nf0440: if you're all ready to start [0.6] thank you [0.9] okay so we're looking about how you concentrate your urine so we're going to look at osmolarity and urine concentration [1.3] and then we're going to look at water reabsorption and what actually regulates your water reabsorption from the nephron [0.8] and this brings us on to the loop of Henle in the counter current er [0.2] system [0.9] now you might remember that from A-level and hate it but hopefully i'm going to explain it to you [0.4] but it's really quite important to that you actually understand the principle behind it [0.4] i know it says in your workbook you're not covering it that's because namex don't see any point in teaching it [0.4] but i'm sorry everybody clinicians [0.2] and myself think it's vital at this end so you do get taught it [1.2] and then we're just going to finish up with what happens when it goes wrong [0.4] and the two clinical conditions [0.5] and these are actually covered in case studies so [0.2] we skip over the er clinical conditions we're just [0.4] not too much detail in the lecture because you get them in case studies to actually look at them in more depth [2.1] so if we have a look at [0.4] urine production first off then [1.6] so this is your you've got a huge flexibility in how much urine you do or don't produce [0.4] so you've got a minimum of about [0.3] point-twenty-five er point-two-five mls per minute [0.5] and a maximum of twenty-five [0.6] but twenty-five's a hell of a lot of urine if you've got somebody producing twenty-five mls of urine a minute [0.5] er you probably want to do something about it and it's not normal to produce that much urine despite the fact that we can do [2.4] normal urine production [0.4] most of you probably peeing somewhere between about fifteen-hundred and two mls a day [0.7] and that works out to just if it's fifteen-hundred that's a ml per minute is what you're actually producing in the kidney [0.8] now this is [0.2] kind of an important number because if you were producing two litres of urine a day [0.4] and you'll see why on the next couple of slides [0.3] that actually means you're er peeing out isotonic urine compared to blood plasma [0. 6] and that doesn't matter to us er [0.2] if your kidneys are operating normally that's no problem [0.4] but if you're a renal patient with some impaired function [0.4] er [0.3] drinking two litres and therefore peeing two litres kind of [0.4] takes the strain off the kidney really so [0.4] if you've got somebody with impaired renal function [0.4] two litres becomes more important [1.3] and most of you will know this already [0.3] you make more urine during the day than you do at night [0.4] because most of you will be able to sleep through the night and not get up to go to the loo whereas you might go three or four times during the day or even more [0.8] and if you're [0. 2] pee-, if you're making urine less during the night you're also excreting less salts because obviously the salts and the water go together so [0.4] you e- , excrete more salts during the day [0.2] and you pee more urine during the day [0.9] now obviously this might change if you're a shift worker if you work nights [0.3] your system's going to readjust to it [0.4] because you actually produce more water during the day [0.3] because of what you do because of eating [0.3] and metabolism [0.6] so if you're er [0.7] on the reverse system because you're a night worker then you're going to be metaboli-, [0.2] meta-, metabolically more active during the night [0.3] so you're going to pee during the night because effectively their days are just reversed [0.4] but normal day shift workers [0.5] we make more urine in the day than we do at night [1.6] and this is just important here we're going to talk about A-D-H later antidiuretic hormone [0.9] but the amount of solutes you excrete per day is fixed [0.3] depending on your intake and what you need to get rid of [0.4] it's the amount of water in your urine that varies which is why the osmolarity has to vary [0. 6] you don't change your concentration the amount the quantity of solutes that you want to excrete [1.4] so if we just look at how flexible it is [0.4] this blue bar here [0.5] that's your plasma osmolarity remember i said [0.7] week before last or [0.2] whichever week it was w-, session one or two [0.3] your plasma osmolarity has to stay very fixed it's it's very narrow band [0.3] around about two-hundred-and-eighty milliosmoles [0.8] in contrast your urine can [0.3] have this great range [0.9] although it looks like it can make it [0. 2] er more concentrated [0.3] relative to dilution actually it's a tenfold dilution it can manage because it can er produce thirty milliosmoles [0.2] er of urine er it has can be that dilute [0.6] this is er [0.8] a concentration that's only four times the value of plasma but it's a huge range [2.1] now you can actually work out [0.2] the concentration of your [0.3] er [1.2] osmolarity of your urine if you want to [0.7] and this is what we averagely excrete a day about six-hundred milliosmoles of salt solutes [0.4] er on an average normal diet over here [0.3] and therefore you can just put the numbers into this equation and come up with er [0.3] these simple answers so that if you excrete fifteen-hundred mls of urine [0.4] then the concentration of urine's going to be that [0.3] obviously if you excrete double the amount of urine it's less [0.4] er so i've just put that in [0.4] for you to know about [1.2] but this is important we're not going to most of what we're going to talk about today is how you regulate water [0.3] via hormones and osmosis et cetera [1.0] but the solute concentration will [0.2] alter your alter er your urine excretion [0.4] on its own independent of antidiuretic hormone and anything else that's going on [1.1] so [0.5] just to get the the units up here [0.2] come like that but just remember that a kilogram of water [0.3] is a thousand mls therefore you're actually talking of the molarity effectively it's just that osmolarity comes with slightly different units [0.8] so remember i said a normal person needs to excrete on an average diet six-hundred milliosmoles [0.9] and then that's your maximum urine concentration of twelve-hundred [0.3] so that means to excrete that during the day [0.3] you have to pass five-hundred mls of urine [1.3] if for some reason [0.4] you want to get rid of this num-, this amount of salt [0. 5] depending on your diet or various other conditions [0.9] the maximum urine concentration's still only twelve-hundred [0.4] so in this case you have to er pee fifteen-hundred mls [0.3] and that is totally independent of whatever else is going on if your solute concentration goes up [0.4] you will need to pass more urine if nothing else changes [2.5] and i've just said that [0.8] so let's have a look what actually happens to water in the nephron [0.5] so here we have your hundred-and-eighty litres of filtrate per day [0.5] but you only get rid of one per cent which is one-point-eight here [0.2] or fifteen-hundred mls that sort of [0.2] er quantity [1.7] now these two regions of the nephron [0.3] get rid of somewhere between eighty-five and ninety per cent of the water they reabsorb it [0.6] and this is done passively there's no regulation whatsoever [0.5] now although [0.3] er from the diuretics lecture with namex if you can remember [0.3] you can modify [0.3] the absorption of water in these parts of the nephron [0.3] that's a drug action normally you don't regulate it whatsoever [0.3] you just simply reabsorb [0.3] passively [0.3] all this amount of water [2.0] but this is what we're going to look at [0.2] this part of the nephron the collecting duct [0.3] you regulate the amount of water that you reabsorb [0.8] and that's the bit that we're actually going to look at the control of [0.4] so you only have control of a small amount of your filtrate [0. 3] i haven't actually done the numbers but [0.2] most of that hundred-and- eighty litres is going to be reabsorbed here [0.6] relatively under no control whatsoever [0.3] you only have control over the small proportion the sort of ten per cent that actually gets to this part of the nephron [1.9] so how does the er collecting duct regulate water reabsorption [1.5] so it's regulated by this hormone you're going to see it called two things it's antidiuretic hormone hence it's A-D-H [0.5] it's also called vasopressin and the abbreviation's A-V- P [0.3] that's simply 'cause we've got an arginine in the human form of vasopressin [0.8] and depending on the age of the textbook or the age of the clinician they might alternate between A-V-P or A-D-H so you need to know both of them [2.0] and the water transport in the collecting duct is also passive [0.6] so if it's passive you need water channels you need something physically for the water to move through [0.7] so in response to antidiuretic hormone so [0.3] antidiuretic it's going to stop you peeing it's going to make you conserve water [0.5] you get water channels er transported into the er [0.6] ch-, er the cells of the the membrane of the tubule cells [0. 6] and we'll see exactly how [0.2] in a [0.2] bit later [0.9] but you also need something else water's not going to move on its own [0.5] you need an osmotic gradient [0.4] so you need there to be a difference in the concentration of the [0.4] er solutes in the filtrate [0.4] compared to the concentration of solutes in the interstitial er [0.4] tissues surrounding the nephron [0.7] so you need to produce it [0.5] so you have there's two things you have to have you have to have a very dilute urine [0.4] going into the collecting duct [0.7] and you need to have this osmotic gradient which is produced by the counter current system [0.5] and i've just put down here A-D-H also activates the urea [0.2] er transporter [0.4] and you'll see why that has a slight relevance later but don't get tied up on that [1.9] so if we have a look at these water channels first we're going to take our [0.2] s-, ways through we're going to look first at the water transport and antidiuretic hormone [0.4] and then we're going to look at the generation of the osmotic gradient [0.5] so it's at least five of them at the moment [0.5] four of them are in the kidney [0.6] er [0.4] the [0.2] the type one [0.3] is in the proximal tubule [0.3] and in the loop of Henle and this is what [0.2] er [0.2] is involved in the unregulated water transport it simply flows through the A-Q [0.3] A-P-Q-one [1.2] er three and four are also in the collecting duct [0.4] er but these are in the basolateral membrane so that's the [0.2] interstitial tissue [0.2] er [0.9] border with the tubule lumen remember [0.3] you've got a kidney tubule cell water has to go into it [0.4] and out of it [0.5] so these ones here are actually the er [0.3] aquaporins that control the water release from the tubule cells back into the circulation [0.9] and these are the ones we're interested in [0.4] the aquaporins two [0.4] and these are the aquaporins that go into the lumenal membranes that's the side where the filtrate is [0.4] and they control the loss of water or [0.5] er from the filtrate [0.4] into the er eventually into the bloodstream [0.8] so it's the A-P-Q-twos we're talking about today [1.5] so what's antidiuretic hormone [3.4] it's a very small peptide [0.7] er [0.3] and in terms of i've i've put down here details [0.5] but for your interest [0.2] it's made in the hypothalamus [0.5] and it's released from the pituitary so you've got the hypothalamus and the pituitary involved one makes it [0.3] and one releases it [0.4] and that's important [0.4] and it's got a very short half-life with most of these peptide hormones you expect them to have a very short half-life so the control's quite fine [1.9] so how do we control its release [1.0] the main mechanism by regulating A-D-H release [0.4] is in the hypothalamus [0.4] and it has osmoreceptors up here which detect changes in plasma osmolarity [0.9] so if the plasma osmolarity goes up that means it becomes more concentrated [0.4] you want to dilute your plasma so you want to retain water [0.5] you actually release A-D-H from the pituitary [0.6] and this will then have the effect on the kidney [1.0] er [0.3] you can see here you've also got this is er [0.2] obviously a diagram taken from the textbook you've got a thirst centre up here [0.3] so the osmoreceptors not only control A-D-H release which is what we're looking at today [0.3] but they also regulate your thirst [0.3] so you've got the two aspects if you become water depleted or your plasma osmolarity goes up [0.4] you release A-D-H to regulate water reabsorption [0.3] or stop its loss from the kidney [0.5] but you also stimulate your thirst reflex so you drink more so you're putting more fluid in as well [1.0] er [0.2] there's also i'm not going to dwell on it and i don't know whether you covered it in cardiovascular er module but the heart also has stretch receptors in the right atrium [0.4] and they respond to blood volume and they can also release A-D-H so that [0.5] if you've got a large blood volume [0.2] so you want to lose some water they switch off A-D-H synthesis [0.3] or release and vice versa [0.5] er but that's not part of [0.2] this module [1.5] so what happens with A-D-H release then so remember i said you want to keep your plasma osmolarity at about two-hundred- and-eighty [0.5] so you can see here [0.3] just above two-hundred-and-eighty [0. 3] you suddenly see this er increase in [0.4] er A-D-H release [0.4] and this is actually what we've normally got because our plasma osmolarity varies between about two-hundred-and-eighty and [0.7] three-hundred if it has to it doesn't it's happier nearer to two-hundred-and-eighty [0.4] we actually always have some A-D-H circulating you would expect to find A-D-H in normal people [0. 4] but you can see [0.4] as it goes up and this isn't a very big difference remember your urine osmolarity can go up to twelve-hundred so this is [0.4] up to three-hundred-and-ten is actually a relatively small change [0. 4] you get er er a rapid increase in A-D-H release [1.8] so how does it work [0. 5] so here's your er [0.4] tubule er er cell of the collecting duct [0.4] so this side is the lumen so this is where the urine is now in the collecting duct [0.4] and this is the blood side [0.6] but remember when talking about blood it actually goes out of the tubule cell [0.3] into the interstitial fluid and then into the blood er [0.3] vessel [0.4] and that'll become [0.2] even more apparent as we go through today [0.8] so you've got vasopressin receptors on the er cell surface [0.8] obviously they pick up er circulating levels of A-D-H [0.6] and i've just put down here these are V-two receptors [0.4] A-D-H also is a vasoconstrictor [0.6] in which case it acts via V-one receptors to modulate er vasoconstrictions primarily in the skin [0.4] but in other parts of the er body as well [0.5] and if it's acting as a vasoconstrictor it uses V-one type receptors [0.7] and they signal fi-, through phospholipase C [1.1] whereas these V-two receptors which are in the kidney [0.4] er [0.2] as we'll see now signal via cyclic A-M-P [0.7] and they also have er [0.4] a lower level of er [0.8] you need less A-D-H for the V-two receptors to respond than you do for the V-one receptors so they're more sensitive [1.6] so here you go so [0.4] the A-D-H binds to the receptors cyclic A-M-P release [0.4] pro-, er [0.4] P-K-C activation and protein phosphorylation that's ec-, your standard er [0.7] activation pathway [1.2] what the protein phosphorylation does [0.3] is it then allows these [0.3] inactive water channels er aquaporins [0.3] to be translocated to the membrane [1.6] once they're inserted in the membrane this then allows water to move from the urine [0.6] into the cell [0.7] and you notice i'm actually talking about urine now because it's into the collecting system so it's urine [0.3] not filtrate so we're actually concentrating our urine [0.3] we're not concentrating our filtrate [0.7] so the water moves in [0. 8] protein phosphorylation also longer term [0.3] regulates the er transcription of the aquaporin gene [0.4] so er if you have continued stimulation here you'll get aquaporin synthesis which again then allows more [0.4] er water transport to occur [2.7] and if we look at what happens to the er permeability of the tubules [0.4] so you can see here remember i said the proximal [0.4] er tubule and we've got it split here into two the proximal convoluted and the proximal straight [0.6] and the thin descending loop of Henle [0.4] they've got a huge capacity to er reabsorb water passively by osmosis [0.5] whereas these regions so you've got the thin [0.2] ascending loop and the thick ascending loop [0.4] and parts of the distal nephron and the collecting system [0.3] this is the cortical collecting duct [0. 5] er are able to absorb small amounts of water whereas the inner medullary collecting duct [0.4] has no water absorption normally [0.6] but under the control of A-V-P [0.3] you can see both of these two [0.7] er collecting duct regions er [0.5] the ability to reabsorb water increases dramatically [3.1] so what stimulates its release i know i said er you've got osmoreceptors that er detect changes in plasma osmolarity and that's what actually stimulates the release of it [0.5] but what do [0.4] er [0.2] what's actually detected so you've got changes here of plasma osmolarity [0.8] if you get alterations in your extracellular volume [0.5] therefore you're becoming dehydrated that will also er [0.5] change its er [0.4] release so in this case if you become dehydrated [0.3] you want to retain water [0.3] so you produce A-D-H which stops water secretion [0.6] thirst [0.5] nausea's quite interesting if you feel sick you start producing A-D-H because your body assumes if you feel sick you're going to be sick [0.3] and if you are sick [0.3] you lose water and lose er [0.3] fluid volume from you so it kind of er [0.4] as a precaution [0.4] and also some drugs [0.4] down here [0.9] so you kind of might need to be aware of people if they're taking certain types of drugs and they come in with an abnormal fluid volume [0.4] that might be why [0.8] so if we look at inhibition of its release which will cause a fluid loss because you're not er causing reabsorption [1.2] again [0.3] plasma osmolarity [0.5] and then one we all know about alcohol [0.5] drink too much alcohol you have to go to the loo constantly [0.7] and er [0.6] happens a lot particularly to boys with pints i have to say [0.3] and the cold as well you go out in the cold weather you end up peeing more than normal or you want to [0.3] and stress will have an effect so they're they're the er [0.7] er [0. 6] physiological stimuli that actually alter [0.3] A-D-H release [1.4] okay so we've looked at the er [0.2] insertion of water channels into the tubular membrane under the control of A-D-H [0.4] what about the concentration of an osmotic gradient [1.0] so if we look here so this is like a cross section you've got cortex outer medulla [0.5] inner medulla [0.4] and you can see if you look at sodium and chloride they're almost the same [0.4] but they go up so there's much higher concentrations in the medulla than in the cortex [0.4] and urea goes up [0.5] and it's these three the combination of these three sodium chloride and urea [0.4] that actually makes the inner medulla of the cor-, of the kidney [0.4] very concentrated osmoticallywise [0.3] so that's what generates an osmotic difference [0.6] so how do we do this [3.9] so there's a number of mechanisms if we look at urea first [1.4] now remember urea's freely filtered [0.4] so everything that's circulating would potentially be filtered so that's a hundred per cent goes into the er [0.5] nephron [1.3] of that fifty per cent is reabsorbed early on in the proximal tubule so you've got fifty per cent of your [0.3] total urea concentration going into the nephron down here [2.1] when that goes it goes all the way round gets right round to the collecting duct [0.4] and it's reabsorbed so [0.4] er [1.0] and you've got seventy per cent of that remaining fifty per cent so the seventy per cent here is reabsorbed [0.2] goes into the medulla [0.5] because you remember this is all interstitial space between these parts of the nephron [0.9] but some of that is then secreted back into the kidney so if you remember urea's one of those strange substances [0.4] it's filtered here [0.5] it's reabsorbed here and here [0.3] and it's also secreted so you've got b-, all three of the main mechanisms of er [0.5] urine production going on with urea [0.9] so of this seventy per cent that it secretes into the medulla [0.4] some of that is then taken back up into the nephron [0.7] and sixty per cent [0.5] so you can see you've got ten per cent difference between what you reabsorb and what you put back into the nephron [0. 6] and that ten per cent [0.3] stays in the medulla [0.5] and because er and it creates er a concentration gradient so you'll have less urea at this region [0. 3] and more urea down here and you can see [0.4] er [0.5] you get ten per cent in your [0.2] er [0.4] medulla [0.2] you retain that [0.2] that's part of your osmotic concentration gradient [0.7] and then that actually means if you do the sums that forty per cent of your filtered load actually ends up being excreted by the kidneys [0.5] but it's this small percentage here that remains in the medulla [0.6] that's important [2.5] okay [0.4] loop of Henle did you all do this at A-level [1.7] no [0.4] yes [0.8] did you understand it [2.2] [laughter] [laugh] [0.3] i think that's probably a pretty mixed response [0.7] hopefully you will [laughter] at the end of this [0.2] can't guarantee it there's always books or you can come and ask me [0.7] but hopefully i'll take you through it [1.8] now this is absolutely vital without a loop of Henle [0.3] we would not be able to concentrate our urine [0.3] we'd be peeing out as much as we m-, er [0.3] we filter [1.1] now it's only present in birds and mammals [0.6] so we're the only er species [0.2] er birds and mammals that are able to actually concentrate their urine anything else [0.4] what they filter is what they pass as urine [0. 9] and that's because we have loops of Henle [1.3] so if we didn't do anything [0.2] here's your isotonic urine 'cause you remember your filtrate's isotonic to your plasma so it's going to come in at two-hundred-and-eighty [0.3] three- hundred millimol-, milliosmoles [0.5] and that's a hundred-and-eighty litres a day [0.3] so if we didn't concentrate it at all [0.3] we'd lose a hundred-and- eighty litres a day which is about seven-point-five litres an hour [0.3] you'd be sitting on the loo constantly [0.6] apart from the fact you couldn't drink enough to replace all the water you were losing [1.7] so you have to split the loop of Henle into three sections for this to work [0.9] and this is [0.2] this is what the c-, sections consid-, er together actually do but don't worry about that [0.5] so you have the thin [0.6] descending loop [0.9] and this is permeable to water [0.7] and slightly permeable to sodium and chloride but it's the permeability to water that's important [1.1] if we look at the er [0.3] thin ascending loop [0.8] it's impermeable to water and there's a little bit of salt and water transport here as well [0.4] er s-, er sorry [0.3] sodium chloride transport [1.2] but the thick ascending loop is what's important as well [0.6] you can see here it has sodium and chloride reabsorption but it's completely impermeable to water [0.7] so you have to remember this side is permeable to water [0.9] this part isn't [0.7] but this part transports your sodium and your chloride [1.3] so if we have a look so this is basically [0.2] reiterates what i've said [0.3] so there's your water transport and if you take a section here [0.7] you can see so this is the lumen so this is the side where the filtrate is [0.5] and that has that takes up [0.4] it's got the sodium er [0.4] the potassium-two-chloride sodium pump [0.4] which takes up [0.6] er all of these ions [0.4] the energy for that comes from the sodium potassium A-T-P-ase [0.7] but the net effect of this is that it transports sodium out [0.8] and chloride goes out through this channel [0.7] so you take up [0.2] er sodium and chloride [0.4] from the er filtrate [0.4] and you put it into the interstitial [0.5] tissue surrounding the nephron [1.3] okay [0.6] so this is the counter current mechanism so this is [0.2] this is your loop of Henle [0.2] thin bits [0.3] thick bits [1.1] and the numbers kind of refer to the osmolarity but don't get tied up with specific numbers it's just to illustrate something nobody's ever going to ask you what [0.4] what the number down here should be or what the number up there should be [1.5] so you have to remember [1.0] this part [0.3] is permeable to water [0.8] er this part isn't permeable to water [0.3] but has sodium pumps [0.3] okay [0.8] so this is what would happen if nothing happened [0.3] you've got if i just go back one minute [0.4] if nothing happened here this is water coming in [0.3] and you have to also imagine this is static urine obviously the urine's flowing through your nephron continuously [0.3] but you have to take snapshots at it to imagine how the system works [0.4] so if nothing happened [0.5] three-hundred milliosmoles in [0.2] i know it should be two-hundred-and-eighty but it's much neater to use three-hundred for illustration purposes [0.5] so this is isotonic filtrate coming in [0.5] and if nothing happened whatsoever you'd have isotonic filtrate going out [1.5] flick through those [0.8] okay [1.2] so this is what happens those the sodium pumps in this part of the er loop of Henle switch on [0.4] and they pump sodium chloride [0.3] out into the medulla [0.7] and what they do their aim is to keep a two-hundred milliosmole difference between the filtrate coming round here [0.4] and the concentration in the medulla [0.7] so they s-, they switch on these pumps [0.3] so the medulla becomes concentrated [0.3] compared to the filtrate that's in the loop of Henle [1.2] now if you remember [0.5] this part of the loop of Henle is permeable to water [0.8] so [0.3] at the moment in this situation you have [0.3] dilute [0.3] filtrate here [0.4] compared to the interstitial flui-, fluid concentration [0.6] so water flows from [0.5] a high concentration of water [0.4] into a lower concentration to try and equal it out [0.3] so water will flow [0.4] from here [0.5] into there [0.4] which will make this more concentrated [0.8] is that clear [0.3] which is what happens here [0.5] so then you end up with sort of one cycle of urine moving round [0.4] you've got [0.3] dilute urine here compared to this part of the loop of Henle [0.6] and [0.2] compared to when we started here where it would have been three-hundred you've now got a t-, er [0.7] increased concentration in the medulla [0.9] so if we move on one more time the urine moves round a bit more so you've still got three-hundred coming in but if you remember it was two-hundred here [2.4] pumps pump [0.6] sodium out so that you get a two-hundred er [0.2] milliosmole difference [0.7] this part of the nephron says hang on a minute i'm too conc-, i'm too dilute now compared to the medulla [0.3] and water moves from that thin ascending er descending loop [0.5] into the medulla [0.2] to equalize it so again [0.6] the concentration in the thin descending loop [0.4] equals that in the medulla [0. 6] whereas the thick ascending loop [0.5] is a two-hundred milliosmole difference making this urine [0.3] or this filtrate more dilute [0.7] and that's it that's all that happens [0.7] the consequences of this are [0.5] that filtrate coming in here [0.3] is isoosmotic to your plasma [0.3] so two-hundred- and-eighty [1.1] by the time it gets down here [0.4] your filtrate er [0.3] has become more concentrated because it's losing water all the way down here to try and equalize the difference between the medulla [0.4] and the filtrate osmolarity [0.6] and then when it goes up here [0.2] salt is pumped out which means you have dilute urine [0.5] c-, er filtrate coming out [0.5] so you have a difference at the top wi-, compared to filtrate in [0.4] and filtrate out it's more dilute [1.3] is that all clear [0.7] anybody want me to go over it again [2.1] okay [0.4] i'll take your silence as that's all right and [0.4] if you don't understand it ask me later [1.1] okay so we've now developed [0.4] what we've got now is we've got lots of solutes in the medulla [0.4] and they get more and more concentrated [0.2] the nearer the er [0.3] tip of the medulla that you get to [0.9] now if you had normal blood flow if you had simply er a straight blood vessel [0.4] going from the cortex through the medulla [0.4] and into the sort of collecting region the the pelvis or the kidney [0.6] it's going to wash all those solutes out because er [0.4] the water in the solute concentration is simply going to er [0.2] er equalize as the blood vessel go-, travels down through the medulla [0.3] and all that hard work by the loop of Henle is completely obliviated [0.4] or alleviated [1.1] so remember the blood system's set up differently in the kidney from what you'd normally expect [1.4] so we have the [0.2] vasa recta remember i mentioned this right back in the first er [0.2] microstructure lecture [0.5] and these are very specialized blood vessels [0.3] and they parallel the er loops of Henle [1.2] and they've got very low blood f-, er flow if you remember i mentioned that although the kidney has [0.3] an extremely high blood flow for the size of the organ [0.6] you only get five per-, [0.2] to ten per cent of this actually going into the medulla so that's one of the way they conserve this osmotic gradient [0.3] is not to put too much blood in the medulla and it's set just i-, un-, [0.4] er a high enough flow rate so that you can deliver the nutrients and remove what you have to from the medulla [0.7] and they're also in this hairpin arrangement [1.0] so just to remind you they look like this [0.4] so you remember you have these er [0.5] bigger vessels coming in [0.4] and this is the er a medullary pyla-, pyramid here [0.5] so the blood vessels come in and they kind of go along [0.4] the cortex-medulla [0.3] border [0.6] and then you get these loops [0.2] branching off the vasa recta which follow round [0.4] the long loops of Henle [0.6] remember some of the er nephrons have long loops and some have short loops [0. 4] er when we're talking about concentration of urine [0.3] it's the juxta-, er medullary nephrons that are important they're the ones with the very long loops of Henle [0.5] and they have these blood vessels that parallel them [0.3] around [1.7] so this is how the vasa recta works [0.3] now remember this is slightly different from the er [0.2] nephron [0.4] because this is a capillary [0.4] so it's semi-permeable [0.2] and doesn't have the pumps and the impermeability to water that the nephron has so this is a semi-permeable membrane now [0.5] permeable to both solutes and water [0.9] so here we have [0. 3] this is the cortex this is the blood coming in [0.4] at er isoosmotic to your filtrate [0.2] at this stage [0.6] and but remember in the medulla we've now built up this concentration gradient so it's dilute at the tip [0.5] and more concentrated at the bottom [0.8] and as the er blood flows in down here [0. 5] what happens is that [0.4] from the er [0.4] dilute [0.3] filtrate you lose water because [0.3] it's simple diffusion the water wants to try and equate the balance and [0.5] it's effectively [0.4] concentrated water in the filtrate so it flows to a region of low water concentration so it flows [0.3] out of dilute filtrate [0. 4] into concentrated medulla [0.6] and likewise the solutes do the opposite there's lots of solutes here [0.4] not so many here [0.2] so to try and er equilibrate that solutes move in [0.6] now this is what i was saying if it was a straight er [0.6] capillary that then just went on out down here [0.5] all you've done is negate this er concentration gradient you've built up [1.1] but it's again it's arranged like er [0.9] the loop o-, the loop of Henle is and its counter current system [0.4] so this is what would happen [0.4] so it becomes more concentra-, your blood becomes more concentrated in here as it flows down to the tip of the hairpin [0.4] and somewhere round here it reach-, equi-, er a point of equili-, er equilibration between the [0.4] concentration in the blood and the concentration in the medulla [1.1] but as it then flows back up [0.4] it's going up through a more dilute system [0.5] and [0.4] exactly the same happens here in terms of the solutes and the waters try to compensate and equal things out but they go in the opposite direction [0.6] so here [0.4] you've got more solute than you have in the medulla so the solutes go out back into the medulla [0.5] and likewise [0.3] the water from the medulla [0.2] flows in to try and compensate [0.5] so the net effect here is that although you l-, lose water here and gain solutes which is what you don't want [0.5] because it's a hairpin and goes back up again [0.3] the opposite happens on this er [0.9] er er [0.2] this direction [0.5] and you actually end up [0.3] with just a small difference between your [0.3] concentration of your blood going in and the concentration of your blood le-, [0.3] leaving [0.3] and that maintains [0.3] the concentration gradient in the medulla [1.0] it also does one really other important things 'cause if you remember from stones urea [0.4] and sodium and chloride they're all things that can crystallize out [0.6] so if you had a lot of urea [0.5] and sodium and chloride just sitting in your medulla doing nothing statically they'd crystallize and form er [0.2] crystals in the medulla [0.4] and stop it working properly [0.9] if you imagine you've got a loop of Henle here [0.3] and you've got urea going into this space and then [0.2] into here and then out again it kind of keeps the circulation system going between the nephron and the blood system and the medulla [0.4] and that circulation prevents any precipitation occurring of the salts that you've got in the medulla [0.5] because this is quite a high [0.3] you're talking of twelve fourteen-hundred [0.4] er conce-, osmotic concentration here so that's quite concentrated [0.6] and they would precipitate [0.7] so here you go so this is what you end up with you've got a [0.3] osmotic gradient as you go through the medulla [0.9] and the thing that a- , then allows to happen [1.2] you've got this osmotic gradient here and this is your collecting duct going through it [0.6] A-D-H is being stimulated to insert water channels here [0.6] and because they work by osmosis [0.4] the water can then flow from the collecting duct [0.4] back into the medulla [0.3] and that then obviously gets taken away [0.4] er [0.5] back into the blood supply and into the sys-, er body [0.5] so that's how it works [1.5] okay [0.8] so that's the physiology [1.0] what happens when it all goes wrong [0.5] and you get some [0.4] er diseased state [0.4] well basically you're either going to make too dilute or too concentrated a urine [0.4] that's all that happens [1.4] so this is the first condition we're going to look at this is a syndrome of inappropriate secretion of A-D-H [0.4] means you're secreting A-D-H when you shouldn't do [0.7] it's an antidiuretic hormone it's going to stop you concentrating your urine [0.3] so your blood volume is going to go up and you're [0.2] going to become fluid overloaded [0.9] so i've put up here this is normally what happens it's often [0.4] er a pituitary tumour which is secreting A-D-H [0.4] or you get them from er [0.3] ectopic sites some [0.5] cancer remember a lot of these tumours a lot of cancers produce hormones they're not supposed to [0.5] you get parathyroid hormone related peptide produced by [0.4] er breast cancer [0.2] er tumours of breast cancer origin [0.4] again some of them produce A-D-H [1.3] likewise sometimes you obviously if you have a pituitary tumour [0.4] and that metastasizes [0.2] it's the same cell type so that also would account for A-D-H being produced [0.9] so what are the signs and symptoms [0.5] remember i said you were going to get fluid lo-, overloaded but this is [0.3] only regulating your water reabsorption [0.2] doesn't affect your sodium [0.7] so you become hyponatraemia [0.6] er or dis-, you develop hyponatraemia [0.3] so that's low sodium concentration in your blood [0.7] and that's simply because the sodium has been diluted [1.0] if you look at the total body sodium of these people it's exactly what you would expect it's normal [0.5] but because they've retained more water [0.3] you've diluted the sodium [0.4] so when you send off [0.9] i don't know ten mls or whatever to a lab and it comes back as a [0.4] molarity of your sodium concentration [0.6] you're going to think their sodium is low [1.4] now that has effect because low sodium will er [0.6] have effects on your system's physiological systems and we do look at these er [0.9] actually one of the case studies today is er [0.5] she's got low sodium [0.7] er [0.7] but remember it's diluted [0.2] your actual blood body sodium isn't low but you've diluted what you've got [1.6] again [0.5] er if you've got too much er [0.5] A-D-H your urine's going to become too concentrated when you're not expecting it to become concentrated [0.5] and again the sodium's going to be high in your urine so these are s-, kind of the classic symptoms [0.3] the hyponatraemic [0.6] the urine's concentrated [0.2] and the urine sodium's quite high [2.1] and what are the causes [0.7] i've er i've listed them here [0.5] er there's a range of things and i'll just take you through them but if you simply remember it's likely to be a tumour [0.7] or an inflammatory response [0.5] or drugs or stress that's kind of an easier way of remembering the causes of [0.5] er [1.4] syndrome of er A-D-H release [0.7] but if we look here [0.4] obviously [0.2] you make and release it from the pituitary and hypothalamus [0. 3] so any lesions in that region can have problems [0.5] inflammatory diseases generally will cause A-D-H release or can do [0.3] but obviously if they're in the brain that that's er more likely [0.7] and there's a whole range of other things [1.2] problems with the lungs also er [0.2] tend to cause er A-D-H release [0.4] C-O-P-D is a classic symptom where you get A-D-H release [0.5] er and that makes it even worse because if they've got chronic obstructive er lung disease already [0.3] the last thing you want to do is fluid overload these people and give their lungs even more of a fluid challenge so that exacerbates their problem [0.6] and tumours and particularly the small cell type in in lungs are [0.2] are bad [1.1] and then also er [0.4] certain drugs [0.8] so okay they've got mixed action so i've put a whole load here [0.3] there's far far far more drugs than i've listed here but these are com-, some of the common ones [0.6] oxytocin's important [0.4] because that happens when you give oxytocin quite often to pregnant women if you're inducing labour [0.4] and you have to bear in mind the effect that will have on their fluid system so [0.4] sometimes you may be inducing labour because of pre-eclampsia the last thing you want to do [0.3] by giving them oxytocin [0.3] is to cause fluid retention as well so you have to be careful [0.4] when you give oxytocin that the person's [0.3] or monitor their fluid load [0.4] er [0.2] carefully [0.6] er Ecstasy as well [0.5] people who take Ecstasy have a problem with fluid er loss they tend to retain it and become very oedematous [0.4] and that's acting probably via A-D-H [0.6] and then just down here post-operatively [0.5] obviously that's quite specialized but [0.6] the case varies and this trauma would also go in there [0.5] a sudden fluid loss may sometimes activate [0.3] A-D-H [0.3] now it may not because if you lose blood you're losing isoosmotic [0.4] er fluid [0.5] so you're not altering the ratio of er [0.5] the plasma osmolarity you might be getting low plasma volume but the osmolarity of it is normal [1.0] the slight trouble you have sometimes post-operatively is if you give somebody glucose in the drip because glucose is metabolized very quickly to water and whatever's left over [0.5] so sometimes by giving glucose [0.4] you're er going to exacerbate the fluid overload [0.3] that's already been caused by A-D-H release [0.8] er [0.4] and H-I-V people [0. 2] the people that are H-I-V positive they have [0.2] problems about a third of them [0.5] er produce er A-D-H [0.7] so just bear that in mind [1.4] so what's the consequences the basic consequences are you end up with too much water [0. 8] er so we've talked about having low plasma sodium [0.5] sometimes you get oedema [0.5] sometimes you don't because this fluid overload is primarily a circulatory problem [0.5] so the fluid overload is still in the blood vessels and in your blood volume [0.5] but obviously sometimes that has the knock-on effect of oedema [0.7] so if somebody [0.4] you suspect somebody of having S-R S-I-A-D-H [0.5] and they haven't got oedema it doesn't rule it out but they may have [0.8] and i've just mentioned here that if your plasma sodium drops too low obviously you're then into problems and it can actually become an emergency that you have to deal with [1.6] okay so that's if you have too much A-D-H so you retain fluid what happens if you have the opposite condition [0.4] you can't concentrate your urine and you lose loads of water [0.7] and this is called diabetes insipidus [0.3] and this is why i keep stressing the importance when you answer a question [0.8] particularly in this module but generally it's a habit you should get into you have to [0.5] be careful that you tell me which tal-, [0.2] type of diabetes you're going to be talking about because [0.4] er diabetes mellitus has effects on the kidney [0.6] er so i will be asking you questions about that and obviously diabetes insipidus so you have to tell me which diabetic condition you're you're talking about [2.0] so there's two conditions so you basically have central [0.3] or nephrogenic er [0.5] diabetes insipidus [1.0] and what they refer to obviously [0.5] nephrogenic is er a condition that refers to problems with the kidney [0.5] and central [0.3] er is a a condition it's a bit misleading it's nothing to do with central it's central as in your hypothalamus or your pituitary it's your central control system [0.4] so if it's central it's a problem with the [0.3] synthesis and release [0.3] if it's nephrogenic it's a problem with the kidneys being able to respond [1.1] so here [0.2] symptoms are obvious polyurea [0.4] they produce loads and loads of urine [0.3] the consequences are they have to drink lots to try and compensate for this [0. 6] now remember these are symptoms of diabetes mellitus as well somebody comes in saying they're [0.5] you know into your surgery if you're a G-P and says i'm drinking loads and i'm peeing loads you probably think they had diabetes mellitus or you'd want to test their urine for glucose [0.8] but obviously if they're drinking lots and peeing lots [0.3] no glucose in their urine [0.3] you might start thinking about other forms [0.5] and they're going to have er [0.7] a low pa-, a plasma os-, a low urine osmolarity because they're passing lots out [2.2] okay so what's the defects so i've talked about this so [0.2] central's a problem with the brain you either don't make it [0.3] or you can't secrete it [0.6] so the obvious cause is allow for something like trauma or injury or infection [0.5] and inflammation that are going to affect your pituitary hypothalamic [0.2] er function [1.7] or nephrogenic now nephrogenic it simply means you you're producing A-D-H correctly [0.3] as your body wants it [0.4] but your sa-, your kidneys can't respond to it [0.5] and there's a number of reasons for this they could be [0.2] congenital there are people who have congenital problems [0.4] but also an infection or an obstruction can do it [0.7] you might lack the receptor [0.4] er or you can't form or translocate aquaporins obviously this isn't something that tends to happen [0.4] late in life this is a [0.6] problem that will have been with you a congenital problem from birth [1.5] er [0.4] sometimes i've just put down here [0.4] if it's a problem with aquaporin translocation remember cyclic A-M-P is important in this [0.3] so things that interfere with the cyclic A-M-P signalling pathway [0.4] may well interfere with er A-D-H signalling [0.3] and therefore interfere with er aquaporin translocation so [0.3] if they're on drugs that you know might inhibit that kind of pathway [0.4] that might er also be a cause of it [1.9] so this is what you do you're going to want if you've got somebody you're pretty certain has got diabetes insipidus you're going to want to know which form they've got [0.4] so you do what's called a water deprivation test [0.8] so here we have along the bottom [0.5] er [0.2] or at least up the up the side here we've got er urine osmolarity [0.6] and this is A-D-H concentration [0.5] i'm sorry i've cut off the units i have no idea what A-D-H is actually measured in [0.4] er but this is A-D-H along here [1.7] so er [0.6] if somebody a normal person [1.0] i'm sorry i'm telling you it's A-D-H i think i might be wrong now i think that could be hours [1.6] sorry i can't remember it's er in the textbook but ignore that 'cause it's totally irrelevant for the actual er [0.6] what i'm going to tell you [0.3] but this is a normal person here [0.5] so [0. 3] as their A-D-H [0.2] rises [0.4] yeah it must be A-D-H as their A-D-H rises [0.5] their urine osmolarity [0.5] er [0.4] changes as well er sorry their normal osmolarity changes [0.7] you give somebody A-D-H by injection [0.7] they're going to stop their urine osmolarity increasing because you start to [0. 3] retain [0.3] er [1.8] water [0.4] okay [0.4] so this is a person who's not drinking remember water deprivation test [0.4] so if you're not drinking your plasma osmolarity will go up [0.7] okay [1.0] you give them [0.2] A-D-H [0.8] and they're going to stop their plasma osmolarity increasing because although they want to [0.4] carry on because they're still not drinking [0.4] the A-D-H will cause them to [0.4] retain water [1.3] okay is that clear on my second time round [0.7] okay so this is somebody with er [1.0] er one of the forms or both forms of diabetes insipidus you don't know which to this point [0.3] so you deprive them of water [0.6] they still pee a lot of urine [0.4] so their plasma osmolarity will not increase it doesn't go up at all if you notice [0.5] they just still er maintain their er dilute plasma [1. 2] you give them A-D-H okay [0.7] so if it's somebody who has a defect in the brain who can't make or secrete A-D-H [0.3] you give it to them [0.3] they respond as normal [0.3] remember they've got very er [0.4] dilute urine here [0. 5] er you give them this [0.3] and they concentrate their plasma rather concentrate their plasma [0.6] to er [0.3] as you would expect from A-D-H [1.7] if you give er somebody with nephrogenic A-D-H [0.3] they have absolutely no way of responding to it so you don't see any change in the response whatsoever [1.2] okay [0.3] so this is the way you can tell them apart [0.3] deprive somebody of water [0.5] then give them er an A-D-H injection [0.5] if you see a change in the [0.2] er urine osmolarity [0.6] then they've responded to A-D-H [0.4] and they've got central [0.2] diabetes insipidus [0.6] you give them er an injection of A-D-H and they've got a problem with their kidney [0.4] you see absolutely no change [0.3] yep sorry sm0441: with the [0.2] nephrogenic form do they hypersecrete A-D-H [0.2] do they have like a lot of A-D-H in their blood that nf0440: yep sm0441: they start to respond to [0.7] nf0440: probably yes [0.3] er if you were to actually measure their A-D-H they will be producing lots because they're trying to [0.2] er [0.3] concentrate their urine so they're [0.3] they're overproducing [0.2] to try and compensate but of course it has no effect [0.4] wherever the defect is [2.4] but you normally having said they [0.5] it's not [0.3] you wouldn't normally just measure their A-D-H as a diagnostic er [0.3] tool it's a clue but you would normally do a water deprivation test [3.2] okay [0.8] so just to reiterate [0. 3] the important factors [2.9] the length of the loop of Henle is important [0. 5] the longer the length of the loop of Henle [0.4] the more concentrating ability you've got [0.7] and there's remember i said to you it's the juxta-, er medullary er nephrons that are important there's only fifteen per cent of your nephrons are of this strain this type [0.6] but those are the ones that are actually important for forming the osmotic gradient within the medulla [2.6] you've got the rate of sodium reabsorption so those sodium pumps that are working in the thick ascending loop of Henle [0.6] the more efficiently they work [0.3] the more the higher the osmotic [0.2] er concentration in the medulla's going to be so if you inhibit those from working for some reason [0.5] you don't develop such an osmotic [0.2] gradient [0.3] and don't reabsorb so much water [0.5] so [0.3] er some diuretics [0.3] interfere with these pumps [1.9] er obviously if you've got changes in the er G- F-R so your rate of sodium chloride delivery to that part of the nephron [0.5] alters that will also alter your er [0.7] ability to er [0.7] reabsor-, to create the osmotic gradient and therefore reabsorb water [2.7] the flow rate [0. 7] if you've got very high filtrate flow rate [0.3] through the loop of Henle [0.4] it's going to wash everything through the loop [0.5] more quickly [0.3] than all the er functions can actually er the counter current mechanism can work properly [0.6] so if it flows too quickly through like you've got a really high G-F-R [0.5] er you don't develop a very good er counter current system [0.6] the osmotic gradient is not as strong as it could be [0.4] therefore you tend not to concentrate your urine so well so you would produce dilute urine in that case [2.3] and the protein content of diet [0.9] remember urea comes from protein it's a breakdown product [0.5] so in theory if you have a high protein diet [0.5] there's high urea in the blood [0.6] so that's more urea that can go into the er medulla [0.5] and in theory that increases the osmotic potential and there is some evidence that people with high protein diets do concentrate their urine [0.5] more efficiently than people with low protein diets [0.9] having said that and we're not talking about it yet in the module [0.4] but if you've got renal failure [0.4] remember one of the things you look for is an increased in the urea in the er blood [0. 4] and the plasma because you can't filter it and you can't deal with the urea properly [0.3] so if you've got kidney disease or kidney failure [0.3] you might actually want to consider limiting the protein diet and certainly people [0.4] with er [0.4] end- stage renal failure have a low protein diet because they can't get rid of the urea [0.6] so [0.2] normal people there's some evidence that if you eat lots of protein [0.4] you'll concentrate your urine more and pee less [1.0] and then you want the osmotic potential of the tubule cells so you obviously you need antidiuretic hormone or A-V-P [0.4] to be present to allow the water reabsorption to occur [0.3] so you've basically got the length of the tubule [0. 4] the flow rate [0.3] and then the efficiency at how the water moves out of the f-, [0.3] ur-, er filtrate or urine into the er [0.6] kidney [0.3] and the efficiency of the sodium pumps and the counter current mechanism [1.2] and that's it [0.5] oh and the medullary blood flow obviously if you've got very high blood flow going through the vasa recta it will still wash stuff out [1.2] so i just want to remind you next week's acid-base balance [0.5] and this kind of fits in with your respiratory module [0.3] so i think you do a bit of acid-base tomorrow it's not kind of [0.8] i've looked at it in the module booklet and it's not kind of listed as acid-base [0.4] but you do do some [0.3] carb-, er some [0.3] tomorrow [0.5] and there is some following on from the urinary module next week so [0.4] this week's respiratory [0.2] and next week's respiratory kind of fit in slightly [0.4] with the er kidney acid-base because the two of them work together the lungs and the kidney to regulate it so [0.8] er [0.2] group work starts about quarter to eleven ten to eleven [0.4] okay and if you've got any questions at all [0.3] come and see me