nm0087: okay Leopold von Ranke he's dead and he's German but do we need to know more about him well we probably do even though he's not a historian who is read all that much today perhaps more than most historians of that time i should er add at this point by the way before i claim any er credit or otherwise that the lecture i'm about to give is actually the lecture normally given by Dr namex who's kindly given me his lecture notes and while i've added one or two details the er substance of the lecture today is almost all his so er he's with us in spirit and er any questions that you have should probably be directed to him rather than me as he is the er the only begetter of this lecture so er namex actually told me the other day that Ranke some of his writings on diplomatic history in the late nineteenth century is still someone whom he recommend to students to read on various subjects and so it is the case that some of what he's written is still read today as history but that's not probably the main reason that we we er we ask you to look at him in this historiography course er in nineteen-ninety-nine other things which owe a lot to his influence perhaps are not so immediately obvious but the fact for instance that you've been studying for most of the last two-and-a-half years in seminar groups and the fact that you've er learned how to use the footnote function on Microsoft Word are indirectly tributes to Ranke who was one of the most important er historians in using these new as they were in the nineteenth century new methods to try and put forward a new scientific type of history getting away from the more sort of romantic and unobjective sort of history that had existed before he didn't invent these methods but he was very influential in popularizing them so er seminars and er footnotes are at least some of the er the legacies of Ranke you might say in the lecture plan that you'll see on the er the handout i'll just briefly go through what we're going to go through today first of all we're going to talk a little bit about who Ranke was where he came from what his intellectual background was and why he decided to become a historian we'll then talk a bit about the way in which he studied history which is probably the most important thing you'll take away i hope from the lecture but also from your reading and your seminars on Ranke in other words the ideas that changed the way in which historians think about history we'll talk a bit about the kind of history that went before and therefore what Ranke was er reacting against and then we'll finish off by talking a bit about the dangers with er the methods that Ranke wanted to put forward so that's the er plan for today and if you look at the back of the lecture sheet you can see how we'll map through that Ranke was probably the most prolific and most influential professor of history anywhere in Europe in the nineteenth century his ideas lived on into into of the er works of a lot of twentieth century historians including Geoffrey Elton who you may have come across in your reading before relatively conservative British historian although others of his ideas already were beginning to look old hat during the nineteenth century he wrote a lot he lived for ninety years admittedly but even during that time he still managed to publish sixty-three very large volumes of history which is er pretty good going and er in this century six more volumes were published after his death of his lectures diaries and correspondence so there's a great deal of Ranke's writing out there all of which you'll be expected to read of course by the end of next week for the seminar [laughter] he er for the last fifteen years of his life was blind and he relied on er dictating to scribes who would write down what he was saying including er his nine volumes of Ranke's world history which er oddly enough was actually unfinished by his death and only reached the early modern period all of his life he wanted to write world history and here you have this whole kind of stream of thinking which you know about from previous courses the Enlightenment and so on very much influencing people like Ranke everyone trying to find the ultimate knowledge that would let you solve anything the whole sort of er legacy of the er the age of reason there however on his way towards this world history in the previous sort of sixty-odd years Ranke was diverted into writing numerous national histories which were going to be the sort of building blocks for this ultimate universal history that he was planning to write his quality has to be judged by the multivolume works of his mature period and these are the histories of the papacy of Germany in the age of Reformation and also of England and France in early modern times his motto for what he was doing was labor ipse voluptas meaning work itself is pleasure with the kind of hint that word voluptas if any of you sort of done Latin will know that it means sort of kind of pleasure of an almost sort of erotic and sexual kind you may or may not wish to relate that to the fact that he didn't actually get married till he was forty-eight [laughter] and he used to write letters to his brother about caressing documents in the archives [laughter] as if they were loved ones now one critic Krieger er put a Freudian kind of spin on this and er other statements he made trying to show that this showed that Ranke was sort of you know er you know getting off with these documents instead of off er with er with his wife but er it is entirely possible of course that he may be making a joke this is something that Freudian critics don't always er take on board and er the critic er Nicholas er i think it's Nicholas Kenyon pointed out in a review of Krieger that quotes just as Ranke needed to write history for self-fulfillment so he needed also to torment himself on his motives for doing so so a very kind of you know Freudian thing there you know kind of the pleasure and the pain all together and certainly although there must have been pleasure there must have been an awful lot of pain in writing sixty-three fat volumes of history as well the one thing he didn't write a whole volume on ever which is a bit ironic from the point of view of this course is on what he thought he was doing on the nature of history he only wrote fragments about this subject in the prefaces to his main works in some in the lectures he sometimes gave and in occasional essays so we're basically putting together all these other bits of evidence to try and produce a picture of what Ranke actually thought about the way you should write history in that picture there are two main ideas that you need to keep in mind first of all Ranke was not just a fact man he wasn't just sitting there writing down you know kind of a narrative of this happened in sixteen-eighty-four and then this happened in sixteen-eighty-five and all that sort of thing he was not just doing that er he was not just doing a sort of political narrative the second point to keep in mind which is related to that is that rather like Karl Marx Ranke had stages as a thinker so there's an early Ranke a middle Ranke and a late Ranke just as people talk about late Marx or early Marx early Ranke is probably up till about eighteen-thirty the mature Ranke is about eighteen-thirty to the early eighteen-sixties and the late Ranke er as interpreted by the later Rankeans in other words his pupils was er after the eighteen-sixties until his death now obviously the people who came last people like his students were trying to later suggest that what he believed late in his life was what he believed all of his life sort of airbrushing over the past but we need to actually get back and look at what he was saying throughout his life to understand how his thought developed and of course the one thing you cannot expect i'm sure you wouldn't expect is that the man's going to be completely consistent for the entire sixty-odd years that he was writing history 'cause he was constantly rethinking his approach and so you will find contradictions in what he said about history what we can do today is to draw attention to certain themes that preoccupied Ranke throughout his career and occasional glances at the way in which that that changed so we're going to look at the way in which he was a product of his time the nature degree of originality of his contribution to the development of historical studies the philosophical underpinning of his method and the dangers and shortcoming er presented okay let's talk now a bit a ben then about Ranke's life particularly his background he was very largely influenced by his religious upbringing and that's important to know as well as that the political events of a century er most of which he experienced 'cause he lived throughout most of the nineteenth century and of course his educational training was important too so first his forefathers in the male line were all Lutheran pastors with the exception of his father who was a lawyer but Ranke himself was not an orthodox Lutheran he disliked the institutions of the contemporary church and its doctrine which at that time was supported by highly rationalist arguments and again this is the legacy of the Enlightenment and so on Ranke was not rationalist in that very strict sense he was more in the sort of mystical tradition pietist you might say saying that you couldn't know God through doctrine you had to know him through history in other words Ranke saw the hand of God at work in history in namex's notes say rather like Maradona so er so that's the comparison that came to his mind therefore for Ranke history was a holy hieroglyph whose deciphering was in effect a sacred priestly type of calling historical writing wrote Ranke is an office which can only be compared to that of the priest and it was his er in a sense his religious calling really rather more than any of the supposed sexual urges that were sublimated in his work as a historian in other words he wasn't going to become a priest so he but he did decide to become a historian there's two aspects of th-, of the same part of his character okay what was going on around Ranke then well his early life cons-, coincided with the French Revolution followed of course by Napoleon's invasion of the German states including Saxony where Ranke was born and then of course the Restoration of eighteen-fifteen now all of these events war turmoil revolution and so on actually turned him into a very conservative character he had a big s-, a great suspicion of Enlightenment ideas which we may think are all about rationality and so on but Ranke saw the result of and he held them responsible for political chaos so he believed therefore in an allegiance to the monarchy and the principle of the balance of power which was of course famously the result of the eighteen-fifteen political settlement and you know the famous thing supposedly is that it kept the broad peace in Europe for ninety-nine years until the outbreak of the First World War and that was fine as far as Ranke went the career of Napoleon who again obviously Ranke had looked at with some interest gave pause for thought that great men could influence the cause er the course of history because Napoleon's defeat showed that forces of continuity were at work in the states and the nations that were able to resist Napoleon's attack but that also history could sometimes at least temporarily be diverted from its course by an individual who had sufficient greatness in other words history's always kind of going in a straight line in effect but someone like Napoleon can briefly wrench it to the side and the other forces of order have to sort of work quite hard to bring it back Ranke's drift towards this conservative position was reinforced by the threats posed by the July revolution of eighteen-thirty and the revolutionary outbreaks of eighteen-forty-eight and then of course by the unification of Germany in eighteen-seventy-one at first he had not been in favour of this because it excluded Austria which he thought ought to have been included now because Ranke served the Prussian monarchy in various capacities and had regular correspondence with the king of Bavaria and the foreign ministers of Prussia and Austria and later even with Bismarck Karl Marx once rather contemptuously called him quotes a born palace servant in other words kind of a a li-, er a lickspittle there's an element of truth in this accusation although it's true also that Ranke turned to the Prussian government mainly because it was willing to give him financial support for his research abroad which his institution the University of Berlin which he was a professor at refused to do nothing much changes if you ever try and get research money out of this university you'd find it er equally hard not that i've yet been er asked to go and er er play lickspittle to Tony Blair and get money in return for it but one can always live in hope so Ranke's loyalty to the Prussian state was not therefore unqualified it was partly to do with their sponsorship of him okay let's think then about what it was that Ranke was studying at university now he had trained as a philologist he applied textual criticism which was something that had been developing since the Renaissance he applied it to the study of literature and then moved from literature to taking a textual analysis of the ancient historian Thucydides and then later the works of Martin Luther he only became a historian of the more modern era later on he first of all became a school teacher applying the skills he had learned earlier to modern historical sources he also reacted at this point against what you might call the philosophical school of historians and we'll say a bit more about that later on and also against the Romantic historians of whom the most foremost was the British er writer Sir Walter Scott between about eighteen-ten and eighteen- twenty-three Sir Walter Scott's works swept across Europe and er Ranke disliked intensely the ways in which he saw correctly that Scott had either distorted his sources or relied on them so slavishly that he refused to criticize them and suggest that maybe they weren't telling the absolute truth but were biased in their own way so Ranke was attempting to react against that and that brings us to the next section which is to think about what Ranke himself contributed to the historical field well first Ranke insisted on using sources close to the events described and this may obviously you know seem obvious to us now but at the time it really was something of a breakthrough he also insisted on subjecting all sources of whatever period to critical analysis so this in practice meant that he searched very hard to find out if something was a forgery and sometimes you know it was he compared sources with one another so that you'd get a sort of er wider view of one particular period and he also placed his sources in their historical context his first book which was the History of the Latin and Teutonic Nations which only dealt with twenty years from fourteen-ninety-four up to er fifteen- fourteen used mainly contemporary Italian historians of the time including people like Giovio but at the same time as using these contemporary Italian sources he also put out another companion volume which criticized their reliability and pointed out things that he could see were loopholes in what they were saying even at the time and most of Ranke's major books had a similar kind of appendix volume of source criticism critiquing the er materials which he used to actually write the book itself after the first book however Ranke discovered manuscript sources especially the reports of the Venetian ambassadors from all around Europe and he spent years in auction houses and at archives in Germany Venice Rome and elsewhere ferreting out these more immediate sources which had not pre- , er which had not passed through the prism of a contemporary chronicler's mind in other words people like Giovio were still one step away from you know the ideal in a sense because they were taking contemporary sources but they were putting their own spin on it whereas these original documents from the ambassadors were the real thing written at the time without retrospective knowledge and therefore in a sense the purest kind of source to use and we d-, operate many very similar assumptions today when writing history so after about eighteen-thirty a lot of archives which had been closed unto that point er up to that point in Europe began very slowly to open up to historians and Ranke was often able to consult material which had not previously been available to historians he at one point said God must have an archive in heaven now he tended to er not be so keen on the more mundane bureaucratic sources er for er the er for the for the kind of histories he was writing he was keener on the sort of considered and contrived diplomatic reports the reason being that he thought that foreign observers were actually more qualified than people from a country itself to talk about what was happening there because they had a more sort of outside eye he also believed on the same principle that historians should always try and study countries other than their own because they were you know too involved with er the culture of their own place whereas they could look at somewhere else with a much fresher eye what else did he do he developed the methods and the tools of professional history now some of those had been available before such as the editing of texts in other words taking some manuscript source or whatever and publishing edition in which you put sort of side notes and things explaining where it came from who these people were and how to use it also the use of footnotes which i mentioned at the beginning now again he didn't invent these these had been used especially in the previous century the er eighteenth century amongst historians in Göttingen in er in Germany and also by ancient historians historians of the classical world er in er in Germany b-, er but Ranke was taking a new step by applying these methods for the first time to modern history in other words history since fifteen-hundred and also used them much more systematically than they'd been used before then he also came on to the idea of the research seminar in other words the small group of people swapping great historical thoughts which you know obviously from your own experience here now this kind of seminar again he didn't invent it but it had previously been used mainly for teaching philology in small study groups and it was now used after Ranke for historical studies beginning with meetings which Ranke held in his own house during the course of the century others picked up the baton from Ranke and developed seminars in other universities so the idea that he pioneered then spread out elsewhere throughout the intellectual community of Europe learned journals devoted to history also emerged series of critical editions of documents and texts special chairs professorships in history at university the beginning of an academic bookmarket in history and also conferences at which people get together and swap ideas and papers about history these are all developments of the nineteenth century and they er er w-, which still underpin professional history today and they all owe a great deal to Ranke in a century when all professionals were beginning to develop their own er expertise Ranke set the standards and this approach had a profound impression on historians in England and America as well now this emphasis on sources and their proper handling is sometimes known by the term scientific history you'll find that in some of your books when you see that though you have to remember that's actually a translation of the German word wissenschaft which means not the natural sciences in the sense of physics or chemistry and so on but means any academic discipline which has its own methodology so science is used in a much broader sense er to translate wissenchaft than you might expect from its normal use in English Ranke believed in the need for objectivity in two related senses the historian's conclusions had to be of the kind that could be checked against the evidence he also had to preserve his distance from the past and not seek to impose modern standards on it Ranke once wrote every epoch is directly under God and its value depends not on what comes from it but f-, but in its existence itself all generations of mankind are equally justified in the sight of God therefore what is meant objectivity in practice for instance in his own history was that as a Protestant historian he tried to teach the he tried to treat the popes and the papacy dispassionately although it's still possible when you actually read his history to see his prejudices against the Catholic church coming through Ranke was certainly concerned to get the facts right but he was also very much concerned with how you interpret those facts and he insisted on combining accuracy with art he disliked Walter Scott's inaccuracies but he liked his literary style Ranke wanted the big bucks he wanted to write bestsellers for the general public but to have them based on historical veracity and many historians will again tell you today that that's the kind of ideal they'd like to reach whether they do is another matter at the height of his powers Ranke wrote history as drama using all sorts of literary devices such as flashbacks to heighten the sense of excitement when relating political history he didn't try and do a complete narrative A to Z but would take episodes and little stories to illustrate the point he wanted to make he concentrated on what he considered to be significant and his prose operated at three levels the events of political history the b-, sort of big thread the colourful sort of pen portraits of various characters and then the philosophical reflections that went with it he was much given to writing in terms of the conflict between contrasting trends and their influence on one another in other words continuity versus change the individual versus the community political versus church interests not everyone was an admirer of his style the poet Heinrich Heine called it well cooked mutton with plenty of carrots but Ranke was rarely a dry as a dry as dust historian in other words his concern with scientific accuracy did not mean that he thought he had to write in a boring style the philosophy which underlay Ranke's work was partly a reaction against what he called philosophical history but he also shared some of the assumptions of those he attacked at the same time his historical viewpoint was also shaped by his political and religious outlooks so what was he reacting against first of all he was reacting against the mainstream approach of historians who were influenced by the Enlightenment that kind of thinking believed that history was the in effect the working out of certain universal truths about humanity which were the same everywhere and they would believe that the task of the historian was to recognize these universal truths by means of reason and demonstrate their presence in history through selective deployment of the facts in other words you have your basic idea and thesis first and then you cherry pick little facts to try and back this up this was a sort of philosophy of natural law which believed in the idea of progress and saw the past as being mainly important to teach you lessons for the presence and many of its er practitioners emphasized economic and social history now conservatives like Ranke thought all these ideas of progress and everything were terribly dangerous and had given rise to the French Revolution and he blamed especially the er the great Enlightenment thinkers we know of Voltaire Montesquieu Diderot and so on the philosophes already in eighteen-twenty-four quite young Ranke had written his famous counterblast he said history has had assigned to it the office of judging the past and of instructing the present for the benefit of the future ages to such high offices this present work the book he's writing does not presume it seeks only to show what actually happened and this is a key phrase which is er yup down there at the top of your sheet in German wie ens-, wie es eigentlich gewesen Ranke wanted to start from the particular in other words specific cases and then from that draw out an idea of the universal not start from some kind of universal view and then go down to it in orver-, in order to discover the particular so in this aim Ranke was part of a wider movement it didn't just concern history but this anti-movement was known as historicism or er German historian j-, er historians just called it historism some critics have said that this word historicism has had so many different meanings in the last century that it's probably best to leave it out because actually a confusing term but it still appears in an awful lot of your books and it has a clear meaning for a particular set of ideas that were prevalent during most of the nineteenth century it has its antecedents in the late Enlightenment as a critique by some Enlightenment thinkers of others in other words Vico's The New Science in seventeen-twenty-three which has the idea that a nation or a society develops through time this idea of progress again or Herder's Also a Philosophy of History seventeen-seventy-four in which he believes that human progress is not a science but an endeavour historical texts can only be understood in context and all values are historically conditioned history may only be understood he says through empathy not through reason now this idea of historicism was practised in the universities at the turn of the eighteenth century and the beginning of the nineteenth century by philologists legal historians and Roman historians and it was expressed as being the nature of the historical discipline shortly before Ranke came on the scene in essays by Wilhelm von Humboldt so what were the chief tenets what were the ideas behind this idea of historicism how do we define it well there are er five or six key points first historicism believed that history differs from the natural sciences in that it studies human actions which display great variety not a pattern which can be established by research because the human will is unpredictable in other words it doesn't work like a scientific experiment two because the human world is in constant flux it cannot be explained by reason only by the study of its historical development it's a very clear reaction against the Enlightenment there three states historicism believed states are ends in themselves they are not utilitarian in other word they're not there just to serve the interests of the population of the er the state the aim of the state is to achieve strength and independence in competition with other states all domestic affairs and domestic politics have to be subordinate to foreign policy foreign policy comes first reasons of state have to override everything else as only a strong state can guarantee freedom culture and the rule of law next ethical and moral values are norms for a society but they arise within a particular historical tradition human values are not universal not based on reason but bound by any particular culture therefore political institutions aren't transferable because they're culturally different so you can't transfer for instance French political institutions to Germany and again that's a very clear counterblast against people like Napoleon attempting to spread a universal code all over Europe next historicism rejects conceptual thinking in favour of reaching understanding by contemplation intuition and empathy so these views were not limited to the discipline of history by the middle of the nineteenth century the belief was all over Europe that every institution and every human and cultural activity had a history and could only be understood by examination of that history especially in its specific national manifestations so this is obviously part of the big rise in nationalism during the nineteenth century people trying to find their own culture making that history part of it and then examining that as part of that kind of national er national development thereafter there was a revolt against this outlook in disciplines like law and literature which only this revolt only came later to history Ranke and other historicists were partly in revolt against idealism this was a set of ideas propounded most systematically by the philosopher Hegel but they also shared some of his assumptions now idealism had nothing to do with being idealistic about the future or whatever it was about ideas not about ideals this Hegelian philosophy was dominant at the University of Berlin again Ranke's own institution in the eighteen-twenties and what Hegel did was to apply dialectical reason later used of course by Marx in a different way applied dialectical reason to deciding what was important in history and insisted on seeing the past through the present for Hegel individuals states and nations were manifestations of abstract ideas which were the only reality and that of course makes him the heir of Emmanuel Kant who was coming up with many of these sort of similar ideas in the late Enlightenment at the end of the eighteenth century now Ranke saw individuals and institutions as manifestations of the human spirit but this was an idea that was basically very similar to Hegel's Hegel's big er big idea in effect was er the idea of the er world spirit which supposedly controlled all human progress which in German is known as geist which can be translated as ghost but i think spirit is probably better here er and er this idea was adapted again by Marx later on in the century to say that Hegel had a lot of this right but instead of being spirit it was actually class that was the defining factor so this Hegelian idea has a big intellectual hold on many of the thinkers in the nineteenth century Hegel said that in time this spirit geist which ultimately derived from God became enshrined in increasingly rational institutions and Ranke in the tradition of philo-, philological critique or hermeneutics and s-, again that's on your your sheet er said that the spirit manifested itself in individual forms individuals states nations cultures and mankind as a whole all of whom all of these could not be grasped by reason but only by studying texts and then applying your intuition ultimately Ranke thought God was the supreme idea or spirit so Ranke shared many ideas with other idealists despite the fact that he was reacting against them to some extent such as er Herder for instance some of these shared ideas with the idealists includes the idea that God is present in all of humanity as and all of history as the tutor of mankind the idea that history is organic that it in other words that it works itself out in the same way that a human life does by a process of development maturity and decline so in effect history is parallel to human lives in that sense he also believed that all states go through a similar cycle of development maturity and decline and he also believed that each historical period has its own spirit geist and therefore its own value the notion that institutions had this spirit by the way may well have something to do with another idea which flourish er which flourished from the end of the eighteenth century to around eighteen-forty and then came back again at the end of the nineteenth century and this is a relatively little known idea called vitalism and this was an alternative outlook within the natural sciences which argued that a purely mechanical view a scientific rational view of the natural world failed to explain the order which existed in nature because life itself had to be explained living bodies according to vitalism were not merely elements of matter impinging on one another but there had to be some breath of life within them which set them in motion so they would believe that in the human body there's a vital energy in every part of your body which is responsible for its generation nutrition and reproduction and if you look through Ranke's writings as you will for the seminar you will see that the adjective vital comes up over and over again in his writings also thinking about Ranke's philosophy it's important to look at that phrase that key phrase i mentioned wie es eigentlich gewesen as it really was 'cause it's got a hidden meaning that the English translation doesn't always manage to bring out that's this eigentlich in German is an adverb which can equally mean actually or essentially or really now whatever Ranke may have meant when he first used this phrase er polemically against the philosophical historians with time it became apparent that what Ranke was actually trying to do his main purpose was to go behind the mere surface facts to explain far more a grasp of the facts was the initial basis for a deeper understanding of origins causes intentions and interactions in history Ranke held that the ultimate truth can never fully be known in history but only divined history he felt was the product of God's purposes Ranke often writes in terms of the hand of God the finger of God or the breath of God these purposes he believed could not be discovered by reason but only intuitively and by empathy he was able to do this or he was able to suggest that this could be done because the spark of God was in every person who can then hope by a process of intuitive understanding to penetrate that divine purpose now this approach doesn't really sound all that scientific i mean not in the terms that we're talking about it's more romantic in a sense it's more subjective than objective and indeed it does have a very mystical type of quality as it equates scholarship in effect with worship remember what we said at the beginning about or what i said at the beginning about Ranke in effect thinking that history was a sort of priestly vocation so in those senses Ranke was not scientific he was not an empiricist in the sense that he believed that only what you can see with your own eyes has reality for him all phenomena all historical phenomena were the expression of metaphysical intangible forces okay the last element which shapes Ranke's view of the course of history were his own political views when he was employed between eighteen-thirty-two and eighteen- thirty-six to edit a semi-official journal in Prussia which aimed at supporting the monarchy in Prussia he declared like again sort of er our great leader today that he was advocating a quote third way and his third way was claimed to be between the revolution and reaction something in between he wanted a state that was controlled neither by the great landowning aristocracy of Germany the junkers nor by the kind of the ordinary populace but by something in between a bureaucracy which would be loyal to the state and not pursuing their own interests but working for the greater good of the state er Ranke claimed that he wanted to adopt new ideas only in so far as they corresponded to the interests of the state in fact he spent most of his period as a journalist attacking er liberals and later on he became even more conservative and only accepted change for instance after the unification of Germany in eighteen-seventy-one when it was obvious that it was a fait accompli anyway and anything he said wasn't going to change it so he became a bit more of a last ditcher by the end you know resisting all change until he absolutely had to accept it as a result his secret of world history the pattern he discerned in modern times was the rise and decline of states with creative forces to advance civilization this was this great underlying pattern through all of history that he saw and which he was pushing in the later part of his work in these great fat books so for instance whereas in medieval times the univer-, er the er sorry the unity of Christendom had been preserved by the papacy when the papacy declined again this pattern that happened everywhere rise maturity decline so when the papacy declined it was replaced in its turn by nation states which were aided and abetted by the forces of the Reformation a special constructive role in Ranke's history was given to the Latin and Germanic nations in other words generally the western and northern Europeans Ranke was not going to suggest the Slavs and certainly not the non-European peoples had anything to do with this progressive civilizational advance he stated that states developed through external struggle and were harmed by internal conflict so war with other countries in effect is worthwhile but civil wars are harmful states he felt expressed the spirit of nations and in different eras different states had the greater energy and the vital spiritual forces which would enable them to triumph over their rivals at the same time the states of Europe acted in concert to prevent any individual state obtaining power which was hegemonic over the others in other words dominant power by the operation of a principle which again is still used today of balance of power the statesman in charge of each state thought Ranke had er a duty to fulfill that state's particular mission which the historian can help him uncover by unravelling how it had developed so by the eighteen-fifties quite late on in his career Ranke had come to believe that the struggle of the secular and spiritual powers that had characterized the period before the French Revolution had been replaced by a new struggle between revolution and counter-revolutionary forces so having started out by rejecting the idea of progress he was really coming to some quite similar sort of idea suggesting that you have these cycles these dialectical cycles which dear old Hegel of course was er talking about before er and as these cycles sort of have thesis and antithesis and move forward eventually you progress onwards in history so er he came round in a sense sort of contradicting his earlier thoughts there let's now for er one of the last sections talk about the dangers in Ranke's method the problems with the kind of history that he put forward these dangers which Ranke himself sometimes realized were magnified by later historians who weren't as subtle as he was and took these ideas they had their own political agendas often and they lacked Ranke's caution in historical ability so in a sense we're also criticizing Ranke's heirs here rather than necessarily just Ranke himself okay problem number one with this method of just the facts ma'am it became very easy to become totally absorbed in the records and the facts and lose sight of the wider interpretation and Ranke did that in his first book which was just you know on twenty years period but it's very very dense and thick and you can't really see the wood for the trees second danger was Ranke's in a sense philosophical stroke political position of seeing the state itself as being an ethical good because if you believe that the state is the most important thing not the individual then this can lead you in the direction of glorifying power for its own sake now the defi-, er now Ranke had some sort of caution on this he of course had this idea of God and the divine restraint which er Ranke felt that good states would have that they would never go too far 'cause they were run for the benefit er the ultimate benefit of all and he believed also that certain moral standards were timeless and would always apply to states but later historians who had his admiration for the state but did not have his religious convictions abandoned the latter part of the idea so they glorified power without talking about the kind of religious brakes that could be put on abuses of state power so historians such as Treitschke who i think it's er yes it's on your sheet as well Treitschke and others saw Prussia and the German state which emerged as the ultimate goal of all history in other words this new sort of Prussian and German nationalism emerging in the late nineteenth century was heavily underpinned by an idea of history which came from Ranke but wasn't exactly what he was saying and it was an idea that the German state was kind of glorious and must be glorified above the interests of individual Germans now Ranke himself did slip in his history of seventeenth century England he played down the role of Parliament and saw the struggles of that century in other words talking about the Civil War period as mainly being religious problems with the papacy and he put much more emphasis in the er the seventeenth century history on England's role in Europe rather than on the constitutional conflicts which is what we think about er the Civil War and of course in contrast to this more liberal German historians of the period looked to the achievements of the English parliament and Oliver Cromwell and so on as being a model for their own newly emerging unified country so liberal German historians were looking at the Civil War and thinking you know this is a great example you can get rid of the king you know abuse of power and so on whereas Ranke was saying oh dear no all this civil war very bad idea don't worry about that think about England having power abroad instead and managing to throw its weight around that's a much better way for you to be thinking so there's an aspect of contemporary German politics in the way in which history is being defined a third problem Ranke's view was highly Eurocentric he dismissed the history of China and India because he claimed they had no historians or written sources which were worthy of the name he also took a very narrow view of the bits of Europe that were interesting er in other words again mainly western and northern Europe despite the fact that he'd actually written a book on Serbia and on the Ottoman empire early on in his career another problem and Ranke believed that it was wrong to pass judgement on the political actions of the past but nonetheless he was prepared to condemn massacres and other actions which were evil by standards which he held to be universal now we may not m-, consider that to be necessarily a bad thing but it was something of a contradiction in method nevertheless by j-, er by regarding as justified all actions by states which pursued their own interests he also opened the door to the concept of relativism the view that success is the only criterion that matters that ends justify means and that therefore you cannot see men as evil you can only judge them by whether they succeed or not another problem Ranke deliberately neglected devoting much attention to social and economic trends and did not see how overwhelum-, overwhelmingly important they were especially of course in the era of industrialization which was really in full swing when he was working now from his point of view these omissions of social and economic history were explicable because Ranke believed that the strength of the state was to be explained by religion and law not by money social history was in effect irrelevant for Ranke except in so far as social movements detracted from the strength er of the state so social movements in that sense could be important if they were bad and helped to sap a sate's strate's state's strength but he didn't see them as being positive you do find in Ranke's work quite full social analyses of the elite classes in papal Rome for instance all of the German peasantry on the eve of their revolt in fifteen- twenty-five but these were very much subordinated to his account of the political struggle between the papacy and the European powers or between the emperor and the princes in the empire and its enmeshing with the Reformation certainly Ranke did not neglect culture that was a key element in the spirit of nations which was harboured by their states so Ranke used the popular pamphlets of the Reformation in Germany discussed French literature as part of Louis the Fourteenth's drive for domination of Europe and the eighteen-thirties he actually published separate histories of art and poetry in Renaissance Italy so in that sense Ranke was certainly a cultural historian as well as a historian of politics but the neglect of most economic and social factors became increasingly anachronistic as the nineteenth century advanced and that meant that some of Ranke's ideas were already outdated by the end of the century in which he lived last flaw by the time of Ranke's death really but certainly his late working period most historians considered that it was no longer adequate to rely on intuition this great idea of empathy and intuition that this sort of almost mystical belief that he had it was no longer considered adequate to rely on that for a deeper understanding of the forces at work in history historians while accepting the need to research facts with impartiality looked for their interpretation to other ideas hypotheses concepts and the methodology of the social sciences economics sociology and so on which were beginning to emerge at this time er nm0087: so er these are some of the er the the areas in which Ranke perhaps fell down either at the time or in retrospect they don't detract from his great contribution but they need to be understood to er see where his ideas have been adapted so to er to finish off despite these flaws Ranke either laid the groundwork for or consolidated many of the features of history as a discipline which most historians today regard as being absolutely obvious for instance the need for impartial research and faithfulness to the sources once they've been critically appraised the need for the historian to set aside her or his subjective opinions while seeking empathy with the past an appreciation of the variety of history and an open view about historical development in the future the combination of an academic approach with literary skill so as to make history both reliable and readable and last but not least the view that history is an important way to understand humanity now if you think about those four or five factors which are Ranke's contribution i don't think there's very much that seems all that much out of place at the end of the twentieth century and if you understand that then you'll understand quite why Ranke's so influential and why we still ask you to read this now no longer much read nin-, er er er historian from Germany of the late nineteenth century okay please do remember to put in your exam forms if you haven't done so please namex's group don't forget to go to namex thanks er you can head off