nf0621: welcome [4.7] today [1.1] we're talking about [0.9] communication skills [2.3] it's the core part [0.7] of what you learn [0.6] if you want to become [0.2] a doctor [2.5] ninety-five per cent [0.2] of doctors [0.5] spend most of their days [0.7] talking to people [1.0] one way or another [1.8] ninety-eight per cent of doctors [1.0] have to be able to consult [1.6] even if you're a pathologist you have to talk to the relatives of the people you cut up [2.1] and you have to be able to talk to other doctors as well [1.7] so this is absolutely [0.3] crucial [1.0] now one of the first things about communication skills that we teach you all [0.2] is that first of all [1.2] you should introduce yourselves [0.4] and so [1.6] we're going to introduce ourselves [0. 7] because in the next few years you're going to become [0.2] fairly familiar [0.5] with all these names [0.6] that are [0.4] in front of you here [1.5] and we thought we'd give you this opportunity to find out [0.4] who we are [0.9] and we're all going to introduce ourselves [0.3] to you so that [0.7] all of you will be taught by us [0.8] probably most of us [0.4] before you qualify [0. 9] even if not directly in the next few months [0.9] so we thought you'd like to know who we are [1.5] so [0.9] this is our [0.5] Department of Undergraduate G-P Education at the moment [0.2] we have two senior lecturers [0.2] namex and namex [1.3] and [1.1] as of [0.9] two weeks' time we have ten [0.5] part-time G-P lecturers [0.9] all of us are [1.7] more than half-time more than two-third time G-Ps [0.9] in the week [0.6] and [0.6] all of us [1.0] spend most of our time [0.3] actually at the coalface [1.7] so if my [0.3] people could come up [0.2] please [1.0] and [0.5] we'll let namex [2.1] now [0.8] the most important members of our team as far as you're concerned [0.4] are [1.2] namex who's our undergraduate administrator [1.5] and namex [0.3] her assistant who's i think officially called the secretary [1.6] these two ladies [0.7] are [0.6] the heart of our department [0. 6] and they run everything and you will be going to see them and phoning them [0.9] lots and lots [1.6] [laughter] but now [0.3] namex [0.6] all yours [3.1] nm0622: i'm the director of G-P Undergraduate Medical Education at namex Medical School [0.3] and we're all [0.3] members of the Department of [0.5] Undergraduate General Practice Education [0.9] namex asked us to give [0.2] er an amusing theme about ourselves and [0.2] a message therefore about communication [0.8] my wife says that my interest in cricket has become an obsession [0.5] and this is myself actually [0.4] on a very rare occasion [0.4] going out [0.2] to bat [0.9] and i wanted my communication [0.4] theme to er surround [0.7] cricket because [0.3] to be successful in cricket [0.5] requires [0.2] teamwork [0.5] it can't be [0.6] a solo [0.3] effort [0.7] and if you think of the team it's more than just [0.4] the players [1.1] if you make the analogy with [0.2] you as doctors in the future you're going to be the major players [0.4] in the N-H-S but there are a lot of other players as well [0.7] there's the ground staff [0.6] the umpires [0.2] the scorers the fixture secretary publicity [0.6] those who make the teas [0.4] and many others so there are many others in the N-H-S team [0.4] as well as doctors [0.9] and we'll all have different skills which namex's just alluded to some of us may be pathologists some of us may be [0.5] G-Ps so similar to the cricket team there are those that are good at batting [0.4] some at bowling some at fielding [0.9] but [0.3] success is not through individuals [0.2] for us to be successful we've got to communicate [0.9] and [0.6] thinking particularly of the university we have teamwork in teaching that's why [0.3] we're introducing ourselves as a team [0.3] in order to make it a success we've got to communicate [0.7] for you as students during your four years to be successful [0.3] you've got to be able to communicate [0.5] both as pairs and within groups during seminar work [0.4] particularly in relation to problem based learning [0.8] that requires teamwork [0.7] and similarly when you go into practice [0.3] people don't work on their own nowadays they work in teams both in the community [0.6] and in hospital [0.7] so effective teamwork depends on good communication to enable mutual understanding of needs [0.5] whether on [0.2] or off the field [0.7] so the amusing bit for me is [0.4] i have the long walk out from the pavilion on to the [laughter] cricket square [0.4] a relatively short time [0.3] at the crease depending whether i'm facing to begin with or whether i have a few balls while my partner at the other end is facing [0.7] and then unfortunately [0.4] the long walk [0. 3] back to the pavilion [laughter] [1.6] pass on to [0.2] namex nf0623: thank you [0.6] er i'm namex's sort of other half in the academic department in that er i'm codirector [0.6] er [0.2] i haven't made you a beautiful slide because as my group from this morning will know i'm i'm rather keen on art and i have a new digital camera and i haven't quite got my act together [0.7] er [0.9] i've been here since January [0.2] er [0.4] and i was at U-C-L prior to that er [0.4] my major interest is obviously in communication and consultation skills [0.5] er which is also a research interest for for many years i was head of the international unit which is [0.4] involved in primary care development projects abroad [0.5] er [0.4] and that i think has made me more aware of of of communication it's it's brought a lot of lessons back [0.2] for me to the U-K which i use in my daily practice [0.7] er [1.6] these projects are quite expensive and it's led me to reflect on [0.5] er looking at what we've actually done whether we've actually done anything in fact for the patients er in terms of primary care development [0.6] and i've been looking at patient centred instruments er which is a research interest i [0.3] intend to pursue [0.5] er along with a little bit of international work that that i'm doing here [0.7] er so hopefully er you'll see more and more of that as as the course progresses [0.2] thank you nf0621: okay here you are namex we'll leave it there [0.4] nm0624: okay [2.0] [laughter] well will the miracle happen when i need to press it nf0621: yeah [laughter] [0.2] nm0624: yeah nf0621: yes it will nm0624: okay thank you [0.2] er my name is namex [0.2] and er i'm one of the part-time lecturers here [0.7] yes i do believe in miracles er because for one [0.2] i became a doctor [0.6] er [laughter] [1.4] if i can do it [0.2] i think anybody can [1.1] [laughter] i mean clearly er talking about communication skills i mean that's the theme [0. 6] er you [0.2] obviously have some [0.2] attributes in communication because that's what we test in the interview [0.9] but [0.5] the course is [0.4] and our aim is [0.6] in particular [0.2] to develop some of those attributes [0.5] and fine tune them so that you become very successful doctors [0.9] right [1.9] now [0.3] miracles do happen and one of them happened to me very recently [0.2] i was on holiday in Toronto [0.8] and after twenty-five years i met a drinking partner [0.8] [laughter] now can you believe [0.3] that two people could be attending [0.4] two different [0.5] weddings in at the same venue [0.6] and be outside the hall at the same time [0.4] across the road [0.8] so a very quiet [0.4] sort of [0.2] voice says namex [1.0] and i thought nobody knows me here so i ignored it [3.4] [laughter] a slightly louder one came namex [0.8] and there was a guy smiling across the way [0.8] and it made my day i have to say it made my year i suppose [0.3] to see somebody after twenty-five years who you were so close and it's amazing that sometimes you let go of your relationships [0.3] and relationships are very important for G-Ps [0.3] thank you nm0625: i'm namex i'm a G-P in er [0.2] namex [0.9] and as as namex's sort of outlined [0.6] er you'll come across me both in the Communication Skills module which is what you're doing in this phase one [0.7] and then later [0.7] er we get involved in Clinical Methods which again is er departmental [0.8] and practice based [1.1] the reason i've sh-, [0.5] selected this slide to show you is is partly to illustrate that we do have lives [0.6] outside this building [0.5] but also to er [0.6] sort of highlight that communication is not always verbal [1.3] and it is important to be able [0. 4] to recognize and appreciate non-verbal communication [0.8] er [0.2] and also recognize that different things [0.3] mean different [1.0] er [0.5] different things depending on the circumstances that [0.2] that you find yourself in [0. 5] i mean does does anybody here go diving or [0.3] scubaing or [1.5] so the people who don't what [0.2] i mean the message there is [0.2] sf0626: go up [0.6] nm0625: go up yes [0.2] er [laugh] [1.1] not having a great time [0.7] [laughter] which is [0.7] more represented by that [0.8] [laughter] okay [0.5] thank you nf0627: first er bad communication error is i work in namex not in namex so [laughter] nf0621: i'm sorry nf0627: i apologize for that nf0621: oh that's my fault nf0627: [laughter] don't worry [0.4] nf0621: er nf0627: i was going to say the should we put the [0.2] the photograph up at this stage [1.5] now this will give you a laugh [0.2] [laughter] [0.6] the [0. 2] [laughter] my husband said the way to get a laugh is show a wedding photograph and you're bound to get one with that hat on so [laughter] [0.4] it is actually me er a hundred years ago [0.3] [laughter] on my wedding day [0.7] and i thought it might be interesting especially for the girls in the audience because i got married as a medical student and some of you might have been wondering about marriage and children and the rest of it [0.4] er so now i [0. 3] then i was a medical student and getting married [0.3] now i'm [0.4] a [0.2] daughter still [0.2] and a wife and a mother as well as being a G-P and a lecturer so you really can have everything that you want [0.4] it's quite possible [0.5] and i thought when i looked at that if you look at the eyes and it my me-, my communication message is eye contact is really important [0.4] and if you look at my eyes i'm looking in the right direction [2.3] [laughter] and i and i think that is the story of my life [laughter] i really do ss: aah nm0628: hello i'm er i'm namex [0.6] this here [0.3] is my little new daughter namex who's now sixteen weeks old [0.4] ss: aah nm0628: and that was the day she was born there [laughter] [0.5] so er [0.5] i was just about i'm [0.9] i just er wanted to illustrate some non-verbal communication can anybody what what's [0.3] what am i thinking here do you reckon [0.6] [laughter] oh by the way that is my wife not [laughter] [0.5] can anybody read what my face is thinking there i this is why i use this i think [0.3] sm0629: well it's how did we both get into the same shirt [0.2] nm0628: yeah [laughter] it's it's it's very sad isn't it [4.2] y-, yeah it it's especially with my size as well [laughter] isn't it [1.6] yeah any any other offers [laughter] [2.6] it's a mixture of extreme p-, pride and absolute terror if you notice [laughter] the sort of [0.5] a grimace on my face as well so er [0.4] anyway this is what actually happens to you if you have a kid [0.9] [laughter] ss: aah [0.6] nf0621: so there's Homer Simpson i A-K-A me with little namex [0.4] absolutely blotto on my lap it's absolutely knackering but er [0.8] [laughter] but anyway that's me er i am a human being [0.3] er by the way the way not to get a stomach like that is not to put a stone a year on in medical school [laughter] that's what i did [1.1] it's it's mainly the curry every night after the beer avoid it like the plague [laughter] but er [0.6] but anyway i'm a G-P in namex up the road a little village and one of the part-time lecturers here and i teach mainly the commu-, er the [0.4] Clinical Method course a little bit later on so [0.4] you'll be coming across me so it's nice to meet you all and i'll pass on thanks a lot nf0621: this is me [1.4] and [0.2] i thought i wasn't going to overload it with too many er bytes [0.4] of information so [0.9] i just [laughter] thought we'd er [5.6] we'd go back to the [0.3] necessity for verbal skills in consultation [0.7] and just to remind you [2.3] and now nf0630: i'm namex [0.2] i'm the only [0.2] lecturer here that has to ask you not only is the microphone working and can you hear me but can you actually see me over the lectern [laughter] 'cause i am quite short [0.6] er [0.4] as it said i'm a G-P in namex as well which probably a lot of people have just moved to namex and you don't know where it is [0.4] it's actually the little village outside namex which is very famous obviously for a chap who used to write plays and things [0.5] er and he's also very famous [0.2] er for acting so i thought it was only fair [0.4] that perhaps me and one of the partners at work should do a little sketch for you now this is even more humiliating than doing G-P videos so [laughter] when you come and whinge to me about having to do videos just bear in mind what i've had to go through to do this [0.2] okay nf0621: right [0.4] our next lecturer [laughter] [1.7] nm0631: hello [0.9] er my name's namex i'm a G-P in south namex at a place called namex and which is why i was a bit late so i apologize for that [0.6] that's me [1.5] [laughter] er [0.7] i don't really have any teaching points about that i just thought that was quite sweet [0.5] [laughter] although i guess er [1.0] if there is anything to learn about it it's if you do have any bad habits er [0.4] try and lose them as early as possible 'cause i'm still suffering from my family affliction [0.6] [laughter] of supporting er Wolverhampton Wanderers and as [0.4] [laughter] you might know er [0.6] they're appalling [0.6] [laughter] so er that's all i've got to say really [0.2] [laughter] nm0632: hi my name is namex as you can read [laughter] [0.5] er [0.2] basically i've been appointed recently as a lecturer here so i've not had all the [0.6] er experiences all these lecturers who [0.2] managed to [0.3] er get these fantastic slides [0.6] but basically when i was studying for my M-R-C-G-P that's what i looked like [0.5] er and just to let you know that if you're getting really [0.5] er pissed off with doing intensive study for medicine [0. 2] [laughter] then you can produce a child like that which is [laughter] what i did afterwards thank you [laughter] nm0633: hi m-, my name is namex i've got B but [0.4] probably in future i'll get a O-B- E or M-B-E [laughter] but that's an [1.1] that's an example of er [0.5] communication [0.8] i [0.2] haven't put my slides or anything there because Powerpoint is always a distraction and er i'm trying to [0.8] provide a kind of a visual communication [1.0] [laughter] so they can look at me [2.4] [laughter] and i for a long time i was at the other end of er [0.4] er [0.7] the [0.5] where you were sitting and listening to other people but i'm just r-, i've just recently joined as namex as a lecturer here [0.6] and i'm a G-P in er namex [0. 8] okay [0.3] thank you [laughter] [3.6] nf0621: okay so now you know who we all are [1.2] and a little bit [0.8] about it [2.4] so [0.5] i thought we'd get ourselves back to the basics [1.1] of this [1.5] and er [2.3] the first thing to know [0.3] is [2.0] that this bit of the course is part of your Clinical Skills module [2.1] don't worry about writing things down [1.2] nothing there are no notes to be taken from this lecture [1.4] okay [1.9] it's a practical course it's not theoretical [1.2] there is no knowledge to be learned [2.3] it's taught [0.2] by practising doctors [2.2] with simulated [0.3] and real patients [1.6] communication skills are skills [0.2] and you can't learn skills by writing about them [0.5] you can write about Beethoven's piano concerto [0.3] till the papers are this big [0.2] you can talk about it [0.4] till people's ears drop off [0.2] and it will not let you be able to play it [0.6] to be able to play it [0.3] you must [0.7] play [1.2] again [0.9] and again [1.1] and so this is not for you to write and us talking about it [0.4] that makes you think [0.7] that the real learning [0.3] happens with the patients [1.6] so [0.5] why [0.3] teach [0.8] communication nf0621: [0.6] well [1.1] i like that because [0.2] it's got so many [0.5] examples [0.3] of communication cock-ups [3.1] later on when you watch it [0.2] you'll actually be able to spot them [0.2] and you'll say ah he's using a word that [0.2] he thinks he means something different from this one does and [1.0] he's d-, you know [0.6] but [2.1] the whole of that Carry On film [1.2] is [0. 2] about the misunderstanding [0.2] that happens in that consultation [0.7] and although [0.4] that is a film and you've probably seen it before [0.6] i will say that i have seen worse consultations happen in real life [2.4] so [0.2] perhaps there is some [0.3] point in teaching [0.3] communication [2.0] good communication [0.3] has rewards and bad communication has punishments [2.6] if you communicate well you know why the patient has come [2.9] you can make a diagnosis [2.0] the patient can understand [0.4] your explanation [2.0] the patient might take your treatment [1.9] and the patient will like you [2.2] on the other hand [0.3] if you can't communicate [2.1] you miss [0.3] the real reasons [0.3] that they've come to see you [1.3] you miss important diagnoses [2.2] and the patient [0.3] does not [0.8] understand you [0.5] or what is going on [2.5] patients don't then do what you want them to do [1.7] and you get complaints [0.9] so on a very real and practical [0.4] level [1.1] being able to communicate well [0.9] is absolutely [0.3] crucial [1.6] for what we do [0.2] as doctors [2.7] so [0.9] what [0.5] is [0. 3] good [0.2] communication [2.4] well [0.2] we've seen it can be non- [0.2] verbal [2.2] i can by the way i use my body [1.3] or not [1.3] give completely different impressions [0.6] to people [2.1] your body language [0.2] your expression [0.7] your posture [3.2] wasn't the patient's expression marvellous [0.2] when the doctor was talking [0.6] looking at the X-ray [3.3] non-verbal [0.9] communication can also be paralinguistic [0.6] things like the tone of your voice and your voice quality [0.3] can communicate [0.3] important things [1.5] recently got a new curate in my church [0.9] and she goes on about the love of Christ [laughter] and i think [laugh] [0.2] every time she does it [0. 7] i'm [0.2] i know it's wrong but [0.2] [sigh] i just wish somebody had taken her an-, aside and said [0.6] you can learn how to make your voice [0.2] more [0.9] relaxing [1.1] [laughter] [1.0] good communication can also be verbal [2. 2] what you say [0.3] matters enormously [0.4] the precise words that you use [1.0] how you say it [2.1] and the way you respond [0.6] to the people [0.8] er [0.5] has said [3.1] so [3.2] let's have a think about [0. 4] these skills [5.0] these are the skills that you're going to be [0.2] practising but before we get on to that i think we ought to have [0.8] another video nf0621: so the first and most important skill [1.5] is listening [7.0] questioning [2.1] how to ask questions [0.4] it's quite frightening at first [1. 6] going up to a complete stranger [1.0] and asking them questions about when they had their bowels open and [2.0] what their mother did and oh [0.5] all sorts of personal things about pain [0.6] and bodies [3.0] responding [0.3] knowing what to say and how to say it when somebody [0.7] gives you a bit of themselves [2.7] and how to explain [1.1] how to explain things so that people understand [1.6] not the way you understand it but the way [0.5] they will understand it [2.4] so let's have a little look at these skills [0.2] w-, one at a time [1.3] just briefly [0.2] because we don't want to waste too much time on this [3.3] so listening [5.6] you have to give patients space [0.4] and time [0.4] to express themselves [6. 4] it's actually quite [0.3] difficult [0.6] to hear [0.4] what patients are actually saying [2.6] we take it for granted but very often [0.7] you know there's family arguments where [0.3] i told you about so and so no no you didn't [0.2] you didn't say that you said something el-, [0.7] it's very difficult [0.3] to hear what people say [0.3] because very often [0.4] you're expecting [0.7] an answer [1.3] and you get [0.8] dragged b-, off by your expectation [1.1] and practising listening to the story that patients [0.2] really tell you [1.4] is very important [3.1] you have to overcome [0.6] the barriers to disclosure [2.0] they're always there [0.8] they'll be worse for you [0.2] when you're feeling insecure [0.9] when you're only a first year medical student [1.0] and you feel [0.4] like this [0.5] but even the most experienced doctor has to overcome [0.3] barriers [0.7] in order to be able to help [0.6] as well as they can [5.1] if i've got one message that i'm going to give you above all others [0.5] it's [0.8] to value the patient's contribution [0.5] as equal [0.6] to your own [1.4] in fact [0.5] it's not just equal to your own it's probably [1.7] everything [4.6] and by the time [0.3] you qualify [0.6] we hope you will have the knowledge and the skills [0.7] to process what the patient says [1.6] to be able to make [0.6] this magic thing called [0.2] a diagnosis [0.4] but more than that not just a label [0.8] a real insight [0.5] into that patient's world [1.0] something that will make sense to them [0.4] as well as you [7.5] so you're going to be doing this [0.4] by listening [0.3] but also by questioning [1.5] anybody know anything about questions [1.5] anyone [0.9] yeah [1.1] sm0634: er [0.5] basically not to ask leading questions to keep them open [1.1] nf0621: brilliant [0.6] yeah [2.1] sounds very easy [0.2] doesn't it not to ask leading questions [0.5] but there are basically two sorts of questions [0.2] there are closed questions [1.1] these are ones that can be answered by yes and no [1.4] things like [0.2] do you have you are you [3.6] and there are open questions [0.7] which actually allow [0.3] a patient to answer in their own words [1.4] they can't be answered by yes and no [0.5] and they usually start with [0.2] words like who [0.6] what [0.7] where [0.7] why [0.9] and when [3.1] learning how to ask open questions [0.7] to ask questions in a way [0.3] that allow patients to answer [1.2] the way they want to [0.5] is actually quite difficult [0.6] and [0.4] in your groups [0.6] you'll all say ooh i'm going to ask these open questions and then you find you open your mouth and you say [1.6] do you think it's so and so and you've asked a closed question again [0.6] and [0.3] it's so easy [0.9] to get into habits of asking [0.3] these closed questions and you have to practise to [0.4] to become better at it [4.5] i've got these slides in the wrong order but we'll deal with it [0.5] explaining [6.4] giving a good explanation [0.3] i haven't put any detail on the slide [0.7] because at this point [0.8] we're not going to be concentrating on h-, [0.3] the precise nuts and bolts of how you do it [0. 9] but the essential [0.2] is to be able to use the right language [0.6] and that is a skill that you can practise [0.9] being able to use the words that patients [0.2] understand [0.5] and in the way that that patient understands it [3.3] so you then can get a shared understanding [3.3] and [0.5] we teach you [0.3] in order to get that shared un-, understanding [0.2] you're going to use [0.3] the patient's ideas [2.1] the patient's concerns what's bugging them [2. 6] and their expectations [4.2] and you'll be practising this [0.4] by the time [0.4] you get to the Clinical Methods course [0.8] you'll actually know [0.2] ideas concerns and expectations as ICE [0.6] it will be something i hope [0.5] that you'll be so familiar [0.4] with thinking [0.3] do i know their ideas do n- , i know what [0.5] what they are worried about [0.3] do i know what they want from us [6.4] and responding [0.6] what do you do when somebody bursts into tears [0.7] what do you do when [0.9] are there some useful things that you'll get used to d-, using [0.3] things like [0.2] tell me about [2.5] tell me about encourages [0.5] the narrative [0.8] of a consultation [0.2] it gets people talking [0.4] it's a wonderful tool that experienced doctors use [0.9] you don't usually tell your friends t-, [0.2] tell me about this do you [0.7] but it's something that as a professional [0.2] you'll learn [2.5] reflection [1.1] to be able to just [1.0] repeat back [0.2] something that a patient has said [0.5] and not to feel ridiculous about it [2.1] summarizing [0.4] to take a long complicated story [0.3] that a patient has told you [0.5] and to create it into a nice neat whole [0.4] so that they can check that you've got [0.6] all the important data [2.1] and empathizing [1.6] how to say [1.8] naturally [0.2] easily [1.0] i'm so sorry [0.2] if somebody tells them [1.1] you that y-, their father's died or [0.3] something like that [0.6] and to be able [0.5] to feel comfortable about giving that empathy [5.9] so these are all very practical things and me talking to you about them isn't going to help them happen is it [2.4] so how does our DISC course here [0.8] help you [0.6] to develop these skills [9.6] we start out [0.6] with three seminars [4.6] each of the seminars [0.4] takes place here [2.2] it's about an hour and a half long [1.2] you'll be in small groups [3.5] there'll be about ten of you [2.0] and you'll have [0.3] a G-P tutor [0.3] with you in that group [1.8] you'll also have [0.5] a thing called a simulated patient [4.1] we use simulated patients quite a bit [0.4] both in exams [0.5] and in [0.4] training [2.2] and i know that there's a [0.2] tendency for students to think oh it's only an actor [1.0] well [0.7] if you call a simulated patient an actor a lot of them get very offended [1.0] but these are people [0.4] who [0.8] have an alter ego [0.8] as a person who comes to see a doctor [2.0] and they know how to be that person [0.9] and they give you a chance to practise [1.7] to dry run [0.5] like going on a dry ski slope [0.8] you know it's [0.6] it's easier [1.7] although it isn't easier [0.2] when you actually try it you find it feels just like talking [0.2] to any other patient and of course these are real patients [1.0] often they have real illnesses [1.5] but the advantage is [0.7] that if you say the wrong thing if you laugh when they say my father died [1.3] you won't have really hurt somebody [1.1] in a way that can't be undone [1.7] and if you find [0.2] that the patient doesn't understand what you're going on about you can say [0.2] ah i'm sorry shall we try that again [0.8] and reel back like a videotape [0.7] and have a g-, go using different words [1.4] for us experienced doctors we love having a chance to use simulated patients [1.0] and [0.6] we f-, we find that the work that we can do with them is immensely valuable to us [4.3] but these seminars that you have are a chance to actually practise [0.8] your first attempts at talking to patients [0.5] in a safe [0.2] environment [2.0] it's also an environment where [0.5] you can experiment [2.2] it's often quite difficult to find out why the patient has come [1.4] if you're in a group [0.2] the group can give you ideas [0.7] how you can ask [0.3] the right questions [0.6] to actually find out why [0.3] these particular patients [0.3] have come [2.3] and they also enable you to be able to find out the background [0.2] to the problems that the patients have [0.7] at this stage we don't expect you to make medical diagnoses [1.3] but it's never too se-, soon [0.4] to start practising [0.3] the actual nuts and bolts of talking to patients [0.5] finding out [0.2] what their story is [0.5] why have they come to the doctor's today [0.6] what is it they want [0.3] what is the real problem [2.1] those skills you need [0.5] right from day one [2.6] we then follow it up with real patients because [0.8] that's what life is a-, [0.2] going to be about for all of you [2.7] and you then have three sessions [0.3] in the G-P practice of your group tutor [0.4] so you will be with [0.2] the tutor who's been with you in the seminars [1.8] and you go out in pairs [1.4] and you'll spend an afternoon or a morning [0.5] in their surgery [2.1] and you'll see real patients with real problems [0.6] and even your tutor won't know anything about them because they'll come in and they'll have something new he [0.3] and he won't know what it is [3.1] and you'll be able to talk to them before any other doctor [0.6] or nurse or anyone has actually spoken to them about this problem [0.6] and have a go [0.3] at finding out [0.3] why the patient has come [0.8] finding out the background to the problem [2.0] and then [1.0] as a pair [0.3] you can think about the difficulties you find [2.2] and you can learn to recognize [0.6] what you do naturally easily [0.5] and what you're going to have to work at [1.3] and the most important thing here is that [0.2] your G-P tutor [0.7] is going to be giving you [0.2] feedback [1.5] every time you talk to a patient [0.9] your G-P tutor [0.4] will be watching and listening [0.2] to what you do [0.7] and they will give you feedback [0.6] on [0.3] how you did it well [1.2] what worked [0.4] why it worked [1.9] and they'll give you suggestions for things to try [0.7] so it's not [0.5] knock you feedback it's [0.2] useful feedback [0.9] and even more importantly at the end [0.5] of the course [0.2] they should give you some structured written feedback as well [0.6] so that you can take that and put it in your portfolio [0.9] and you've got a record of that work you've done [5.5] so [1.0] that structured written feedback how do we do it [2.0] i'm going to rush through this bit [0.6] because it's [1.3] it's important but [0.5] it's also something that probably not [0.3] er [1.1] you'll want to know all the details very at some stage but not here [1.6] here we use a thing called [0.5] we call it the LAP [0.5] it's called the namex Assessment Package [2.4] this is the [0.3] the assessment tool that's used in all the exams in the namex Medical School [0.9] and [0.8] it's a way of measuring [0.5] how you perform when you're talking to a patient [1.7] now nf0621: of you has got i hope [0.5] a blue [0.7] book [0.4] a coursebook [2.7] if you haven't got one don't fret now [0.5] don't read it now [0.4] just make sure you've got one [1.1] in that book [0.2] all the details [0.5] of [0.4] the assessment that's used [0.6] for this [1.8] is recorded [6.2] and this tool [0. 3] with minor changes is used in all the OSCEs that you get [1.6] it's used in your intermediate clinical exams that's halfway through your phase two [1.7] it's used in the Clinical Methods course that we teach later on [0.4] where you do [0.5] two months [0.9] hospital and general practice and s-, concentrated work on how you make diagnoses [0.3] and how you make management plans [1.3] and [0.5] for you the important thing nf0621: assessment tool [0.2] is how you will be measured in your final clinical exams [1.2] so [0.4] becoming familiar [0.6] with this assessment package [0.3] is useful to you [0.4] and i'm going to briefly flick through [0. 3] the criteria [0.3] that are used [0.5] in the [0.7] communication skills part [0.4] of that assessment package [2.5] now [0.4] we only [0.3] look at what you do [0.5] in two parts of talking to patients [0.6] we're not going to be judging you on how you make a diagnosis [0.5] at this stage [0.5] but we do look at your behaviour and relationship [0.6] with patients [3.8] and your tutor will tell you whether you are [0.3] maintaining a friendly but professional relationship with patients [0.9] whether you are conveying sensitivity to the needs of patients [2.7] and whether you are communicating [0.5] an awareness that their attitude [0.5] actually matters [0.3] towards creating [0.2] a shared [0.5] approach [2. 4] you'll also [1.1] be being judged [0.3] or being given feedback on your interviewing and history taking [0.6] skills [0.6] and there are a lot of criteria here so i'll it's on to the next slide and it's a rather crowded slide and i apologize for that [4.7] you're expected to become fluent at introducing yourself [1.0] putting patients at ease [1.7] allowing a patient to tell their story [3.0] checking out words that the patient uses that you're not sure quite what that patient means [0.7] so that you don't get the sort of mismatches [0.5] that happened in the Carry On film [2.2] phrasing your questions simply and clearly [2.1] being able to sit on your hands and shut up when needed [2.4] finding out [0.7] why the patient has come [0.2] their ideas [0.2] concerns [0.4] and expectations [3.8] and looking at the whole [0.3] problem [0.2] as it affects the patients [0.4] not just [0. 3] their bodies [0.7] that the whole of them [0.3] as a [0.3] a functioning individual [0.4] in society [0.4] in a family [3.8] and although [0.3] we do test [0.2] on [0.5] we tell you if you're getting the right sort of information [0.4] in your questioning [1.8] and we'll give you [0.6] praise if you're well organized [0.5] at this stage we don't expect [0.3] people [0.3] to be [0.4] starting to get a really controlled [0.2] history [0.5] because [0.9] it's is-, it's difficult [1.1] it is a skill [1.5] it's every bit as complicated learning to consult with patients as it is learning to drive [1.9] and [1.2] if it seems a bit daunting [0.4] most of you have learned to drive by now [0.6] in fact i hope all of you have [0.8] but [0.9] if you're feeling a bit daunted when you're talking to patients and thinking it's difficult just remember how awful it was the first time [0.3] you actually let the clutch out and it went [0.2] down the road [laughter] [3.6] so where do we go from here [1.3] the seminars are on Thursday afternoons [3.1] the group dates and times [1.7] will be on the noticeboards [0.8] namex are they [0.2] actually on the noticeboards at the moment [0.4] nm0625: have to be up by Friday [0.2] nf0621: they'll be up by Friday [1.6] so you will know [0.2] who your G-P tutor is [0.5] where they're based [0.3] who else is in your group and what time your sessions are [3.0] your tutor is going to be the G-P whose practice you will be visiting [7.6] you can start visiting your G-Ps after the second [0.2] seminar [1.7] now [0.5] the first first seminar is on the twenty-fifth of September so in about a week's time [1.0] and the last [0.2] third seminar is on the sixth of November [0.3] so all of you should have been out [0.3] to your general practices [0.3] sometime [0.2] during the month of October or November [0.8] and you then have until the following June [0.5] to complete your three [0.2] visits [5.0] and [0.5] please [0.6] read your clinical skills workbook [1.7] read it [0.6] and read it [0.7] and read it and don't lose it [0.4] because you'll need it later on [0.7] in your Clinical Skills [0.3] module that starts [0.4] in November [0.6] as well [2.7] have we got [0.7] any questions or queries [1.7] anywhere sf0635: are there any leftover workbooks nf0621: yeah we've got a wave over there [0.2] one over there [0.4] sf0636: are there any leftover workbooks down at the front 'cause there aren't any at the back [0.2] nf0621: there are two-hundred workbooks and there are slightly fewer than two- hundred students so there should be enough to go round yes [1.3] some are going your way [0.2] sf0636: thank you nf0621: any others [0.4] short [0.5] right [0.6] if we all make sure that anyone who hasn't got one [1.5] gets one before they go [6.6] yes [2.2] now [0.2] before you go [1.4] before you go [0.8] l-, namex who's your administrative [1.7] your ad-, [0.3] the G-P [0.2] undergraduate G-P administrator [0.4] is going to introduce herself nf0637: i'm in room one-one-three [3.1] and extension number seven-three-eight- o-eight [6.4] okay our secretary is namex [1.1] she's in the same room [0.3] and she's on extension seven-four-o-four-four [3.4] er [0.5] namex put up here that attendance is compulsory i will know within an hour if you've not turned up at your practices [1.2] okay [0.5] er [0.4] it's not [0.9] acceptable to not be there if you know that you can't make it phone me in advance and let me know [0.6] let your doctors know and it has to be [0.6] y-, er er [0.2] a good reason why you're not going to be there [0.7] okay [0.5] er other than that if you've got any issues any problems you can come and see me [0.3] any time at the moment i have got hours posted on my door [0.5] but for the moment [0.4] while you're sort of getting used to things come and see me any time you like [0.2] thank you nf0621: right [0.2] now [1.6] namex wants to have a brief word after me [0.6] i just want to basically say [0.6] namex is in her office [0.9] most of the time [1.1] nearly always [0.2] if you've got a problem with any of this part of the course [0.3] she's there [0.3] and namex [0.8] if y-, [0.3] if namex isn't there namex is [0.3] and they are [0.2] fantastic they [0.6] you know they really do help and they help us as well [0.8] so [0.3] you'll you'll all get to know her really well by the end [0.8] from my point of view that's the end of the lecture namex wants to have a quick word but [0.4] thank you very much for being so [0.4] quiet and listening [0.2] thanks [7.1] nm0622: i i ju-, just wanted to say enjoy very much being at namex University and the medical school for the next four years [0.6] if you do have any problems or concerns now you've met us all i'm sure we'd be [0.2] all very happy [0.4] to an-, [0.2] to answer any queries that [0.3] you may have [0.4] er [0.4] the next lecturer Dr namex [0.2] has suggested i think quite rightly [0.3] you have a break for the next three or four minutes just to stretch your legs [0.6] outside and then please come back in the lecture theatre in the next [0.2] five minutes thank you very much