nm0051: er last week i was dealing with the invasions of Julius Caesar and from the point of view of the reasons that he gives for the fifty-five and fifty- four invasions i hope that the main message came across was that he actually does give us some form of reasoning and motivation for his fifty-five invasion even if we have to read between the lines to establish it whereas for the fifty- four invasion there is very little concrete evidence within his commentaries and the reason for this i think is fairly clear that if he had actually stated when he came to write his commentaries years later if he'd actually stated a motive in coming to Britain that year he could well have found himself in difficulties with a charge of not having achieved that particular aim after all if conquest was his aim then he singularly failed to achieve it if economic gain was his aim as it was and certainably was certainly for some of his er companions those extra five ships that went along with him then that too was not forthcoming there was no profit to be made from the fifty- four invasion hence the silence about motivation the relative failure of the fifty-four invasion from the point of view of propaganda and real achievement can also be seen in the reaction that it produced within Rome itself there was no great thanksgiving celebration such as had greeted the fifty-five invasion when there was a twenty day er period of thanksgiving and what evidence we have of the way that the fifty-four invasion was looked at suggests that it was something of er a fiasco in the Roman eyes er we look for instance in the source book on page thirty-four for the verdict of somebody like Cicero somebody at the heart of senatorial government and you can hear the irony in what the ap-, absolute sarcasm in the words that he puts in his letters to Atticus his friend he says it's also become clear that there isn't an ounce of silver in the island nor any prospect of booty except slaves i don't suppose you're expecting any of them to be accomplished in literature or music in other words pretty poor quality material and then later on he says the campaign in Britain is complete hostages have been received there's no booty tribute has however been imposed and they're bringing back the arm from Britain as i said last time Caesar's involvement with Britain after his return from the fifty-four er invasion simply ceased so far as we can tell he had his hands full in Gaul with the great uprising of Vercingetorix and thereafter never had the opportunity to renew any plans he may have had for a third expedition the terms though that he'd imposed upon people like Cassivellaunus at the end of the fifty-four campaign do suggest however that Caesar saw that campaign as a preliminary to an eventual Roman takeover the very fact that he imposed tribute is one of the first stages in a Roman takeover of an area but it was to be something like ninety years before the Romans actually got round to a third and this time successhful successful invasion or conquest now what i want to start doing today is to look at what happened in those ninety years we have to admit that our sources of information are pretty poor if you read one of the handbooks like that by Salway you will get established there a history for the period that is based upon such information as does exist but that information comes from two sources neither of them p-, particularly er overflowing with detail or ostensible accuracy there's the literary record that i'll be looking at soon and there is the coin evidence of developments in coinage within Britain itself because we have to look at this process not only from the point of view of what was happening in Rome that prevented a third invasion until ninety years later and the reign of the emperor Claudius but we have to look at what was going on in Britain as well because in neither case was the situation static certainly from the point of view of the native tribes of south-east Britain immediately after the departure of Caesar there was every er incentive on the part of some of them to maintain close and friendly relations with Rome Mandubracius for instance of the Trinovantes had a vested interest in that connection because it was upon the protection of Caesar that he owed his very existence as King of the Trinovantes down in Essex and yet even people like Cassivellaunus shows no signs of having broken the agreement that he made with Caesar but the one thing to bear in mind about such agreements is that they are not interstate agreements they're not like present day treaties between one country and another they're agreements between one individual commander and another and any of such an agreement undergoes a radical change when one of those two people dies in other words the treaty the agreement dies with them and this is one of the reasons no doubt that changes didn't come about perhaps the first event that happened which has a bearing upon Romano- British relations is the history of Commius Commius the Atrebate who was so helpful to Caesar in the invasions because during the great Gallic uprising Commius changed sides took the sides of the Gauls and was eventually forced to quit Gaul and become a refugee within Britain where he seems to have set himself up as king among the Atrebates of the Hampshire region and that's one of the tribes that's important for the next ninety years this is where the coin record comes in in those ninety years we have a succession of coin issues being produced by a number of dynasts or kings within Britain in no case does that coin actually signify which tribe it came from we're reliant upon that kind of information from looking at the concentration of find spots so this particular series of coins is Atrebatic that particular series of coins belongs to the Catuvellauni that particular series of coins belongs to the Trinovantes and so on but there is a complication in this that has arisen in recent years in fact there are two complications one is that one of the prime characters of the period seems to have changed his name the successor to Commius of the Atrebate has for a long time been known in the handbooks and you'll find it in Salway as Tincommius this was a a restoration of his name based upon what was extant in two sources one of those sources is a copy of the achievements of the emperor Augustus that he himself wrote and which is extant as a monumental piece of er epigraphy in Ankara within Turkey but unfortunately the only letters available are tin or tim and er putting that together with what else was found at the last of the at the end of the last century suggested that here we will have we have evidence of a ruler called Tincommius the similarity with the name of Commius provided an obvious dynastic link with all the coins themselves of this ruler we get as far as Tincom and that actually seemed to be very good in so far as it took us one stage further but it didn't supply the end of the name in nineteen-ninety-six in Hampshire was found a hoard of coins produced by Tincommius but unfortunately or fortunately rather the name was complete and we now know this character is Tincommarus which basically translates as big fish an important man obviously so that is one of the problems presented by the coin record sometimes names change another problem comes from interpretation of the coin record if you read Salway you'll see the coin record being used for the establishment of a period of aggrandisement on the part of the Catuvellauni of Hertfordshire and the surrounding counties against their eastern neighbours the Trinovantes against their southern neighbours the Cantiaci of Kent and the Atrebates of Hampshire this has recently been put into question by er a numismatist based actually in New York called Van Arsdell and if you read the various sections of his book on Celtic coinage you'll see that he in fact he postulates not conflict between the Catuvellauni and the Trinovantes but an actual coming together of those two peoples into a single unit to explain why we find coins which seem to have been produced by the king of one tribe produced at the capital of the other tribe all this is nicely set out if at some great length by a book by David Braund which i'll put back into the library after this lecture it's called Ruling Roman Britain and has a good section on the coinage and on this particular period in particular er my complaint about Braund and about Van Arsdell though is that they tend to be totally literal for instance as we saw last time Cassivellaunus er the main linchpin of the resistance to the fifty-four invasion by Caesar is usually made the king of the Catuvellauni that fact is nowhere mentioned in any of the ancient evidence of the fifty-four invasion and people like er Braund and Van Arsdell would question whether it's valid they pooh-pooh the similarity of the name Catuvellauni as the tribe and Cassivellaunus as the individual it's that kind of literalism if it isn't stated in the ancient authorities it can't be true which cre-, er causes these people to go too far and really to prevent any meaningful establishment of the history of the period but what i want to give you though is first of all the traditional view of what was happening within Britain and then we can have a look at the problems created by the new evidence so we go back to Commius who establishes himself in the t-, the territory of the Atrebates round about fifty-two B-C he's eventually succeeded by Tincommarus and it's at this point that we get some evidence within the sources for relations with Rome according to our main source who is really Strabo a Greek writer who completed his geographical work and i stress that it is a geographical work er round about A-D twenty we find that from the Roman point of view intervention in Britain was something to be put on hold Strabo says that taxing the exports from the Roman empire into Britain before they left the continent brought in more money than theoretically er an outright takeover of Britain would realize and therefore it just simply wasn't working on economic grounds we also hear of dedications by British kings made to the r-, to Rome and its gods on the Capitol hill within Rome itself an indication of close and friendly contacts so in this period there were from time to time contacts they were friendly there was obviously something to be gained one way or another for both sides but nevertheless the threat of a Roman invasion of Britain could be a very valuable diplomatic tool and this is why i think we hear of projected expeditions to Britain by Julius Caesar's successor the first emperor Augustus on a number of occasions we hear for instance of a projected invasion in thirty-four B-C from Dio Cassius we hear of another one in twenty-seven B-C another one in twenty-six B-C in each case Dio Cassius alleges that there was something more important happening that diverted Augustus' attention away from Britain a rebellion for instance elsewhere within the empire there's also the idea of a Roman takeover of Britain being kept alive through the non-historical literature of the period poets like Tibullus and Propertius and Horace all mention from time to time within their writings the possibilities of a Roman intervention within Britain we hear about it shortly before twenty-seven B-C from Tibullus actually in twenty-seven B-C from Propertius the same in the case of Horace Horace mentions it again in the context of twenty-six B-C and again in the context of twenty-three B-C now why would Augustus sanction such overt references within literature people like Horace were court poets what they wrote was sanctioned wasn't a free agent well as i've said there is a diplomatic element here the very threat of a Roman takeover presented to Britain the suggestion that a friendly relationship with Rome was better than a hostile one which would provide the pretext for intervention there was also something for Augustus to gain from such a possible intervention especially in in the early years of Augustus' reign by associating himself with the achievements of Julius Caesar through the fifty-five and fifty-four invasions Augustus may well have thought that he was strengthening his own position as the legitimate successor to one of the major figures of the first century er B-C and so from the Roman point of view that kind of thing was something to be kept on the back burner if not on the front burner with time though things did shift it's likely that at some period before A-D seven and we can't put it better than that er Tincommius was forced to leave Britain and to take refuge in Rome or rather let's call him Tincommarus we know this from the evidence of Augustus himself in that monument in Ankara he lists for the period well the last date that we can actually be certain about on the list is er twenty-five B-C but he gives us the list of the of ruling princes and kings who sought refuge with him in Rome and he gives us two British rulers one Dubnovellaunus and the other this Tincommarus figure that we've dealt with i give the the the date A-D seven because that's the date that you'll find in the handbooks if you read Van Arsdell he seems to limit Tincommarus' reign er between thirty B-C and ten B-C though Van Arsdell's record for dating within his book has been er a matter of some concern to the viewers now what might have caused Tincommarus to leave the territory of the Atrebates and seek refuge with Augustus well there are two possibilities either an external invasion or a palace coup and the fact that he seems to be replaced not by somebody from outside but by another Atrebate this case this case Eppillus suggests that it was a palace coup that er produced the change just as Eppillus seems to have been replaced in time by another figure called Verica now each of these on some of their coins describes himself as son of Commius it has the Latin er tag com F com filius whether this is actually a dynastic link or whether it's a little bit of fiction in order to establish the legitimacy of their rule nobody knows but it is there and it's also significant that the language that starts appearing upon these coins is Latin it's rare that one is getting anything Celtic the only Celtic term that we find on the coins is that term which seems to be Celtic for king Celtic equivalent of the Latin rex when in fact a number of these er kings especially people like Verica do put the Latin title rex king upon their kings and the very fact that they choose to do it in Latin suggests a a recognition by Rome of their position within Britain in other words that they are in a state of some kind of an agreement with the central Rome authorities of all the Catuvellauni to the north of the Atrebates we know that Cassivellaunus was succeeded at some stage the traditional date is round about twenty B-C by a ruler called Tasciovanus and he's producing coins from a new capital of Verulamium which is now Saint Albans we know this because he puts V-E-R on his coins a shortened form of the name er Verulamium is simply a Latinized form of Verulam the Celtic term in effect Tasciovanus was the first king of this tribe to produce inscribed coins there's a mystery here though because some coins produced by Tasciovanus have another set of letters on the reverse C- A- M which can only stand for Camulodunum modern Colchester Camulodunum was the capital of the Trinovantes so according to the traditional interpretation this particular issue of coins bearing the letters C-A-M which is a rare ed-, er edition of coins it's a rare edition suggesting that not very many were produced which itself suggests a short period of issue the traditional interpretation is that at some stage the Catuvellauni under Tasciovanus overran the Trinovantes took over their capital and as a sign of the takeover Tasciovanus began minting coins from the Trinovantine capital when might this have happened well at what stage in Romano-British relations could a takeover have happened that was immediately abandoned because of some threat from Rome and again the traditional date for this is round about sixteen B-C when A Rome was diverted in its er attention by difference elsewhere in the empire and then the presence of the emperor Augustus personally in Gaul shortly afterwards other evidence that has usually been brought out as sign of p-, a sign of power struggle is the dichotomy the change between rex on some coins and rico or rigo on others does the use of a Celtic title for king suggest a more British oriented and therefore anti-Roman view of things whereas rex emphasized the Roman connection we don't know later on we find coins issued by Verica and i've got a few slides that might show this later on which have as their motif on them a vine leaf now the vine is not a native plant to this country and at this particular period of ancient history it is very unlikely that there were any vines whatsoever within Britain at all so why does Verica choose to put a vine leaf and the title rex on his coins is there anything that one can say from the fact that the coins of the Catuvellauni their neighbours to the north who were traditionally regarded as imperialistic and pressurizing the er Atrebates put an ear of barley on their er coins is this again an element of emphasizing the British aspect as opposed to the Mediterranean motif of the Atrebates we can't really say we note what is there but the interpretation is something of a mystery at some stage Tasciovanus of the Catuvellauni was himself replaced succeeded by a new character Cunobelinus the Cymbeline of Shakespeare an important figure one of our sources Suetonius for instance calls him King of the Britons which suggests that he has control of a number of tribal areas he too begins issuing coins with those letters C-A-M on them Camulodunum and this is a long period of issue so do we take it that there has been takeover a military takeover once again of Trinovantine territory if this is the case is there a date that one can use to pinpoint it at what stage might Roman attention be diverted away from Britain the traditionally suggested date is A-D nine when Rome suffered a tremendous disaster on the Rhine in an attempt to shorten the overall frontier of of the empire Augustus had sought to push eastwards from the Rhine to a new line at the Elbe this would cut out in fact a rather troublesome kink in the northern frontier of the Roman empire caused by the almost confluence of the sources of the Rhine and the Danube it was a failure as a policy in the great German er forest of Teutoburger Wald Varus at the head of three legions was pretty well annihilated and it was a tremendous shock to Roman morale in fact you've probably heard about the story of Augustus wandering in a state of dismay round his palace for years afterwards saying Varus Varus give me back my legions the thought of the the loss of over eighteen-thousand men and that could well have been the signal for any er Catuvellaunian takeover of Trinovantine territory if it happened and if what we're seeing is not simply a merging together of two tribes on the level of interstate relations then we have a number of possible scenarios to look at on an economic level relations between the continent the Roman empire that is and Britain were going from good to better there is plenty of evidence of massive imports of gold luxury goods into Britain throughout this period we hear of some of them we find others in archaeological contexts the number of wine amphoras that are found either in a broken state or intact because they'd been preserved within high status graves suggests a large scale import of things like wine in order to quench the thirst of the upper echelons of native British society the same is true of fine pieces of pottery and silverware again these come out of native graves of the period and are well preserved what Britain gave to the continent gave to the Roman empire is best exemplified from people like Strabo who lists items like corn cattle gold silver these would be the normal things that you would exchange for the er luxury goods of the empire the gold and silver in the form of coins and it's surprising how much er reliance native British society placed upon gold coinage but also things like slaves and slaves itself suggests a an intertribal element of strife because where would the slaves come from except prisoners of war and hunting dogs for which the Romans always had an element of admiration British hunting dogs er were almost as good as the famed Molossians from the Balkans nm0051: now if the Catuvellauni did take over the Trinovantes by an armed intervention this brought no reaction from Rome so far as we can tell the evidence all the evidence suggests a long term involvement by that tribe within Trinovantine territory and if it if it wasn't er an armed invasion then we can say that Cunobelinus was able by diplomacy to prevent a Roman invasion to restore Trinovantes and a way perhaps of doing this was to show that although they'd taken over the the basic situation in Britain was in fact no worse no better no different that even then Britain posed no threat to the continental empire but things were not to stay like that for ever in A-D thirty-seven Augustus' successor Tiberius who had always had a policy of non-involvement beyond the established confines of Augustus' empire Tiberius died and was succeeded by Gaius Caligula of ill repute now Gaius Caligula has come down to us through the writings of people like Suetonius as an insane monster there is nothing good that ancient writers have to say about him if you remember back to the depiction that you got in I Claudius you can see why in A-D thirty-nine Caligula was engaged in a campaign in Germany when he was visited by another refugee from Britain a young er prince called Adminius and we're told that he was driven out of Britain by his father Cunobelinus now there is a small issue of coins er from northern Kent that were produced by somebody called Aminius and it's tempting to equate these two people for there's only a one letter difference and to see Adminius or Aminius established in northern Kent by Cunobelinus but then falling out with his father and being forced from Britain altogether onto the continent this was enough to persuade Caligula that an expedition to Britain was something that warranted his special attention after all there was a lot of er kudos to be gained from such an expedition at this point though the account that is left to us by Suetonius and later by Dio Cassius who was obviously sitting embroidering upon er Suetonius er comes to the fore various attempts have been made to try to rationalize and explain the utter fiasco that took place on the shore of Gaul prior to what turned out to be an aborted expedition but i think any attempt to produce a rational explanation really founders upon the fact that there was there is no evidence for any support of such rationality Suetonius tells us that er he arrived at the camp where all the troops were gathered didn't like what he found went on the rampage sacked people left right and centre then ordered that his artillery his bal-, ballistas be drawn up into position all his men should be ready to embark and then suddenly he ordered them to fill their helmets and the folds of their tunics with seashells calling them spoils from ocean owed to the Capitol and Palatine and then as a monument to his victory over ocean that is he erected a very high tower from which fires were to shine out at night to guide the passage of ships in other words a er a pharos like the one at ank-, er Alexandria a lighthouse Dio Cassius makes the story even more ridiculous he has Caligula embark on a trireme putting out to sea a little bit then he sailed back then he took his position on a high platform gave the soldiers a signal as if for battle and urged them on by means of trumpeters then suddenly he ordered them to gather seashells and having got these spoils for it was clear he needed booty for his triumphal procession he became very excited as though he'd enslaved ocean itself well how does one rationalize this one could say it's not to be rationalized Caligula was mad and there are various other bits of evidence which suggest that Caligula was mad for instance er according to Suetonius he was standing beside the great statue of Jupiter in the temple of Capitoline Jupiter and asked people who was the greater and of course you always gave the right answer there's that scandalous story which will probably have some of you fainting of him having got his sister pregnant er and then conducted a Caesarean abortion and ate the foetus er because he thought that he was a god and this is what Cronos one of the pre-Zeus gods actually did so all the evidence that comes out of this suggests er an insane monster and this is the kind of behaviour you would expect from somebody who was not quite firing on all four cylinders others though have suggested that the troops gathered at the coast of northern Gaul principally at Boulogne didn't want to go across the channel it but Britain was still regarded as a place of mystery of unknown dangers and potential of all the stories filtered down for the best part of eighty to ninety years from the time of Julius Caesar why go on was there a mutiny and was the victory over ocean exemplified by picking up seashells his way of er shaming them others have suggested that seashells doesn't mean seashells in Latin it means sappers' huts that he simply abandoned the expedition and told them to dismantle the huts on the shore and went off we don't know all we have is the evidence of people like Suetonius and er Dio Cassius in A-D forty-one Rome tired of Caligula four years of him was quite enough and er if don't mind the pun he had a very bad attack of iron poisoning caused by a lot of swords stuck in all at once and that was the end of him thank goodness the Rome that Rome was able to heave a sigh of relief but this er unplanned change in succession created its own problem who was to succeed the suddenness had some people suggesting that the republic should be restored but the republic was now a vague memory the whole system of imperial government had shifted away from it those who were historians and remembered the republic remembered an age of er civil war the imperial family had not been particularly fortunate in producing a lot of surviving offspring and this is where a collateral branch comes on the scene the famous episode of poor old Uncle Claudius being found hiding behind a curtain by members of the Praetorian Guard the imperial bodyguard of him being taken off to their camp outside Rome and hailed as emperor thereafter foisted upon the senate who without forces of their own had no choice but to accede that change of government the accession of Claudius was in fact to bring in one of the major changes of policy as well it seems to have coincided give or take a year or two with the arrival within Rome of another refugee a man that our sources writing in Greek give the name of Berikos who i've given up here and that name is usually interpreted as the Greek form of Verica Verica King of the Atrebates of Hampshire we're also told that Britain at this period was in tumult as a result of Roman failure to return to the island a number of refugees and undoubtedly Verica or Berikos would have been one of these you'll find this on page forty-five of the source book er Aulus Plautius who was er to be Claudius' general of the expedition made a campaign to Britain since a certain Berikos who had been driven out of the island as a result of an up-, uprising had persuaded Claudius to send a force there so Berikos ostensibly according to our sources and it's Dio Cassius who's fairly late but perhaps to be believed was one element suggesting that Claudius might invade Britain there were other things coming together at this same time which would lead to that expedition into Britain and what were these well first of all i've already mentioned that there's a shortage of dynastic links essentially the Julian line the Julian family as rulers of Rome established by Julius Caesar died with Gaius Caligula Claudius was related to the royal family but not di-, directly through a blood link his line goes back in fact to the empress Livia Augustus' wife by children that she had had as a result of a previous marriage so there's a collateral line so Claudius doesn't have the immediate kudos of being of the Julian line direct descendance even if that's a bit of a fiction of er Julius Caesar himself secondly there was the personality of Claudius himself from birth Claudius had been something of a physical wreck he limped probably as the result of a of a type of infantile polio he stammered very badly especially when he was nervous he had a nervous tic which caused his head to flick every now and again and he had a tongue which we're told was too large for his mouth protruded and caused him to dribble he was given to epileptic fits on occasion and he had a head perched on the top of a very long neck so he was something akin to an ostrich and if the representations of him especially the bronze representation that was fished out of from the British rivers is anything to go by he had er jug handle ears very protruding ears so he's not the Hollywood picture of a great Roman emperor as a result of this he'd spent virtually the whole of his life in seclusion as an imperial joke and an embarrassment you can well understand why the few times according to Suetonius that he was trundled out in order to make a public appearance and to be installed even theoretically in some kind of official capacity the whole thing fell to pieces because he'd either have an epileptic fit or he couldn't manage the words so he was an an unprepossessing figure as emperor because he'd been kept in seclusion he'd never had any experience of military life and Roman emperors were not simply figurehead civil quasi-kings each one who had sat upon the throne had felt it incumbent upon himself to establish a military prowess now this was easy enough for Julius Caesar because by the time he became dictator of Rome he had a long history of military activity behind him his successor Octavian and then there was Augustus did the same not only did he come out victorious against his rival from imperial honours er Mark Antony but he was also engaged in a number of campaigns his successor Tiberius was in his youth a prominent military figure a prominent general and a successful one Gaius Caligula er well Gaius Caligula had to rely upon the fact that his father was an extremely successful Roman general his father Germanicus brother to Tiberius none of that was applicable to Claudius yet Roman emperors were equated with military success Claudius was the choice of the Praetorian Guard they made him Claudius probably realized that they could just as easily unmake him and probably more quickly via well a well aimed knife so from the point of view of sheer survival Claudius really had to prove himself a worthy successor to the great military figures who had gone before him and what better way to do that than to go beyond the achievements of the founder of the dynasty Julius Caesar himself who had invaded Britain on two occasions but had not conquered it if Claudius could now invade Britain and conquer it that would link him directly with somebody like Julius Caesar and would take him into an altogether different echelon from the point of of er standing within Rome there were other things that suggested an expedition to Britain would make sense Gaius Caligula's expeditions onto the Rhine frontier had produced two new legions which were stationed there this meant that the Rhine frontier was now the most heavily defended frontier of the whole empire and that Claudius probably realized that where there was a concentration of troops there was also a concentration of power all emperors realized that the true source of their power was not with the senate but arc-, actually with the Roman army this is why they were all very careful to keep the army happy and employed idle hands start hatching plots so the Rhine army is overmanned what can you do about it he couldn't simply dissolve those two extra legions that Gaius ci-, Caligula had er had created that dissolving a legion cashiering it was a mark of disgrace wouldn't do that but move legions into Britain as a an occupying force did make sense they would be cut off by the channel they would have quite enough on their hands to keep them busy and out of any thoughts of creating trouble additionally Britain who had been made to pay for that occupying power leave them on the continent and the empire as it is currently er established has to pay expand the empire slightly and the new opened areas themselves have to pay there was also the fact that Gaius Caligula had been very very profligate in spending money and the treasury was somewhat bare Britain offered by the time that we get to the forties A-D a better prospect of producing a profit for the Roman empire than had been the case in Julius Caesar's day Britain also of course offered the potential of a pool of manpower Rome was always on the lookout for new sources of manpower especially for providing auxiliary troops in the army so there were a lot of things within Britain that made sense for anybody looking around for military activity there was also one other factor that i want to bring out before we end today and that is a a religious factor and also a sociological factor and this comes down to the Druids we know from our sources that Britain was the centre of well Druidism in inverted comma because what Druidism was we really don't know we know that there were Druids well let's say that there was the Druid problem now the Druids were a pagan priesthood which would normally have been perfectly easily accommodated within the pantheon of Rome the one thing that the Druids did that the Romans didn't particularly like was human sacrifice and we'll come back to this when i talk about religion because human sacrifice was tantamount to murder it was murder in Roman law and was therefore illegal er Roman emperors in the past had tried to er mitigate the worst effects the worst behaviour of the Druids in their continental of all the Celts in Gaul for instance but Claudius seems to have set his sights upon getting rid of human sacrifice altogether and the only way that he could do this was to overcome the problem in its s-, at its centre within Britain itself so the message today is that though we have problems in establishing some kind of viable er history for the period between the departure of s-, Julius Caesar and the advent of the Claudian invasion but our evidence is thin on the ground and the recent interpretation or reinterpretation of that ed-, for that evidence creates problems for us in seeing movements and developments within Britain when we come to Claudius we see the convergence of a number of factors which all point to the advantage for the emperor of physical military intervention by Rome into Britain and what form that military intervention took we'll deal with tomorrow