nm0140: the er [0.3] handout [0.7] i've got a new handout on your handout today [1.5] last week i gave a a sort of supplementary [0.4] handout for chapters two and three [0.4] if you didn't get that then copies of those handouts are available in the Philosophy department [0.2] office [0.3] okay [0.6] that's just to explain what's going on what i've got there are the new handouts which i'll give out in just a minute or two [1.8] secondly just before we start apologies for the fact that as you can [0.3] probably hear i'm [0.3] suffering at the moment [0.3] and er [0.5] it's distorting my voice in a variety of ways and also [0.8] er [0.4] i'm not feeling too good so i hope i survive this lecture [2.2] can you [0.5] is the [0.2] is er microphone on [0.2] ss: no nm0140: no i thought i [0.3] thought i couldn't hear anything there [0.6] it the red light is on here [3.5] er [0.9] well there we are [2.1] [laughter] well [0.4] typical isn't it on a day when i'm i'm losing my voice i haven't even got the microphone [1.3] er [0.4] well [0.9] got this flight console here maybe i can do something and see what happens sf0141: yeah sm0142: nm0140: if i'm bold [0.2] if i stand in this one place then it's going to be all right sf0143: yes nm0140: but as you already [0.2] as you know i'm [0.3] could actually even just like to wander around all the time [0.3] i'm going to see if i can actually get the [0.2] the remote mike to work [0.7] sf0144: [0.4] nm0140: oh [16.5] [laughter] i'll just check whether this has worked i've got a these mikes to see if the remote mike is working so [2.3] right is the is it working now ss: no nm0140: no [0.2] okay [0.2] [13.8] no [1.1] one more try [0.5] shh [0.5] no [0. 2] no okay i'm going to abandon it and just speak loudly [7.3] okay what we're going to do in the er the rest of these lectures today [0.2] tomorrow and next week is to look at the [0.5] chapters three four five and six we're going to spend one lecture on each of those chapters as i said at the very beginning [0. 7] we spent relatively more time on the earlier chapters because they contained a lot of er [0.2] material in them and a lot of the kind of basis of what s-, [0.3] Searle [0.7] er Searle's arguments for the later chapters are going to be [1.6] what i'm going to do for these chapters [0.2] three four five and six [0.9] is to distribute to you [0.2] notes [0.2] quite specific notes on the content of those chapters [0.5] and then in the lectures what i want to do is to try and get over to you what the point of the chapter is [0.7] so there's going to be kind of more detailed summation in the handouts than there actually is [0.5] er in the lecture [0.2] so you'll need the handouts to fill out some of the [0.2] s-, points the handouts form a kind of commentary on the text [0.8] er whereas the lectures are going to try and [0.2] get what the main point of it all is of each of those chapters [0.2] okay [0.3] so what i'm going to do now is to hand out [0. 7] er [0.4] the [0.2] notes on chapter three [0.4] and tomorrow i'll hand out notes on chapter four next Wednesday on chapter five [0.5] next Thursday on chapter six [2.5] again just to repeat as always if there are previous handouts that you need [0.5] then you can obtain those from the [0.7] Philosophy department office [22.5] okay [4.0] you'll recall that [0.2] Searle [0.4] [1.3] says that there are two [0.2] claims which are typical of [0.2] strong A-I strong artificial intelligence [1.5] one of those claims [0.2] is that [0.2] computers put very [0.2] very briefly that computers can think [0.4] or that [0. 7] put it slightly less briefly [0.2] a suitably programmed [0.3] digital computer may at some time [0.8] at in the future [0.3] be said to be able to think [1.4] there are of course people in A-I who think [0.6] that the very strongest claim is true that computers already can think [0.6] an example of such a person is the Professor of Cybernetics at this university Kevin Warwick [0.8] who holds [0.2] rather a controversial opinion and one of those is that already you can say that computers can think [0.2] er [1.5] the other claim [0. 2] second claim [0.9] okay first claim [0.2] computers can think [0.4] the second claim is [0.8] that [1.7] a digital computer [0.2] provides the suitable model [0.4] for thinking about the human brain [0.6] or put it more briefly [0. 2] the human brain is like a digital computer [0.7] okay that's the second claim [0.5] that second claim [0.6] that a human brain is like a digital computer [0.4] is [0.2] the claim which is discussed in chapter three [0.4] on cognitive science [1.0] okay [1.1] [3.4] Searle starts off by observing [0.6] that [1.0] we seem to have available to us two different ways of being able to explain human behaviour [1.4] the first way of explaining human behaviour was the sort of [0.2] way of explaining human behaviour that i was talking about last week [0.5] when i said that as far as human beings are concerned [0.4] we can explain human behaviour in terms of [0.4] the purposes the ambitions the drives the wishes [0.4] that people have [0.5] those provide a sort of general background which makes it sensible to say [0.8] er why somebody is doing something [0.4] why is somebody doing something somebody somebody who's doing something absolutely bizarre [0.7] you know they're standing on one leg like this and you see them and say why are they doing that [0.7] and you say oh well [0.2] one thing [0.4] might [0.5] you know they're being a [0.2] street performer of some sort [0.9] okay [1.3] so that will be one way of explaining human behaviour [1.6] now there's another way of explaining human behaviour which might be open to us [0. 4] and that is a scientific explanation of human behaviour [0.2] and in particular [0.5] as it's a scientific explanation of human behaviour i mean [0. 2] science can explain all sorts of things er it can explain chemical reactions it can explain [0.5] er [0.2] you know the er [0.5] way one billiard ball hits another billiard ball with mechanics and physics and so on [0.4] but if we're explaining human behaviour there might be a sort of scientific explanation [0. 3] which addresses itself to explaining human behaviour [0.4] why is somebody doing that [0.2] well we produce an explanation in terms of science [0.4] and that might be in terms of for example neurophysiology [0.4] in terms of what's going on in a person's brain [1.4] well the first sort of explanation by and large is concerned with [0.7] explaining what's in the person's mind what their motive what their intention [0.3] what their desires wishes purposes are [0.2] the second sort of explanation [0.2] in terms of what's going on in their brain in the [0.2] in the stuff in here [0.4] in terms of their neurophysiology [2.1] that first [0.2] common thing for psychology the sort of explanation that we deploy all the time in everyday life in talking about other people [0.5] is often talked about in the literature the literature of [0.5] er psychology the literature of philosophy the literature of popular science is often referred to as folk psychology [0.5] and what all the folk psychology [0.2] come across it says [0.3] all that folk psychology means is simply common sense approach [0.4] okay [1.5] now there's a problem [0.9] Searle says i've taken his [0.9] statement of the problem from page twenty-two of the book [1.2] the problem is there's a sort of gap [0.2] between these two sorts of explanation [1.6] he says the first of these sorts of explanation works well enough in practice [0.6] we explain other people's behaviour in terms of their desires their motivations their wishes their intentions and that seems to work in a certain sort of way [0.7] but it isn't scientific [1.4] and the second sort of explanation is certainly scientific [0.6] but we've no idea how to make it work in practice [0.6] in other words if you do see somebody standing on a leg like this [0.4] and you say why are they doing that [0.4] then [0.2] it's actually [0.3] very very difficult to produce a neuroph-, neurophysiological explanation which satisfactorily explains [0.4] why they're doing that [1.5] and Searle says [0. 5] we've got no idea how to bring together these two sorts of explanations integrate them [2.0] we've no idea how to integrate or unify common sense [0.2] explanations with neuroscientific ones [0.3] he says just to con-, [0.3] continue that [0.5] quotation at the bottom of the slide [1.6] since we've no idea how to [0.2] integrate [0.9] or unify common sense explanations with the explanations of science pure scientific ones [0.3] we are tempted to think that there's a gap [0.4] between [0.2] the mind and the brain [0.5] now chapter three [0.2] is concerned with attempts that people have made [0.3] to fill this gap [0.4] the gap between common sense explanations and scientific explanations [0.9] okay [2.4] this [0.2] appearance of a gap [0.2] has led philosophers and others and psychologists and a whole series of er o-, other sorts of scientists [0.5] into thinking that the gap needs filling [0.2] and that what we need when you fill a gap [0.2] you use an intermediate level explanation [0.6] you fill the gap by producing another level of explanation [0.2] intermediate between common sense psychology and neuroscience [1.5] an explanation which will [0.3] explain how common sense psychological phenomena [0.4] derive from goings on [0.2] in the central [0.2] nervous [0.2] system [0.9] okay [1.4] [2.3] and [0.3] he he says in a [1.0] another place not in Minds Brains and Science but in a review he wrote [0.5] he talked about filling this gap and he says couldn't there be [0.7] a third possibility [0.2] between common sense psychology and neuroscience [0.4] a science of human beings that was not introspective common sense psychology [0.4] but was not neurophysiology either [0.8] this has been the great dream of the human sciences [0.4] in the twentieth century [0.9] okay [1.6] that's [1.7] the background [6.6] now [2.1] Searle says that in the twentieth century [0.6] there's been a whole series of attempts to try and [0.2] fill [0.3] the gap [1.6] and [0.9] he says [0.3] look all of these [0.3] attempts have been failures none of them have satisfactorily managed to fill the gap [0.7] and he surveys what some of these attempts [0.2] have been [0.8] and we can just look [0.5] briefly at [1.1] some of those [0.2] [1.3] previous gap-filling efforts [0.5] for example behaviourism [1.0] behaviourism a highly influential psychological theory particularly just post- Second World War [0.6] er [0.2] surrounding in particular one [0.6] figure [0. 2] B F Skinner [0.5] and Skinner's [0.7] behaviourist psychology [0.7] was [0. 2] extremely influential as a [0.3] way of trying to explain human behaviour [2. 8] then there was [0.2] Gagne's theory [0.4] again very influential [0.2] actually in the fifties and sixties [1.2] er cybernetics [0.5] became extremely influential from about the fifties and sixties onwards [0.6] through the works of people like Stafford Beer [0.2] and others [0.9] information theory [0.2] highly influential particularly as computer science developed [0.9] structuralism [0.4] became extremely influential through work in [0.4] in linguistics [1.5] and [0.7] more recently [0.5] we've seen sociobiology [0.2] and a part of sociobiology evolutionary biology [0.3] the work of people like Richard Dawkins say in particular The Selfish Gene and other books like that [0.6] attempts to try and produce explanations of human behaviour [0.3] which in some way or other fill the gap [0.5] between the everyday explanations and [0.5] the more [0.2] as it were basic level biochemical neurophysiological explanations [1.5] Searle claims that all of these attempts have failed [0.2] which of course is a bold a bold claim [0.6] since [0.4] although some of them seem to have withered and died many of them still live in one form or another and there are plenty of people who still [0.7] stake their reputation in one way or another on some of these theories [4.0] now i er observe what is the on the rest of this slide is something which isn't in er [1.0] [cough] it isn't in Searle's chapter but i'm just observing something about these sorts of modes of explanation [0.9] very often when people try to produce large scale explanations of human behaviour [0.2] large scale theories of which all of these are examples [0.6] which large scale explanations of human behaviour are often based on some sort of [0.5] reductionist idea [1.1] a reductionist view of human behaviour [1.2] and what i mean by a reductionist view of human behaviour [0.8] is trying to explain [0.2] all human behaviour [0.9] by means of a single explanation [0.9] a single motive [0.6] a single explanation [1.6] and i'll ju-, just two examples so that you have in mind the sort of thing that i'm getting at here [0.6] Thomas Hobbes the [0.3] extremely influential English moral and political philosopher [0.6] who wrote the great [0.3] book The Leviathan [1.4] most famous i suppose for saying that [0.2] if there were no human society [0.6] then human life would be solitary poor nasty brutish and short [0.6] his most famous sentence [1.3] his view was that all human behaviour [0.4] every act of every human being was selfish [0.5] okay [0.8] okay [0.3] the whole explanation of human behaviour [0. 3] was that it was selfish every single human act of every single human being [0.2] was selfish [0.7] and so you've got one explanation [0.2] for all human behaviour [1.3] okay [1.5] another example would be a slightly simplified version [0.3] of [0.4] early Freud [0.2] not necessarily later Freud [0.2] but early Freud [0.4] where we might say that all human action is motivated by sexual desire [0.7] later Freud brought in a number of other possible [0.2] principles as well but we might [0.2] produce that as a kind of slightly caricatured version of what Freud said [2.1] now such explanations have a greater appeal because they are so [0.3] there are two reasons why they have great appeal one is that they provide an enormously strict explanation for everything [0.7] one motives [0.2] [0.3] great simplicity of explanation [0.9] and secondly they're very appealing because they kind of [0.9] if we might put it [0.2] deflate the pompous [1.0] you know [0.7] to say that all human actions are selfish [0.4] is in one way appealing [0.6] because it enables us to think in some way or other [0.3] that even the most saintly person [0.4] is motivated by the same base [0.4] motivation [0.3] as [0. 2] we are [0.7] and deflates the pompous [0.2] or [0.3] in the case of Freud [0. 4] it's attractive because [0.2] you know [0.3] even the most puritanical uptight person is being motivated by sexual desire [0.2] and that kind of tactic is a [0.5] you know kind of [0.2] deflates them in some way or other [0. 6] so there's a great appeal [0.4] because of the simplicity of explanation [1. 5] but at the same time of course if you hold such a theory a reductionist view of human behaviour in which all human behaviour is explained by [0.2] just one motive [0.4] you've got work to do [0.8] because you've got to explain how it is [0.4] that the most saintly action is really selfish [0.5] or [0.2] that the most puritanical person is really motivated by sexual desire [0.8] you've got to explain away all the apparent [0.2] counter-examples to your theory [1.1] and so what such [0.2] reductionist accounts will do [0.8] will be to produce an enormously elaborate [0.2] structure of human behaviour [0.4] an enormously elaborate account [0.4] in which there will be for example in Freud [0.2] repression the ego the id the conscious mind the unconscious mind drives and so on [0.2] a whole enormous kind of hydraulic scheme [0.4] representing his world [0.3] in order to be to be able to explain why it is that every single action [0.6] er is motivated by sexual desire [1.5] so combined with great simplicity of explanation [0.3] is a hugely elaborate structure of human behaviour [0.8] but that's appealing too [0.7] because although the simplicity of explanation appeals to us [0.4] we also want to think that human beings are [0.5] mysterious and deep and complicated [0.6] er the [0.5] complicated explanation which is necessary for Hobbes or Freud to produce [0.4] again appeals to us [0.3] so these reductionist accounts [0.2] appeal for two quite contradictory reasons [0.6] one is they appeal because of the simplicity of explanation [0.5] and the other is they appeal because of the complexity of theory which goes with it [0.5] so it provides us with two things both of which you want to like [0.5] simplicity and complexity [1.1] okay [1.7] [5.1] th-, okay i'm sorry that the quota-, the what i've said at the bottom there is just cut off a bit what i what i was saying there [0.6] is to a- , [0.2] to attempt to produce a simple explanation of human behaviour [0.3] will actually involve a highly elaborate theory [0.4] for which there will be [0.4] frequently no empirical evidence [0.5] er to explain [0.2] apparent [0.5] counter-examples in other words the rest of that sentence was just what i've been saying to you [0.2] okay [1.2] [6.8] now [2.5] previous attempts [0.2] having failed [0.7] there's [0.3] a new attempt in town [0.3] Searle says [0.6] and a new attempt to fill the gap [0.2] is [0.2] cognitivism [0.8] and it's cognitivism which is then Searle's main [0.3] target [0.2] in this chapter [0. 7] so what is cognitivism [1.2] well cognitivism and cognitive science are terms which have been [0.2] used in the last thirty years or so [0.4] to cover a wide variety of different [1.0] areas and disciplines in philosophy of mind in [0.4] linguistics in psychology in computer science cybernetics and in [0.3] strong artificial intelligence and so on [0.5] these are the term cognitivism cognitive science those terms [0.4] have been used quite widely [0.7] so what does Searle mean [0.3] by [0.5] cognitivism [1.1] [3.5] basically [1.1] the view [0.8] is [1.0] as i said at the beginning of the lecture [0.6] the view of cognitivism [0.2] that he's concerned with [0.3] is that the mind ought to be thought of [0.6] on the model [0.2] of a computer [0.6] that's the theory which [0.7] he thinks is the essence of cognitivism [0.4] and which is his target of attack [1.0] because that view [0.4] like the previous [0.4] gap-filling [0.3] theories [0.4] is one [0.3] which Searle thinks is wrong [0.8] so [0.5] first important point is that Searle is going to be attacking cognitivism [0.9] so in red there is a summary from page forty-three of the book of what Searle thinks cognitivism is [0.4] but remember this is a theory which he's going to be attacking [0.6] so what it says in red is a quotation from Searle [0.2] but it's the theory which is his target [0.4] which he's going to attack [0.8] okay [0.6] please remember that this is the direct quotation from Searle [0.5] these are not thoughts to be attributed to him [0.4] these are thoughts he's going to attack [0.5] okay [1.0] so [1.5] what he's going to attack is the idea that thinking [0.3] is [0.2] processing information [1.2] but information processing is just [0.3] symbol manipulation [1.4] remember in the Chinese room example [0.6] Searle wants to draw a very [0. 2] strong distinction [0.5] between mere symbol manipulation [0.4] which is what the computer does although man in the Chinese room who doesn't understand Chinese [0.2] does [0.5] from [0.7] real [0.2] thinking [0.5] okay [1.5] so [0.2] again thinking is processing information but information processing is just symbol manipulation [0.2] computers do symbol manipu-, manipulation [0.6] so the best way to study thinking [0.7] or cognition [0.4] is to study computational symbol manipulation [0.2] programs [0.3] symbol manipulating programs [0.4] whether they're in computers or in the brains [0.6] on this view the view he's attacking [0.6] the task of cognitive science is to characterize the brain [0.5] not at the level of nerve cells the neurophysiological level [0.7] nor at the level of conscious mental states [0. 2] the common sense psychology level [0.6] but rather at the level of its functioning [0.3] a sort of information processing system [0.5] and that's where the gap gets filled [1.0] it's alleged [0.4] Searle disagrees with that [0.3] doesn't mean that he does agree with that [0.4] okay [1.4] so the cognitivist's [0.2] big idea [1.1] is that we can fill the gap [0.3] between the mind and the brain [0.4] by focusing on an intermediate level [0.8] the level of information processing [1.1] [57.8] nm0140: i was just searching for a [0.9] actually was round here for a minute or two [0.4] i was just searching for a a after slide which i couldn't find [0. 8] [0.9] what i wanted to say was this that [4.9] throughout history [1.3] human beings have tried to [1.4] understand what goes on [0.4] in the human brain in the mind [0.9] by means of various different models or analogies [0.3] i mean Searle discusses this is in the chapter [2.6] and it's interesting to look at what [0.5] some of those previous models or analogies have been [1.8] er for instance the [0.3] the Greeks [0.9] compared the human mind to [0.2] a catapult [1.8] which sounds to the class to be rather [0.7] odd [1.4] it's interesting that [0.8] that in different societies at different times the model which has been used to try and explain the workings of the human mind or human brain [0.4] has often been to do with the lastest technology available [0.6] and of course the catapults had formed a part of [0. 2] military technology for the Greeks [1.4] later [0.2] Leibniz the great [0.4] German philosopher [0.8] er [0.4] whom Searle quotes from talks about a bit later in the chapter as well [0.6] saw the human mind as being like a mill [0. 5] you know a flour mill [0.2] grinding [0.4] separating the wheat from the chaff making flour [0.8] and again that's a kind of technological [0.6] analogy [1.3] model of the human mind [1.6] later in the er nineteenth century [0.7] er [0.4] people compared this [0.4] compared the human mind to the telegraph system [0.6] remember that the the telegraph system was developed in the [0.4] early to mid- [0.4] nineteenth century [0.2] it's quite an early piece a quite remarkable piece of technology [1.2] er the telegraph which predated [0.2] the telephone [0.6] enabled people to communicate with each other over long distances [0.3] got the first telegraph cable between England and America was for example the [0.3] first telephone cable [1.0] and er [0.2] do any of you know the book about the telegraph system which [0.2] calls it the Victorian internet system [0.3] no any of you read that book [0.5] it's a it's a really extraordinary book published about two or three years ago [0.2] about the early development of the [0.5] of the telegraph [0.2] and there are extraordinary comparisons between [0.2] the mid-nineteenth century telegraph system and the Internet [0.6] people had their own private accounts people communicated with each other privately [0.2] over the telegraph people used various sorts of abbreviation and code and [0.5] there were worries about you know pornography on the telegraph [laughter] things like that extraordinary set of [0.7] er comparisons between the [0.5] you know late twentieth century internet and the [0.3] mid- [0.5] nineteenth century telegraph system [0.8] actually you might just see that book in [0.3] the science areas of libraries or book shops you might look at it [0.3] can't remember the exact title but it's [0.6] i think in the title there's some reference to the Victorian internet system [0.3] okay [2.1] er then later [0.2] er [0.2] for instance in my childhood a very common analogy [0.2] for the human brain [0.4] was [0.4] the telephone system [0.3] and that's to say the old-fashioned telephone system not a modern telephone system [0.3] but the old-fashioned telephone system where you have an operator [0.2] sitting [0.3] you know at a board [0.2] you know saying oh hello Mrs Baker you want to be put through to Mrs Jones okay [1.6] and that kind of idea you know [0.2] pulling out plugs and then pulling in putting in plugs [0.3] was used for a long time as an analogy for what goes on [0.4] in the brain [1.4] for [0.2] Freud [0.5] as i already [0.2] partly indicated as a kind of analogy to what goes on in the brain as a kind of hydraulic system [0.7] Freud in a way thought of the human brain er brain as being a vast system of [0.3] pipes that were connected together through which fluids [0. 3] pass [0.5] and if you push the fluid from one part to a-, [0.2] another it would come to erupt somewhere else [1.0] and er [0.2] he also Freud sometimes used a kind of electromagnetic [0.3] er analogy for the human brain [0.6] and now there's the idea of the digital [0.3] computer [0.9] as the model for the human brain [0.6] so [0.5] what i'm pointing out is there's been a constant series of attempts to try to explain what goes on in the human brain [0.3] by means of invoking the lastest bit of technology [2.2] [2.4] now there are all sorts of reasons why people have found cognitivism attractive [0.6] and Searle lists these in the chapter [0.2] and in the notes that i've handed out i've gone through [0.3] er [0.2] some of the reasons why cognitivism might be thought to be attractive [0.4] i'm not going to go through [0.3] those [0.4] now [0.2] you can read those in the book itself [0.4] you can read the sort of summary the comment that i've made about those [0.4] reasons why con-, [0.2] cognitivism might be thought attractive [0.4] er in the handout there are various sorts of pieces of psychological evidence [0.3] which might be thought to support the idea that the human brain is information processing [2.6] what i want to do [0.7] is to as it were [0.7] get to the very [0.2] nub of the matter [0.5] and to consider [0.2] the sort of claim that cognitivism makes and the reason why Searle thinks it to be [0.3] wrong [1.7] okay [9.1] here's one example [2.7] i saw a programme on er television a few years ago [0.5] now [0.6] er [1.6] it was a a science [0.2] in one of a science series called Big Science [1.6] on B-B-C-two [0.6] in the early evening it was one of those [0.2] one of those television programmes where they thought it necessary in order to present science to [0.5] have a kind of mode of presentation which i found highly irritating so you had [0.2] for example [0.2] you know the face of somebody on the screen speaking and behind them you had a whole series of kind of flashing lights and moving er [0.2] you know amoeba-like things and [0.2] streaming across underneath there was you know bits of text and you know [0.2] there's all kind of [0.6] somehow or other the producers [0.5] it seemed to me [0.4] there was something fundamentally wrong here the producers were thinking [1.0] you know at some level they were thinking look science is so boring [0.2] we're going to have to make this attractive by producing lots of big visual effects [0.3] and that seemed to be a terribly [0. 4] you know patronizing view [0.7] anyway [1.0] er [0.2] sorry about that [1.5] in Big Science there was an Oxford [0.4] scientist an Oxford psychologist [0.6] who had just discovered something very important he thought [1.1] he'd discovered how it was that cricketers managed to catch cricket balls [0.7] okay [0.4] he'd done a lot of research on this [0.8] and er [0.2] he had filmed a lot of cricketers catching cricket balls [0.4] and he'd used in particular [0. 2] Mark Ramprakash [0.3] the [0.7] England cricketer in the news this week because he's just [0.2] transferred from Middlesex to Surrey [2.1] and er [0.7] what [0.6] this scientist said [10.0] i've got the [0.4] yeah [0.9] okay nineteen-ninety-four [1.1] he says this [2.0] in order to catch a ball [0.2] your mind your subconscious mind [0.4] calculates the second order differential equation of the sort A-level students struggle with [0.8] i think he's got an optimistic view of A-level students actually but still [laughter] [0.5] er [0.3] a sort of [0.5] s-, seco-, second order differential equation sort of thing that [0.7] undergraduate maths students struggle with anyway [0.4] er [0.5] it calculates that the second differential of the tangent of the angle of gaze is zero [0.8] so in other words what you do you know the ball's in the air and you're running to catch it [0.2] and your mind is working out the second order differential eca-, equation so that the [0.2] you know the [laughter] [0.5] tangent of the angle of gaze is zero [0.4] and then when it's successfully worked out that [0. 3] you know it tells you stand there [whoop] [0.3] like that [2.8] it shows [0. 6] Dr McLeod [0.6] said [0.4] how powerful the subconscious mind is [0.5] and Mark Ramprakash [0.8] on the programme was asked [0.3] [laughter] how do you [0. 4] how do you catch the ball and he said i just try to catch it [0.4] [laughter] okay [1.6] now look [0.5] [laughter] [1.5] this a-, in this quotation in this programme [1.1] i think we have revealed [0.3] something [0.9] about [0.7] the cognitive [0.8] cognitive science approach [0.5] but something why it seems [0. 2] weird [0.8] because the sort of claim [0.3] that Dr McLeod is making [0.3] is just the sort of claim [0.5] cognitivism is making [1.0] but what our brains do [0.2] is complicated information processing [1.0] okay [1.0] and so when we catch a ball [0.8] we've gone through a complicated process [0.4] of [0.3] information processing [2.7] now what's [0.7] you might say well what's wrong with that [0.4] i mean who's to say [0.5] that our unconscious mind doesn't up the process [1.3] now Searle admits in the chapter that he doesn't have [0.7] a knock-down argument against cognitivism [0.4] he doesn't have an absolutely decisive argument against cognitive cognitivism [0.5] as he thinks he does [0. 5] against [0.6] the first claim of A-I he Searle thinks [0.2] the Chinese room argument [0.5] disposes of the first claim [1.1] but he admits that he hasn't got such a knock-down argument for this [1.0] and he wants to show us [0.2] how implausible such a claim is [1.0] now i think actually [0.2] just by showing that sort of claim to you [0.5] some of you already felt that that was just kind of implausible [0.6] but let me emphasize let me produce a se-, a second example [1.8] and this example is taken from Searle but not i think from the chapter [0.6] but from [0.2] er Searle on many other occasions [0.5] for example Searle when he was standing [0.3] right here [1.1] er four-and-a-half years ago [0.4] Searle came to a conference at namex University [0.5] and he gave a lecture just where i'm giving [0.4] the lecture now [0.3] that he produced [0.2] this example which i'm now going to produce for you [1.7] he said he had a [0.3] dog [1.1] and a dog called Ludwig [1.7] and he says that the dog loves to [0.3] as [0.3] many dogs do loves to [0.2] fetch things catch things bring them to him and so on [0.7] and a game that he often plays with Ludwig [0.4] is that Searle will [0.4] throw a tennis ball against a wall [0.4] and then [0.2] Ludwig will go on and catch the tennis ball in its mouth [0.9] okay [1.0] now [1.0] think [0.2] what Ludwig has to do [0.6] think what Ludwig has to do [0.7] first of all [0.7] Searle throws the tennis ball against the wall [0.9] so in order for Ludwig to calculate [0.3] where to go to catch the ball [1.0] first of all [0.2] Ludwig must know the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection [0.6] okay going sort of [0.2] if Searle [0.2] throws the ball like that then the ball's going to go up like that [1.1] then the dog has got to calculate what the initial velocity [0.3] of Searle throwing the ball is [0.6] and then what the effect of [0.2] friction [0.2] of the of air [0.4] will do and the effect of gravity [0.5] on decreasing the speed of the tennis ball [0.9] and then what the effect of the actual surface of the wall will be [0.2] the coefficient of friction of the wall and various other factors which may [0. 2] slow down the rate of the ball [0.6] okay [0.2] and then you take into account wind speed and so on [0.9] and that's not going to be it [0.3] because then Ludwig has got to calculate [0.4] what amount of energy to release in its legs that'll push it [0.2] you know [0.2] to it's got to calculate all of these things [0.2] it's a miracle Ludwig ever gets that [0.8] but he does every time [0.8] okay [2.0] now [1.6] one thing that Dr McLeod didn't say [0.3] but i heard other people talking about cognitivism say [1.0] one thing he didn't say [0.4] was [1.3] h-, [0.4] he didn't say it shows how powerful the human mind is [0.3] he just said subconscious mind [0.4] if he had said human mind then the Ludwig example be would be even more [0.2] pertinent [0.4] because of course it isn't just Mark Ramprakash that manages to catch a ball dogs do it too [0.8] but anyway [1.3] is it [0.2] plausible to suppose [0.4] that the dog [0.3] actually [0.2] calculates all of those things [0.6] what if there were another type of explanation which as it were disposes of the need [0. 6] for giving such an explanation [0.9] i mean [1.5] we don't have to disagree with Dr McLeod's [0.6] physics [0.4] it may very well be [0.8] that in order to calculate [0.2] where a ball is going to land [0.2] you're going to calculate it [0.2] [sniff] it may be true [0.3] i'm [0.2] i take it [0.4] from him that it is true [0.3] that the second differential of the angle of gaze [0.7] of the tangent of the angle of gaze has to be zero i take that as being true if you're going to calculate it [1.0] but isn't there another way [0.3] isn't it just that human beings like dogs [0.3] learn how to do things [0.6] they learn how to do things by trial and error [0.6] dogs and human beings are not very good at catching balls to begin with [0.5] you know watch a three year old trying to catch a ball you know [0.4] misses it it's fine we gradually get better at it [0.8] now is that because we're getting more sophisticated at differential equations [1.1] or is it because somehow or other our body is learning how to do a particular task [2.0] because we have to come back to a point that i've made so many times now in the last few lectures [0.5] we have bodies of a particular sort [0.3] bodies which are adapted to perform particular sorts of tasks [0.7] those tasks that we've described in mathematical terms [1.1] but that doesn't mean that we have to perform that mathematics [0.3] in order for our body to perform [1.1] okay [0.9] any more than you have to suppose that even something quite inanimate [0.5] has to perform [0.3] a particular [0. 2] task to behave as it does [0.8] the cricket ball [0.6] the cricket ball [0. 7] you throw the cricket ball in the air [0.8] how does the cricket ball know where to land [0.6] does it have to calculate the second order differential of blah blah blah blah blah [0.3] no [0.3] it is just pe-, [0.3] it's just as it were obeying laws of physics doesn't have to calculate [1.0] and our bodies too behave in certain ways [0.4] which can be explained [0.3] in certain sorts of mathematical terms [0.3] but that isn't [0.2] to say that those are the causes of the way in which they behave [0.2] okay [2.2] an example from the chapter [1. 8] is walking okay here i am walking around [0.7] and every now and then getting slightly unbalanced [0.7] but i manage to correct myself [0.5] how do i do that [0.4] okay [0.7] well [1.2] we know [0.7] that there's a way in which human beings manage to maintain their balance [0.6] we know in some sort of [0. 3] rough [0.2] degree of detail or [0.2] relatively good detail depending on how much we know about physiology [0.7] and unfortunately i know rather little about physiolo-, [0.2] physiology [0.5] but [0.2] i [0.6] know something like this that there are these semicircular canals in the ear in which there [0.4] is some sort of fluid and that as we [0.3] you know [0.2] tip our [0.3] head [0.2] around the place then [0.4] different levels of the fluid in the inner ear will [0.3] enable them to [0.2] keep ourselves upright and there are people who have [0.6] various sorts of er malfunction of those semicircular canals find it very difficult to maintain their balance [0.4] as often happens in old people [1.2] Searle discusses that particular example [0. 4] [9.7] and the point that he's making [0.4] is [1.6] [cough] [1.5] that in behaving as we do [2.1] in a lot of the tasks that we perform [0.6] we are not following rules [1.4] and therefore it's wrong to suppose that there's some sorts of unconscious calculation going on [1.4] when i [0.2] when i walk along and maintain my balance [0.3] i'm not [0.3] following a rule [0.6] although there are in me as it were scientific laws that apply [0.5] to my behaviour [10. 0] how does the brain [0.5] manage to enable me [0.2] to keep my balance [1.3] Searle says the brain just does it [2.2] he says there's no particular answer for how does the brain perform a task [0.2] it just does it [1.4] in particular he says there's no answer like this [0.5] this isn't the way [0.2] it goes [1.7] so the bit in red again is Searle saying what doesn't happen [0.4] okay [0.8] the brain [0.3] does it by assuming that gravity is constant assessing how the internal fluids are distributed and calculating the angle at which the head is inclined to the body [0.3] then calculating that the body needs to lean over to the right to the tune of five degrees in order to remain upright [0.9] no such calculation takes place [0.5] it simply is the case that as i [0.3] start to [0.3] lean over [0.2] then [0.3] i adjust myself to go back [0.5] now [2.8] although many people [0.5] would agree [1.0] that the [0.4] Mark [0.2] Ramprakash [0.2] Dr McLeod [0.5] explanation the Dr McLeod explanation of catching a cricket ball seemed implausible and it seemed implausible to suggest [0.5] that a cricketer does go through that calculation as to even unconsciously [0.5] but although many people would agree that it does seem implausible to suggest that Searle's dog Ludwig goes through [0.2] a massive series of physical and mathematical calculations [0.2] even if unconsciously [0.6] and although many people would agree that it does seem implausible to say [0.6] that the brain [0. 2] goes through a series of calculations like that [0.5] nevertheless [0.3] a number of people [0.2] find it kind of er unsatisfactory when Searle says that the brain [0.3] just does it [0.4] that's a phrase that he uses quite a lot i've heard him use it again and again [0.7] [0.2] how is it that i catch a cricket ball [0.3] well Mark Ramprakash [0.2] i'm sure in complete ignorance of Searle [0.2] did answer i just try and catch it [0.6] and it so happens [0.7] and [0.5] w-, [0.2] i don't i mean s-, [0.2] the point here i don't think Searle [0.5] i don't think Searle is saying [0.7] that there's nothing to be explained in here [1.0] i think what he's what he's pointing out and if [0.2] if you look in the chapter it's quite clear [0.3] what he's pointing out [0.4] is that [0.6] because we are the sorts of creatures that we are because we've got the sorts of bodies that we have [0.4] because those bodies have evolved in a certain sort of way [0.6] they are particularly good at performing certain sorts of tasks [0.5] tasks they learn to perform [0.4] over a period of time [0.6] children learn to do things [0.3] and they learn to do things by very simple processes of trial and error [0.3] and all of that all of that provides a perfectly satisfactory explanation [0.5] of how they manage to do it [0.9] okay [1.7] there are other ways in which their behaviour could be described [0.5] we can talk about the physics of catching a cricket ball [0.4] and that's a perfectly gi-, legitimate area [0.7] despite it [0.5] but it doesn't mean that we have to do the physics [0.5] to catch the cricket ball [0.9] any more than the stars [0.3] have to perform [0. 3] calculations [0.6] to stay where there are in the sky or planets to [0.3] perform calculations to move around the sun [1.1] okay [1.4] that's the point of it [0.5] chapter four tomorrow