nf0369: right okay if we can settle down we need to dash on to the next one now again some of this is going to be revision for you because er we touched upon it briefly in musculoskeletal er that was last semester i think wasn't it and it comes up again in clinical pharmacology when we look at bone diseases so it's partly revision but we're looking at it from a different aspect today so i just want to have a look at what what's normal a very quick review of calcium homeostasis er look at the tissues that are involved but obviously particularly the kidney the kidney's what we're really talking about today so although there's a multitude of tissues involved in calcium homeostasis the kidney's the one i'm concentrating on and then have a quick look at vitamin D deficiency er because that's really important when we're considering renal disease so if we look at the physiological roles of calcium we went over this last semester and in that time we were particularly talking about bones and we're going to be tic-, particularly talking about bones in clinical pharmacology that obviously is a long term effect calcium homeostasis gone wrong will affect bones but it has a longer term er effect it's not going to happen overnight although you can see changes within a fortnight but i-, it's a long process more chronic whereas these functions that i've listed here are much more rapid and acute er in terms of the functions of the calcium obviously if you have changes in your nerve function and nerve signalling er or muscle contraction that'll happen rapidly so there are sort of kind of acute and chronic consequences of calcium homeostasis being messed up and this one i've just put here just to remind you er that one of the roles of calcium is in er blood clotting so if you've all your blood tubes or a lot of them have er E- D-T-A in that's simply to collate the calcium and stop the blood that you've taken clotting so that's why E-D-T-A's in blood tubes but the really important thing is that the levels need to be very tightly regulated in order to ensure that all these kind of acute problems don't happen and then longer term the chronic bone problems you need to regulate your calcium levels that are circulating quite closely so this is a slide you've had this one before but just to remind you these are the plasma concentrations and this is the normal range here or roughly now these numbers that i've put up and the numbers that i've put up on a lot of my slides depending on the book you look at they will vary very slightly i've got forty-five per cent ionized here and fifty-five per cent bound what i tend to do in my numbers is trying to match what the namex students get but you will find books that'll give you anywhere between forty and fifty here er and alter this accordingly it doesn't matter too much again it's roughly fifty-fifty er but i'll give you the numbers as best i can as er to match namex's but just bear in mind thes-, they're not absolute values so this is your normal plasma concentration that's the range and it's split like this and this is important because it's only the ionized calcium that actually has an effect what you're really interested in is the amount of ionized calcium that's free in the blood or in the plasma not the calcium that is bound although that has a role to play obviously it's a storage component and the flux between bound and and free is really important and there are issues there in terms of physical function it's the ionized calcium that has a role but in terms of the kidney it's important to note this is further subdivided you've got some of it bound to plasma proteins and this is predominantly albumin and you'll see that's important in a minute er but some of it's ions so anions you've got bicarb and phosphate and citrate er and that's important because these get into the kidney but er forty-five per cent is bound to proteins and can't be filtered and this is what we need again figures i've given you already you need a gram if you're a normal person if you're pregnant or lactating you need a bit more because obviously you're building up the bones in the child and you need to make milk so you need more calcium and if you're old you need more and you need more if you're old because you can't absorb it from your gut as efficiently so although you're taking in more as an elderly person your absorption from the gut is decreased so your actual er levels usually they're they're deficient elderly people in calcium from what we would normally count as normal levels so if we look at plasma concentrations or plasma calcium that's what i've told you that's what we're really interested in regulating is the free calcium when you send blood off to a lab it'll send it back as a total calcium concentration you'll get two-point-four or two-point- five or whatever it back as as a number and that's your total calcium concentration and what they've done is they've corrected for albumin now okay don't get tied up this is exactly what happens er the calculation that's used but you can see they measure the the blood albumin as well as the blood calcium now this is taken something that any of you going into renal fields will find out about there's a renal registry renal medicine's quite tightly controlled in Britain and er they produce a renal registry which outlines er treatment standards how quickly you should be seen if you've got various conditions what your concentrations of various things should be et cetera it's standardized throughout the country and they also list things like how the measurements are done in different hospitals because calcium and albumin are measured differently depending on which hospital you're working in so there's different there's about three or four assays for them different hospitals use different ones and as a consequence this correction equation will vary between hospitals now this is kind of like the U-K standard in the renal registry if you measure the calcium the way they suggest and the albumin the way they suggest then this is the equation they would use however the Walsgrave just uses a completely different formula it's slightly more complicated so if you see the correction from the Walsgrave from labs and it's different to this this is why but you don't need to know it all you need to know is that you're getting back the total calcium and that's important because it can skew your results you normally know if it's a total calcium and they've corrected for albumin in a normal person that's fine er it's going to be split in a forty-five fifty-five proportions so you know roughly what your free albumin is er free calcium whether normal or not if somebody has a disease or a condition where their albumin levels are grossly abnormal that may skew the results so for example if somebody has a very low albumin it may come back er the total may be normal but actually the amount you've got bound because your albumin's low is low so your free calcium could be significantly higher than you would normally expect so this happens with a couple of er er substances that you do lab measurements on so just bear in mind your total calcium may not a normal total calcium may not reflect a normal total er free calcium and sometimes you have to bear that in mind i've put here can we measure free we said you were interested in free why don't we measure free it's more difficult is the simple answer the assays are more variable between places and people are er seem to be very divided over this as to whether it actually gives you any great benefit in the average person if you think there's a reason why you need free particularly for that patient you might want to request it but on the whole people think for the time money and the variability it doesn't seem to be worth er it doesn't give you a significantly better result and i've just put this here this is very low remember most of the calcium isn't within a cell and the calcium that is in a cell is complexed to calmodulin and you must keep it very low so er that's just something to bear in mind that calcium normally is not in cells at all so what happens when it goes wrong obviously you can have too much or too little so if we look at hypocalcaemia first generally and this is a big generalization this tends to be the more serious condition because it tends to be more acute and that's a big they're they're generalizations but you'll see from the hypercalcaemia slide on the whole it has more chronic er less severe effects if you haven't got enough calcium it really affects your nerves and er your signalling and the muscle function and you get er muscle cramps and tetany and long term seizures and most of you will be aware of tetany but it's quite clear to see here in a wrist you see it in other er er tissues but the the wrist and the hand are quite normal and that's the er form that it takes basically you're unable your muscles are er contracted and you're unable to uncontract them for want of a better word er and that's a symptom of low calcium but this is what's important you get cardiac arrhythmias and then if we look at hypercalcaemia in the contrast this tends to i said it tends to be slight and variable a lot of cases of hypercalcaemia are picked up on routine blood scans er tests so normally it sort of often occurs middle-aged women they go for a Well wom-, Well Women Clinic or Well Woman Clinic have a blood sample they measure calcium and find their calcium's quite high it is a consequence the symptoms obviously er are quite minor so you've got a ole-, whole range of G-I kind of problems they can be a bit depressed tired confused but as this is normally a er disease of middle-aged women er because they often have a parathyroid hormone tumour which we'll see about in a bit these sort of symptoms are very similar to menopause type symptoms so you wouldn't really er pick up on them muscle weakness this is a big one if it goes on for a long time or you're severely hypercalcaemic and you've got far too much calcium the calcium will deposit and form er solid lumps and this either happens in the kidney and forms kidney stones which we'll see about in the next session stones aren't only made of calcium there's lots of different types of stones but some of them are made of calcium and you get ectopic calcification so you can pick up little lumps of calcium on X-rays in all sorts of places where you wouldn't expect them throughout the kidneys or throughout the body so if it goes on for a long long time you're severely hypercalcaemic that's a problem but again very hypercalcaemic very suddenly and you have cardiac problems again so that's why it's really important if it's an acute er situation so what do you do the main aims if you've got a patient is you want to normalize their calcium so if they're hypercalcaemic and i've just put here if their levels remember the normal's about two-point-five if the levels are up here it's an emergency in terms of heart conditions er so what you do is you try to flush the calcium out of the system by giving them fluids and making them pee more and these treatments here basically refer to the bone conditions because if you're hypercalcaemic most of that calcium's coming from your bone if you remember i told you that in the second year and we'll look at that er second semester and we'll look at that in a couple of weeks' time so if you can stop the bones losing calcium that will help bring down the calcium level certainly long term so these are a more longer term treatment and they affect the bone but initially you're going to want to try and flush the calcium certainly flush it out of the system and as i said normally it's a parathyroid tumour er ninety per cent of the cases unless they're an emergency if it's a chronic hypercalcaemia are parathyroid tumours and then you may have to consider removing all or some of the parathyroid glands if it's hypercal-, hypocalcaemia sorry hypo again you've got an acute situation or a chronic if it's acute you can simply give them calcium I-V and you give them that as er calcium gluconate if it's chronic you want to make certain they've got enough calcium in their diet and they're able to reabsorb it or absorb it from their diet properly so you give them calcium and give them vitamin D and we'll see why they need vitamin D a little later and i've just put this in P-T-H-R-P it's nothing to do with the kidney really or at least not that we know of at the moment but because it acts exactly like parathyroid hormone and we'll see the effects of that in a couple of slides it can make people hypercalcaemic so but if often occurs when there's malignancy so hypercalcaemia and malignancy tend to go hand in hand and although there's a number of causes for that increased P-T-H-R-P can be one of them so you just bear in mind you you may need to look for this er the difference is er if you've got er hyperparathyroidism it won't affect your P-T-H-R-P production and likewise er you don't see a change in your vitamin D levels so if your vitamin D levels are normal but very high calcium er and you haven't got a parathyroid tumour it might be worth looking for a tumour elsewhere that's producing P-T-H-R-P so this is the slide i've shown you before low calcium you produce P-T-H that affects the bone and the kidney the kidney produces vitamin D which acts on the bone and the gut and the net effects are increased calcium and feedback to switch the whole system off and i've put the kidney in the middle not because i think it's the most important but it is quite pivotal to this system and if we're looking at calcium homeostasis and the kidney it's basically got three roles phosphate i've put here because phosphate and calcium go hand in hand one goes up the other goes down and we've talked about that and that's more apparent in the bone lectures er so we're not going to discuss it today but the other thing it does is it regulates your reabsorption from your filtrate you filter all your calcium more or less into your filtrate and you want to reabsorb most of it or regulate how much of that you reabsorb so the regulation of reabsorption from the filtrate or the occurrence of it happens in the kidney and it makes vitamin D and vitamin D is really important for calcium homeostasis so if we look at this er your filtered calcium again takes all the free calcium but it also takes the calcium that's bound to the anions not the protein-bound calcium because obviously that can't be filtered through if it's bound to a protein but it does take the ionic bound so you've got about fifty-five per cent getting into the filtrate and this is roughly what happens as you go across the nephron so here's a schematic nephron and this indicates your calcium concentrations as you go through so by the time you get into the thin descending loop of Henle nearly all of your calcium's been reabsorbed already and most of it happens here and you've got a little bit left to be reabsorbed throughout this part of the nephron so if we put that in context you've got at least sixty seventy per cent of your calcium's reabsorbed in the proximal tubule most of that happens by simple diffusion but there is some active transport but we're not going to look at that in great detail when we come down here we've got the er loop of Henle between it you get a bit more reabsorbed and the distal convoluted tubule now this is interesting because although it's only a small proportion that's reabsorbed here this is under active transport and is regulated so this is where the P-T-H has a role it can regulate the amount of calcium reabsorbed here but you can see you're only talking of regulating a very small proportion so it's quite a fine tuning exercise in terms of maintaining your calcium levels er from your kidneys and then a little bit goes into the collecting duct and only a small per cent out in urine one to two per cent in urine and you can see here you filter this much er per day but you reabsorb ninety-eight ninety-nine per cent of that so the kidney's really important if it stops reabsorbing calcium for any reason you're going to lose your calcium really rapidly so what about vitamin D i said the kidney makes vitamin D and the reason it's really important in terms of er calcium apart from the bones is that it regulates the uptake from the gut so i'm going to er go through this quite quickly 'cause it's not a G-I lecture but you've got three ways you can take up calcium from the gut simple er transport between cells secondly it gets absorbed in the brush border binds to binding proteins and then is extruded by this er A-T-P-ase also it goes across the brush border goes into vesicles and then er endocytosis gets rid of it at this end but the important thing to note is that er the calcium binding protein is involved in all three cases doesn't matter which mechanism's used you need a calcium binding protein to get it across the cell and this is regulated by vitamin D so vitamin D increases levels of calcium binding protein which will effectively allow you to take up more from your gut it also alters the permeability of the brush border er so it allows more er calcium to be er absorbed through the brush border of the G-I system and vitamin D has got some role to play in this regulation of the calcium-sodium exchanger so vitamin D regulates the calcium from your diet it also is important for bones we've talked about this before and we're going to so whether the calcium stays in your bones or is released in the circulation vitamin D has a role in and er it also regulates er you know when i said P-T-H regulates that small amount of er calcium reabsorbed in the the gut er vitamin D will also regulate calcium absorption to a small amount but its real importance is regulating bone and regulating calcium uptake from the gut so how do we make vitamin D and this is really important in terms of kidneys so sunlight produces somewhere between eighty and ninety per cent of our vitamin D in our sun that's why it's important to get some sunlight er while balancing that against the risk of skin cancer er we get some from our diet and here here the levels of bile salts have a role to play but again that's that's a topic beyond the urinary course and the liver activates both these precursor forms into twenty- five-hydroxy-vitamin-D-three which is largely inactive and you can store that for quite a long time and then the kidney here has another enzyme that activates it into the active form which is one-twenty-five- dihydroxy-vitamin-D-three and as clinicians you'll get used to calling it calcitriol i try and use that but i i tend to use its real name 'cause obviously that's what i use in research all the time and these are the two enzymes that are involved they're both hydroxylases the liver has twenty-five- hydroxylase and the kidney has one-alpha-hydroxylase it's got a much longer name but that'll do for you this one er is not regulated and depends on substrate concentrations this one is very tightly regulated so you can see defects in either the liver or the kidney will affect your ability to make vitamin D so what's important i've just told you that the activity of the twenty-five-hydroxylase isn't regulated so if you want to see if somebody is deficient in vitamin D or not you can measure the twenty-five-hydroxy-vitamin-D- three levels the circulating substrate form and that'll tell you er their vitamin D status the one-alpha-hydroxylase conversely very tightly regulated only works when you need the active form of vitamin D and that's because the vitamin d-, the active form of vitamin D is so good at er increasing levels of calcium in your blood if you have too much active vitamin D you become hypercalcaemic very rapidly and i do touch on this very briefly in the clinical pharmacology lecture er so it's very tightly regulated and i've just put here all the textbooks will tell you it's only in the kidney absolute rubbish couple of years ago we found out that this enzyme now all the tissues more or less in the body not not every single one but the vast majority are able to make vitamin D don't know why yet and we don't know what regulates it yet but er five years down the line textbooks will be different and that's just the normal ranges for your information i'm not going to dwell on that but you can see you've got far greater amounts of twenty-five versus one-twenty-five-D-three so what happens why is the kidney important apart from regulating the levels of calcium in your blood er people with kidney disease can't make vitamin D that's sometimes because their kidneys are not functioning at all er they have no effect whatsoever but if the kidneys are just not working quite as well as normal then their ability to make vitamin D will be attenuated if they can't make vitamin D obviously they become vitamin D deficient you don't absorb calcium from your gut you don't reabsorb it from your bone and you become hypocalcaemic this then activates the parathyroid glands to produce P-T-H the P-T-H then will act on bone to release calcium but it will also try and act on the kidney to stimulate vitamin D production but remember your kidneys are knackered for one reason or another so the vitamin D production doesn't go up so you're still hypocalcaemic because there's no vitamin D so the only place the P-T-H can act is on the bone so the bone P-T-H system kind of goes into overdrive you reabsorb more and more and more bone to try and normalize your calcium levels the consequences are you get really bad bone disease er and that if it's caused because of er kidney disease it's known as renal osteodystrophy in terms of phenotype it's very similar to osteoporosis er and this is a real problem this secondary hyperparathyroidism so the the parathyroid glands don't switch off 'cause there's no vitamin D to act as a negative feedback it's almost impossible to normalize your calcium plasma calcium levels so that doesn't feed back to switch off P-T-H production and the gland goes into overdrive producing more and more P-T-H which only acts on the bone so you get severe bone disease and this is a real problem with anybody with renal disease so these are the things to take home this is revision calcium homeostasis basically you've got three main hormones we haven't talked about calcitonin today i'll do in a couple of weeks and er three tissues er four tissues sorry you've got gut and bone put there together so four tissues three hormones this is important to remember later in the the module doesn't come up now but the most of the calcium that you eat we excrete whereas nearly all of the phosphate that you ingest we retain er or you absorb rather you don't retain it you absorb it so when you're looking at the G-I uptake most calcium is excreted straightaway in faeces whereas all the phosphate is absorbed and that will become apparent why that's important later on okay so the kidney's important 'cause it reabsorbs most of the filtered calcium and makes vitamin D and vitamin D we've just gone over a hyperparathyroidism now this is er something that comes up in the group work and something you'll get used to as you go through the module but there's three forms of hyperparathyroidism now remember i said most er hypercalcaemia presents with a sort of middle-aged woman er in a routine blood test and she's probably got a tumour now that's primary hyperparathyroidism the parathyroid glands are producing too much P-T-H on their own now in that case you have er too much P-T-H the kidneys respond normally producing more vitamin D er the bones respond to release calcium that all produces an increase in calcium in the plasma but because it's coming from a tumour there's no negative feedback system working so you go on and on producing more calcium er hence hypercalcaemia and that's relatively simple you can whip some of the parathyroids out secondary hyperparathyroidism was the one we've just talked about where the system can't work so there's no negative feedback so the parathyroid glands go on producing er P-T-H and eventually they er become desensitized as we'll see now this is i've put vitamin D deficiency here but it's usually is a consequence of renal disease it's not somebody who's just not er vitamin D deficient and developing rickets it's a renal problem really and in that case you've got low or normal plasma calcium whereas they're high here and the last one is tertiary hyperparathyroidism and this is really quite specialized er this is a er consequence of renal disease but it's a er a continuation of secondary hyperparathyroidism when there's no feedback er to switch the parathyroid glands off they go on producing P-T-H and they become insensitive to calcium levels and vitamin D the receptor levels drop they also sometimes become hyperplastic so you get more cells er bigger parathyroid glands producing more P-T-H so the consequences are completely unregulated P-T-H production remember you've got kidneys that can't respond normally er so you get er loads and loads and loads of reabsorption from your bone so you get really bad bone disease but in that case as well you usually have high plasma calcium but this h-, plasma calcium which would normally shut off P-T-H production can't because the gland's lost all its natural er mechanisms for feedback oh i'll leave that slide up at the end in a minute 'cause i realize you haven't got that one 'cause that was an addition this one at the end i'm not going through it's kind of a pictorial representation of secondary hyperparathyroidism and the problems associated with kidney disease it's er it's really important you know calcium homeostasis er goes up the creek if you've kidney disease so that's all i've got to say now er 'cause i know we're running slightly probably any questions either come and see me or see me in the group work and er i'll just leave that one up for you to copy down while i get namex sorted out for the next lecture