nm5000: er well good evening everyone er er well frankly i'm amazed that er there's such discussion of my child as i call it my firstborn here er i hope that you know it's opened a lot of areas of enquiry for many people and i hope it's entertained as well as after all it is fiction to a large degree er i don't know how i'm exactly how i'm going to do this whether some of you like to shoot me questions first or whether i should actually just read some of my favourite chapters and that's what i think i will do i'll just read some of my er f-, well er keynote passages i'd call them rather than favourite chapters 'cause i don't think i have any favourites er and i'll just invite questions on them afterwards 'cause i think you know there are a couple of sections one fairly lengthy one not so that er i'll read sort of sum up all the ideas and key points in the novel which i hope were tr-, er trans-, would be transferred to any potential reader er and i'll stand up for this as well it's different you know i might as well read in my bed at that level er okay er oh sorry di-, er so k-, i can just be f-, clear er what sort of percentage of people here have er read the novel or are familiar with it oh okay well er for the sake of those who haven't i mean i'll if you'll bear those who will the majority will bear with me i'll start from the beginning er and as you know it starts in London twenty-ninth of May seventeen-eighty-six Buckram stood in a puddle outside The Charioteer and listened to the shouts and laughter of several black people in the big smoky room the alehouse was full this evening and through a grimy rain streaked window he watched his old begging mentor Georgie George as rigorous as ever standing in front of the fire opening and closing his shabby frock coat every few seconds there was Henry Prince the boxer looking fatter and dressing much better looking prosperous in fact two men one black one white dressed as women were leaning against the bar screaming for drinks the publican Offaly Michael was still there bullying his staff and trying to keep order Buckram caught a glimpse of Angola Molly a lifelong whore and at twenty-eight a grandmother giggling eagerly into the hairy ear of some rich white sot business as usual Buckram thought he scanned the crowd more closely William wasn't in tonight and Neville of course wouldn't be seen dead in such a place it had been two years since Buckram had taken a drink in a boozing ken he studied familiar faces jabbering wildly under powdered wigs and all the bejewelled ill-painted women in laundered clothes and polished buckled shoes then he caught his own reflection in the green-tinged pane and flinched away before the image of a shivering grey-bearded black ogre with matted hair and greasy clothes could settle too solidly he glanced over his shoulder at the cramped tenements of Bridges Street they looked seedy and sad like poorly baked loaves left in a cold grimy oven even from the street he could smell the sour stench that told of generations of uncleanliness starving drunken whores staggered from one tavern to another and gangs of cadgers huddled bickering at the mouths of alleys and courtyards groups of strangers gathered under awnings and talked about the weather the sky rumbled fitfully pack dogs sniffed his heels and Buckram felt abandoned at the mercy of an English god he thought back to the night before when too ashamed and confused to return to his old haunts he'd taken himself to Warren Street to the black sick house for a meal of maggoty biscuits smeared with maggoty marrow his bubbling bowels kept him awake throughout the night while all around him howling madmen expired on verminous mattresses it was almost as bad as jail so he escaped before morning and the arrival of the press gangs three black grenadier guardsmen approached the tavern stepping gingerly on islands of slippery smooth mud hey brother a tall guardsman was loosening his pouch take this a handful of pennies landed at Buckram's feet gurgling the gratitude he scooped up the coins having no pockets he held them in his fist he looked in again at the irrepressible high spirits behind the window it was too soon he couldn't face them in there yet first of all he needed cheap food and some real friends er okay that's just er introduces well can't really call it well for the sake of er this i'll call him the protagonist the main victim i'll say Buckram who is a er penniless black beggar who suddenly finds himself in u-, er on the streets of er London after having served a er two year jail sentence in a in a traditional style for a tr-, crime he did not really commit et cetera et cetera er Buckram and some of his cronies were one of er a number of a group of people who particularly interested me in eighteenth century England in the black population of London and this was the er large numbers of ex er s-, ex er black servicemen who could have been originally recruited while still slaves er in the American colonies and had joined with the loyalist side and of course after the British lost that particular campaign they er thousands of them left the er eastern seaboard ports and er settled either in Liverpool or in London others er settled of course in Nova Scotia er there's been a continuing er continuous population in Nova Scotia to this day some of them er i understand also settled in Bermuda er and the Bahamas but i know nothing of them and i wouldn't imagine i couldn't for the life of me imagine why any ex-slave would want to go to those places er so that that's the beginning i mean i had a lot of fun writing this book probably too much because er i am someone who loves research i can lose myself in it to a ridiculous degree and er the thing is with a with so-, with a novel like this there is so much fresh material and so much obscure and downright perverse material that you come across that you just can't refuse the reader the privilege of you know you just have to share it i mean er what i'll what i'll read with you i mean for the the there are examples from example the fact that er there was a fashion for er young ladies to wear er eyebrows which had false eyebrows which had been made from er mouse skin now there was also a thriving acti-, there's also a thriving market amongst the lower class-, some members of the lower classes lowest classes to er er capture rats some would be used for sport and capture ri-, mice and some would be used for this activity there were other mouse skin products and thimbles how you're going to use a mouse to to get a thimble but er all these little er pieces of information i just felt i needed to really in some places glut the er book with it the text with it because it really helped to flesh out the where the er how can i put this it it helped to flesh out the alien environment that i was coming into contact with the more i found out about er the physical aspects of everyday life for people of all classes in the eighteenth century er the more that alien nature became apparent to me and moreover the alien nature of the people i was trying to describe the way that basically life and death decisions had to be made on a daily almost casual basis er but er back to the trivia and er this is a section where Buckram has just made friends with Georgie George who's the king of the beggars styles himself the king of the beggars and this character Georgie George as with all the other characters er he's amal-, an amalgamation of er several er real-life characters one of the people who went into the Georgie pot so to speak was someone called er Blind Billy Waters or Billy Waters who wa-, became the king of the beggars in the eighteen-twenties er he was another black ex-serviceman er blind one-legged black violinist became king of the beggars i mean we laugh but you know this was er quite a fantastic feat with actually a nice little er sketch of his funeral er entitled There Goes er Old Billy and it's a beggar's funeral that was incredibly unluxurious you know to our sensibilities and you know he's just there being wheeled by on a horse no his coffin's on a horse-drawn cart and you have all the beggars in doffed caps following in its wake a little cortege and he had a little write-up in the Times er so people like that i tried to bring to life in fiction but of course mixing it up with a lot of much more nasty cases er wen-, er w-, went towards making this character of Georgie George er here it goes yeah Georgie was friends with everyone Buckram saw how he seduced and obscured then cajoled and spoke true his was an incomparable world as William described it easy and busy borderline and safe but safe the road to organized crime was a s-, sharp sweet drop at first Buckram and William fenced for fencers they were pimps and lookouts and couriers sometimes they helped with coining they learned how to drill and load dice and all the names for the different weightings before long they could tell bale of bard cinque-deuces from a bale of direct contraries and bale of flat cater-treys from a bale of langrets contrary to the vantage they acquired the more arcane skills of pickpocketry from elder cadgers the wipe-snitch the cly-fake the kinchin lay and how to nim a ticker specialists abounded upright men janglers jarkmen clank-nappers bufe-nabbers bilkers freighters and swaddlers and the dimber damber himself Georgie George it was a fairly undemanding life compared to the hand to mouth existence they'd led hitherto there was no shortage of food binges of roast meat and fish replaced the communal stews of scavenged vegetables they'd grown accustomed to all kinds of beers and spirits flowed freely and soon became part of their daily lives except for Neville they ditched their fraying uniforms and started to buy new clothes William especially he quickly adopted the flamboyant dress code of their new circle of friends the blackbirds favoured bright primary colours worn in combinations that would have clashed against white skins in the room in Ivy Street soon acquired mattresses a cupboard and a table William gained membership of several gaming houses for gentlemen and he began with little success to apply himself to the theatrical arts the only hindrance to their new life was Pastor Neville Georgie had taken an instant dislike to him and the feeling was mutual Neville refused to partake in any illegalities and on the one occasion that he visited The Charioteer he was forcibly evicted after insisting on reading aloud to the clientele from the book of Leviticus he was a good bud nevertheless Buckram and William couldn't bring themselves to abandon him the three of them had endured so much together and besides he was the only good cook among them gang life suited Buckram the noisy carefree atmosphere of The Charioteer was the ideal place for him to practise his gift of tomfoolery it became his second home in a matter of weeks he had gained enough status to merit the honour of a personal chair from which to conduct his business he genuinel-, oh he genuinely enjoyed George's company indeed everyone did and took to accompanying the king of the beggars as often as possible on his trips out er that's interesting on his trips to out of the way villages like Tottenham and Camberwell right er this sort of introduces in a back to front manner the two other main well t-, some of the other main characters in this novel er one of the hardest things for me to do was to give an idea of the spectrum of er er black life in the black settlement of London in er the late eighteenth century and i was having very very i don't think i actually achieved it er but i was trying to show the actual breadth of activity that er black Londoners were engaged in at the moment i'm er working as a researcher for er Lambeth er archives looking up er s-, traces of the black population there and it's absolutely phenomenal er you know you find a-, apart from having an African school there there were also er African greengrocers and doctors and people involved in all sorts of careers and activities but the overwhelming majority of the people we do come across and this is in a sense partially echoed in this er work were er people who were just trying to survive on a daily basis basically living from hand to mouth and trying to make it er through the day any way they could er there's one final thing i'm going to try and find here which er before questions come in yes yes yes th-, this is when er Buckram actua-, finally meets up with Pastor Neville er and this section is f-, particularly er dear to me and it's a fairly short one er and Pastor Neville who is er for those of you who haven't read it a mad preacher er i mean there's this thing er practically er there are two things in almost every black British novel and i fell victim to both of them of course one is the use of the kissed lips you know somewhere throughout the the novel one of the characters will kiss their lips as in that will just be there the other is the mad religious character and true to the stereotype this is my mad religious character er Pastor n-, Neville who er er has got a job working at er Saint Giles' church and he has some sort of accommodation there to which he is now leading Buckram it wasn't so much a house as a shed this asked Buckram this is where you live the dwelling place of the most high almost a lean-to Pastor Neville's home was a windowless wood slatted structure held together in places by shipwrights nails and tar the hut lacquered w-, the hut lacquered with chevrons of green slime abutted a stable in Saint Giles' churchyard an ever present smell of hops and malts from the nearby m-, brewery blanketed the entire neighbourhood Buckram sighed slowly as Neville wrestled a bent key in a rusty lock they had both slept in worse places Neville lit a dim smoky lamp and weak light bled over a bed of rotting sacks used cooking utensils and countless open books lay in the mess like prone and hungry lovers the walls were cold and sappy and moisture dripped in gluey crawls to a broken flagstone floor but Buckram's only thought was of the hours of uninterrupted sleep awaiting him Neville left the shack returning moments later with a half bale of fresh straw my bed i suppose aye sir fashion it as you please Buckram hefted the bale under his arm and started to shred it spreading handfuls of hay across his sleeping area he added another layer shaking out the clumps this time in order to keep the whole soft he padded the remaining straw high around the walls to ward off draughts and to lessen the chance of injury should he thrash about in his sleep only when he'd finished did he realize that he'd instinctively made a night bed for a horse stay away from George said Neville and keep out of The Charioteer those men are my friends Neville it was good to be with them tonight they're friends to no one least of all to you they have done this to you they have made you like this he framed his hands at the sides of Buckram's stiff dirty clothes Buckram nodded glumly friends or not the regulars at The Charioteer were the only people he knew who could make things happen for him it was all right for Neville he could read and write he had his verger's post to keep him in food and lodging but Buckram had lived as a beggar he knew full well the horror of those days when you have to compete and sometimes fight with the legions of native poor crossing themselves whenever you crossed their path and your gaze never leaving the ground for fear of meeting another's bewilderment or missing the scraps that will feed you for another day looking more bedraggled lost and ethereal as one by one you give up your dreams and stumble on through shame filled lives not knowing who you are where you come from forgetting you ever knew otherwise slouching past one another in the street without acknowledgement because it could have been anyone or nobody and how it feels never to know security not even anonymity in a city of eight- hundred-thousand souls he would not live like that again he promised he'd kill himself first bom and that's the short rea-, set of readings and er i suppose i'm open to questions nm5001: are are you going to going to read later for us nm5000: oh yes yeah go on go on nm5001: are you going to read later on nm5000: yeah that would be fine yeah nm5001: so what he er what namex has said is that he will read later but take a break ask a question namex you wanted to ask about five questions yeah sm5002: yes yes i did nm5001: yeah one sm5002: er nm5001: to start with sm5002: okay you chose the title Incomparable World er we've heard the citation from the actual reading itself as it was given nm5000: mm sm5002: referring to a particular character Georgie George but in terms of its casting over the entire novel i mean where did you come up with the you know the the idea of something being inc-, incomparable is it incomparable in terms of us reading nm5000: yes sm5002: er or nm5000: incomparable in terms of me writing it really was it was i mean er i'd set myself this task er which involved amongst many other things er getting into contact with the whole world with a a totally second-hand world and er er sorry a world that i can only er er approach through er er er er o-, o-, o-, other's writings and experiences er and and honestly the more i found about about eighteenth century er London Georgian London i found i couldn't come up with absolutely nothing in my experience which i could compare it also i'd given myself the problem of er s-, conjuring up er Buckram this er illiterate character er in a work of fiction and you know th-, that was quite entertaining as well and that involved all sorts of ironic nonsense er so fundamentally yes the answer to your question is that i think that the whole experience of being alive at that time was simply incomparable because no-, we have nothing with which to compare it that's the easy answer sm5002: 'cause i think i think when when we er someone's writing an audience will er necessarily having to compare it with other works nm5000: so it's the sm5002: or compare the when we're actually writing on it or when we're considering it there has to be a sense of comparison that we we we use with other novels we've used Sam Selvon for example in nm5000: mm sm5002: in the mapping over the sense of community and such and nm5000: mm sm5002: that comes on into it but do you find that the there's a sort of fluidity about it though in sp-, in spite of what originally started off as being incomparable becomes later i mean if you consider some you know er areas outside of London er places which are g-, undergoing huge you know er nm5000: mm sm5002: changes in which people live in sense of class disintegrates and you have underclasses having to you know pursue these sort of these you know similar sort of lifestyles nm5000: yes it's yeah sm5002: er former you know er U-S-S-R et cetera nm5000: mm sm5002: and in other places like that nm5000: yes er yeah i mean i i un-, i think i understand what you're saying and of course these are my only references in an any sort of emotional er sense to it er er i-, because i mean of course there are ways you can approach the novel and get a grip on it it falls into a lot of er er standard forms er i don't think it's a very successful action adventure format novel but it can be approached like that er er it's also a very poor boy meets girl novel but er that's happened for various reasons that i'm not going to go into and it's er yeah i mean yes it it is easy to er compare it to various things we are familiar with but i just feel that that whole period of history is something that has to be looked at again revised and er from this particular viewpoint it's still really interesting perspective on er that period in time sf5003: i guess that which brings me to ask you why why the the eighteenth century i mean did you feel that there was a a gap to be filled that it was a a purloined letter of history or fiction nm5000: er sf5003: i mean did you do research to to assess yes nm5000: yeah well history fiction that's that's a yes i i i'd say not so mu-, or just culture in general sf5003: mm-hmm nm5000: er the entire er reality impact of the black presence on British society is something which is very very slowly er seeping into er er the awareness of a small percentage of people er last er er you know we've recently had er the Windrush er celebrations and er if you ask the overwhelming majority of people black and white in er Britain er when the er black presence er can be from when the black presence can be dated in this country er the overwhelming majority of people will point to towards nineteen-forty-eight and the arrival at Tilbury Docks oh yes that's Windrush er now i mean the plain historical fact is er that the black community particularly in London has been er continuous there has been a continuous black presence for at least five-hundred years some people put it much further than that but just for the sake of this particular discussion you can say at least over five-hundred years and er this whole novel was a way of just bringing this particular that you know that whole issue of the black presence in to you know to highlight it and er make it something which people spoke er more freely and openly er i-, i-, the reason i chose the eighteenth century was simply because it was the most interesting and there was the largest body of records of er people both black and white you know they have newspaper records you have er the letters of er Sancho er you have the works of er letters of er Mary Prince you have sf5003: mm nm5000: i mean you have a vast er amount of detail er detailed information to work on and of course i was seduced completely by the language er which i found in-, very very er beguiling er and heartening like er you know you'd hear from some of these court records the er defences given up by er ordinary workaday black villains and the their use their use of vocabulary and the ability to to actually make language work for them is absolutely er well i mean er to or by our standards is stratospheric so i was really s-, er seduced by many aspects of the eighteenth century also the rough open er quality to life er which eighteenth century London presented it was a hugely cosmopolitan er environment i mean you had literally people from all over the globe here at the er er er imperial centre er exchanging ideas meeting had people all over the er African diaspora er i've just been looking at this African school in er Clapham where and this is a very weird set-up to begin with but amongst other pupils they had side by side in the same classroom er the sons of er African er er heads African chiefs er African leaders who happened to be involved in the slave trade but they were but they sent their sons there they were sitting next you know side by side in the same er classroom sharing desks with the sons of er Maroons who were or semi-independent er blacks black settlers in Jamaica who had fought their way out of slavery they found er you know they had found some of their sons found themselves side by side with er probably the sons of families who had sold them into slavery directly and er as well as that you had people the sons of er this is a very male society as well you can tell also you had the sons of er er free blacks from Nova Scotia er who were also at the school so i'm rea-, really trying to revise er our whole er idea or provoke i should say to provoke discussion of our whole idea of eighteenth century London of er Covent Garden of how people behaved what people did er because it's er one of the self-delusions of er our period of you know the l-, er last quarter of the twentieth century those of us who live in industrialized societies is to believe or to labour under the delusion that we er have some sort of er licence or on various lifestyles such as promiscuity and er a certain amount of er movement in socie-, ease of movement in society er we also have a totally er insane notion of er what people actually did in their spare time in the eighteenth century how people behaved what their expectations were it was not strait-laced and er er starched and er tight collared at all er there were acts of er promiscuity and perverseness which i just couldn't include in this book though i was tempted but er i mean i mean co-, eighteenth century Covent Garden er was er well a place which actually would have been downright shocking to many of us in a lot of its activities er for example there were er what we would now call er gay bars or er they were called sodomitical taverns and it became dangerous for young men er i think i made a mention of it at one point in er in the early part of the book sf5003: yes nm5000: so i just thought you know sf5004: men dressed as women nm5000: yes and also er er Pastor Neville refers to er these people trying to entice unwary youth unto the like er practice or something like that but it was worse you know people would actually you know you could be walking across Covent Garden Piazza and be actually mugged by men in skirts who would be er trying to you know do all sorts of things to you there were places where you could pay to see women fighting other women not so unusual there were also places where you could er where women could go to be spanked by other women and there were magazines er catering to this taste so i mean there was a whole er range of activity which i just thought needed to be brought into the idea of what actually went on in these coffee houses and how people behaved how people made a living and er as w-, i mean yes i've just drawn out the whole alien nature of the time and the place was something i had a lot of fun with so i don't know if that answered your question sf5003: nm5001: er yes sm5005: thought the end was in a way it was very sad because he's he ends up being very very mean to his stablehand nm5000: mm sm5005: and he's nasty to the bloke who's got the letter from William nm5000: yeah sm5005: so he loses contact with his comrade nm5000: yeah sm5005: er is Buckram to be condemned for his actions at the end of the novel and his m-, his metamorphosis or is that him just making his way nm5000: er i just have to say it's him making his way i mean this is one of the things i mean with this book i was very aware of er agendas popping up and i was trying very hard to avoid them in all sorts of ways i mean i would have loved it to have a er Warner Brothers' ending and everyone sailing off together in wonderful stereoscopic vision and er stereoscopic sound rather and er but Buckram he he proved a problem because he just went off during the writing er and did his own thing i couldn't control this character he just er i was trying to beat him into this sort of nice politically correct character who would validate you know my er conceit as a writer but er no no er he went off and became this individual you know who having settled into er some sort of mior-, minor er min-, minorly prosperous role does adopt many of the traits of the people he's been doing business with he becomes part of the world around him yes and he er he was a very difficult character all the way through like i said for er apart from all the ri-, ridiculous ironies of using the illiterate as er the protagonist er he was the one in a who in a sense er had the least baggage er he was just like er some sort of rhythmic innocent character er which his illiteracy helped me how that helped me with as well his illiteracy but er the other characters like William for example and er Pastor Neville they're both readers er Neville isn't so much a thinker but he's an educated person it's easy to get round his mind it's easy to er come into contact with him but Buckram he's a very h-, he he reacts to things he's not a reflective individual so he is definitely someone who's totally shaped by events and that's the story of Buckram at the end he's just been shaped by events yet again nm5001: er somebody is writing well many of you are writing essays on this er on this er on this novel er somebody wanted to ask if you you wanted to ask about Selvon was it sm5006: er no er but i've got a different question with regard to Hogarth nm5001: right sm5006: to what extent did er William Hogarth influence er you writing this novel nm5000: well that was er at the root of it at the very genesis of er the actual project i mean i found myself er i don't know where i was but i mean i could have been i just found myself in front of some er works by Hogarth i think it was the series Morning er er Noon and Afternoon Morning Noon and Evening and er i noticed black characters there and i er i was taken aback because i had to ask myself er A who are they what are they doing there and how do they manage to survive in this environment if this is supposed to be taken from life looking more at Hogarth i realized that you know black figures were frequently used for various reasons i checked er Mr Dabydeen's work and er i then did my own researches from that first meeting of black characters in Hogarth interestingly enough the thing that other thing for me personally with Hogarth and this is very personal er hitherto in eng-, in English painting the black figure had always been represented in very very formulaic terms you would have er the black servant or the individual of whatever class er or whatever whatever degree of servitude would always be er er kneeling down there à genoux with er clasped hands looking up imploringly beseechingly spaniel-like at er the white social superior who would be er of course standing and looking not down at er towards the gaze of the black servant but out of the picture towards the stars you know where they er load there to those con-, astral celestial concerns and er that was pretty much er formulaic in my knowledge and experience of er the representation of black people in er English painting er with Hogarth er on that first meeting what i saw were black people in the sense that i recognize a person as someone who's walking across a road or just happens to be there or even if they're acting if or they're even if they're there as a symbolic device they are still there er to a minor degree in their own right they just happen to be there and er my further er examinations just really er f- , flushed out er fleshed out that whole world of the black settlement in er Seven Dials and on the site of what is now the horrific Centreprise building in London for those of you who know it er so to yeah to answer your question briefly er Hogarth was central absolutely central to firing off my er curiosity er into what has now become well yeah an obsession nm5001: what about Selvon nm5000: oh well Selvon he's someone er who er h-, er who who amazes me er so few people really celebrate him i mean which Selvon did you read The Lonely Londoners fantastic book nm5001: yes nm5000: now absolutely fantastic book now it's not simply that he is a fantastic writer i mean with such ease and economy he manages to paint this extraordinary panorama er i mean i've got to confess i only read The Lonely Londoners er two years ago but er nm5001: read it after this nm5000: yes nm5001: right mm nm5000: but it was er i mean i could immediately feel u-huh yes he's trying to he's attracted to the same er load that i that draws me er here he is looking again at er life in London also with s-, with Selvon as with myself he's someone er who in his writing expresses a an incredible love of London and the city which i share er and into this environment which fascinates and repels him at the same time which literally er sort of is at the centre of or of his attention he draws these apparently disparate characters er from all areas of the er black diaspora er again most of them are in irregular situations trying to hack their way through daily life but er it for me it's just amazing that this book isn't spoken about more er i think it's the genuine er kick-off point for black British brack black British writing in er this century er to my knowledge and experience er oh what what did er do you think of Selvon did it get a thumbs up or a nm5001: yeah it's a great it's a it's a great novel er er i th-, i think you're quite right we we teach it every year so er i can say we try to push the boat out Selvon himself was an honorary doctor at this university nm5000: oh nm5001: and my curry partner nm5000: u-huh nm5001: er nm5000: no it is it's it's a it's a wonderful book i mean wh-, wh-, what hits me with er Selvon is that i mean i i was er lumbered by writing about the eighteenth century so the matters of sort of linguistic form which really er stayed my hand er so i couldn't really a-, achieve that economy and grace of style which er Selvon did i mean i was er lumbered down with er i don't i i don't actually know if it succeeded or not but er i did have problems with how to er er write this novel in the sense that there are two competing schools seem to me to be two competing schools in historical writing at the moment one of which goes towards the er goes to the degree that er we can dispense totally with any anachronistic er usage of language er we don't have any yea verily forsooths et cetera but er we all just use a s-, we all just use straight direct English this is something i'm not very er comfortable with er the other er school goes directly er into cod English as i call it cod period English and it reached some ridiculous heights even using Y-E and you know as it's people actually said ye all that sort of nonsense er and i wasn't comfortable with that so i tried to hit er some sort of midpoint in which the two styles could almost flow together but er oh sorry are there any more questions sm5002: just just one quick one nm5000: mm sm5002: er the The Lonely Londoners and er i think to an extent your book as well is about coming to literacy er there's er a you've got er Moses Aloetta nm5000: yeah sm5002: coming to a sense of an ability to er interact aesthetically with er with what he experiences as well and as as a first novel did you try to express the sense of writing something er i mean in terms of not only of William having this this would nm5000: mm sm5002: fantasies of inclusion with terms of writing and nm5000: mm-hmm sm5002: possessing novels but also Buckram you know of drawing Cs well what you know nm5000: yeah sm5002: by observing as well i mean how far was that conscious in you when you were writing the actual novel itself nm5000: semi-conscious er yeah ca-, becau-, oh yeah it was er something which i i mean i didn't actually deliberately set out to er do this but it's something which er just seemed to achieve critical mass in the writing you know the various ideas connected with er self-expression and er freedom i think in one er space i'm actually Buckram was actually er sorry William was actually er his house has burned down and er i describe how he fears his life will turn out and er i mention that he fears the lack of access to paper and he fears being paperless i wish i was more familiar with my own book so that i could find this exact er page for you but you know so i mean though that that's one with many er in er references there's also er the dreaded letter which really chopped up the flow of the action scene er in which er William beseeches his wife to er continue with yes er to acquaint yeah i mean he he says to his wife Good Mary as he says of her er he says er many was the night i passed in deepest gloom beset by thoughts of your travails and my heart is well pleased to learn of your untiring efforts to maintain our little ones in the ways of rectitude acquainted as you are with the ways of our former masters i don't know why i said former with our former masters i trust you do bend their young minds ever towards the written word it will stand them in good stead in that land where ignorance is the best and only security for obedience blah blah blah et cetera et cetera yours husband er so yes it does come up this er er need for some sort of intimacy for self-expression through the written word er nm5001: in fact that's a kind of echo of Sancho isn't it nm5000: yes nm5001: that particular nm5000: yes it is er yeah nm5001: who himself is very concerned about language nm5000: yes i mean Sancho again he is someone who i just think should be on the syllabus i don't know why he isn't an astonishing person you know born on a slaveship in Cartagena er came over here he was adopted as a mascot or a pet by er the Montagues and er it is true Sancho is an unusual person in that er he did you could say he had influential friends and a semi- privileged background regardless of his er er servile er docile status in the Montague household but er there he was running this er grocery selling amongst other things sugar cane mm and er er you know this grocery was er two streets down from Downing Street in er Charles Street as it was then now it's King Charles the Second Street i think and er when not tending to his shop er he was penning these wonderful letters and er he was writing the odd er minuet or country dance er you know he's a very sort of rounded character in a way that we can't actually imagine i mean the m-, overwhelming majority of people nowadays are too stressed even to cross the room to switch off the television and it's very very hard for us to get ourselves into this mindset nm5001: yeah nm5000: of people like Sancho or Equiano who did travel the known world and who did who had you know most people by the the er their early twenties had survived some life-threatening illness er those who were in any degree literate er read and they read deeply and they you know they were very familiar with the language to a degree like i said before er would be stratospheric we need oxygen to comprehend er the er the grace and eloquence of some of the conversations i mean er er i always like to quote the letters of er that flew between er Sancho and Julius Soubise i don't know f-, how many of you are s-, familiar with Julius Soubise but he was a er black man about town for want of a better word he was a d-, a rake and er he was known for being well dressed and for being a womanizer and er he also taught sword fencing and er he it was his misfortune to become involved with a titled lady and the flow of letters between Sancho and Soubise are just astonishing astonishing you know high level and you know these people were not er standardized intellectuals of their day this was just letters between you know two black men talking about sexual relationships and er the dangers inherent in them and er you know it's things like that you know all went to er inform this er i'm still looking for this particular page where William has lost his house but i don't think i'm going to find it but yeah in again to briefly answer your question er that is exactly what i mean yes the the er the n-, the use of language and the need of control of language er was was a theme which did crop up but er it wasn't planned it just came out of the nature of the book sf5007: mm nm5001: do you want to read now nm5000: yes i'm trying to find this one particular place ba-de-bum but yes the the the the the the this is what i'll read for you er this is just a scene i like because er i'm trying to capture a lot of things and er bring in something which is fairly central it's a fairly long piece here but er part of the background to this er period the summer of seventeen-eighty-six is that er this was a very dangerous time for er black men in London because er this scheme or scam would be a better word er known as the Sierra Leone scheme er ha-, er w-, was doing business er to do this whole thing injustice to try and put it in a nutshell the Sierra Leone scheme was a method by which er black the black population of London would be transferred from the street those who were on the street to this er putative settlement in Sierra Leone er therefore fulfilling two s-, very spurious er objectives one ridding er London of its black street population and B er set-, and two er actually settling these er many of them ex-slaves in a country they could call their own er it was a conceit which of course failed in much misery and agony until there was a Canadian settlement later which was a bit better but er yeah the Sierra Leone settlement is part of the background of this whole novel and this draws in you know this whole theme of er er this sort o-, repatriation which seems to come in two-hundred year cycles in British history i mean you had it in er fifteen-ninety-six and sixteen-o-one with er Queen Elizabeth her edicts er basically er stating how er these negars as she called them N-E-G-A-R-S she spelled it these negars er are here the great annoyance of our own liege people who do want the bread which these people consume you know that's the oldest argument in the world doing good business in fifteen-ninety- six and she tried it again in sixteen-o-one both attempts at er repatriation failed here in seventeen-eighty-six you see the same thing the same tendency er a-, attempt at repatriation and it opens with er William Supple at er his so- called work of gambling excuse me the makeshift gambling board tilted precariously under a weight of drinks and coins William Supple rolled a tiny whisky glass between his palms while waiting for the last of his five companions to show their hand ten or so other men their games long finished stood in sepulchral silence around them breathing down their necks and signalling wordless bets on the outcome they were playing in a small brightly lit cellar under the Strand the temperature in the gambling den was several degrees warmer than on the surface and th-, than that on the surface and the men played in shirt sleeves their coats turned inside out hung on the backs of their chairs for luck the air was filled with tobacco smoke and the smell of soil and old bricks William watched as Gerhard the Hessian studied his cards and stroked his great red beard the German was also a veteran of the colonial wars his regiment had served with William's at a number of battles in the Carolina campaign and like some of the black servicemen he had chosen to make London his home they exchanged a brief er and William thought conspiratorial smile Gerhard drew a few coins from his purse and stacked them on the board the company exhaled loudly ten shillings fu-, sorry i don't do accents when i read so you'll have to bear with me ten shillings further William he whispered will you meet me i dare you William stared him full in the face and nodded do your worst Hessian the German spread his cards on the table almost failing to mask his anxiety a king a pair of nines and the jack of hearts William willed himself expressionless as pockets of malevolent cheer erupted around him that delight in annihilation paranoia redeemed the gambler's laugh and once more here he was on the threshold of games how to win without losing how to show face he fanned out his cards with quiet dignity his ace his queen of hearts his jack of diamonds his ten of spades his victory he took some comfort in the overhearty applause from the fickle fortune-hunting crowd they'd come to cheer a winner and here he was ever the actor outplayed again admitted the hau-, the Hessian outplayed again a club-footed pot boy came over to clear the glasses and take a cut for the house you've a visitor Mr Supple at the door wants to talk to you tell him i'm busy Giles said William and fetch us another round of whisky William gathered up the pack to shuffle a game of faro it's a black man sir Giles raised his eyebrows and nodded significantly goes by the name of Buckram says it's an urgency William sucked his teeth there you go tell him i'll be up in a minute he passed the pack to Gerhard and strutted to the door three bolts were removed and two locks were turned before William could mount the steps to the street Buckram stood filling the doorframe with his hat with hat sorry his hat that being William's hat in hand warm fresh air steamed in from the Strand and Buckram kicked his heels in the dark dusty street hello Bucky how is it oh i'm not too bad saw two all over tonight William i need to talk to you about something what do you say we go sink a few jars down The Charioteer with as much exasperation as he reckoned their friendship could hold William started explaining how busy he was making an illeval li-, er an illegal living down in the cellar and that he was available to friends during daylight hours only it hurt him to say that he had taken such care to avoid Buckram these past weeks best to keep things superficial just thinking about The Charioteer was depressing the door opened down behind him and the pot boy shouted tables are ready and waiting for you Mr Supple bid them wait are you winning Buckram asked he was looking better William noticed the jailhouse edges blurred back towards normality the haunted eyes were still haunted but at home he was a man at leisure wanting to celebrate his liberty the old Buckram maybe winning yes William slowly replied i will join you in a while he returned to the cellar to close his affairs with the house then bounded back up the stairs pulling on his coat let's walk around for a bit i i need some air they strolled down to Charing Cross past crow-, small crowds of night people enjoying the antics of sword swallowers and a man lifting a four-hundred pound weight with the hair of his head William paused by a gypsy girl who was goading a small dancing dog to gavotte he noted Buckram frowning at the spectacle and reconsidered throwing her the coin he had palmed in his pocket with the exception of coal carts coming up from the river front alleys and the odd horseman or sedan chair the street was relatively free of traffic and like everyone else William and Buckram walked along in the middle of it how's your side enquired Buckram no complaints hardly a war wound getting better i'm all right as long as Georgie keeps me supplied with this he pulled a fat brown glass bottle from his pocket opium cordial he tells me said William that you're working for him and Henry sort of i sell prints and guides around the piazza oh i can imagine no you can't i was stopped by the charlies in Southampton Row today that's the er well the l-, l-, the officers of the law er for want of a much better description er i was stopped by the charlies in Southampton Row today they asked me my business threatened to deliver me to the navy office if i didn't give them some money i caught one of them on the job and had to run i lost them in Clare Market but i think they'll come looking for me you know they'll remember my face William laughed openly no Bucky you're safe from the watch don't you know they can't tell one black man from another you just have to lay low for a day or so then resume your work stick to Saint Giles and the Seven and Seven Dials they can't touch you there i'm sick of the place sick of this town William but where else is there Sierra Leone what Sierra Leone Africa you must have heard the news seen the handbills or posters everyone's talking about it well i don't talk to everyone don't read too much nowadays either so you really don't know do you they're planning to clear us off the streets they want us out of this country and any black or lascar found not working will be held at Newgate for transportation they're making the white raven beggars agree to sign for a place in this scheme before they receive their sixpence transportation to Africa what the devil do you mean every year they invent something new to scare us with it never works we're still here there's too many of us slaves ex-slaves freeborn and all just too many i read in gentleman's magazi-, gentleman's magazine there are fifteen-thousand of us in London alone that was an exaggeration by the way but that was taken from fact there are fifteen-thousand i mean eighteenth century statistics uh-uh there are fifteen-thousand of us in London alone they'll have to call out the soldiers to take us on it's impossible it'll never happen wouldn't you like to go to Sierra Leone no i've heard some old settlers from Nova Scotia talk about it but that's a free man's country they can choose how and when they go over here it's different imagine the Englishmen inviting us to return to Africa we'd end up in chains for sure he'd heard about the west coast of Africa and all he knew was that it attracted slavers like bees to a sugar plantation you're happy here aren't you asked Buckram William didn't answer they bought two portions of cold chicken pie with ketchup from a street vendor in Villiers Street and sat down beside a Charing Cross pillory block to eat in front of them behind some railings loomed a statue of King Charles the First on horseback the starless sky was as clear as a London night could be and it goes on like that any more questions sm5006: yeah the role of the River Thames i mean er reading Selvon there's this homage paid to this river which somehow symbolizes kind of the mouth to the empire right nm5000: mm sm5006: and er reading you know i believe there's also a kind of homage to it with one of the most beautiful and most comic er passages with the charcoal fires on the riverboat nm5000: yes yeah sm5006: er first of all what's the role of the Thames for you in this novel and what made you write i mean this this er charcoal fires on on the Thames nm5000: okay er the role of the Thames er er i mean it's ver-, i mean it's very partial i don't i only think i mention it once or twice although there's a whole scene set on it er although i mean i was driven by the same passion that Selvon had to sort of er boost his er you know the city he'd claimed as his own er and while i'm er advertising Selvon's writing adverting to it er er there's one beautiful er eulogy he's done to the city called er My Girl and the City sf5008: mm nm5000: and if you get a chance to read it read it er nm5001: they read it nm5000: er oh you did nm5001: it was excellent nm5000: it was and er nm5001: some of us nearly cried nm5000: oh yeah i mean er my own way of doing it was by er trying to draw aspects of the city which a contemporary reader would be familiar with and putting it in a different context er such as m-, you know just idly mentioning that er Hampstead and Highgate were just minor villages er and things like er the walk down Oxford Street and the contrast between Oxford Street and er Saint Giles and the grot the real grot and horror of Saint Giles er but yes i mean everywhere that the city can poke its head up er i gave it a chance to do so the river scene er the reason i included that was because er well f-, it's a couple of reasons it was er practice along the river to shout abuse at others as they did the crossing er it was also er i wanted to capture some of that er coarse yet er very coarse energetic yet er totally engaged nature of eighteenth century communication there's a roughness to it and a real lewdness to it er which is very very hard to capture i mean fights were commonplace and er the normal pattern of a fight especially with a stranger er er i mean the traditional view of the Jewish stranger or a French stranger i'm sure it happened to black people as well and er the tradition would be you'd be walking past er a group of er indigenous folk and your hat would be knocked off you'd be challenged er you'd have to accept the challenge because a circle would be formed round you now er if you lost the challenge er you know you'd be kicked by the others er the by the er by the cronies of the person who gave you offered the invitation and if you won the challenge you'd be raised up on everyone's shoulder and they'd get you drunk and you'd become their mate and you know the the you know the this level of er nm5001: yeah nm5000: sort of savagery and er i don't know the word but it's a mixture of er that's it i think i actually used it here er excuse me it's a mixture of vindictive you'll have to give me a a moment here er yes i mean there's a a section here actually was trying to er get to the nature of this whole thing as vindictive and gleeful as an as Anglo-Saxon as a er food fight this whole nature of that sort of food fight sensibility but again i can't find the actual quote i need er but yeah basically the the that was yeah here we are dum-de-dum-de-dum yeah this is it er this is where Buckram is er actually looking for William and Neville and he's just looking around er the slum on a whim he decided to look in at The Beggar in the Bush it was somewhere he'd not normally visit the place was always too lively in the wrong way bursting with gregarious vindictiveness as Anglo-Saxon as a feu-, food fight and that was what i was trying to er get to in that river scene that gregarious vindictiveness of er life at the time nm5001: so we can shall we have one last question sf5003: maybe about the future about nm5000: mm sf5003: is there a second novel in the making do you want to experiment with other genres beside the novel nm5000: yes yeah oh beside the novel or beside the historical novel sf5003: well or just the novel g-, period nm5000: er no i don't so much like the idea of er experimentation or going off on tangents from er many standardized forms er i prefer to er use the existing forms to expose the flaws in them which i know one again one of the conceits of this book er with a historical novel using it to er expose the flaws in many historical novels er i'm looking towards other genres such as er science fiction and horror sf5003: mm nm5000: er again the absence of a black presence in these whole in these areas is er i mean especially in the U-K is quite astounding it's not as if we are not familiar with either horror or science fiction i mean the ideas of abduction by aliens taken to somewhere you don't know and you know your life energy being used for various purposes we know all these genres so i mean this is something which i'd like to introduce to a wider audience genre busting er rather than for-, you know f-, forming whole other areas of experimentation nm5001: good well thank you er well thank you again namex for coming nm5000: oh thanks for the invitation namex nm5001: er it is one of the most remarkable novels eighteenth century novels that i have read it is an eighteenth century novel and the wonderful irony is that one of the best eighteenth century novels in the English language is written by somebody who's not English and er don't think you're eighteenth century either nm5000: well nm5001: thanks very much yeah we'll do a we'll do a book signing session now so do do queue up and er