] submit quite detailed financial data [0.5] to a third party [0.5] that then [0.2] er interprets that data in a way that it can be shared with other members of the scheme [0.9] and in fact [0.3] there's a [0.4] great deal of honesty er involved in a scheme like that [0.5] and there're many producers that wouldn't want to get involved [0.7] because they wouldn't want to share some of their [0.2] costs with the other other businesses [0.6] you tend to find that the larger a business is [1.0] the more reserved it is about that type of information 'cause large businesses often benefit from extremely low costs from suppliers [0.6] and they would jeopardize this investment if they were to publish exactly how much they were paying [1.5] but benchmarking can also look at [0.6] er the physical performance of a business [0.2] efficiency operations [0.6] er [0.6] how efficient er [0.5] potting might be going or tomato picking [0.9] something like that but can look at er physical parameters as well as financial ones [3.3] and one of the reasons why er they are probably undergoing [1.6] quite a quite a [1.5] p p popularity at the moment is that er there is [0.2] er quite a lot of funding in the U-K available for businesses that want to get into benchmarking schemes [0.5] the government recognizes that it's one way of actually [0.3] er supporting [0.3] er [0.2] U-K enterprise and and big leap forwards [0.2] so the department of trade and industry for example [0.2] er offers quite significant funding [0.4] and [0.3] opportunity for businesses that want to get together and compare performance [3.4] okay [1.2] now like i said we've really covered the core part of quality management on this course next week i'm going to talk about a little bit about er financial management [0.6] er and there are [0.2] er [0.4] three discussion points that i want to put you [0.4] and i'm going to [0.3] basically put them up now [0.7] and when we [3.4] when we er looked at we'll then take a break and then i'll see if if y if there's anything that er [0.7] we c we can actually derive from all these er these issues [2.4] first point put to you is [1.2] have er assurance schemes such as Assured Produce Scheme [0.3] really [0.3] improved your confidence [0.6] okay [0.3] ha have they contributed an improvement in consumer confidence in product quality [0.8] we've talked about these extremely onerous systems but you're the consumer [0.4] do you think it's made any difference [1.0] okay i'll ask you just to think about that would you argue yes would you argue no [0.4] if the argument is no then has it really been worthwhile [5.9] do quality management systems stifle innovation [0.7] if quality management is about describing exactly how you are going to do something and then you're going to be audited to check that you do it exactly that way [1.4] is that stifling innovation what about the employee that says [0.4] hold on a moment what if i do it this way [3. 0] can that really happen you've got [0.3] a rigorous quality management regime [0.8] what do you think [5.2] and [1.8] i wonder [0.7] if one of the themes that we've had it was here when namex was here it was coming up today [1.0] er yes we've talked about systems can be quite paperwork intensive [0.4] that can generate a workload of their own [1.4] so do you think that all these systems that we've talked about [1.3] are truly sustainable in a medium size business [1.9] a very large business [0.6] probably has to do no more paperwork than medium or small size businesses in many cases [0.6] so it's the smaller and medium size businesses that bear the burden [1.6] in terms of proportion of their time [1.0] to achieve some of the standards we talked about do you think that's sustainable [1.8] well i'm going to [0.3] just throw those questions back at you after you've had a bit of break okay and er we'll see what we come up with [0.5] but we'll take er a ten minute break now nm1346: first of all [0.7] i put it to you [0.2] what shall we do with this first one do you think [0.6] that for all the schemes [0.3] you as consumers feel any safer now what you're eating or buying [0.4] su1357: no su1358: i don't know su1357: no sf1348: i don't think su1357: they don't see it do they sf1348: i don't think joe public knows what an assurance scheme is [0.3] nm1346: right [0.4] do you think they're supposed to or do you think it's just for the supermarkets and retailers [2.0] sf1348: i think it's another [1.2] crowbar f f for the supermarkets to place on the producers [1.0] nm1346: right [0.5] sf1350: but shouldn't the public know 'cause they put those little tractor symbols i thought that's for the public to know [0.4] nm1346: yes sf1348: well it is sf1350: but they they they haven't but they haven't been er educated su1357: no sf1350: in the actual meaning of it sf1348: no er sf1351: presumably a lot comes off their own backs nm1346: yeah sm1352: er i i think they use a lot of confusion er among the public about what s such schemes involved and about the logos of these schemes nm1346: yeah sm1352: i think er [0.5] most of the public is not er adequately informed nm1346: yes sm1352: about er [1.0] exact procedures of such schemes [1.0] nm1346: i think you are right [0.4] a and [0.6] one of the problems that namex emphasized when he came here to talk about the Assured Produce Scheme [0.4] was the budget that's involved to promote a logo like that so people understand what the values are supposed to be behind it [0.6] er a lot of people think that the er tractor logo means that er as you said it's [0.6] the public think that it means that the product has been produced in the U-K and that isn't necessarily true [0.5] it means it's it's actually been produced under a system which matches the Assured Produce standard which is British British based [0.5] scheme that could've been produced in Spain Portugal wherever [0.7] sf1349: nm1346: so sorry [1.0] sf1349: ha the other thing is that er is the purpose of the schemes h was it was the purpose of the schemes to actually [0.2] boost consumer confidence or was it to provide as we saw this morning in the food act er sort of some [0.3] risk er a assessment so that er retailers have er you know can actually prove what's been happening right the way down the chain for him to put on the spot for some reason or another i mean what was the purpose of the scheme is it for the consumer or is it for the retailer nm1346: well going back to what namex said a few weeks ago [0.4] er it it originated because supermarkets created their own diverse standards [0. 6] but what they why were they doing that it was because they're trying to build their own brand identities [0.8] and it seems to me that [0.3] er [0.9] the Assured Produce Scheme it might rationalize those standards but [0.6] doesn't assist the supermarket to build up its brand identity [0.7] i think what's happened here is what brand that is in the supermarket has remained far more important than [0.3] than a general [0.4] brand [0.6] so y we've not seen for example supermarkets investment [0.4] to any [0.2] large degree [0.3] in promoting that scheme any further they would rather perhaps that you believe that Tescos Marks and Spencers [0.2] Waitrose whoever [1.2] that it is what they do uniquely to their product which makes it potentially better than [0.7] product from elsewhere would you would you agree with that's probably what's happening here [0.8] i think [0.9] you know [0.4] th there isn't a consensus to try and build a sort of general brand of of assurance [0.8] that actually stands on its own two feet [2.8] sf1348: yeah nm1346: sf1348: i think that's right nm1346: sf1348: 'cause i 'cause i don't think you i don't think you would get [1.7] J-S Tescos [0.7] Waitrose and Somerfield to all appear to agree [1.6] on the same thing unless it was [0.5] er [0.8] safety they would all say our products are safe [0. 5] nm1346: yeah [0.9] sf1348: but they wouldn't say our product is the same as Marks and Spencers or [0.5] sm1355: they all sf1348: J-S sm1355: want to appear to have better quality sf1348: yes sm1355: products than the others so they are not all agree sf1348: i mean Waitrose adverts for instance are very different from [0.6] er magaz media er very different from er J-S adverts [0.3] nm1346: yeah sf1348: and that's because they're trying to say that nm1346: different image sf1348: yeah nm1346: yeah [0.9] yeah so it it seems to me that really er whereas this sort of process is always going to go back i mean going background anyway [0.5] and it's been a certain amount of rationalize behind the scenes we've not ended up with something which gives you [0.7] the consumer any [0.4] great assurance that perhaps the brand of supermarket you are buying from [0.4] is that is that a reasonable summary [0.6] sm1354: it looks like one of the issues with it though is er no matter how much you have these assurance quality assurance schemes you only need one episode like B-S-E or salmonella in eggs nm1346: yeah sm1354: and it a actually kn kn knocked a whole [0.5] concept of it [0.2] you know out out the water really and and now we've got the Sudan One issue so [0. 2] you know even with all these schemes in at the end of the day doesn't really boost your confidence as a consumer that there's not something else going on that someone hasn't thought about yet [0.3] nm1346: yeah [0.4] so in practice then do you think there was ever any room for this anyway as a consumer where you're going to primarily loyal [0.4] to a supermarket brand for for quality or were you going to be ever be able to [0.8] be more convinced by a [0.3] little red tractor [1. 3] what do you think [2.0] sm1354: sf1348: well i don't know er sm1354: price aren't they tractor nm1346: i mean sf1348: by er as er hopefully i'm an educated consumer and if i see [0.5] er two pieces of chicken and if one's got a little red tractor on it and the other hasn't [0.3] then i'll buy the one with the little red tractor on it nm1346: yeah sf1348: but i think most people are guided by price nm1346: yeah ss: sm1355: i'd i'd go by the brand that the er actual supermarket nm1346: yeah sf1348: i think though er primarily sm1355: yeah ss: nm1346: and so what we haven't done sm1355: quality nm1346: we haven't discredited the process we've just questioned the way it might present itself ss: sf1349: the only difference the only er er er just open it up perhaps i'm just [0.6] questioning whether perhaps or the organic assurance [0.7] er label if you like [0.3] does have [1.4] er more edge than those i mean i think if i went into a supermarket [0.8] i would be buying potentially organic [0.4] from any supermarket you'll know that that's organic [0.4] er rather than Tesco's organic or Sainsbury's organic so i think the organic label actually works su1357: yeah sf1349: in terms of consumer confidence even if it's er [0.2] you know it's questionable i think it actually works nm1346: i think it works for that section sf1349: yeah exactly nm1346: of of of the market that it's that it's that it appeals to sf1349: but that i mean your question is about consumer confidence i think nm1346: yes sf1349: it's the organic from er the section of the market that it appeals to it actually does work whereas nm1346: yeah sf1349: i don't think the other assurance schemes necessarily do nm1346: yeah sf1349: it it it's consu er you know nm1346: yeah and perhaps their values aren't clear enough sf1349: er nm1346: yeah sf1349: perhaps nm1346: yes sf1348: you don't see when you walk around any of the supermarkets you don't see anything about little red tractor other than the sticker on the on the produce nm1346: yeah [0.8] right fair c fair c fair comment okay i think we have actually aired that and got some interesting perspectives [0.4] i have got my own view on this do they stifle innovation quality management schemes [0.4] yeah ss: sm1354: i think that the fact that they do is why while you're running a T-Q-M system you often then have to s set in place something else [0.3] like quality improvement circles where [0.3] you can look at other ways of doing it and that's because you actually stifle the the the innova er innovative [0.8] nm1346: yes sm1354: thought processes that would normally go on in any system [0.3] nm1346: do you all agree with that basically sf1349: no nm1346: namex you don't agree sf1349: i don't agree i actually think that if you've got a really good sorry there's er sm1354: no that's okay sf1349: i think if you've got a really good quality management system it actually builds in as as you were intimating [0.6] that innovative aspect to it it's the design of the quality sf1347: build in the flexibility sf1349: yeah you can build it in sf1347: allow people to suggest and make changes [1.0] nm1346: i've got to say in practice i i'm not convin i i sf1349: in practice i am convinced 'cause i 'cause i i've seen it done not in nm1346: yeah sf1349: horticulture nm1346: no i i haven't really seen it convincingly done in horticulture sf1349: no i i couldn't have that experience sf1348: i think it st i think it stifles [0.3] innovation from [0.4] the bottom [0.2] up [1.3] i think if somebody in [0.4] er [1.3] if somebody [0.7] who is paid to look at or a part of their job is to look at the system [0.6] to develop it change it whatever [0.2] i don't think it stops innovation there because alongside a good quality management system you need systems to analyze your own systems nm1346: yeah sf1348: if that makes sense but i think what it does stop i think what especially t T-Q-M stops is anything you know one of your workers coming up and s one of the people that actually physically does the job day after day and says if you give me a bread basket this deep [0.4] and i'll stand on that that'll make my job so much easier nm1346: yeah sf1348: and i mean you don't give them a bread basket you'll give them you know [0.5] but i think it stops that nm1346: namex sf1356: er for m my personal [0.7] er ex experience er the quality management systems they don't tell you how to do things they only want you to have records [0.2] of what work you're doing sf1348: mm sf1356: and if your if your employee wants a basket this deep or something you'll write [0.2] that he should er he should have this basket this deep to do him her his work or something sf1348: yeah sf1356: like that sf1348: yes i can see where you're coming from sf1356: so if it is in in your er work er sf1348: work instruction sf1356: instruction it's okay sf1348: yeah but i think having having worked in a large organization that's total that was total quality quality management you were almost brainwashed into [0.8] this this is an audit point that's an audit point and that's not a p audit point and it was that always to make sure that all these things are constantly correct and the paperwork is always right [0.4] and the tagging is always right and there mustn't be any gaps between this and this and you're so busy concentrating on these things that i don't think it gives the people that don't that do the job i don't think they think about it sf1347: i think that's the fault of and you take the staff somewhere give them time to actually nm1346: c can i just [0.9] i mean just to try an tie the two targets together here actually [0.9] my experience is that er what where things can go wrong is very much in your middle and lower management where [0.4] you've got supervisors that become preoccupied with meeting the system requirements that they they they take a direct personal responsibility and stifling [0.6] very much innovation because i think that does tend to happen sf1348: mm nm1346: but on the other hand if you've got good quality management systems and if you're in a position where you know how to actually influence how it's done [0.7] you can [0.3] potentially plan th that change a lot more effectively [0.5] because you've got the way of communicating that change right through the system sf1349: actually you've s i think you've actually hit on the button it's all about communication than anything else nm1346: yeah in practice i think [0.3] they do tend to stifle [0.5] innovation at at at the most junior levels in the organization [0.3] they wouldn't if if if if [0.8] if the middle management sy system worked properly but in practice i really think they do [0.4] that's my personal experience an and that's in the food sector and the ornamental sector horticulture i'm thinking of but yes from my point of view i know you know as a technical manager that if i if i s if i want to make a change [0.3] now within a s framework we've got operating at somewhere like namex [1.0] it's probably a lo a lo much easier to effect quite a major change in how can do anything than what it used to be [0.6] because the system's there to make it [0.3] automatically happen [1.9] so it's an interesting question i think and it and certainly [0.3] er an argument that many people do use against [0.7] er application systems but er i think you'd agree it's about communication more than anything else [0.6] yeah su1357: yeah nm1346: maybe [0.5] namex [1.0] sm1354: er actually i'll be quoting on this a big organization it's much more difficult nm1346: it's yeah it does become difficult yeah sm1354: you have to then you know [0.2] pull together twenty thirty people to discuss one small change because everyone has to change their [0.3] documentation about how something's going to be done [0.3] and what boxes you're going to tick [0.5] s so maybe in a small organization it's more flexible i think the big organization it it [0.2] kills innovation nm1346: yeah [1.0] okay [0.8] yes er this course is because er quality management business communications actually er er partly because of the the nature of that issue [1.0] okay er [1.8] so how sustainable you're now we're not [0.7] a a big [0.7] er er organization perhaps smaller growers whatever [0. 7] do y does it seem sustainable to you do you think that [0.5] er generally [0. 6] what we talked about you could practically do in an enterprise of [0.8] twenty or so people [3.2] what do you think [6.4] do you believe in it [0.7] what we've been talking about [1.0] sf1348: i think it's a fact of life sf1356: so if you have to do it nm1346: yeah this i that's er the second answer twice isn't it really [0.7] is it i i if that if that's all there is to it it is a bit sad isn't it [0.5] we'd like to believe that it's actually going to be [0.3] good [0.7] for us and i think actually [0.7] in many cases it is er [0.7] actually i think the BOPP scheme's a good scheme [0.6] i think it does help sf1349: i think there's what it boils down to is whether the the scheme actually enables you to improve [0.4] er the system so that it won't runs more efficiently nm1346: yeah sf1349: if your operations if by putting in an assured scheme means that your operations and processes and management [0.6] improves then it's good for the organization nm1346: yeah sf1349: it depends on the own you know how onerous it is really nm1346: yeah sf1348: i think if you're [0.2] er i think if you're a new [0.6] producer of whatever [1.6] er and you're starting from the very beginning in it that at this time now [0.6] then [0.3] your production has to have [0.6] quality [0.8] management [0.3] schemes t and you will have to be [0.4] er audited by somebody [0.5] and the expensive bit is setting up setting up the the systems [0.4] and i think [0.9] once you're running and everything's okay [0.4] then [0.2] relatively [0.3] audits are a just [0.2] any er are just er any expense that everybody has to build in [0.3] but it's if you're an old producer [0.5] that has to change over to these schemes i think that's when you it gets very expensive nm1346: okay to round this up today sf1348: mm nm1346: and the other thing i would say as well i have mentioned slightly the cost of compliance [0.4] it is in large organization's interests [0.6] to make the requirements more and more demanding 'cause they could probably execute them [0.2] more efficiently than smaller organizations [1.6] okay [0.3] good well that sort of rounds off er quality management i want to move on to er cover [0.5] er really some just background information [0.3] about er staff training it's not something i want to cover in a great deal [0.4] er [0.3] of detail but really just so it's there [0.4] t to fit in the picture we might do the exercise at the end we might not depending on how time goes [0.4] er [0.3] but er [0.4] here we go [0.6] okay [0.5] so er [4.8] from a business perspective [1.2] er [0.9] there's there's really two two [0.3] types of [0.3] er training issue [0.6] firstly there's immediate on the job training [0.5] basically enabling somebody to do what you're asking them to do [0.6] er showing them how to do the job [2.0] and then there's the more strategic [0.5] er [0.2] what we call in this country vocational training [1.0] er [0.5] which actually er is formalized [1.0] you you wouldn't typically wait for someone to be er formally trained before they could do a job [0.4] er [1.9] apart from in certain circumstances like forklift driving and pesticide application [0.3] i'm thinking here though of more general [0.2] er formal qualifications [5.4] and [0.2] er [0.6] just a just a general sort of er [1.3] thought really [0.6] er [1.0] nowadays er in commerce we talk about [0. 3] human resource management er H-R management [0.4] which er is good [0.4] but [0.2] er sometimes [0.6] it seems to me that [0.3] in a way it's er this whole idea of H-R management [0.6] is actually potentially dehumanizing [0.8] er the workplace [0.6] er because it's almost taking making [0.5] er what people are doing and sort of clinically categorizing it does that sort of make sense [0.4] and i think that is a bit of risk [0.2] when we when we er [0.6] you know sometimes we talk about these issues that er we just you know it can be a bit clinical just talking about people as a component of the production system [0. 7] now that's not the intention generally [0.4] but i've been to a lot of seminar's about training in the workplace and that's how sometimes it's ended up sounding [0.4] so i'm just pointing out that's a bit of risk [0.3] er 'cause we are talking about people here [3.7] now er [0.3] this er you don't need to worry about looking at this 'cause i've given it to you on your handout er [1. 0] if you look at er [0.3] i think it's probably the last sheet i gave you [3. 5] er it's the same same detail [0.5] but there's quite a lot of confusion now in the U-K at least about er how qualifications [0.3] relate to each other [0.5] and i do want to just briefly [0.3] er actually give you some detail [0.5] about er [0.3] where they all fit in [0.8] firstly i want to suggest to you in the U-K and across Europe there are similar sort of er principles [0.4] we have [0.3] er what we call the vocational qualifications which are typically workplace based [0.2] and done by people actually working in an enterprise [1.7] academic qualifications like [0.8] er [0.4] we have here and then there are certain qualifications which seem to me at least to come [0. 2] er [0.3] broadly speaking into the middle [1.7] and then starting on the vocational side the government has identified [0.3] er [1.0] achievement levels [0.2] er one to five [0.7] and [0.2] these are [0.2] er [0. 3] first of all what we call in the U-K [0.2] national vocational qualifications N-V-Qs [1.4] but these achievement levels should have parallels [0.3] across the other [0.4] er [0.9] qualification systems too [1.3] and so [0. 3] er the basic idea really of er vocational qualifications [0.6] is that N-V-Q one and N-V-Q level two [0.7] are workplace based [0.9] er qualifications [0.6] where people in a workplace [0.5] ideally or they may go er to college or they m be be based at college [1.8] er the idea is you can achieve this in a workplace [0.7] and N-V-Q level one and level two [0.3] there're aimed very much at the general employee [0.3] okay so it's they are qualifications which anybody in the prospective business that their that their qualification's covering it might be commercial horticulture for example [0.3] er [0.2] w potential benefit [0.4] from receiving that level of of of er training and achieving that type of qualification being a business [0.4] and an individual's strategic interest [1.7] N-V-Q level three across all industries is aimed at [0.4] er [0.5] supervisors really [0.5] at team leaders and supervisors [0.7] and then N-V-Q level four and N-V-Q level five [0.6] er are moving on to [0.4] junior and senior management level [0.4] er qualifications [1.8] so in the U-K we have N-V-Qs there are [0.3] similar equivalents around Europe [0.4] and we have them arranged into [0.5] er [0.2] five levels [0.7] and there are er [0.2] er [2.2] er er [0.2] other professional qualifications which perhaps [0.3] go beyond the level five [0.5] and are generally recognized as being perhaps a step further and things like er diploma from the institute of management [0.4] and er [0.7] similar qualifications [2.0] and then we have the academic qualifications [2.4] er er and [0.3] er [0.7] at level two equivalent [0.5] er we've got things like G-C-S-Es and you can do a G-C-S-E in horticulture or rural skills [1.4] er along with other G-C-S-Es at the same time and there're equated to the sort of level two on workplace qualification [0.7] at level three which is a supervisory level qualification the sort of equivalent is [0. 6] er [0.4] A levels [0.9] er you can do A level horticulture although very few colleges [0.5] er offer it [0.7] er [0.5] many of you will have done A level botany [1.0] and then B-S-C within the [0.2] er general scheme of things [0.7] is identified at being [0.2] at [1.3] level four or arguably er into er level [0.2] er [0.2] five [1.0] and the N-S-C w might be quoted to [0.4] to to level five [0.7] the idea is then that [1.2] er [0.3] with the this sort of scheme of thinking [0.8] in a workplace [0.3] you might er achieve a similar level of achievement [1.5] to what you might do through a purely academic route [0.5] okay there are different types of achievement [0.6] but the achievement might nonetheless be recognized as being [0.7] at a similar level [0.8] does that make sense [1.0] er got a few intermediate qualifications in the U-K [0.6] and a lot of these are organized by a body called Edexcel [0.7] er and [0.2] they're known as er [0.4] things like er first diplomas and national diplomas [1.5] and i have fitted them into the picture too [1.6] and the other sort of er [0.3] co er complicating er factor of things like first degrees [0.9] er [0.4] you could have argued a first degree [0.4] is probably er a level three type of qualification [0.6] which then [0.6] er might be converted [0.4] ultimately into a [0.5] full degree by going to the final year of a full degree course [1. 4] so it's quite a quagmire of [0.5] er [0.2] qualifications in the U-K [0.5] but the idea of this chart is to give you some idea of equivalents and where they how they [0.3] actually [0.7] er relate to each other [1.0] has anyone got any questions about that [1.0] sf1348: is a first degree equivalent to an er a foundation degree nm1346: sorry i meant a foundation degree [0.3] sorry [0.3] you corrected me there [0.6] when i said that and as a first degree i meant foundation degree thank you [3.6] okay [2.8] er [0.4] but from a [0.2] from a business prospective [0.9] this is the route you'd probably send your employees down [0. 3] and the type of qualification you would finance them [0.6] er to do while they were working with you [4.0] now [2.8] when it comes to er training programs [3.5] from a business perspective [0.8] er [0.7] what basically er er [0.3] do you expect do do you need to have [1.0] well [0.5] the first thing [0.4] if you're a businessman paying for an employee to be trained [1.7] er [0.2] o or looking at the [0.2] management ov overall management checking the employees [0.3] what are at every stage your clear objectives [1.3] in academic qualifications [0.3] we're about developing the individual [0.4] about giving them as broad a perspective o on issues as possible [0.6] but from a business prospective [0.6] you want clear objectives that meet [0.5] er clear [0.4] criteria that suit the business [4.0] another major issue is that [0.2] the training comes in manageable components [1.0] so in business [0.4] yes we like to ap to apply training within some sort of formal structure that's got to fit in with [0.3] requirements of someone getting on and doing their job as well [0.4] so that training can't happen at a time of a year when people are [0.2] particularly busy [3.9] and like all good training programs this is not just due to businesses we want assessable outcomes [0.8] and it's actually a amazes me actually how much training is still out there without any assessable outcome [0.4] there any clear [0.3] indication as to what's been achieved [8.0] there's quite an issue er [0.4] especially with N-V-Qs [0.6] about the verification of standards because the idea is the N-V-Q is a workplace based qualification that you can achieve in your workplace [1.0] but you get big nurseries and small nurseries good nurseries and bad nurseries [0.4] and how do these standards all relate to each other [0.7] and so if somebody moves from one business to another [0.4] and again with an N-V-Q [0.5] in one business is that still relevant in the next business they might move to [0.3] it's quite a complex area [0.5] and so we have [0.4] er [0.5] quite an industry [0.3] actually [0.4] about [0.2] making sure [0.3] that er standards are verified that they interrelate to each other [0.5] er er and business to business as well [5.9] the other thing er [0.2] that you would expect to see within a er a training programme is er is a qualification process obviously [0.5] and that's what may well be verified [3. 3] and whatever does come out of it you want to be as widely recognized as possible [0.9] not just by [0.5] er within the business b b by the employees but also perhaps by your customers [0.9] er as well as the world at large [3.0] and [0.2] er i i mentioned er [0.4] N-V-Qs but there are other [0.2] er [1.4] er training programmes that the industry have devised to meet its own er [0.2] purposes [0.5] one example is er from the h Horticultural Trades Association the Plant Care Awards [0.5] this is a er a series of awards that's used by er garden centres actually [0.4] to actually [0.4] er er [0.6] raise the level of plant care [0.6] on garden centres [0.5] and i have to say some really need it [0.6] so [0.2] the [0.6] er it's an industry based award [0.6] but but it actually er [3.8] er it meets a lot of the criteria just discussed [5.0] do you have a few thoughts about how [1.0] training is to be managed [2.2] and [1.2] er [0.5] really the pivotal pivotal process in in [0.8] managing the training of employees [0.6] and the type of thing which also come into [0.2] er some of the audits that we talked about [0.5] er er [0.2] is a job appraisal [0.8] okay the process of discussing with the employee [0.8] er [1.4] their progress [0.9] and to a certain extent [0.6] their performance [0.5] of what can be done to [0.2] improve it [0.5] and develop it [2.4] because [0.4] from that process [2.3] er [0.4] what you should be able to do is to develop some sort of training plan some sort of strategy to take [0.2] that individual [0.6] and through that individual the business forward [3.4] there is a bit of er an issue which businesses have to address though [0.2] because if you're a business paying for training [0.8] what you're trying to do is er [0.3] develop a business primarily [1.4] as well as to develop the individual [0.7] and you have to work out some sort of balance here because actually [0.2] a lot of training [0.3] er doesn't necessarily directly contribute to business performance [0.6] directly but it might well contribute to that person's motivation [1.4] so [0.3] it's bit of a fine balance it's bit of it's bit of a delicate art [0.8] and it's interesting actually [0.5] er in practice i've found [0.3] er [0.2] working on nurseries [0.5] that it can be very contentious [0.5] if one if if a certain individual's been seen to be offered more opportunity particularly that which can't be related to their job and another [0.3] it can be can become a source of grievance [5.4] now it is er [0. 2] a difficult business getting the balance right [0.6] and in the U-K [0.7] er we had a scheme called Investors in People [0.9] have have many of you heard of this [1.5] su1357: yeah [0.5] nm1346: okay [laugh] some of you will have worked in businesses where that's been achieved [0.6] er but basically er th the object of Investors in People is that [0.6] i i it basically it's it's a [1.2] scheme which again is audited [1. 0] er [0.8] and it examines [1.3] er the process by which [0.4] er er training is managed within the business [0.7] er it looks to see that it's been done equitably and fairly [0.3] it looks to see that it's been properly reviewed [0.6] er because [0.2] an awful lot of businesses identify training needs [0.3] find a course of the right title and send people on it and then don't really determine [0.4] as to whether it was really any benefit or not [0.6] so quite integral to the process Investors in People is [0.3] not just how [0.9] er [1.3] things like job appraisals are carried out how training's allocated [0.4] but also [0.3] how the process is reviewed as well just to look at its efficacy [0.8] if you want to know more about this particular scheme er it has a website this is this is a new website [0.4] actually and i looked at it er [0.2] actually over the weekend and it didn't seem to be working properly [0.5] er [0.5] but it does exist and you might want to look at it in due course [7.2] now [0.2] er er really i just want to [0.5] er [1.5] make a point here that [0.4] er er [1.0] actually [0.5] it's something which i find i'm working against [0.3] all the time er er in working working on a working on a nursery an and that is er the issue of information overload [0. 5] every [0.2] er season [0.7] you find er supervisors [0.7] er team leaders getting frustrated by people not being able to carry out the job [0.7] that they've been asked to do [0.7] and [0.3] it's surprising actually [0.3] it takes a lot of experience [0.3] to to i find to effectively [0.5] er er develop somebody as efficiently as they [0.4] could be [1.6] and [0.4] er er the problem is that [0.3] it's very easy [0.2] to put upon somebody a lot more than they can actually [0.4] achieve [0.7] and er but because they can't necessarily remember all that they've been told [3.4] and er the point that i'm i'm making really [0.3] is that er it's very very easy [0.3] to expect too much from people all in one go [0.6] what's obvious to us [0.5] isn't obvious to somebody [0.8] first hand [0.7] okay when you know it is obvious when you when you don't it's not [0. 5] so inform i information overload is a is a [0.4] er er very common issue [0. 3] and quite simply it's because [0.3] perhaps on a first day of work or a first introduction to a new task [0.4] people are just challenged to remember more than they physically [0.6] or mentally can [1.0] and in fact [0.6] er there's a little there's a very lit simple little exercise [0.7] that you can do which just demonstrates the mind's capacity to absorb information [1.0] er [0.4] and [0.6] er [0.3] what i'm going to do actually i've got i've got just enough time so i'm just going to take you through it [0.6] can round it off with some more general conclusions [0.9] and it's a very simple exercise [0.2] all you have to do [0.7] is listen to me to s saying a number to you [1.3] and write it down [1. 0] is that fair enough [1.3] you all prepared to do that [3.7] okay so what i'm going to do is i'm going to s recite a number [0.9] you've got to put your pen on the table and when i say [0.2] write it down gotta write it down you er you happy to do that [0.9] now how long a number how many digits do you think you'll be able to remember su1357: no more than five nm1346: no more than five [1.9] optimistic six [1.0] more [0.9] su1357: seven nm1346: seven [1.6] it's okay [1.0] let's see how we go now the point is just imagine that instead of giving you numbers i was giving you a series of instructions [0.9] okay how much could you handle [0.9] all in one go [1.3] so anyway i'm going to give you a number and then you'll see what the number is okay [1.6] so the first number don't write it down yet just write it down when i say [3.2] is [1.1] seven [0.6] three [0.9] four [0.6] nine [0.9] six [0.9] write that down [8.2] you all written it down [0.5] don't look at someone else's just written [2.3] do this for yourself okay [0.9] okay [0.2] that was basically a five digit instruction to you [0.2] yeah [1.6] okay [1.9] that was the number [1.3] okay [1.4] did everybody get that right [laughter] i think the answer's no [laughter] okay i'll ask you still in the game if you if you didn't get it right [0.7] you're out the game sm1354: is there a cash prize that would make us concentrate [laughter] nm1346: okay i'll give you another number now okay pens down when i say you're going to write [0.6] you're going to write okay [0.8] and er it's going to be like countdown you'll get your answer verified towards the end okay so [1.2] okay the number is [1.1] eight [0.4] seven [0.7] two [0.4] six [0.6] one [0.7] nine [10.3] okay [1.9] there's your number [3.1] who's still in the game [2.4] okay [0.5] possibly [1.1] just over half of you possibly [0.3] okay [1.6] that's about right [2.0] okay your next number coming up [1.8] one [0.6] seven [0.7] nine [0.6] eight [0.8] five [0.6] two [1.0] three [13.2] that's your number [1.8] did you get it [3.2] how many of you are still in the game [1.5] now it's about half of you [1.0] okay [0.9] so [0.2] er i'll give you another one in a moment but the point is that er we have seven digits seven [0.5] okay [0.5] string of seven [0.7] er details [0.7] and it's interesting isn't it [0.3] we're we're very bright people and we're starting to get things [0.6] wrong [0.3] okay just trans just translate that into the workplace situation somebody's first day at work [0.5] okay [0.3] how many things are you going to be told [0.6] probably often in a one string [1.0] and how much of that is going to get remembered there's context there's reinforcement it's true there is some slight difference i would i would agree okay there's ways of breaking to up but we can talk more about that in terms of er [0.8] how often do supervisors say for example [0.3] i want you to take this from here to there to do that to it and then take it to here and then there and [1.6] then somebody's trying to do it and they started to try to remember what they've just been told is the point i'm making [0.5] it happens very very easily [1.0] sf1347: also once you've been told it you don't then you use it for a few days that's when it usually nm1346: that doesn't help either yeah for those of you that want to i'll give you a bigger number [laughter] well i've had er [laugh] i better not [1.2] su1357: no don't say that [laughter] nm1346: no i will then in that case [laughter] su1357: good nm1346: okay for those of you still in the game i will just give you a quick number and you can see if you can get it [1.6] okay [1.2] two [0.3] eight [0.4] six [0.5] four [0.5] three [0.4] nine [0.3] five [0.3] one [12.1] did anyone get that [4.0] well you're very clever [laughter] anyway the point i'm making is is often a ca is is often lot of frustration in workplace about about er er inducting new people yeah you're not going to get that i'm not even going to give it to you [3.0] okay the point i'm just making then in terms of workplace training comes back to a lot of the issues we talked about in terms of familiarizing staff with new procedures et cetera [1.5] but an information string of more distinct o [0.5] of more than six distinct components is liable to misinterpretation [0.8] okay given it all at once it [0.4] depends on the type of information depends how it's reinforced as well [0.6] but it is liable to to misinterpretation [0.5] and that actually also comes back as to why for example we use [0.6] er for examp er i showed you machinery we showed you you [0.4] know operating procedures on the machine itself for example [0.7] because people can actually [0.2] er [0.2] easily become confused [3.4] and [0.6] er so from what i've just said even the most basic new tasks can be better assimilated if accompanied by a written instruction [1.5] and again we talked about you know is it a good idea to have written work instructions isn't that a bit onerous [0.4] but the point [0.2] er i'm making here is that actually they could also be useful [0.7] okay it could solve some of the problems that we've just been talking about [0.3] already on this course [6. 0] and when we're talking about training what we've got to do is be careful to break down information into [0.2] manageable parts [3.0] that's what er [0.3] in learning [3.2] there's a few other points to just bear in mind [1.1] whenever you're telling any anybody anything [0.2] or trying to instruct [1.1] the most important poi [0.4] points in your presentation are going to be the beginning and the end [0.5] those are the bits that actually get remembered [0. 5] the most distinctly [5.4] and er most people have an optimum attention span of about twenty minutes [0.5] and actually this is a real issue i have with a lot of of managers on the nursery 'cause they sometimes run [0.4] training sessions actually last about two hours [0.7] okay 'cause that's the sort of regular working time [0.9] and you're just going to waste a lot of that time because their attention won't be held [0.8] that's why i like to put a break in the middle of our [1.2] sessions which last two hour well one hour fifty minutes [0. 7] maximum [0.8] because actually [0.5] er the efficacy of that session's going to be improved [0.5] if we put a break in the middle of it [4.2] and [0.6] er it's true though actually you can use some devices to make interesting or [0.3] er interesting [0.5] er if there's any notional stimulus then people are more likely to be fully involved [1.1] er [0.7] not something you can apply very much in a workplace context [0.4] but unless [0.5] er er [0.3] worth bearing in mind [1.0] okay i've given a very quick overview of training issues 'cause it seem pertinent to cover it in a context of this course [0.4] as i say we've now finished the key quality management component [1.0] next week er i will be looking at financial management [0.3] and in week [0.5] er [1.7] ten [0.5] er which is [0.4] er [0.5] the last er er [0.2] Thursday of term of course [0.4] er what i'm actually going to look at is is more communication issues and [0.5] er networking [0.3] personal networking issues just to give you an idea of wh what's to follow [0.8] i'm going to finish here [0.5] er but one thing i am going to do [0.4] er which won't be part of the lecture [0.5] er it's i am just going to take any questions about the assignment particularly from the M-S-Cs [0.6] er 'cause i'm getting a lot of questions still coming through about how to cover that assignment [0.6] and in case there needs to be an opportunity for everyone to hear everything [0.4] i'm going to do that [0.2] but otherwise [0.6] er i've finished with [0.4] with group as a whole for now [0.6] okay [0.5] so [0.3] thanks for that and i'll see you er again on Thursday